Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1927, p. 51

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-· --... :t·:;' , l t' 1927 W I~L M E: T :T:E·.: l.l P.·B' :u i haffng 51 lj(J - ' (Jf) )r li) , j' ~( ; J., l , I :t li d !J. f. J i) 1}8' IJ .CG I i i. :-1 f ·; \H I·: lit·· 1 110 .. 'l'h· ain . ':i X ' llll )())Jl ' :\1111 l ~tf ' l ' til· ll:l.th l't ·d , iU2 l-it.: gJ) ura & fV ith rt . ; ga.··· tt··~ RM. Jg.~. nny en; tik nd .. );U' . Oak flre -ilent at nth w. ~Viii · ·TAet~ 81Jil~~o:urt ·-by ()r,d er dul~'$t~ ~freHed tliat ·notice be .;gketi~to FQR SALE -.:' A:T 'l;'i:tACTIV:E 7 ROOM · SPECIAT ~ Ct FOR SA~E . LARGE :'MAHOGANY the said defendants and to -All Whom It 1 stucco, on · fiiic ··s··foot wooded lot, ex- ·l ' ': · ·'~n · · LN:> L: ·; · rocker, mR.hogany· Colonial table, rna- May Concern by publication as b)' taw cellent condition; 2 large porches; gaa·- BEAUTIFlJL WOODED LOT ON hogany davenport; child's bed and mat- requited ht· WILMETTE LIFE, a . seculat' age. Owner must sell .Price $20',000;· Franklin ··Road, North East · section · of . tr~ss. All . .CUr·.$50 or will ~sell separate- new.-ai}Qer~ of :general circulation, .,prhtted .. . Glencoe. PriC'ed for quick sal e for this ly. Tel. Wil. 2744. 49L23-ltc and publlshed.,in the Vlllage of W11.111~tte, SEE EXCLUSIVE AGE:\"TS. wet>k .only, $1::!5.00 per foot. . · County of Cook and State of tllfnois, FOR SALE -- SEVERAL PIECES OF notice is hereby glven to ALL WHOM IT Wt'll built stu<.'l·o ho.u se, Maple Hill Rd. high grade furniture, including Italian MAY CONCERN that the Village of WitTIT> 1i\J.ll 1T 11\\ lt._ ffi'\ ~.0.11'\\ffi'\ j'Q)_ rf'J ~ 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Ji\·ing room, dindt-sk. Davenport table, day bed, etc. mette .heretQf-ore filed its petition , in the ~o Ji\7J..Lo Qj) wlilluu&~~~UU~ ,~~o ing room and kit<:hen. Oil heater and Winn . 246:t 16 Indian Hill Road. County Court of Cook County, Illhiois Phone Wll. atta ched garage, $36,000.00. 49LTN23-ltc praying for the ascertainment of the just 68 340 Linden Ave. compensation to be made for pri_vate · :ilL23-ltc Other listingl' of houses for rent or for FOR SALE - DINING ROOM TABLE, property to be taken or damaged ··for -----------------sale will have publicity suffici e nt to 6 chains, 4 living room chairs, living opening al'ld extending Main Street .f.rom dispose of same quickly. room tab!(', box couch, cedar lin ed, $35. the north line of Elmwood Avenue to the Furnish ed hous<>s for the summer nwnths Tel. \\-·it 950-W. 4~LT2S-ltp east ·une of Fifteenth Street in the Vil- · wanted ~0\V. lage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, La\\rret1ce Po\·rell FOR SALE - RELIABLE GAS RANGE, and for a special assessment to raise the 6 ROOM STUCCO, 3 BEDROOMS, HOT " no oven . In Jlerfect condition. Small cost of said Improvement : that commtswater heat, sun and sleeping porches ; Room 1105-11 R La Salle St. ovt>n for top, induded, $10.00. Winn . sioners were duly appoirtted by said Court lot' 50xl75, garage, Near schools anrt Phone Rand: 2246-Glt'ncoe Phon P R02 2420. 49LT'N23-ltc to investigate and report the just comtransportation. :!4LTN2:J-1tp FOR SALE _ COLONIAL :vrAHOGANY pensatlon to be made for private property -----------------------------------o E d Winn . to be taken dor 1 damaged for imStults· Realty Co. da\·eport. 36,' \ :...1 e r L ant>. Phone h t 1 said t ill f'OR SALE OR RENT-7 ROOM liSE. ; 49 LTN 2l-ltc provement an a sow a rea es ate w 58 460 Winnetka Ave. 1-'h. Winn. lSIIU :1 baths and lava.tory. Double garage. 9 · be benefited by such improvement and :n LT~ 2:~-lt(' Sale price $30,000. Rent $250. FOR SALE _ VACUUM CLEANER, the amount of such benefits to each 1h 11 parcel of land benefited thereby and that Frantz rre miH, compl ett> w t. a said Commissioners duly made a special x room housf> ; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths and 23 4 parts, $7.00. ·winn. 783. 9LT~ -1tp · assessment to ra1se the cost of said 1mIa vatory. Italian Architecture. Sale price $27,500. R ent $225. Jackson Ave., FOR :sAI...g - lHXlNG ROOl\1 TABLE provement and duly filed their report in A BEAUTH'UL SPACIOUS SPA,:\;ISH and 10 ehalr!:;. Call Winn. 146G. th e office of the Clerk of said Court on . Glencoe. 'l'el. Highland Park 2411. type home ; 8 rooms, 3 baths, extra la49I..'L'N23-ltp th e 21st day of February, A. D. 1927: :HLTN21-4tp vatory on 1st tloor. Living room, 14 ft . the total estimated cost of said improve6 ln. x 31 ft. Hot water heat; 2 car m e nt being Twenty-e ight thousand six garage. Large wooded lot. 100x218 ft. HAVE A Nl )1B1'.':R OF HOMES AND ~O WTD. ··1:0 JH: Y-HSEHD. GOODS hundred and eleven and 85/100 ($28,611.85) imprO\'t·d lots to he sold on Vf' ry atPrice $35,000, worth $40,000. Wilm e tte . tractivP te rms. E . P. Conley, 1717 WANTR'D TO BUY --SECOND HAND Dollars. Life B-200. 31LTN2:1-ltp The reupon a summons issued out of . "\Yashington A ,·e. Wil. 1582. furniture and other 110usehold coods. 34L23-ltJ) Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- said Court against the said defendants , FOR SALE - BEAUTIFUL FIVE R~'i . niture Store, 1004-li Emerson St., Ev- above nam ed and All Whom It May Con- ~ corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, cern r eturnable at the County Court anston Ill. Phone Univ. 189. shower, oil heat, garag~ to match F OR SALE - EAST SIDE, .A.TTH.\C . 50LTN2~-tfc House in the City of Chicago, in said tin·· 8 room !'tu(·<·o, 2 haths, 2 firC'plaC't>S, building. All improv em e nts in and County on the 4th day of April, A . .D. :1 poreh·· s, corn er lot. paid for. T e rms. Price . $18,00 0 r edu ce d \VA~TF:I · l'SEl> (;RAX~> PTAKO. 1927, as is by law r equired, which proHr·x ~. \Yilnwtte, Ill. aOLTN23-ltc ceeding is still pending. from $25 ,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence ~<'\'(·11 room :-;t m·c·o, I hath, 2 fin· pla n ·s 2 pordws. '\Yinu. R51. :lH:r.:-.;-~::-lte AYe., C hkag-o. :n LT.:-.;-2:\-tfp 'Now, unless you the said defe ndants :;1 FOU s .\ -I,'F.-)IIS( ' EJ . . IA:'<IIt:utJS d esignated as All Whom It May Co~cern SU~NY A~D RPACTOUS ("OLOXL\L :1-t·A nn.;I~ESS OPPOH 'I' I ."HTtt:s ..:...-------------=-:::-::.:-:.::::::,::. I shall be and appear before the said six r oom h omC'. Large lidng r oom, Fun S.-\LT~ :\fAHOC1AXY Bl·l-I·El, County Court of Cook County, Illinois rustic fir epla('f', hn·akfast and sun r oom, F OH RE:-\T- REP.Allt SHOP TX TICH t·urtain~. pivturt: s. )fisst>s' sum.nwr ~oat, at the County Court House in the CitY til<' bath, opC'n tC'rT<ll'l'; lot 75x180. <larhard '\\' nod~. l'al l '\\' inn. :iJi~·:r.:-.;-:!:l-ltc· sizt· H-lfl and drPsses . ~tan s "\Vmte r of Chicago for the said County on or agf·. $4,000. ('ash, 15 ~·Par 1st mortp:ag-t·. o\'t· r<·oat. PlHlllf' K e nil. 27!'1_4 . . . r· ., Jwfo r e the 4th day of April, A. D. 1921, .-\pply o wm·r 1240 A:-;h ~t. V\inn . :tiS~. vl L I :'\l2 .·-ltp and object to the r eport of the Commis~ 31 LT~~:\-ltp :!~ WTH. TO ltF.~'l'-HOnU:s s ioners aforesaid, the same 1 and the matS.-\Ll': - )J..\UE T O OHDER SUIT ters and things therein charged and FOR ~ALE- S ROO.\T FlL\:\11 ·~ llC ll'Sl·~. ""l'U. TP l~E~T _ IX '\YIL)IETT!·~ . H FOH with 2 pairs of trousers in vt>ry good s tated will be taken as confessed and a furnact· h eat. 4 bedrooms & 1 hath on or 7 roolll h"usf', httw.t·,·n s;lOO and ~ l aO <'on ditinn , *!:>.no . Tt·l. '\Yinn. 1589. judgment ente r ed in accordance with ·the 2nd floor. a !JIJ.:s. from :-;, '\\' . station. pt ·r month. Phone Wil. 3248.. ;>1 LT~2 3-ltc sa id r eport and the prayer of said petiLot 50x1R2. laJ'g"l· s hady trt·es, 1 ear ga r-. :JS I,:!::- t te tion. :-lg-P. $12.:.no. $2,:-.oo (·ash . 'J'('rms . :l 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l·'() l~ c,·".\J . J~ - C'l-ITLD 'R TABLE AN _:r n 'rh f 0 11 · 's a descr1'pt1'on of the 1 South ..\\·e., Cllt'n . T1·l. Cl£·n. :\ :{2-'\\·. \\"Til. TO HE:'\'1' u.:-.;-FL'R~r:-:;tiEll <' h~li;~ st:o;,t._.r, fl r xihk tlyf'r slf:'d; black- lots, \lo ck~~" rfac~~. piece or parcels of :n LT.:-.;-2.:- :ap hou~ t· with :{ or -l lw uro o rm; in g-ood loboard. ('all '\\'il. 26ri7. land sought to be take n or damaged for , <:atilln fflr .\I a~· 1:-;t. 'Vil. 2152. 51L2:i-1tC' the proposed improvement aforesaid: FOR SALE 171!l ELM\VOOD AVE. , :}RLT:-\ ~::-lt<' -----------------::~ 1. All of lots sennteen (17) and nine'\\rllmette, 8 room fram e; hot water ht.; l·'On S.\ LE :1 BEA eTrFCL Drteen (19) and that part of each or t erm s. Owner Phone Wil. 239!1. \\·T t>. TO HI O:~ T- IX WIL.\TETTE. r; OH JHll'tf·d dinm·J' dn·ss(·:-; , pnH·tkally m·w, Jots one (1), two (2), three (3), four :n J.:r X 2:1- tfv i rn<·lll )10U fil'. Ol ·<·upant'Y .\La~· 1st. si%(· :Hi to :~ .. '\,'i nn. i52. 5tLT~23-1tc (4), fiw (5), six (6), seven (7), eight Thre e· in familr . Hdert>nces g-iv~n. Ph. (8), nin e (9), t e n (10), eleven (11) FOH S.-\LJ;; - SCWTII EAST '\YfX.:-.;-ETWi 1. 2!·11S . :>.8 r:r.:-.;-~ :~- 1tp and eighteen (18), lying_ easterly 'M' . k a, fi rnom st ti (Til hou st·, sun rnnm and a ·line sixty (tiO) feet southwest of hn ·a l,fas t nook l: a t·g-ain . Ph01w '\\·in n. H \\.'I'D . T< l m·y - · ~ET OF ~OOKS OF a nd pa rallel with the southv·est line WTH. TO JH - Y-HOl'SES 8R~. :11 LTX 2:1-tfc of th<' right of way of the Chicago Kl io \\·lt ·<lg-l·. " ' ilnwth: Lift· B-212. 52LTX2:}-1t c· · and North v.·estern Railway, all in HESPOX:-:;IlH,E <'HJf".\(H) Br~T:'\ J ·~SS hlo('}{ one (,rl) of E. T. Paul's Second man want:-; 6 room honw with g· a r a~·l'. :.12 addition to Wilmette, being a sub<'lost> to transport at ion, und l' r $211,1!00. 'V .-\XTED ('LEA~ 'VHI'fE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1222 Central ·Avenue .. 'Vilmette. divi s ion of the eas t 13.04 acres of the Xominal down pann e nt. Balance 52LTX2~-tfp South half of th e fractional southmonthl~· paynH·nts. .\fust b!? quiH lo{·ast quarter west of the railroad of cati o n . Apr·il lfith pos st>ssion. Owner H~>re Is an opportumty that cannot be :\IIS('EJ,T, \ Xt: ors Rection tw enty-eight (28), township onb·. 58 1-;. ·w ashington St. Room 14U6. ;;:l overlooked by any rwrson interested in forty-two ( 42) North, ;Range thirteen 44LT:::~-:!t c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : North Shore r ea l estate. (13) East of the Third Principal ~!"""':'~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ '\VTD. USE OF l-PnTGHT PIAXO. )IE>ridian, excepting the south 6.34 I am offering a w'o nd erful huy in my Hi FOJt SAL f:-rsEU {' ,\US guaratltt·e to kl'l' l> it in fin;t dass co nchains : also lot 62x197 situatt>rl in Woodland Park sub- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diti on. StnrP it in my home fn·p of 2. Lot forty-three ( 43) of Kenilworth division Deerftelrl, Illinois one of the 1924 STUDEBAKER SPEC. TOURING, c·har~<' . '\\. il. ~5:~6. 5:ll.. T~2 :~-ltp Park Addition to Wilmette, in the North Shore's Choicest - locations. excellent ('Ond. Easy terms. $:l75.00. southeaRt quarter of Section twenty'Ve rsted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave., Pight (28) Township forty-two (42) '\' inn. 46LTN2:~-tf c Both storm and sanitary sewers are tn North, Range thirteen (13), Ea. s t .of and paid for, water in to the curb line, FOR S.U. . E th e Third Principal Meridian, all STUDEBAKER TOUR- r.:-.;- TilE COUNTY f'OURT OF COOK RtePI re-enforced concrete street!'! ···ill be situated in the Village of Wilmette, ing, m eehanicall:v 1wrft>C't, run only COUXT\", ILLIXOIS finished by spring-, ground is high ~nd Cook County and State of Illinois. 15,000 .mill's. Will sacrifice. Call Winn. dry, not a low marshy spot near this 1; I ·:~ EI,.\L XlL\IBEH 54,977 Dated at the City of Chicago, Cook 12(14. -t6LTX2:l-lt C' l)roperty. { ounty and State of Illinois, this 21st day .N otlec of Ft>bruary, A. D . 1927. If you are interested in this proposition, -IS A 'X 'I'IC) t ' t-: s ROBERT M. SWEITZER, $2.000 will tak(' It, one half down and bal.:-.;-oti('P of J)I'OC't>f> ding& to asc·ertain the ("l!:·rk of the County Court of Cook ance on easy terms. Fnn S.\LE - ii PIECES OF AXTH~UE just co mtwn sa tion to he mad t:· fo r pri\'ate County, Illinois. furnitun ·, m·arly a hundn·d y'pars old. prope rty to he taken or damaged for RLES H. JACKSON, Owner employed In Wilmette and must Xt· wly r efinish l'd and upho1Rt e n·<1 in OJH: ning· and t> XtPnding- 1\Iain Street from ClL\ Attorn ey for the Villag-e of make his home in that villag-e. Address Jll' Pdh.. point. Consists of ~ small ehairs, the .:\orth lim· of Elmwood A venue to 'Vilmctte. '\Vilm t> tte Life B-186. :l2LTN23-tfp t rod< e r and la.rg<· t'OUC'h. ("all Tri- th·' past linl:' of Fifteenth StrC'N, in the L:!2-4tc angl e !1826. 48LTN2~-ltp \.illag,.c of 'Vilm e tte , Cook County, Illinois, li'OR SALE - N. E. CORNER RIDGE and for a special ass~-'ssment to raise th e Ave., and Hill Rd. overlooking- beauti- 49 ~0'1'1{'}; OF A W A Rl) cost of said improvement. ful' Indian Hill. 110x132 ft. Wm. Top_ KE:SIJ,WOUTH ~PECL\L 1.:-.;- THJ~ COUNTY ("OURT OF COOK Pll>, 'l't: l. ·W innt'lka 280. :l2LT~2:i-ltc ASSJ<:s:·nn; X'l' NO. ~1 COU NTY, ILLINOIS for Young Couple Xotice is he r e by givPn that the Board GgNERAL NUMBER 54,!177 FOH SALE - fiO FT. LOT 0~ 'WILLOW 4 ROOM SUITES of Local Improvements of the Village of OF FURNITURE, STATE OF ILLINOIS l 58 Roa.d, " rinnNka )lanor. Bar~ain. Pri<·t> K enilworth, Cook c:ounty, Illinois, after each worth $3,000, will take $550 com- COlJ!'\TY OF COOK j h:v own1·r in Chit:ag-o. Photw Tiandolph Villag-e of Wilme tt e \ 'S . Jam(ls .Edwin Jue · publication of notice as r.:'quired by J1lete or will l;Cparate; 3-piE>ce silk mo16~R. ~2 LT.X~:l-lte hair parlor suite: 8-piece walnut dining Dempse y, l\Jary Jose phine D empsey, his law, did on the :~rd day of March, A. D. set : 4-piece walnut bedroom set ; two wift>, Yillage of Wilmette, a 1\Iuuicipal 1!'127, award to James Viti & Son, the conHxl2 Wilton rugs; library t;-~ble; ftoor ('Orporation, George Essentrot, Eliza beth traet ·for the construction of the impfoveand table lamps; 5-piece breal<fast set, Essentrot, his wift>, Theodore R. Whitt, ment ('onsisting of improvements and exand sll,·erware. \\iill take $550.00 for Lecta Margaret \Vhitt, his wife, Henry tf'nsions to the sanitary sewers and apII\I :\C~INE!! all. 8:12 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd. J. Koll, Emma. Koll, his wife, Standard purtenances In ('ertain streets and places Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will ar- Trust and Savings Bank, an Illinois cor- in said Village, as describ d by ordinance B~r.:-.;-n ABLE 'f'O BtTY LAKE FHONTrang-e for delivery. 49LTN20-4tp poration, as trustee, known as Trust No. of said Village, and for the ('Onstructlon a!'-\·1· in \\rinrwtl<a for ~160 JH·r foot. ln8::8 G(·neral Outdoor Advertising Co., of which improvement a special assess\'t·stig-att· imnwdiah·ly. ThiH is no mistakt>, $11i0 JWr foot. Xo information FOR SALE- 0\"EH~'l'lWFEI> TArPE Inc.'., a corporation, And All '\\'hom It ment was levied and confirmed by the ("ounty Court of Cook ("ounty, Illinois, as mohair dan·nJIOrt, ehair tJ match: :\lny Concern. giv,·n <n;t·r phont·. In the matter of the petition of the Kenilworth Spedal Asst>ssment No. 21 for :;;plendid coudition, $75.00. Doublf.' hrass lwd, spring and ·nattrt'SS, $10.00. Satur- Village of \Vilmette for the asrertain- the total sum of Two Thousand Four ,~-~.· belie\·e w1· are offe1·in~ the best ment of the just compensation to be made Hundred Forty-Fiw and 40/100 Dollars day and Sunday. Phone Wil. 137S. Yalue in a small home on the north ($2,445.40) (upon the quantities of the es49L2~-ltc for private property to be taken or damshorE>. 6 room English stucco, H. W. aged for opening and extending :\lain timate of cost.) H eat, oil bu1"11er, Frigidaire, sun parRE~TOD~LI~<f )tY 110~18, 'VIRH TO Street from the North line of Elmwood Dated, Kenilworth, I!linCiis, lor, 2 ca.r ·g-arag-e. Only ~ -" 1) 1'10. st>ll some of my furinture. Colonial A venue to ·the east line of Fifteenth March 3rd, A. D. 1927. JAMES C. MURRAY mahogany desk, small .child's dt-sk, Street In the Village of Wilmette, Cook President of th~ Board of I..ocal davenport, upholstPrt>d ('hairs. lamps County, Illinois, and for a special assessImprovements of Kenilworth, Cook and ert and bric-a-bracs. Very reasonable. Ph. m<>nt to raise the cost of said improveCounty, Illinois. mefl.t. . . Wil. 101G, or 515 Central AvP . 516..J..incoln .Ave. Ph. Winn. 83 L23-ltc TO ALL .WHOM rr 1\~A Y CONCERN : · '19L'PN'23.z'lltc, ....s.::~... ~..,..-..;,;,;..~~t'-~f'r. ·-34VI":N'23 .. 1t<' 'GLn"'-"-CO£ I f-I. E. E. IN GLENCOE -----------.--------::-::= ----------------== SAY Bargain Wisdon1 Th Enun

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