WILMET·TE : LI 'FE K. of ·M arch 4, 19Z7 8 9 9 1t 11 11 Recreation League Events Indoor Ball League Ends Indoor ball lengtw conducted by the Wilmette Recreation and Playground board c:unc to a . closp l:t'st Thursday · night with the St. Joset)h 1 team in the title position and with a perfect score . . They finished with fiftC'cn ·wins· and no lo!'lses and played good b~ll and show<'d good sportsmanship throughout. The runners-up lost only two g:lmes and those to the winners. Taking it all in all, the St. Joseph teams had things their own way in the league. If· they continuo in the manner for two more years the Board will have to run a leag·ue for St. Joseph's teams alone. . The mf'mbers of the St. Joseph, 1 are: Joe ( Schwartze) Borre, Earl Miller, Jake Hoffm~tn. .Jim Schaefgen, Jim SchaefgPn. Nick (Kid) Spif's, BPn:iamin (Rim) Thalman, Adam (Vondy) Phillips, Ed Hartm~tn, Joe Schneider, Har.ry Werner, Harry (Oaks) Mold'nhauer, Paul Bleser. J St. Joseph, 3 ........ :' c .. 1 .......... 1 Congregational ... . ... ~ Presbyterian ...... . .. 3 St. Joseph, 1 ..··..·. L l·~ng· liHh Lutllf'ran . . .. l 333 250 250 212 83 67 Terminal A. C., 1 Score: 1st game 21 2nd game 21 I. Bremmer W. G. Bohannon Congregational Score: 1st game 4 2nd gdme 9 J. D. · Roth IA. L. Perry Volley Ball League Tlw Volley ball IE:>ague standing did not ehangc any, but the teams continue to show much improvement. .The St. ,JoReph, 1 team showPd up for their first gn.me last fall, with four members having tlf'VC'r seen a vollpy ball. On last 1\fondny nlg·ht they played lil{e veterans agalnRt the Terminal A. C., SJ)iking and setting up as if the~' ha<l played volley h:::~ II n 11 their lin~ s. Tlwy bf'~ t the Tf'rminal A. C. in two straight games. Tt·;nn \Vnn PreRbyterian ........ 13' A nwriean T.<..~ion, 1 .. 1 ~ ~t . .Tos<'ph, 2 . . ....... fl St. .Joseph, 1 ........ fl Baptist ............... 7 ffrnvnrrl P. 1'. A. . ... R Terminal .A . .C . . . .. ... fi AmericRn Legion, 2 .. 1 CongTegationn.l ....... 1 Results of Last Week's Games Volley Ball February 21 Baptist Howar<l P . T. Score: Score: 1st gari1e l !i 1Rt .ganw !i 2nd game l!i 2nd game 1 ~ E. Carlson l\1. LynC'h K McDow A. St.ru<'bing· F'. Guthridgc! F . Baup:hman M. Reid n. Madntyre n. Williams Referee-D. C. Stone Cong-regational Pr<'sbytf'rin n Heore : 1st ganw l!i 2nd game 1 ri C. Hurling~ nw ProllOSlliS A. FOI'!. SANITARY VI'L'RlFIED Pll'B SP.\VEHS WITH BTUCK l\1ANIIOLE~ T~· Sf'Jl'\IO.:CA H.OAD AND OTHER S'I'REFlTS IN THI·.: VILLAGl~ OF \VTLl\IETT.l!:, COOK COUNTY, COXSTH.tJC~'l'lNG A 81~WEfl SYSTE:\T 01·' ILLI~OTS. Volley Ball League Standing r,ost 1 P~'t. 2 (i 6 !i fJOO GOO !iR:t !133 ~~~ 928 Score: RG6 1st game 3 7 10 !I 14 100 li6 Final Indoor Ball League Standing Team Won St. Joseph, 15 ...... 15 St .·Joseph, 2 ........ 12 Y. P. C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Howard P. T. A. . ... R K. of C. . ........... 7 Term inn I A. C. . .. . .. 8 Methodist ..... . ...... 3 Congregational · ....... 1 Lost 0 2 4 6 Baikethall 2nd gam<· 7 H. 'I'PPPNI {<; , Hill C. Capen ~~. Hrnokx r:. II iff ll . Swf' et f. f'rOSHf'ly Ref e ree-G. Vv . Gatllereoal Pet. 1000 875 G36 570 6 7 11 12 fi38 !l33 214 76 M. Portenhauser Painting Decora. t ing . . A o Estitnates gtven 'vithout obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. : WILMEITE ···-------------------------------------------------Established 1854. Tn haskethall. the St. JosPph, 1 ag~tin 'l'~rm i nnl A. C. Rt. Josf'ph, 1 showed good form WhPn thf>Y hel<'l thp R. Rlasrl e ll .T. Sch;t<·fg<m Prrsbyterian ten.m, which hol<'ls second R. nrnmmer .r. Horrf' place with 14 wins and on' loss, to a 44 K Wellman J. Hoff111illl to 4!i score. The game waR anybo<'lv's \V. Bohannon f<J. 1\'Ti ll<·r until the· final 'whistle blew, leaving- the B . Thalman Prt>sbytP.rians in poss~s~ion of the larg"e Rt!fnr..-P·-P . C . StOll(' Pnd of thP. S~"Ore. The Term;nal A. C., 1 team held their place at the end of the Rt. .Joseph, 2 A nwril'n n L· ·gion, 2 INHtl,le ·h:v defe~tine: the K of ~. tP'lm. \\Ton hy forfeit The hi~ g~me of thiR wf'ek wi11 be between . th.e Presbytct'btn team and th~ Basketball Rtittf' Bnnk tPam. whic11 ::;tand in thh·d Stoln C:rm. F'Phruary 2:1 place with 11 wins .and 0110 losl;. This l\Tethodi~t (:J .q Rt . .Johns (!l) ~arryP will he played at the Howarct ~Ym. C. \V. Vn rncy . . 11. 1". . .... . Hob Wolff at 8 :30. 1<'. C . Va.rney L. 1·' . . .. . . Boh Wilson \V. \Vo0d ...... . . C .. ... (~ . 1\TergPnthaler Basketball· League Standing P. D. Rh<'inhold .. R C:. . . . . Hoh Flint 'ream \Von r,ost Pc~. ned Martin .... L. C:. . . . . . . TT. ·wolf( 'J'(>r.Jtllnal /\'. · ~. ' . . .· Hi 1000 L. F' . Todd .... .. T.... r. . .fl Pn·f'hyt<>rian . .' .. ... . 1 t1 ')~3 I H('fen· f' -lo~rl TTill State RHnk . . ..... . . 11 !l1(i I Rt. .T nw·nh, I ....... . R !iOO l=>r'<·shytPrirtn ( 4 G) R t. .1~·~H' Ph, I ( 44) R MC'thodist ...... .. .... ~ !'iOO Hill ...... . . R P. ...... . J. Doig Terminal A. C., 2 .... 6 7 461 Ed Rt. ·.loseph, 2 ·.... \. : .G · . . 400 P. VanctcNorth . . L. F . . ..... B. Miller !I ./\. Hill . . . . . . . . . C. . . . . . . . . . . G. Huck St. .Johns . . ..... . ·. ... !i 10 ~'13 T.. KoPtU1n .... .. R. C . . . A . \Vallowit?. K. of C. . ...... . .. . . ... 0 5 000 W . A nctcrson . . . ..L. <:. n. Oakill rr. w .. ld ... . ... . L. n . 'Q uoitS League ·Sta'nding ltd<·ree- \Vm. \\ ' ood '1'<'<~111 \Vnn Lost Pet . !Toward <:ym T. 0 . n . f·' ., I . . . ... I !i 0 10()0 'l'1·rm . A. ~ .· 2 (3~) Rt. .Tos C'ph, 2 (:30) 1\f<'thndist. ... ... . . .. 13 2 RH7 K Hardt . . . . . . n. F . . \V . Uttenreuther 'l'm·minal A. C., 1 ... . 12 ~t ROO F.. nramnwr . . L. F. .. .. . .. 1\f. Ling Rt. Jns(·ph, 2 . ~· ., . . 112 ·I 7~4 (' . . . .J . Hoffman 'l'ermimd /\ . C .. 2 .. 1 0 I 714 TT . SC'irl(m,~ dc K. of \'.. 2 . .. .... . . . fi c ; G70 "'· .Tolmson . . . n . (~ . . . . . . 1\. Peter~ 1\f. PPt.( ·rson . . . . L. 0 ... . ... K Phillips Anwric-:111 l,t · ~· ion ..... 'i 7 !iOfl J L. C. I ... o. o .. P ., " .. .. . .. . (; c; son . J·~ng-1!> I~Pfl ' l'l ' l· .. \\' Pr<·sbyU·.rhii.L 2 . . . ... . :~ .· !iiW K. ot' "". (6) 1:i0 'l'l ' l'nl .. A . ('., I (52) T. 0. 0. "'·· 2 . .. .. ... 7 h St . .Johns ...... . ..... fi 7 11') H . Johnson . ..... n. I< r. Bnllack I. 0.· 0. 1<'., 3 ........ G H :\T. \Volff 400 l\1 I II l'OWl'l'S . . . · L. F :\Iii I' O \\'f'l'S . . c . .. J . l\fontonara ~-L . I :o~s. :1 . . .. . . n. r: . . . . . . . 1T. ])icku: K \\' ,·llmnn .... L. l~ . . . . . t\ . Ludovice n. nl:p.;d .·Il . .. . . . n. c . l·~il S<·yl<'f " I~Pft · J't · ( ·- \V C. H. JORDAN & . CO. Ftineral Directors for 72 Years 6 1 2 Davis St. Phone Universi£y 44 9 Wilmette Office Phone WiJmene 3 3 54 CHICAGO Indoor. Ball l·'cht·tl:tt·y 21 Tlow :trd P . T . A . <:: ) Y . P <: . < 1 I ) C . 1\Tl'fntvre I~ . I·~\': 111 s l·;d ]·l' tllll.ln C \\'. 'l'l1alman .'\ I' . St nwhingl\1. nraun 1\L l.ynl·h :'\. 1 ·:. Sf'hildg-<·n r:. Hull :\1 . 'I'll a ltWl n 1 r. I :PI> l!' r .r. r:t·inf'rt I. Hurhn us \'V. nr:-~un .T. n n wm:-~n R Hoffman C . Cote I i nlpit·,·- P . C. <'<1 ldw· ·ll 2oo E. Erie St-. Phone Superior 7709-7.710 K. of C ., ~ \Von h:, (orf()it Quoits Pn ·s hyturi an T. I. 0 . () -------------------M·~-------------------~----------- Save Money on Inside Repairs Have Plastering Done Now-Before Spring Rush M·akes Work Expensive We d<f all repair work on propertyincluding Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. We gtve each job our personal attention. S<'or<': 1 st g·a nw I >i 2nd g·amc 21 ~rd ganw 11 n n. v. ~ F ., nill 1: 1:1 !il{sll!'inl nn ptist Score: 1st game 7 · 2nd gnme 7 M. Lynch IT. 0. Vondt' rHoff Eriglis11 Luthcrnn Prcsbytt·t·ian. 2 1 st gn nw 21 2nrl g:t me 2l '1'. 'l'h11rsby J. Dusham Pr<'Rhytl ·ria n, 2 T. Tllurshy J. Dushnm Methodist Scorc·: 1st game 21 2nd g-ame 21 B. Stalling L. F. Ball F. P..ndn<·r Shortridge & Saxton 4 I 9 Richmond Roadt Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735 SC'OI'I· : 1st g:tnw 2 1 2ncl g·am r 20 3nl g·ame 21 lt:d I 'olli·Y Tf. \\' I 1 i tr'hou~n 'J',·rminal /\. ~ .· 2 fleor<' : 1st game 21 21Hl ganw 21 K \\'<'llman H. I :tnsdf'll T. 0. 0. F., 2 \Von by forfeit ('Ollll'<tl'!. H;tplist S('IH'l': l'rnpos;tls will I ll' rl'('(·ivf'<l for Lhf' cons! rud i1>11 of :-;aid imprO\'<'nwnt a::> ~t whole· 1st ga 111<' 20 <tnd R.Li<l Ho:trd of J .or·al Tmprovf'Jllf'nt~ 2n<1 gnmc G I'I'Sl·t:vt·s llw rig·ht to n·jPvl any and rr. 0. Vonclcrh0ff ~II l>Hls. ~1 . Lynch E1\RL K >ItNJo;H. K. of C., 2 .IOf!X ( ' LAI~K I~AKI ·~n .T. Sr.hOJlCI1 l·:Li.\Il·;P.. 1>. BJ'JCKgR F. I~tsch W[LFORD W. J)u Rl'~RARD K. o( C., 1 < :LA1U..:NcE R DH.A YEn Scor0: PAUL A. HOFJi'l\1AN 1st game 4 .JOHN F. \VH~I>LIN 2nd game 6 ' Donrd of Lr>c.:al TmprovcmentM F. Kreusch of the Village of Wilmette. A. Schopen L23-llc (Wilmette Special Asscs::;ment No. 1St) Scaled proposals for c·onslrueti ng a sanitary st ·W(·r syslt·m of vitrifi ed pipe sewers with brid.;: m:ulholPs in lh<' followingslrt>0.ts in the Villag-e of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois: · Tn S ·twt ·a .Rc,ad from Iroquois Road to :\Tolmwl< Hoad and th<'n<:c in iVTohawk Road to a lint· one hundrNl and .fifty (liiU) f L· C't s0uth of the north line of IJII)I'k th·t· (5) of fndian Hill hstatc Sul Jdi\"isiun; 111 Locust Road from Scnf'ca ltoacl to L :IIH; A \ 'l' I1Ue. . In IrO(!Uois Road from a line! four hundred (400) fet-t east of the sewer providf'd to be laid in St·ne<·a Road to a line t.hn·t · hundrt>d (::00) fN·t wc·st e rly or the !W\I'(·r to htl ln.id in St·neca Hoad; also In IroquoiH Road from a lin e four htnHlrc,d ( 400) f<'et ('HSt of the scw<'r pt·ovidt·<l to IJo laid in Seneca Roall to a litH' thr1'P hundr<'d (:!00) feet westerly of tho Ii tH· St·wt·r to he laid in .SI'ln~ca H.nad; als1) in Iroquois Road frmn · Locust Road to l\1iami Road ; In .Miami no:td from· Iroquois Road to n. litH' two llUndrt)d and fifty ·(250) r(·d north t1wr0of; In S<'minole Road from Iroquois Road to a litH' two hundred and fifty . (2GO) ((·l't nnrt h t herpof : In Blar·khawk Road from a point sPvPn hundred fef't (700) east of the c·r·ntpr lin\' o( LoC'ust H.oad to a poiut tw<'~V< ' hundn·d (1200) feet 'vest of the cente r line of Locust Road; Tn Lak e Avenut ~ from a line thrc·c hunurf'd and tw<'nty (320) feet cast ot tlw c>Pnte r line of S eneca Road to .i\l·iaml Road; In S(' Jwca Road from the center line of Lakt· A Vl' IIU<l Bot· th to a line (out· llumlrc ·<l and SC!\'(;nty-flve ( 475) fef't north of th·· cPnl', ·r litH: of Lake .\venu t · · Saicl pn1post·rl :-;··wPr systt·m .sl~a.ll IH' l'OIIlll'<'tl ·d with th r· systNn of SPWPI'S pro \' ith·d to lw construc:tecl IJY. ordinanct· pas::w d lJy tlw 1-'rt·sid<·n t and Boanl n f '1'1'\1 !-i (( ·f' S I)[ till · Villag·ll or \Vilmdtl' IJ)) April Gth. 1~l~f~ . in <t< ·<·onlan<··l with th t: nrdinan· · ~ · ;u1d SI H·('ifi,·ations for :o: tid illlpron·nH nl, will I!<' l't' t'l ·i Vt ·d LY t h P Hoard ·ll' Lnv:LI Ttnprn\'t'lllt'llls of sai·d \ ' ill:q. .;e n[ \\'illll l' tt" until 't :.;o o'('lock P . .:\1. on tlH: I :it h <Ia~ · cJ( :\Ian· h. A. 1>. I !J27, aL wbich I in11 · said propn:.;als will 1· :· IHJIJii,·ly I!Jlt ·lucl, i' X<ltlliiH ·d an(l <k<'lllt't ·d by said I :o:Lnl of Lol'ai I rnprovt·J11t·nts in tlw <'u\l!ll ·il \'hamlu·r in tll1' Vill :1gc llall, in :-;:lid Villa;..:·,, of \Vilml'tll'. Tl~t · Slh 'l'ifkntlo!ls for saHI impro\·c·lll··nts :Lnd IJI:tnk propos;Lis will h furilisiH ·d at tIll' oHkf' of sai<l Board of J....o,·al f:nnro\·.. nwnts in ::.ai.d Vi ll<Lgt· Hall. Proposals must h<' macle out on blanks fnrnislu ·d hy s ;tirl l~oard of Lo cal 1mpro "lll"llt s , atHl must he addn·sst·d to t ll " l;o:~rd u f l,c,r·:tl Tmpt·o\·o·tlll'llls of lhe \ ' illag ,· (If \Vilm l' ttl·, \\'ilnwtl<·, Illrnois, and tt Hlnrs,·cl "l'ropn~als for t·onstru ·t i 11).{ <L Sanilarv st ·\n'r syslPm of ,·it riti0ol pip., !-lt'l\'t·rs \l:ith hric.:k · manholes In Seneca I ~ l) ;lt l and other streets," and all proposals n.ust l;r: a<'compalliC'd l,y c·ash, or :~ n·rllfk<l du ·c·k ·payn hh: to the onlt-r of tlH· I 're~irl< · Ht of th~ Board of LoC'al Im· pro\ l'tm ·nts uf tlw \'illag-P of \\'ilnlt'lte fpr ; L sum or !lOt kss than (I 0) ]Wr ('{;lltUJll or th~· :~g· gr. · gatf' of th e proposfLI and no proptls.tl will be ('Onsidr·rt ·d unless av<·omp:l ni, rl IJy su· c h <:ht·(·k or <'ash . 1'h·· contraetor "ill he paid in bontlH t!Hl \'<Jll! 'lll'rs, payal>h· soh·ly out of tht· : t s:~<·ssnwt~t for sa.i<l impro\'( ·nwnt, when ,·ollvd t· d , 111 an:ord:tlh'l' with t ht· lli'U\'iFions of' lilt· orrJi II<! 11<'(' t hl'r<·fOJ', <1 11<1 in lhl' 111:11\llt' l' prt ·i-i,·ril ,<d I·~· I:Lw, which bond~ will IH';, r lllh'I'C·SL at th ·: rat(: or ~ix (G) JH · I· <·t llltlllt per annum. Th" ('lliJil'll<'lnr to \I' IJom the contract n1:1y h· · : 1w~nh · d will he requii'C'll to fut·- · 11isl! ·t hond to lil t' sat is fa.('! ion and apprm·al of tlw ~;:tid I :nard of Local Jmpro\·~·m~:nts, in a Slllll < ·qu:l.l to tifty (51)) pc ·t· <'t·ntunl of t lit' c·ontrac·t Jlricc cond itiotl<'d fur lht· faithful pt , rformanc~~ of tlw .,. . ·. · : ,&