Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1927, p. 44

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44 WILMETTE LIFE March 4, 1927 view of his being accepted by the Home party this · year on his own proposal that be its nominee for president. lt is rcgrcttahlc that this party contheir business. They did not stay and vention of the Home party could not (Continued from page 1) try to tell the Hoffman party how to he held in \Nilmette without intrusion Government Off~rs Splendid Va~ run their meeting. · cation Proposition to Young of disgruntled elements from outside did not have a true under standing of vVe further believe Mr. Orner's irn- of thr party. Men of North Shore the situation or they would not have mcdiat e repudation of the Home party (Signed) tried to capture the organization of a wa s precipitate and without careful JOHN C. BAKER party to which they did not belong. consideration .and that hi s quoted stateFour. thou sand th rel l;u11drcd a11d ELMER D. BECKER. Approve Chairman's Decision ment in the Chicago Daily News, "I 've W. vV. DeBERARD. fifty yo ung ntctl of lllHtots, ·~·fichiga'l · We further believe that any chair- never been ver~. strong for th~ .Hon~c C. E. DRAYER. and vVi sconsi n will be gtVC II an Op; .rnan who was acquainted with the facts party, anyway, -,vas ungrac1 ous 111 JOHN F. \VIEDLIN. portunity to enroll in tit ~ Citizens' Mil --itary Training camps during July · and August this summer for StiCh arc the plans · announced l>Y Hngadicr C ~ u: cra l Michael ]. l,enihat1 romm<uHhng the Sixth C<;>rps .Ar.~a Training camps affected by this an.nounccment and .the ntttnbcrs of C. M. T. C. students to be ('tlf:->lled at each arc: Fort Sheridan, 111. , 1,llOO; Camp Custer, Mich ., 7~0 ; Fort Brady, Mich., 2SO; Camp M cCuy· (Sparta), vViscou sin. 250; JefT cr~on Barracks, Mo,. 1600 of which 1,100 v:ill CIJ!lle from the s'ixtl~ Corps A re<l, a11d Fort Snelling, ).1 inn., 1,800, of whtcll .150 will collle from the Sixth Corp ~ Arl'a These e<llltps arc p1 ovi dcd lor under Scrtion 47<1 of the i'\ational Defense Act of ID.20 and hav e he('ll growing earh y<'ar: During the past six :years there ki\T hct:n more than H>S ,OOO t:nroll tncnt~. ·and so popular l1avc the catnps become that forty of tlll'lll will hC' established hy tl1t gt>\'t'· rtlntcnl thi~ srason . .\1 ore and mort. 1'- 11 IJl·c nmi ng nnd l'r · stood that lllilit:t n Jtl<.,trul'tion i-; not tIt c c x cl us i v c 12 o a.l t , f t I1c C. ).I. 'I' ramps . Such .f llllcl aJttt'tltals a-; order , lll'atncss, punctn;:ht}' rc,t tr tl'sy and a \\'illing obcdicnrr to l;m ful authorit _ \ arc made the h;t~, .., ol cantp routill l' , and as a conscq llltt CC rttizenship train .· ing j, lw comi ng at, Olthtandittg ft·~ttnrv . I" Camp 30 Day' Til l' camps at J l' nl'f'iOII lbr r;tcks, ~I o., Camn Cttsttr ~1 irlt ., and (';unp ~I e(' o y, \.Vis ., () p c: n on ] ul v 7 ; t I 1<' ramps at Fort Shcndart ancl Fort Br:tdy, Mich.! open ] ul_v 2R. All of them J\ LEXANDER GRA HAl\11 BELL discovered arc for th irty d a}' c.. Da ys of training I\. an electrical principle upon ·which " V,Tea t and recreation- for t lie policy of de voting practicall y aJl of the aftcrnom1 communications art has been founded. to v;Jriom fonn s nf a tldctics and rcc Those who undertook to g·ive practical value t ~> t't'ation is now \\T]l estab li shed above could do · nothing else than to · HOME PARTY TRUSTEES deny to such people the right to vote in a caucus of the Home party. MAKE JOINT STATEMENT in Home party members left the room a11 orderly manner after conducting he READY TO ENROLL FOR ANNUAL C. M~ T. _ CAMP. I ·- ------- Two Principles his discovery likewise left to their· successors a pri ;· ciple of service, that has been developed into L ::1 intercommunicating system qf over ] 71 000,00 0 telephon es. Both of these princip]es were built upon and developed with the same objective, ---that of enabling men to talk one to another easily, conveniently, cheaply. With nation-wid e telep hon e service already an accomplished fact, these principles still continue to act and react upon each other, producing new ideals of service, new goais toward wbich to strive. 200 Women at Sessions of Governm~nt Institute j " ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System Universal Servic.! Two hundred W()IIH'n responded tl1 a r!H'crful and t·nthmtastic "aye' ' to the invitation (.·xtc:l!dc:d them hy tl11 ltlstitut c of r,.overnmetlt which is tn met't in Harris hall . Evanston campus of . ro rtlnvt'stem 11Titversity, startirw \ \' t·dnl"ida v. f\ f an·ll 2, arcord ing to· ~Ir s . 1\lav \Vood -Sinto rt~ , the chairman of the lnstitnt e. Tl11 s rnteting· covered three clays of cantc~t endeavor to in ~ tercst women in th(·tr own city, state, and national g-oventmt·r,ts and to acquire knowledge CJT1 ccrtai ll questions of exact interest to th e wo men o: i Illinoi s. in particular . M em hers of north shore Leagues of vVomen Voters participated. BUSY TIMES FOR PURPLE Athletic teams of Northwestern uni versity face another strenuous week end of competition. The track team will encounter Purdue here Frida v night, and Saturday night the swimming team will take on Wisconsin at Patten gym. That same night will find the basketball squad in the quest of its second conference win of the season at Indiana. The cagers took the nwa sure of Minnesota: Saturday night for the first victory of the year. The wrest ling team will face Chicago to deter mine the position of the two teams in the conference. -

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