WI L M E T' T E .L I FE March 4, 1927 6~% An i n v e s t me n t in North Shore First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds is an investment whose safety you know because its security is tangible and open to constant observation. Building per~its for three residences valued at $93,000 were issued by the Village of Kenilworth during the month of February, according to a statement issued early this week. They are comprised of a house valued at $12,000, to be built for 0. P. Olson at 535 Ridge avenue; a house vaJued at $30,000, to be erected for Stanley Knight at 51 ;Kenilworth avenue and a residence for T. Grant Cook at 355 Kenilworth avenue, valued at $51,00~. Winnetka February Permits Three Residence Permits : Totals Near $140,000 Total $93,000 in Value ruary, according to the report of A. ~· Kreig, building inspector for the y1l-· lage. The total valuation of the· J.mprovements represented by the permtts, is $137,430. . Seven permits were for new residences, valued at $119,600; five were for accessories valued at $1,830; two for alterations amounting to $6,000 and one for a foundation costing $10,- · 000. The latter ·i s for the new Schell apartment and busine ss block on Elm Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Marquardt, street. 218 Woodbine avenue, · left last week for Davenport, Fla., where they ex- Permits Show Building pect to remain until April 1. Wilmette Building Grants in February Fifteen building permits were issuer! A "'"'roach $165,000 in Winnetka during the month of Feb- . I' I' Twenty-four building permits were is·sued in Wilmette during the month of February, an average of one each day, exclusive of Sundays. The a~ou~t of the improvements thus auth?nzed JS $163,075. Twelve of the permtts were for residences, valued at $140,500?. Ten were for garage s . valued at $-0,77~. included in this list being the permtt issued during the last week in t~e month to James Crabb, for a pul?hc g-araQ'c at 730 Twelfth stre'et, costt~g $18,000. There were also two permtts for repairs, amounting to $1.800. The greatest activity during the month was shown in the last week, when in addition to the p ermit issued to 1v1~. ·Crabb, for the public garage on . Twelfth street, permit s al so were issued as follows: . To F. A. Habeck. for a two -s tory, frame residence at 124 Sixteenth str eet, costing $6,000. One to Carl C. Hartman. for a two story, brick residen.cc and garage, at 718 Sheridan road, costing $15,000. · To. M. Jacob son, for a frame re sidence and garage at 2.33 Fcrnleaf av enue, costing $6,000. One to Fred R. Quayle, for a fram t garage at 38 Crescent place , costing . Spurt Due in Glencoe 1564 Sherman ·Avenut Evanston 1st .:\IOR'l'GAGE LOANS Znd Our Service and Rates Satisfy H. GROSSMAN & SON 1 o8 2 First National Bank Bldg. 38 S. Dearborn St. tEN tral 4 I 8 5 Read the Want Ads Ten ·building permits were issued ih Glencoe during the month of February, the total amount of improvements represented being $95,600. Six of the permits were for residences costing $85,000; three were ·for alterations totalling $10,100 and one was · for a $500 garage. White Mountains Summer ReSidence $250. To ] . ] .. Ble se r, for an addition to .hi ~ residence oi1 Reinwald avenue , cos ttn ~· $1.500. One to Ed Avers, fo r a. frame garag<at 1614 Central avenue, costin~ $300. To. h. G. Sieber, for a frame garag<: at 1118 Lake avenue, costing $150. One to Everett W. Proctor for < 1 two-story, frame residence and garage: at 1519 Central avenue , costing $9,000. T o Tames Crabb for a brick veneer ancl s hingle re s idence at 1707 \Valnut a \'cnue. to cost $7000. Also on e to James Crabb io r a brick veneer and shingle re sidence at 1712 Fore st avenue, costing $7,000. ( IN NEW HOME SOON Frank H . \Villard cartooni st oi tL popular cotllic strip. " 1foon ).fullin ~ ... expects to occupy hi s new hom e at 505 Ridge road, Kenilwnrth in the nca r future. BUILDS $51,000 HOME T. Grant Cook of Chicae:o hi~ ju ~t started constr11ction on a $51.000 re sidence at th e corner of Kenilwo rth avenue and Cumnor road, K e nilw orth. Claude Fitch . 1033 Elm\\'oocl a\'t nue, who has been abroad s ince earl y in July, is landing in ::-.Jew York Sat urday, March 12, and is expected to arrive in \Vilmettc the following day . - 0·- ~I Forty-acre, beautifully wogded estate. New Colonial residence, completely FURNISHED, in perfect order. 5 master bed. rooms, 3 baths, 2 servants' rooms, 5 fireplaces; library, including $6,000 or $7,000 worth of books, manuscripts, etc.; sun-parlors, garage for· 2 cars: workshops with all necessary tools; formal garden with sun dial, stone benches, etc.; fully equipped playground for small children, with slides, swings, swimming pool. LOCATION-In Bretton Woods district of New Hampshire, adjoining the suinmer places of . several prominent Chicago families. . PRICE-The place has recently been appraised at $90,000. The executor of the estate has . authorized us to offer it for less than ONE-HALF OF THAT PRICE in order to make a quick transfer. FULL DETAILS AND OTHER PHOTOS MAY BE SEEN AT OUR OFFICE M r. and Mrs. Judson Stone, Jr., of Racine were in Wilmette over last week-end. SHORT TERM Junior Mortgages and Bonds Secured by High-Grade Chicago Improved Real Estate In denominations to suit your needs. Maturities monthly from one to thirty-six months. Chicago Trust Company, Trustee. Priced to give an unusually high return AND NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES Write tor Circular A-29 and our uohata on Junior Mortgage3" '-9BUed !rom time to time, aetting forth the advantages of this type of Investment. MIDLAND PHONE GREENLEAF 1617 MORTGAGE COMPANY First National Bank .UidJ. Randolph 11f0 513 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON