Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1927, p. 30

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w ·I LME;rTE LIFE March 4, 1927 Guild to Give Suburban Comedy for North Shore Society. Theatre Guild t~ Former Wilmette Girl Vaudeville Revue Paul Ash Orchestra to Play for Benefit Dance Marries in Evans ton Present Comedy of and Dance Is Plan The Chicago Junior school wit! give Miss Virginia French, daughter ·of of 0. E. S. Chapter Suburban England Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F,rench of 1817Vz its annual p<llrty Friday evening, March By JEAN TEN BROECK The first part of M a.rch brings to the north shore the third production of the North Shore Theatre guild this season. The ~ontrast betw~en this play and the last one presented is very marked. The cast, too, will be entirely different, if we can rely upon our memory to recall the names of those participating in "Henry IV." These ta!ented players take their production to several north shore towns and never fail to draw an audience representative of north shore society. "Ariadne" is to be the next presentation. The place and time of its playing, it.s cast, and Its type are divulged in the following announcement. The thi,rd play to be given by the North Shore Theatre guild this season will be "Ariadne,, a light comedy of English suburban life by A. A. Milne. This play will be presented in Winnetka, at the Jan e. Kuppenhcimer Memorial hall of the Skokie school on March 11 and 12; in Wilmette, at' the Ouilmette C_ountry club, on March 14. It is a far cry from Chicago to London, but the suburban life has its points of similarity, as well as difference in the envi,rons of both cities. Accordingly, this play 'Yin have a special interest for the residents of the north shore, since the scene is laid in a suburb of London, and the characters are business and professional people of London's commuting types. The play concerns a husband who is so intent on making money that his wife and home are entirely subordinated to the pursuit of w.ealth. It is unnecessary to say that this situation is far flfom pleasing to the wife, but, through her resourcefulness and cleverness, the husband is brought to realize that professional success is not the only thing in Hfe which really matters. A. A. Milne, who wrote "Ariadne" is best known for his book of verse~ "When We V\7ere Very Young," but he has also won an enviable ll'eputation as a writer of clever and pointed plays. One of the most successful plays ever produced by the North Shore Theatre guild, 11 The Truth About Blayds," was also written by Mr. }.1ilne, and many of his other plays have wo11 great applat;~se throughout the English-speak·ing world. "Aria_dne" was produced by the New York Theatre guitd about two years ago, with Laura Hope Crews in the titJ~ role and an all-star cast. It also, enjoy.ed a long run in London but this will be the first time that it has been presented to' Chicago audiences. Miss Crews has starred in ~hicago in. another of Milne's plays, Mr. Pim Passes By." The north shore production of "Ariadne" will be in the hands of an unusually competent cast. P,romincnt among the players are Mrs. Richard Bent~ey of Lake Forest, who will play the titJe role, and Mrs. Laird Bell, of Winnetka, who is cast for one of the delightful comedy ·p arts that she has han~led so well in other plays. The other women in the cast are Laura Thompson and Rosamond Coffin. The part of the ambitious husband will be taken by Lawrence Norem, of Winnetka. Abram Mendenhall of Evanston and George Bartlett of Winnetka will also have parts in this play. Oak avenue, Evanston, became the bride of John Edward Coombes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Coombes of Chicago, S~turday evening, February 26, at the Evanston Gc:mntry club, in a most attractive wedding service. It was a picturesque little wedding party that marched slowly down the stairway leading f,rom the lounge and passed through an aisle of yeUow candles tied with white r_ibbons to the improvised altar ·banked with spring flowers and green. The Rev. Stephen A. L 1o Y. d of the First Congregational church of Wilmette read the service at 8 o'clock. A rec~ption followed. The bride wore a quaint bouffant costume of white satin taffeta, lace and velvet, and carried a shower of bride's roses and valley liHes. Her long vei~ of flesh tulle was ·fastened with stranrJs of real orange blossonms. Miss Helen Lawson of P etersburg, Ill., maid of honor, was gowned in taffeta of cklicate vello~ hue and fashioned with fun skirt. The })ridesmaids, ·Miss Katherine White and Mrs. Charles Wright of Evanston, · wore simila.r gowns in shades of green. All the attendants carried colonial bouquets. Ted Reid, the best man, and Charles \Vri~ht and Dave Gillman, the ushers. are all fraternity brothers of the bride~ groom. Mr. and Mrs. · Coombes have gone south on their wedding trip . and upon their return, will reside in Evanston. The French family lived in Wi~mett~ for eighteen years, leaving- here about three years. ago. Mrs. Coombes is a graduate of New Trier High school. Junior School Branch Plans Bridge and Sq,le Mrs. \Vatter A. Kleve is giving a bridge party at her residence. 7345 Seeley avenue, Chicago Saturday evening, March 5, as a benefit for the North End branch, Friends of Chicago school. The· North End branch now is a~r ranging for a rummage to be held this spring. The society announces that discarded clothing, shoes, furniture, among other things, will be very acceptab~e. Mrs. Mabelle R. Johnson of n36 Cornelia avenue, Chicago, will call for articles upon notification. To Play in Club Benefit Milan Lusk. in terna tionatly known violinist, wi!l appear Tuesday evening, March 22, at the Wilmette Woman's club for the benefit of the club building fund. This will he Mr. Lusk's first appearance in Wilmette since his return from a European concert tour last fall. On this occasion Mr. Lusk will he assisted hy Alvena Ressigue, contra 1to. Engaged Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Bilsland, 1228 Elmwood avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Winifred Beatrice, to Hugh Mackellar Robinson, son of M ~rs. \Villiam CoHn Robinson. of Chicago.' The fifth in the series of six sub1\f"ription dances being given by the Woman's club of Wilmette will be held tomorrow evening at the clubhouse. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the senior board of the Infant WelDr. Maude Sands is entertaining fare s~ciety was held Thursday, Feb- twenty-four Q"Uests at luncheon and ruary 24. at the home of MfS. W. E. hrirlgf' next Wednesday at her home, Duff, 530 Washington avenue. 1024 Central avenue. Wilmette chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is to present at the · Wilmette Masonic temple on March 15 and 16, a two-night all st<llr vaudtvilte revue and dance for the benefit of the organ funrl. Professional "{!lUdeville acts of the very highest type have been engaged for this occasion, an(t Walter Ford's Shore land hotel orchestra will play for the entertainment and the dance which wiU follow. In an · effort · to make this the most successful ·event of its kind, the \Vilmette chapter has arranged. to have an -e ntertainment· of a ~alihre on a par with the biggest and best vaude·1ille show in Chicago's loop. The . enter. tainment will be of a div.ersified t:haracter and. will be pleasing both tO children and grownups. A comprehensi~e tick~ selling cam paign has been inaugur ated aad is be· ing carried o.n by the member~. The executive committee in c~1 arge of this affair is cor.1 posed of Mrs. J. Robert McClure, Mrs. Haro~d D. Skelton, Mrs. Earl Orner, Mrs. John H . Brumbaugh, Mrs. William T. Jones, Mrs. Joseph 0. Conv(!rsc, Mrs Robert L. Young, Mrs. Axel Ahl strand, Mrs . Joseph C. Wilson, Mrs. Emmett Yarian, Mrs. Fred Birr, Miss Gladys CarlNeighborhood House strom, Miss Lila Kirkpatrick , all of Bridge Large Affair \Vilm ette, and Mr!). Ida M. Lyons and The benefit bridge party on Monday ~~ r:-;. Harry C. Sanders cf Winnetka . afternoon. February 28, at the Georgian hotel, by the Woman's Auxiliary society of Onward Neighborhood Save Wrappers to Buy House, Chicago. not only added maSilver for Arden Shore terially to the support of Onward The \Vilmette Arden Shore board Neighborhood House, but gave north shore society women a most enjoy- wishes to replenish the silve.nvare at Arden Shore camp, ·anci urges house:. able afternoon. keepers in Wilmette to save their Tables were attractively arranged Americai1 Family soap wrappers and in the Louis XVI room, th e lobby, and the panels from soap cLip boxes so the men's lounge. After a few hours that the board may gather thrm. In spent in playing cards and chatting this way it will be possible to acquire plea!)antlv, the six hundred women the cutlery. Last year several camp attendini the party were taken to the fir.e girls aided the hoard in t:ollecting prettily decorated ballroom and served wrappers, and the board annou!1ces delicious buffet refreshments. that it will be grateful for any as sist Arrangements · for the party W{;fe ance offered. made by the chairman, Mrs. John H. Mrs. Willis Hutson is in charge, but Buechler of Glencoe, who was assisted any member of the board will receive by a capable committee of north sho.r e any contributions. These members are women. Mrs. WilJis Hutson, Mrs. Leslie Gate s, M,rs. L. S. Becker, Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, Mrs. W. M. Harridge, Mrs. A. R. Wins Another Title For the second time in two weeks, Maclean, Mrs. Lester Mee, Mrs. FredMrs. H. Au stin Fardue of Chicago erick Tilt, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. (Dorothy Klotz) has distinR"u.ished her- Hayes McKinney, Mrs. Leslie Mi~lar, se lf by ·winning two golf champion- Mrs. J. ~. Orth, Mrs. Robert Stoddall'd, Mrs. D. L. Taylor, Mrs. W iII a r d ships. Thayer, Mrs. Myron West, Mrs. E. After carrying off the Florida wo- D. Fuchs, J\frs. F. L. Tolman, and Mr s. man's golf championship, she has add- }. C. Baker. ed the South Atlantic women's chamThe hoard will have an all-day meetpionship to her laurels for the second ing March 10, at the home of Mn. consecutive year, defeating Miss Mau- W. M. Harridge, 1440 Forest avenue. reen Orcutt, 19 year old metropolitan champion. Mrs. Pardue left Sundav evening to join her husband in Hib-- Hostesses at Bridge bing, Minn. Miss Mary Forrest, daughter of lfr. and Mrs. William G. Forrest of Winnetka, and Miss Mary Louise Cotton, Announce Marriage daughter of Mrs. Homer E. Cotton of M.r. and Mrs. John E. Benson of Winnetka, win entertain forty-eight Miami. Fla., announce the marriage of members of the sophomore class of their daughter. Frances, to Dr. Charles New Trier High school at bridge on Baily Blake of Wilmette on February .Saturday, March 5. The colors of St. 22. Patrick will predominate in the decoraMrs. Blake is the niece of Mr. and tions. Mrs. E. L. Essley of 234 Warwick road Kenilworth. with · whom she has m.ad~ · Mr. and M,rs. Geor e Burkhard f 0 her home for the past yeCllr. She ts a 544 Temple court Kg ·1 th s;r r ad u ate of Mi M ' h I . . ' em wor ' an"S ason s sc oo, nounce the engagement of their dau· hTar,rytown-on-the-Hudson. ter , Margar'et , t o H arry . . ttt, son g o f ~r. and Mrs. B~ake ~re m C~ba on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Witt of Evanstheir honeymoon and 'Ydl stop m New ton. The marriage is to take place in Orleans for the Mardt Gras. the late spring. 25, at the Drake hotel. There will be dancing and cards. Paul Ash will furnish the music and will be there in person with his · entertainers. · The committee on arrangements is composed of efficient workers from the Chicago Junior ·school and organizations which have been established as branches in the . north, south and west sides of the city, Evanston and .Oak P;t~rk. Among these workers are Mrs. Bion }. Arnold, Mrs. Emma F. Stross, Mrs. James E. PurneH, of the Sovereign hotel; Mrs. Jacob Netter, Mrs. Frank I.. Davis, Mrs. Stella Hinrichs, Miss Emma Doeserich, Mrs. Anna Hay Detrich, · of Chicago; Mrs. A. ]. Balab_ an of Glencoe; Mrs. Edga.r Fostcr Alden of Winnetka; and Miss Marion Ware of · Evanston. The Chicago ] unior school, located one mile north of Elgin, i; a home and ~ch~l for b.oys from ?roken .hot?e~. As t~creas_e m funds wtll pe,:mt~, Jt ts th~ mtent10n of the orga~.tzatt~n to bmld more cottages enab .mg ;tt . to care for not on!y a larger numb or of boys, but for gtrls .from ~hes~ home~. The pr?ceeds .of thts affatr wtll be dtrected mto thts fund. w·

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