Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1927, p. 16

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16 MISS GLADYS CARLSTROM Wilmette :13 3 z Exclusive Dressmaking in your home. C'ollege girls' Clothes a specialty. Tailored Frocks and Coats, also evening clothes. WILMETTE Mrs. street, at the 22, will LIFE March 4, 1927 lng, the con'f essional pre'par:.atory service beginning at .9 :30 .o'clock. All those who desire to receive the Sacrament are requested to . announce this to the pastor on Saturday afterno.o n or evening next. Noonday lenten services are announced by the Lutheran churehes of the Missouri Synod for the last three ·weeks of Lent, at the Adelphi tlteatre, ·clark .street. just a few doors north of Madisol'L 'r.h ese services will be held from 12 :05 fo 12 :35 every noon. The se.rmons will be delivered by Pastor Harry Eckhat·t. the first week; Pastor Carl Ehlt> rs of Cleveland, 't he second ; and Dr. W. Dau, president of Valparaiso unive rsity, during Holy Week. The puulic is invited. The regular monthly rr.eeting of the voting m embers of th e congregation will be h eld Tuesday evening, March 8, beginning at 7 :45 o'clock. Ewry volin~ member is ur~re d to attend this meeling·. 0. M. Bercaw of 741 Eighth who underwent an operation and Park avenues, Wilmette. Henrotin hospital on February Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A. pastor · return home in about. ten days. 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 St. John's Luthera· n Church telephone 3111. or -o- Best of references. Mrs. WiHiam F. Prisk of 222 Catalpa place, entertained on ' Wednesday, February 23, at a 1 o'Clock luncheon. ATWATER KENT RA.biO SERVICES 9 :30 a . m. Sunday school and Bib!~ classes. 9 :30 a. m. Confessional service for communicants. 9 :45 a. m. First service and holy communion. 11 :00 a. m. Second service and sermon; Sermon: "Christianity, a Burden or a Blessing." Isaiah 46, 1-4. Lenteri Service, Wednesday evening · at 7 :45 o'clock. Sermon: "Christ With His Disciples at the Garden." Adams Eleetrie Shop SZI 4th St. Loc.ated where we can know your car ""'and you .lfEETINGS Monday and F'riday at 4 : Children's classes. A m ef'ting of the C'hureh ('ouncil will Monday and Friday at 7 :Hi : Classes for be held on Monday evening, March 7 at 8 adults. Tuesday at 7 :45: Congregation m eeting. o'.(')Ock at I he pastor's study, in order to dJS( ' ll~s and formulate plans f0r th ~ ct, l~~ ·1'he pastor will d e liver the first of a hrr~ti f1 n of th e 2'5th anniversary of St. series of sermons for the Sunday morn- .lr,hn's whkh takes pla('('· in 192R. · ThP ing services next Sunday morning; the plan is to und e rtake some spedal \vork series follows: Match 6: The Chrbtian for the lH' n~>ftt of thP chur('h whi e h ·;ltall Religion, a Burden or a Blessing; l\lar. be complett>d at the time of the annlwr. 13: The Wasted Life ; March 20: The sary. Fruitful Life; March 27: The Happy Li(e; April 3: The Saved Life; April 10 Your a.ttention is also caJI<-d to tlle (Palm Sunday): The Dedicated Life. The second of our le ntt> n serviC't>s on 'Vf·dpublic is cordially invited to any and all n,esday evening March 9, at 7 :45 o'clock. of these services. 1 ~ e JJ~stor will preac h on ChriRt with Phone Wil. 1040 H1s Disciples al the Garden. YOU are The Lord's Supper will be celebrated invited. in the first service next Sunday mornAn rn('hanglng (;osnt>l f11r a t:hungJng World Humanity's progress during thP last decades has be!'n . lww ild<>ring. S('ience ha..c; stepped out wrth a vt-nC!'t>anc!'. C'omeR a, man name d Einst~>in and calmly disc,~rds P\'en r espectable laws of n;·.turC' . Life for the husky pion ee r of yearR ago w.:,t~ a Pf'aceful idyl comparr·d wit11· the dr;zy pacP s~t by the mod t> rn l!'f'nr>ra tion . \ ,tluf's ancl Jd tas, law~ and customs· all art> ch:mg-lng-. rlvilization is dasiling snnwwh(·r(', but the goal is not in sight . \V.<' hurry <~,long, but if hon!'st must adrmt to more than slight confusion nut though th<.· world round ab~ut has changed. h~lnan . nature r e mains the sa~e. For mater1al comfort your twrntiPth century ~an may requirP bn.lloon tlr!'s and a r:-.dr~, ::1: \'ac~u.m <'lean e r and a thermos bot~l e. h1s sptr1tua I n f'f' ds differ in no whit f.rom those of his rf'mot1·st ancestor He still needs a r:od who pardons and l~ves. a God whom J. ,. c·an love and call his Father. Rafflt><i by Jlfp's nwst Pri<>s and often buff(·t('d by painful experi<'nces ~e yearns for thP assurance that his exIstence has a purpose and that sonwwhere there is peace . An unchanging Oospf'l <'an ml;<'t this fund~mental ~nd unchanging nePd. It is tht> (~o:;;pel whiC'h Pnul of Tarsus prC'nchNl 1 !lOO years ago which. though but partially ~evealed gave comfort to men for centuri es before the coming of the Lord, the Gospel vf a crucifipd Savior who cMed that men might live and be redeemed to their God. That Gosp~>l has gone out of styl~ In many a church. It has not gone out of style In the Lutheran Church That P~nreh hody is not ashamed to ·confess With Paul that it Is "de terminPd not to You can readily understand that the k~ow an~thin~, save Jf'sus Christ, and Hn'!l cructfied. It t~kps tlw Rible In its service your car needs depends partially · f'ntrrety as .the in~pir e d \Vord of f:od . 9n th e basts of that divine revelation on how you handle it. 1t pre~ch e d tlw sinfulness }lnd doom of Here, at this Cadillac Branch, we can 1 man , 1t pr~>aches above a II thf' wondrous , g-race of God whose love in Christ has know your Cadillac~~~d you. r estored a fallen ra('e. Faith in that Redee m e r saves not all the good that nwn Cadillac's policy, after the sale, is to fol .. can do. low through with indiviqual service for Old-fashion ed? YC's, but thC' Lutheran Church ('Ontinup:;; tn pn,a('h that age-old the individual car. < :~sp p ) bP('aUst> it is convincC'd that despit , all changes "thc rP is salvation in Your Community Cadillac Branch came nont> otlwr." · into being to provide such service. Any C~dUlac owner will tell vou what this means in pleasant motoring. (E.,an.ston Bt'anch) CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston UnitJersity 8600 · Rogers Park 9132 Marion Nettleman 1~3 Fift~enth street, was given ~ surprise birthday party Sunday, February 27, hy twelve of her schoolmates at the Howard school. Bunco was a feature of the afternoon's entertainment. Miss ----------------- · · · · · · y. y y ·· ·1 CADILLAC ERV ICE ~ What Is ' . . .. .. ' B. P. S.? Ask Your Druggist . --s· .

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