Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1927, p. 11

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.March· 4, ·1927_ · ' WILMETTE LIFE 11 of His Followers." tlcon pictures. 5 :30 Social hour, place to be announced later. The ·first of ' the series of Lenten FamP.r.inte~ copies of the sermon on . the ilY Suppers was h eld · Wednesday 'n ight. 6 :15 Discussion: "How May We . Enlist "Why and Whither of Prohibition" have for Greater Service In Christ's King. Nearly one hundred sat down to eat and been-tlistributed' to members of the con-'doml," remained .for the devotional service which gregation. Requests are coming in every fo.llowed. Reservations are already being mail for additional copi es so that a still made for the. supper next .'Vcdnesday The · Se nior H~gh school group includ- larger distribution may be made. · One evening. · ing grad es t en, e le ven, and twelve, have writer has asked lor two hundred copies a !)imilar plan on the subje·c t, "What It to send to a select group of leaders. Af the Men's class last . Sunrlay morn- Means to Be a Christian." The worship ing, a Chines.e stud ent by · the name nf programs will be h eld in th e High School Yap spoke on the present conditions in depa rtm e nt a t 9 :30 a . m. The evening Chi·n a . His addre ss was 2 0 interesting to prog rams a r e planned as follows : th,e m en that they have a sk ed him to r e- Marc h 6, Discussion : "What It Means to Be a Chri sti a n in Our H o mes." Mr. E . turn next Sunda y at whicn time he will < 3. Bentley, leade r . continue the di scussion . Methodist ·Oiiurch·. MONEY TO LOAM First Mortgage 8% .Kennanelng and New Jlialldln11 W. L. PECK CO. .. St So. La Salle St. Central 08!5 1'·""""""""""'""'"""""'"""""'"""'""""'"""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""'""""'""'""""'""""'"'""'"""""'"""""'""""'""""'1 1 - It Will Pay :\larch 13, Discuss io n: " What It Means '.rhe Ladi el:l' AiJ suciety h eld a n a li-day t o H a n ; a Chri stian ::\pirit in Our sewing meeting In the church on ThursChurch." · tl a y a t 10 a. m. Lunch eon w as ser ve d lJy thhl Second divi s ion. A bus iness m eeting ~[ar (' h 1 3, Me;·tin g- in J ohn \ Veslcy ruom w a s held. at 2 p. m . 'J'h e d e \·otions wer e o f c ~a rr e tt fli!Jli ca l Institute, M:rs. F. led by Mrs. E. E. Te al. C. Eiselen ex11l a ining, "\Vha t It Mean s , j t o H a ve a ('hri s ti a n Spirit in Our On .Thurs.~ a ~, ::\,r.a rc h ~ .o :. a ~ 2 o c.l.ock C' l~ urch. " drawing h ~ r lllu s ~rati o ns from th.e Woman s For ug n ::\[I ss lon,Lry s.?c.ety the VE' ry unmm a l display of pictures w1l! m eet at the 14om~ of' :\Irs. E. a nd r elics · · J a m es, 1 3·04 F orE<s t a n ·nuf' . · The devo- I _ Prospective Rug Buyers · · to read our announcemen in next week's Issue of this paper: R. l W est. ~~oen~e~~~~ ~v~l{ c;~e ~~ vi':~~d ~; ~r~r~g:r: 1 :\farc·h 20, Di sc usshm : " What It ~lean s t o Be a C hri stian in Our Sport s." "The Caravans are due to arrive" Bi shop Edwin H olt Hug-hes will prea ch - ~l a r c h 27, "\Yh a t It 1\lc·ans to Be a Chris- _ tian in Our ]{elati on t o P eople of Oth t: r at th e 11 o'clock worship Rc rvice n ext R3ces and Nati o na liti es ." Putting on _ Sunda y . m orning. InaRmuch as "The a program in th e Italian M. F.. Church F our Hundred" have signified th eir inin 'hicagc. ~ t (·nti on t0 attend, it will be> n ecessary for those who v:ish to h ear him to come early. He wa~. as everyone know ~ . ·2lected by April :~. "What It l\leans to Be a C hristian in Our High School. " popula r vot e as one of th e twenty -five great preachers of America. New m embers will b e r ece ived at this April 10, ·worship program with stereop- ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ service. This will be the thirtl group that has been r eceived since Conference. :b.,orty-o ne ha Ye already joined, and it Is expected that this number will be greatly inc t·eased n e xt Sunday. ~ I Programs of special Inte r est have been developed for two groups of Young People during the Lenten season. The older gro up ha.s planned a series of programs including: the worship program at 9 :30 a . m . in the Young People's house; social hour In the various homes at 5 :30 p . m. to be foll owed by a group di :;;cu:;s ion at 6: 15. Th ese programs have beE' n arranged as foll ows : ~farch 6 : 9 : ~0 a . m . Worship program. Subject : J E>sus ' Id z>als of P e rsonal Righteo nsn pss . r; :30 p. m . Social hour, at Frank Millington 's home, 126 Oxford road, Ke nilw orth . 6 :15 p. m. Discussion: . "What Challenge Do Jesus' Ideals of P ersonal Rightf'ousn ess Present to Us?" "Dad" Elli ott, leader. March 13: 9 :30 a. m . Subject: "Jesus' Attitud e T oward His Bible." 5 :~0 p. m. Social hour at home of lfary Ellen B entley, 804 Elmwood Avenu e. 6 :Hi p. m . Discussion : "What Is the Most Desirable Attitude W e May Have To ward Our Bible ?" Dr. Edwin Voight, leader. ::\Jarch 20: 9 : 30 a . m. Subject: "Jesus Shows the Christian's Object in Life." 5 :3 0 p. m. Social hour at h om e of Li Ili e Humphries, 255 'wood court. 6 :1fi Discussion: "How Is One's LifP \Vork Discover ed?" Dr. Holmes, lead <' r. March 27: 9 :30 a. m . Subject: "J ~.: ::m s ' Klndn es::; Knew No Bound:-;." 5 :30 Sodal hour at home of Harold Wegne r, 421 Elmwood avenue. 6 :15 Discussion : "How May a Christian Be Most H elpful to P eonle of Other Races and F ollowers of Other R e ligi ons?" Dr. ,V. D. Schermerhorn, leader. April 3: 9 :30 a. m. Subject: "Jesus' Loyalty to His Cause." 5 :30 Social hour at home of Dr. H. G. Smith, 1018 Lake avenue. 6 :15 Discussion: "Do We Have Any Responsibility to the Organized Church, as Followers of Jesus Christ?" Dr. M. Bickham, leader. April 10: 9 :30 a. m. Subject: "'W hat J esus Asked See the Leonard Refrigerat<'t Display at Millen's ··· The Leonard Refrigerator is the best value. Whether it's the PorcelainIn-and-Out typet with its nickel plated hardware, or the Refrigerator in Oak finish, lined with porcelain, the one you buy will give you more than mere satisfaction. Each box is equipped for either ice or electrical refrigeration. All Sizes~From $30.00 to $189.00 The Leonard Saves Electricity or Ice · The Leonard Method of insulating the door edges to keep out the air, means that just that much less refrigeration is required to maintain the desired temperature ... and just that much less electricity is needed. In case ice is used, there is less chance of its melting. What Is B. P. S.? Ask Your Grocer JOHN MILLEN 1219 Wilmette Avenue Hardware Phones 3060-3061 ··················· 4h+++++++··········· · .

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