Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1927, p. 9

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. ·. \ ... , : __ .,. · · 0 : · :: ·,·. :. .. .... ·.. ' ·.... . . .. . · . . .· . < :.:·.<~~~·; ·: . ~ .. -- ~: .,-, -. ~ I,L.f4.E T T E : . - . -: · - · · ·· · ·-· "· ; : ·. ·. · .· · LIFE NORTH SHORE LEADERS: --_· ·_: ~-.R~ad~~--: W : iii. -·~ll~~t~i~-~ :· ~ ·-. · _.. ··· -· ·- · --· - . -· . StQlp. Pupils :Wednesday. · ·BOOST SKOKIE DRA~NAGE. ·. -~'iss C)l~rl?1tc ·oa~in·, :.itt·_ insfn(cto.r · ._ _-. . .·. .. m ·mtcrpxetatlvc rea:_dmg.m _ th.e . S~ hool ·Eat - ·· .Q.f'.Spe·cth -of N'orJhwe.s tern. ·uni}i6rsity, _Q.rg.a~nz~ S~ok_·e D!~IDill(~.· Asso_~_ ·,v.i.~l Fe t,c, ·th_'c_' -piipirs'. oL ·the;!. ~yr·on ctabo~;t · at Me~bng ~rl(lay . . ·Stolp· ·sc hoo·l :_Motiday m6rni11g, March · in Glenc;oe . ·. · 7. ,. ~1r.ss'. :nak.in is· kn ::)\vn:· thro'pgho\lt the n9rth .-s hor-e· an_ (t · i~-- cqnsidere:u· one ··· · · ·· · ·. · : · . . _:. ~~:,. . . . oE tl1c- t·u o-st f?scin a tin g- -readers oi1 th e. _ Af~cr · _man~·- yea!'~ _ _of <hscus·sro_ n ?.~ piatfOrtH~Od~y: . · She has heen ·featured . the su\>J,t>Ct. :of dramu;g · the Skoklt:\ o·n the \V dhl L' s~lav ·.evening Northwestg~t.:~t.e_r _aclva ncetJletlt to~~·a.r d s the -ern prngr:l:m fJY-ci: s tation \V~r AQ, Chi~tcht:~:,;c.J~.~e.nt r~~sul\ed .at _ a JOint . 111 (~Ct~ cagu, . and, in .the capacity .of .an i~l.. tng .a[- rtt.!Z.t.'ll " (~f. ~n?rt h s l! orc: vtll <:tg-c:-. structo r af' ~o r t lnvcstcrn, .. ei. i joys . a _at G·Jcncoc_ . . Fnd~y . cv~ nm g of. la st dose fricntls·h ip 'v.ith the' ma ny pupils ~·r<: e_l<, _ th_<~ 11 I I~~~ .eve~ been accomp h ~hed who· have stu(li 0d ,\'ith her. ·She 'xill ·lli apy ·-l~rcc_edtfl g effort . !'cad a llUI11 bCf . of · se lections . fami li ar Att .-o rgatii.za~i~)tl \~as p~_~fectcd, ·to h.c to t i·1e __!=h i.ld.t:cn, as· well ·a~ . e_ nral new kno\\'n ·a-s the Skok1e Dr :-uua gc- ~l~~oc t - 11111 ~ 1 he-rs . · ati"On,. o'f ·which ·Ge neral John V. Clin·· - · · · ilit1, of 'Gicncbc, wa'i dected pn' s.i<lc t1t · . ·. an<l Lloyd .H i>lli s· t ~r. of \Nin uetka ,.' sec -retarL IV( embers hip 'of the new associati-0t; is. to he open to <~11_ ci,;ir bcdies i 11 t lH' Sk~)kiu valley: · · · J\ <.~ (-ltl:t_-llit.lc~ contpris ·.ng- representa-· riou s ~;cctio!·:s ·intcrc~t · r'ivt':{. iroi1t the v.Cl_ . ed' \Yn;;. apjlo.in ted, t\\'l!ich ·committe-e will .: rcpnrt· t'o· tl1e ~t'ssociatio n at a date to , h1;·· c:il_ll'd ·later. 'fhc members of th! ~; com rt-ltt k c f i dI o w : . · 1 Edward ~L Latm, :Jf Hig-hltlHd Part,; I Joht; r>. · J'!aol!, of \ Vau· B un ; H . vV. ·nntlr·r · <dHI \Viliiam Edwards. Cleno>c; Gc cn ..!·(· J>'<irk, '\\'in·nerka; . 1. A. Pctcr~on .. ~~~·iti h~· ort h ; :\Jr. Kellogg , Ind ia n · .' Hi I1:. 1-1 o \' !_· l< i 11 ~, \\ · i lm e t t c ; \ Vi11 ia m · lfa~--~ <, ·!Jt·edt'e ld; G('neral John V. Clln!l in :.!lld Bet·l Schildr.-en, New Trier tO\\'thlnp · ;t!HI ] . :\ . \Valsh, High\\'ood. ~li· m · i t'\\'. and \: orthhro o k \\'ere iiOt rtTI't'SI :Illl'd . Tht~ cnmmi~tcc \\'as cnt 'pu,,·l rl'd to · t'ttbrge its ll)L'rnhc! :-.h i; ; · Sixty Attend Meeting The wedin~ was he ld at tltt Skok 1t· Coutnrv t luh . .The husiness scs"ion, folln\\'i;1~ .a d inner at () :30 o'cJc,ck, \\'as att<:r,dcci h\· ah.out s ixtv men. Let1 Hill lll:tl'. Jl:-l' ~ ici l' ut of the. Crlencoe Chamber <·.i ~,_·Cl,llllh'rct·, call ed the meeting to <·P kt and hrit·lly ou tlined its ohicct, fl,llt)\\'ing whicll Gt'nna l John V Cli11 .. n itl pr·_ ·side(l' as rha i:· man . P t t · c c d 111 L; · 1II l' o fe! ani z at i o 11 ·of t ftc ~kokic Drainage as-nciatio 11 , numerous ctd illt st a-;t.i( ;tddiTS~t·s were n1 adc bv . n· p rc-enLtll\'t's of the ,·ario us vill ag·es, includittg engtnet'r!l and attorneys, durin .~ " hiclt. 111l'tl111rh of pr~)Ct:d u r.e were di~cmsc d as a .~ uidancc tn plans to be fo:nllllated ,hy the co mmittee selected. · Char'll' s :\l . Hobert s, engineer for the · · ·. · .. -.·- . - ·:·· ·· :. '·· : ad . FISH . Telephon9Wour orders-Wilmette· 649 No Toll We Deliver ·R . ead 'the want Ad.s I ... . . Let Rough Dry Free You From Drudgeday For it saves you much ironing--It irons out flat work- fluffs bath towels, underwlar and hosieryeverything comes to you dry and smooth- leaving only the lighter pieces for you to finish. Rough Dry IJCPound 20o/ 0 Discount for Work Called for and Delivered Home Laundry A. F. Denzin, Prop. , - illa~c <of . \\'i lmct !l' and Frank A. \\'i1;de-. , of tltt' tirm oi \Vindcs anrl ~f ar:-h , t'tlginl'~r s r~)r· the Village of \\' innetka and Gkttrot·, ('adt rdc rrt'd to ;lll ptojcc1 ·as ·<,nc \vhich is vcrv feasi!Jlr fro111 an engineering poin1 nf view. Want Sanitary District to Act It \\'as til l' concensus of the lllt't'!Jng 525 Main St. = Phone Wilmette 606 . o o llllllllll lllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll.lllllllllllllll llllll lillllll llltlllllllllll llll lllllll llll llllltilll,lltlllllll:ll lll ll!tl.tlllllllllll ll llllll llllllllllll lllllllil:!llllllllllllllllllllillllill llilllllll'll:· t!I HJII\IIIIIlllllllllllllllllll lllll llllill·l tlllt :lllt l lllll lllllll llllllll lllll2EJ - ~~ ~ th at tl tt' S:1i11tary district of C hicago is the logwa l body to make :1 reality of the desired plan s. Further expres sion of thi s nat t;u· was ma ck a t the meeting of the Glencoe village J, oa rcl , Monday evening of this week, when a reso lutiot' was . unani mously adopted by the board, endorsin g the plan to petition the Sanitary district to grant the relief by the coHstructio n of a suitable drainage ditch th,.oughout the Skokie valley, and pledging the co -ope ration of the board to this end Cherry and . Apple Strudel A light flaky dough ; filled \\·ith cherries or fr~sh apples. You will want these often . Spanish Sponge Cike A delicious. ca~e, perfe~thly abdap~ed for combination Wit erncs, fruits. whip creJm, ice cream, etc. BJkcd in the small individual size, and Jlso the larger sizes . 1~he small individual cak.:s are just right for parties and luncheons. Cocoanut Layer Cake Filled with orange cream, and generously topped \Vith cocoanut. 'Always one of the most pop.ular of our many famous specialties. ON SALE SATURDAy ~· ~. · - ON SALE SATURDAY Teachers to Hear Talk by Mrs. A. F. Merrill I ~- Mrs . Anthony French Merrill is to address the Wilmette Teachers' club TWO STORES at its meeting Monday, March 7· , at 1504 Howard St., Chicago 1129 Central Ave., Wilmette the Byron Stolp school. Mrs. Mer~ Phone Sheldrake 9 6 38 Phone Wilmette 2998 ril!'s subject will be, "Satisfactions that Abide." This is the second lecture Mrs. Me"nrill is · gtVmg before the -H 0 R0 B N E ER D A Yteachers this year ·and her 'talk on Monday is in response to an insistent ool~llllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll:llll.lllllllllllllllllll ll lll ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllltl:~III~IJim demand from the -members. I T c ss u s v y . F - . .·

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