Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 3

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February 25, 1927 WI L M ETTE NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Commerce.) Friday, February 25 7 :30 p. m. Wilmette Chapter, R. A. M., Masonic temple. Sunday, February 27 7 :30 p m. Sunday Evening club. Speaker, Sherwood Eddy. Congregational church. Monday, February 28 8 p. m. Board of directors meeting, Chamber of Commerce, at the office. Tuesday, March l 12:15 p. m. Luncheon Wilmette Optimist club. Lake Shore Terrace. 7 :30 p. m. Village board meeting, Village hall. 8 p. m. Wilmette Camp, No. 10334, Modern Woodman of America, Odd Fellows' hall. Wednesday, March 2 12:15 p. m. Luncheon \Vilmette Rotary club , Ouilmette Cou11try club. Thursday, March 3 7:30 p. m. \Vilmette Lodge, No. 931 A. F. & A. AI.. :\fasonic temple . 8 p. n1. A. T. Sherman lodge, No 892 I. 0. 0. F., Odd Fellows' hall. Friday, March 4 7 :30 p. m. \\ 7ilmette Chaptc·r. R. A. 11 ., ~Iasonic temple. R p. m. \Viievan sbr ook Encampment , No. 177. I. 0. 0. F .. Odd Fellows' hall. Sunday, March 6 i :30 p. m. Sunday Evening rlnb, Co ng regational church. Monday, March 7 8 p. m . Chamber of Com men·(· me etin g. Central Cafc tena. LIFE I 3 CONSIDER NEW SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS SOON Prepare to Appoint Nominating Committee to Select Candidates for Posts Selection of candid~tes for the officials who will control the destinies of the \Vilmette public schools for the next few years will be made within the next fortnight, it was announced this week. The presidents of the two local Pa.rent-Teacher associations and of the Woman's Club of Wilmette this week considered the · appointment of a committee of nine Vvilmette residents to put into nomination candidates for the regular ticket to be e~cted at the yearly_:_ school election on April 9. This committee will meet shortly and can\'a ss the situation with a vic\~ to making the best possible selections. The position s to be filled are tho se o f pr e!-~ id e nt to succeed I I erbert B. ~1ulford, who has been president ·since the death of Arthur H : Howard and ,..,·ho is definitely retiring from local "Chool work: and those of members oi the hoard of education to succeed ~frs . J ohn B. Boddil', who retire s after se n-ing six years, and to fill the unexpired term of Phillip Siggers who has IllO\Td i rom \Vilmett e. Follow Old Custom For 'm ore th an ten Years it ha s hctn the custom in \\.ilmett c to se lect candidat es for the re gular ticket at school t'lectinns throug h the co-operation of th e \\'oman\ club· and the Parc..:n t '1\:achLT a~:- :x iations. \\' bile it is with in th e r!ght of any ot hr r gro up to put up ca n(l!d atcs t hr ough thr lrgalm ethod of pdition n:ry se ld om ha~ thi s been done. 'I'hcrdorc the action of the nom- · inat in g cnllltnittl·c i.-; almost rquivalent t<.) .a.n a]\p c>intmet)t: and g r ea t r esponsthtltty re sts up on th e nominating comIn ittcc. Thi.-; i ~ particnlarh· true bcl·ause rar c..: ly do more than t\\'cnt v- fi,·c peop le Yote at tilL· sc hool elcc tiot;s alt hou ~ h t hnl' arc more than 3,000 part·nb 111 thl· sc hool di strict. Effect Many Changes . During th e ad111ini -, t ration nm\· jta \\'tn g tn a do~e a nunther of rhat1ges in pre\'ious policies in school affairs have bee n tnadc. Of these perhap s the most llllhtanding arc tiH,'. following: The sc hool hoard \\Tnt on record as being a lcgi .-; lati \'C and not an executi~·c bc1dy and appointed a busine . ;;s lila nagcr. For the fir:-~t time in the history of the sc hools financial auditing system \\'a s adopt t(l. · The ~c hool hoard initiate(} a vear ago the \'illage-\\'ide recreation mo\'emcnt now in effect. through -the conper. a tion of all the \Vilmett e municipal b:)dies. The grounds at the Central-Bvron Stolp group of schools were matc~ially increased to permit the recreational program to operate. Look to Future :\ thorough sun·ey of all physical needs of the school district was made. This survey is to he kept up to date year after yrar. so that changing conditions in the village \viii not catch the board unprepared. Aft'er a long study of the changing methods in teaching throt1ghout the country, Professor Breed of the UniYcrsit~· of Chicago ha.s jn:-t been employed to bring a staff of experts into the . chools for the purpose of making a critical sunc" of thr course of studv and methods o.f teaching and to mak-e recommendations in respect to any advisable changes. The health program of the schools has bern revolutionized within the past year. afte.r a survey of a large number of schools. E DD Y HERE SUNDAY W or I d Famous Traveler, Lecturer, Author and Religious W orlcler to Address Wilmette Sunday Club Dr. Sherwood Eddy, widely known traveler, lecturer and religious worker, will speak at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, February 27. His address will conce.r n conditions in Russia as he found them on his recent tour of that country. Mr. Eddy is one of the best known men on the American lecture platform today. He has made many trips to different parts of Europe in his study of conditions abroad. Mr. Eddy was in India for some time as a national secretary for the Y. M. C. A. Later he wa5 appointed secretary for Asia for the Y. M. C. A. He also worked among the students of Japan, Korea, China, India, the Near East and Russia as an honorary worker without salary. By request he addressed the Chinese Provincial Parlia· ments, boards of trade and governrnent institutions. He is the author of ."The Awakening of India," "'fhe New ~ra in Asia," "The Student of Asia," "\Yith Our soldiers in France," "Everybody's \Vorld. " "Faring the Crisis," and several other well known books. ~f adam Edith Bicleau Kormelli will be the soloist this Sunday. 1927 COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE TO START SOON Charity Needs Are Greater This Year; Prepare to Give Accordingly M a:il Delivery for Kenilworth Coming Early This Summer Beware, When You Buy Roses, Is the Tf'arning Sounded· a ~I r.... J o h n I ;in d. n i 31 ~ Hi c h m on d road. a member of th e Kcnil\\'orth Garden clnh and th e Garden Cluh of America. in a cnmmunication tn \\'it.~rETT~ LrFJ·: , snund ~ a timely \\·arning- to north ~ h o re garden O\\'lH.' r!-1 to beware of what ~he term s '·'bogu:-; ro:-;c :"alesmen," \rh n m she :-ay.-; reap a \-eritable har\'e st at thi ~ time o f the year. ~f rs. Lind declare.-; that last vear unscrupulous firm s \'ict im isc d Ke;1 il \\'Orth residents out Clf $1.700 and \\'inn etka re :'l id ent s out of $3.300 by ~ e1ling them dri<:d up. hrnktn rn ~c~. ~frs . Lind says the practice 11f selling this class of stock ha .-; been taken up with ]. Horace ~{ c Farland . of the .t\mcrican Hose society. and she says Logan-Howard P. T. A to he will he glad to rccci,·e any data Hear Eminent Lecturer pertaining to irre sponsible dealer~ that anYone can send him, that the matter Dr. Hilton Ira Tones. Director of may· he further inve stigated and this Research for the Redpath bureau of pract ice stopped. Chautauqua, will address a meeting of the Parent-Teacher association of the Howard Logan schools. Tuesdav e\·ening-. March 1, on the suhject "A· Studv i1.1 Self ·M anagement." Dr. Jones is 11 at ion a 11 v known as an aut horita tin' educatiot1al lecturer on the psychologT and c hem istn· of the human mind and hody and ""ill. it is said. !>ring a message of vital importance ancl of great interest. · The meet in~ will hl' known as Father's night and \Yilt he under the supervision and direction of the men of the organization. The musical prog-ram for the evening will he furnished ln· ~fiss Helen Smith. who will sing a· group of soni!S. ~fiss Smith \Yill he accompanied on the piano hy ~f r..;. ONE WHO CAN COOK! Hallas Gilbert. The 1927 Community Chest campaign starts March 20, according to Hector Dodds, secretary of the Wilmette Community Chest Association, Inc., who requests workers are asked to volunteer and all others are requested to ·be at home ready to receive the volun:teer workers on that date. Regarding the work last year, Secretary Dodd says : "While Wilmette did well last year, we must do better this year. Several charities greatly need larger allotments. The Florida tornado and midwestern flood relief compel the Red Cross to ask for more. The rapidity growing good work of the Salvation Army, the Volunteers of America and desperate orphans of the Near East, make it imperative that all old subscribers give a little more for 1927 and that manv new subscribers start with this splen-did civic endeavor. "Ninety-seven percent of last year's subscripitions to the Community Chest were paid before the beginning of the last month of our chest. year. All budcret allotments to various charities have been paid in full. Unexpected increase in local charity needs means that ~11 of the remaining three percent of sttll due subscripti:)ns shall go to · .it~cr~,ase P o:-, tal delivery sen·ice will he in- the allotment of our local chanttes. Belo\\' is the auditor's certified restalled in Kenilworth on or about June 1, according t o a letter received port of the 1926 chest, to February 15: .\tulltor·s ('t>rtltletl Report hy Postmaster \Y. R. Blan chard from ~tat~-nH: nt o( n . el'i t)ts and disburseCongressman Carl R. Chindbl om earh· nwnts for tht.. l)t'riod from :\larch 18, 1926 this w ee k The carrier force will con·- tn l·'t ·hru nry 15, l~t:2i. s i ~t o i two men. t o he selecte d 1)\· ci,·il I:alanct· on hand , .\1 an·h 1S, 1!l~l) . . . . :252.14 .-;e ryi ce rxa minat ion so metime ~n t hr HE( 'l~IPTS: near future . SuiJ:-:l·t·iptions pl t'dg- e d Th e granting of a carrier servi ce tlurin g· tlw yt>ar .... $21,703.ft5 L,·ss: !"u!J!'criptions ior Kenih,·orth follO\Ys clo~ch· a uni unpaid F,·IJruar:· fied effort on the part of the Yillagc 1;,, 1!·::!1 . . . . . . . . . . . 706.25 official~. ci,·ic organizations and Post 20,99i.70 ma ste r ntanchard. hacked up in \\"a . , h$21 ,24~.84 in g ton by the interest and attention i lf!"l:l'l~SK~\IE~TS : of Congressman Chinclhlom. Tn an- l'a id to Bvrwfidarit·sswers to a questionnair e sent out hr fnfnnt \\"t·lfan· ...... $ 6,000.00 .\ nl t' ll !-'hnrt' . . . . . . . . 6,000.00 F. L. Streed. Yillagc manager. regardXt·ar East Tit>li t' f . . . :~,000.00 ' ing the desire for such a se n ·ic e on Yolunt l·l·rs of .-\ nwrica 250.00 the part of the residents in general .\m<·r·i<'an R Pd ( 'ros~ 1,73~.50 it was founcl that an overwhelming Young· \YonH·t/s Christ ian .\ssn . . . . 1,000.00 number \\·ere in fayor of the propo \\'ilnwtt e Boa.rd of sitio·l. Postal inspector s sent out hy Local Charith>s . . 600.00 the government also returned a fayor~al\·ntion .-\nny .. .. 1,125.00 .\ nwriea n Tit·d ('ross, ahle Yerdict with the re!:lult that the ~Jh · l'ial . . . . . . . . . . . . :wo.oo . en· ice v>a s granted. * . ~~0,007 . 50 l·:xpt · n~t ·:s- \Yilnwttt · ('hatnlwr of \'om mt·I'LT for fil'('570.00 l' L· tarial work ... .. $ St;Hinllt>ry, Printing , P11stag·t.o, ('{(' . 311.44 881.44 $20,888.!\4 BalaJH't ·, t'ct~h in hank, }\·hruary Hi. l!l~i . . . . $ 360.90 A~DREW, F .·-\. Treasurer. "\· han· t·xamin ed the books and recon.ls as kf'pt by the Treasurer of the Wilnwtt~· Community Chest Asso<'iation for Uw JWI'iod from :\lar('h 18, 192G to February 15, 1927, and ct::rtify that th e fore_ going !'takment is in accordance therewith. All l't'('t'ints as !'!hown hy the hooks \\·ere d t.o positt' d in flank and thE' disbursenwnt~ \\'t ' l't' ('\'idt:·nct:d bv cancelled ehecks Tlw C'ash bal:mce as at February 1;;, I !l~i. was r·econdled with the hank statt·nwt:ts and found to bt> cotTt'Ct. ('hil'ag·o, Ill., F't·bruary 17, 1927. .-\TITHUR YOUNG & CO .. Certified Public Accountants. on rill-. C. of C. Officers Attend Skokie Drainage Meeting The officers of the \Vilmette Chamber of Commerce will attc..:nd the joint meeting of the \Vilmettc, Winnetka and Glencoe chambers, which will be held at the Skokie Countrv club this evening, for the purpose ~f considering the proposed Skokie drainage. Household help finds situuions easily through the Want . Ads: Pl~OTES'I':\:X'I' ing n nd I i~· ht llClU:o;t·\\·ork. lio ltomt· nights. ROO Oakwood Avenut>, eorner of Eighth, \Vilml'tte. U IHL Ji'OTI <'00K- LIBRARY BO ARD M EETS At a meetinr.r of the ho~rd of Trus tee:. of the \Vilmette Public Library, held .qt the lihrarv. \V eclnesdav evening, Fehruar~· 23. routine husin~ss was transacted and plans made for the coming month.

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