Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 52

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clubs or the motion · picture house should refuse to permit this-insist that they shall have all the advantages .of being located in our midst, yet Editor, WILMET'rt Lrr.:: be exempt from subscribing to the codes and ordinances that apply to the To the citizens of New Trier town- re.s.t of us. As far as I can see nothing ship:~ . wtll be done nor can he done to legisAt the request of the Citizens com- late them out of existence if Wilmette mittee handling the "No Man's Land" does annex this ground. The developsitu~tion, there was introduced in the ments have proceeded there to a point Illinois Legislature a Bill known as t~~t undoubt.edly. precludes the possiH~use Bill No. 51, designed to give f)lltty of zc:>mng tt for residential purWtlmett~ or Kenilworth the right to poses. T_he district is already stamped annex by ordinance this piece of unre- hy 'Yhat .ts there. no~ as a business Qr stricted and unpoliced territory lyinrr se~11-bu s mess dtstnct and the only between the two villages. o thmg that would be imposed upon the . T~e ~ilmet!e. council has already Present developments is Wilmette stgntfied tts wtllmgness to annex this building codes, its police and fire reproperty and the Kenilworth council strictions and general laws protecting has signified its willin gness to let Wil - the welfare of the people. mette do so, as the territory logically There is nothing that any good, belong-s to Wilm ette. A number of ~ ound respectable club would want to the lot s al ong Chestnut street ar.e do that the laws of Wiln.Iette wou!d part!~· in vVilmette and partly in '~No prohibit and there is no good re a~on Man 's Land" and Wilmette is in a wh~ these p~ople should fight against better position to give th e territory paymg a Wtlmette tax which is reaadequat e fir e and police protection . sonable and just and no more than any Thi s Bill wa s introduced by our r ep- of us along the north shore have to r es entati\·e in the hou se, Mr. Howard pay on our h.omes and our busin ess es. P. Castl e. and is supported in the M u Yet .both clubs have und ertaken to nicipaliti cs committ ee . to which it \\·as fight this Bill. If they m ean to mainref erred by anothe.r of our reprcscnta - tain the _ high moral and membership tiYcs. "!\f r. \\'illiam F. Propp er. · standard they have adve·rtiscd whv Both those gentl emen are heart and should they refu se to put tlH' n~ selv e.s soul wi th th e nc.> rth ~ h o r e in thi s effort under ·legal restriction s that would to protcd it self and we have good rca- guarantee thi s ? Thi s is an . opportuson to h e proud of them. nity for the citizen s of N cw Trier Our th ird repr ese nt a tive. Mr. Mar- township, ·as well as the present memtin H . Finneran , \Y C feel confident. bership of the club s, to jHclge their dewill al so s11nno rt us wh en he learn s of sirability in our neighborhood by their future action with reference to this the Bill and it s object. Hill. Tn .iusti ce ·to the Break er s Beach Thi s Rill was giv en a se cond hearin g club, let it be said th a t th e promoters before the committee las t wee k. Tue sof th at ent erpri se are considering a day. a t which tim e A tt~' . Ralph F. chan ge of attitud e on th eir part . P ott er. r c pr e~ entin g- th e Citi ze n s com- I Vista del . Lagn. ho\\T H'r. still hold " mi t tel' a nd t he Vill a, ge of \Vilm ette, a loo f hu t we hope th at they too. \\'ill ably pr e~e nt c d valid a nd sound ·arg- ument s for it s passage. 1\fr. Benj amin sec th e li g ht for 'th eir o wn br nefit. As fnr th e :\yv r . . P. oal mov ing 'pi cM . ~fit chc ll. renr rsc nta tive · from th e 21 st Dis tri ct in Chicago, pr on d a tow- tun: sy ncl ira t r . 1 n ') ' claim to he pat er of streng th fn r us in the commi tt <'e, ri oti c, civ ir -mi r · ·d. north ~ bor e res iahlY fi ghtin g f01:- th e right s of th e dent s tha t wo ul c. no t promote or estab 40.000 or morr re sid e1its o f th e north li sh anything dt r in Jt·nt a l t o t lw nort h shore again st th e privileges of th e few shore. \Vh y t lll'n do th ey fi ght th is inYn1n d in " "\"o ~f a n' s La nd" a nd it s Bill- to h e pt rmitt erl to opera te ottt -; id c of the loc al I a \\' :-~ and ord ina nus ? den ·lop me n ts. . App earin g before th e comm ittec in fs it b.ecatl ' l' o f t he ~ li g ht i nc r e a~c in oppositi on to th e Bill was A tt o rn e ~· tax at ion th at \\ 'ilmc·tt e ann ex a tion F.11 1 il C. \\\ ·tt Pn . r epn·.;cn ti tlg Yista ckl \\'()U!cl brin g? Th at would rx pr e ~ s a Lago and I a 111 1c del. ~[ r. A ncs Boat's lmv -gr;"td e of c itizenship. Is it hcc tusc mm· ing pi ctmc ~y ncli c at e ; ;tnd At tm- th eir theater ha s been lea se d to a rcla ney Robert P. Roll o. r epr ese nting th e tiH of one o f the ftrtn o f Bal aban & Ka tz anti th a t Sund a,· moYi cs arc Rrr akers Reach club and th e Ga ges. Tl1is Bill kt s bl' ell · pr onotmcecl en - pl a nn ed. Thi <> seems to me to be the tir ch · constitut io nal by some o f th e m o ~ t impnrtant rea son for th eir oppo h es t . lawycrs in Chi cago, as well as h~· sition. The north shore ha -; been solid th e lllin nis l , r~i ~ lativ<' Referenc e hu rc au and end orsement s have been against Stmday mo\'ie s. ~ o where in gi,·en it h,· \f r . Earl E. Orn er, pr es- New Tri er town ship ar c t hey pcrmit.id ent of the Village of \Vilm ette. 1\fr. ted. Do our gon d cit izt n:'i , do our J ames C. l\f urray, pre sid ent o f the church es want thi s . ort of thing Villa ge of K enilw orth , ln· ~rr. \Vatter among us ? A. ~trong. publisher o( the Chicago If the promoters of the Beach club s · Daily ~ ew s and one of the tru stees o f and the moving picture house really the \.illagr nf \Yinne lka and bv Mr. m ea n for th eir ente rprises to he a Merle B. \Valtz, presid ent of th~ Vil- credit to th r community. let th em pu t lage of Glencoe-and has the hearty thcm sch·es under !oral jurisdiction and approval of all north shore citizens cea se their opposition to Hou se Bill who han bee n arh·ised of it s purpose. ~o. 51. It will protect them as well It is just and fair that this strip of as the north shore. It will keep the unrestricted and unpolic-ed territory he Yalue of their property as well as put under municipal control and there north shore property from being deis no goorl reason why either the preciated by unrestricted future develI I I I I I I I. ·PUBLIC FORUM J B~ach opments in the shape of da~ce halls, chop . suey restaurants, etc .·. which are sure -to follow unless some restraining influence is brought to bear on this location. The fight that the Citizens commit"e has put up has been not so much against the present developments, but to guard against unrestricted and undesirable future developments. I. feel sure that if House Bill No. 51 is passed and becomes a law the Citizens committee will ask Judge J arecki to vacate his· order on the bond issue referendum so that the motion picture interests . may proceed with their enterprise under proper local restrictions and ordinanc es. The public, I am sure will judve th e purpose and character of these theatre and club enterprises by their 'willingness or unwillingnes s to submit to local jurisdicition. Very truly yours,· ARTHUR BONNET. tQ voice the opinion of a stranger .within your gates, .but now a . citizen, prepared to stand for only that which is four square and right, which was not the case last evening. I am, Faithfully yours, Andrew W. Murdison. 16-Year-Old Violinist Conducts Exposition Band Samuel Thaviu, 16-year-old Evanston violinist has addecl another to his list of achievement s. For the past week and a half he has taken the place of his father, A. F. Thaviu, as conductor of Thaviu's Exposition band, which has been playing at the Pier Casino, J!, a ytona Beach, Fla. since Jan. 17. He · n1ade his first appearance with the ban·d, Sunday afternoon. Feb. 13, and not only ·Conducted but gave two violin solos, "Finale Grand Concerts," . by Veuxtemps and "To a Wild Rose" by MacDowell. Daytona Beach papers des.cribed his ..~olos· as one of t~~ highj hghts of the afterno.on. . .· · · Master Thaviu returned to his hom e af27Sl Eastwood avenue .M onclav, after directing five conc ert s of the · bat. ld · at Daytona bea-ch . He is a senior C) t )::vans ton Township High school .at~~ is studying under Sameteni, at the ·.Chicago _ M~sical college. He · 1)~g"n to . take music lessons at the age of seven and has played with his f<4U1er in various cities of the United States. EXTINGUISH PRAIRIE FIRE On.ty one alarm was a n ~ we red h v th!-' .local fire departm ent dm ing the pa ~ i we ek. On Tu e:-. day aft t rn oo n th e hoys were ca ll ed out t<l L'Xt in g uis h a prairie fir e in tht vi c in it y (,i Loc ust and 1\: en il\\'or th an ntH'S .- Th e bla ze \\' as put o ut \\·it hout d i1 li culty. · Cl1a1rman, c· · 1ttzcns <:Onmuttee ~ · Editor. W:n.MET'I'E LrFE : La st night I accept ed an invitation from a friend and neighhor to :attend a spe_ cial meeting at the vill age ' ha'll: ;As a newcomer to Wilmette, I was in high hopes of hearing something of intere st a~d to the betterment o f the ·-c<;m11nu ntty. . . . :: 1 . · : \Vhat transpired should never he · al lowed to carry, and as a nat, i.\·e :,oi;Old S~otlan~ , I fe~l that th e ygrbal. ~·pte given 111 favor nf llutTman , was . a <> weeping verdicit of th e majority pre sent. A standin g Y ote \\'as di sall o\\·ed and th e moti on was ra il ro ad cd through in a most un sport sma11like mannrr. ' ·Wherever fr ee men sta nd, ri g ht a 1 \\'ays preYail s. l\ ight \r ill \) r c -y a i I when the final sce ne is la id in -conne ction with th e spectacle in th e Village hall la st nigl1 t. Thanking you fur t Itt' o'ppor tnnit y 1 ') r ·A LIFETIME'S OPPORT. UNI.TY · · .JI 20 acre corner 66ox 1 3 20 ft. opposite \Vhen subdivided, a single lot ~ I a large school. Only $3 ,ooo per acre. ·Easy terms. shC?uld bring this price before very long. We have seen similar property double and treble in value in a short tin1e. Let us help you make money. i---···································-------------~ Established 1854 f I I I I I I I I I I I ( C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors 6 1 2 Davis St. f~r 72 Years Phone University 449 REINS EN REALTY Exclusive Agents 720 Elm St., Winnetka co. Wilmettt Office Phont Wilmette 3354 CHICAGO 2oo E. Erit Sr. Phone Superior 7709-771 o Ph. Winnetka 254 I ······-----------------------------------------------

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