Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 50

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50 WILMETTE LIFE S1'l't: A'1'lO.N W '1'JJ.-~IALE February 25, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . advertisements will be charged only General Not'.ce - - Cln.ssified to residents of the district from Evanston to 15 cents R ates_ papers. HI SIT. W1'H.-JIAJ,E k I'EJlALJ·; ~'Olt SAL . E -110 l iSJ:::S :11 ------------------ Glencoe lnclu~iYe ·w hose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular sub!'1cribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. a line in one pap~r. 25 cents a line in any two 30 cents a line m all three papers. MINUIUM · CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order ad l'ertlsements when brought to our office at 1222 Central }.. ve., Wilmette, or 56! Lincoln ATe., Winnetka. SITUATION \VTD. - JAP. COUPLE OR single, cxperiencl:'d cook or hutlt-r. c:ood r eferences. Tel. Ulencoe 12. Address 834 Sheridan Road. 18LTN22-ltc FIRST CLASS COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR, houseman, or butler. Wife 1st class cook. Will go to lak es in summer. First class referen ces. Univ. 6229. 18LTN22-ltp 10) i\£11 TII?\\TLffi'l~~~ffi'l @_({'Jf'l'no ~ 0 Jl.\'7!1 0 oJ) '-Y!lilltiu~U..~uu ~ ~~ Deadline for I nsertions-Classitied cepted up 21 advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. TelP.phones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. l'Olt ltJ~~'l'-ltOOJLS \VILME,_f,-fE ATTlL\CTI VE (j HOOl\1 IJUTCH COLonial, heated sun pnrlor, hot water h eat, excel lent eonditiou; garage; larg<.: lot . <'t'ntral t·ast ::;t·t:tion. *17,500. modern 5 room brkk lmng alow, sun parlur, h<·t water h eat; 2 car g·arag;e; ;,o ft . Jot 1 iood east louatlon. $16,500. Phone W ll. 6~ :~ 40 Lindt· II .\ \ "t '. :nL22-ltc ~ulJHtantial WAXTED-(:JRL OR WO~IA.;\, WHlTE, competent, for housework and cooking, no laundry. Private room and hath. Uood wagt:s and honw for the right pa t·ty . "L" transportation. Reference required. Wil. 3825. 21 LTX22-ltc l'E~THAL t·D D1U.:~S-'UAK1~ G I I 13 HEI,I> WA"NTED-FEMALE t. HILDRE~·s DRESSES, OF THE BET- WA~'rED - RELIABLE WHITE GIRL ter l'lass, made to order. Finished Samfor g-ent·ral housewo·rk, plain cooking. pies (ages 6 to 12), for sale, at special :\lust lw fond of children. Wil. 3484. introductory priees. 625 11th St. Apt. 13L22-ltc 1. Phone 'Nilnwtte 3441. 4HLTN22-ltc Basement and garage. Furnace heat. Call Wil. 3388. 21LT22-lte PH.OTES'TA.NT U IRL I·"OR COOKING l.OA.~~ 6 :llld light houst>work. Go hom e nights. l<'(JJt RE~T _ FUJC\'"ISHED ROOl\1, SOO Oakwood Ave. Corner of Eighth. \Vii. 3660. private home, close to \'illagP . Phone 13 L 22 _1tp WA~TED 1ST A~D 2~D :\IOR'l'·wi l. 796- W. 21L22-tfc gag-e loans, on im]1l'O\'f'd ~orth Shore real t·state. Real'. rates. Call \Vinn. 458. \VAN'J'ED - W0:\1..\~ HOUSEKEEPER l·'URKJSHED ROOl\IS FOR RENT BY 6LTN22-1 tc for general hous(~ Work, widow e r and the WL·e k or month. PhonP VIii. 23!l9. daughter. Tel. \Vinn. 258!3. 21LTN22-tfl' J 3LTN22-1 tc HOTEL - LIUHT OUTSIDE roonm for trnm;i<'nts and resid nts. 62U ~lain Strt'l' t. Phone Wilmette 1080. 21LT:!2-tfc FOH RE:\T _ 4 HOO..\lS O.;\ lST FL. \Vl~XE1'1~.: HOME 1-'ER .\10."-.'TH $1g,ooo $1,000 l>OW~ & ~ 100 4 BEDROO~IS, 1 BATH AND EXTIL\. lavatory on lsl fluor; 4 l>lk:;. to main elec. & steam d epots. 3 blks. to gradt· :->chool and 4 lllks. to Juni o r High S<:houl. 1 !'at· g·arag · and driv ·. Lot [)i:ixl;jO with iarg-t.: Hhade tree~. lleau ti fully laiHl sca]H'd . 1st and 2nd lVlortgages 14 ll J~LP WAN1'}~J)- lUALE Charles H. Brethold INSURANCE ,Auto License Blanks 545 M~in St., Wilmette Tel 65 6L22-tfe l'AlN1'I~G ANU DECOUA1'1NG Painting and Decorating ESTIMATE FURNISHED 0~ OLD work, new building and remodeling jobs. Floor r efin ishing. Old floors made lil{t> new. 'Vilm e tte 3104. CA HL FRANKELL 1506 Wilmette Ave. 7LTN20-4tp BES'L\ BROKERAGE OPPORTUNITY ON NOH.TH SHORE \Vithin the next month, one of the larg('Rt Loop and Korth Shore ren.l estate companies will open the only office directly on Sheridan Road between Chicago and Highland Parle It will ha n· the t·xclusiYe salt; of approximately $1,000,000 of n .\\' r esi dential construction in Evanston, Wilmette \\'i nnetl,:a and Kl·nilworth. and will operate as one of the largest brol;:erage cltaring· offic'l'S on tlw North Shore. .i, Exceptional opportunity for three exIWrienccd real 'L'Stnte brokers or for men who hav e close kno\\"ledge of North Shore rt"sidt' ntiaJ situation. Our salt' smen ha\'C' b"eJl ndvt'snd of thl"" ' ·\Vilm' ctte Life.~ anHounecmL·Ilt. Address H-1 34. l4L'TN 20-:ltc ------------------ HA YE ~L\<' lll1AFT SWEEP YOUR ch imnt ·)"s and furnat·t·s. <'all \Yilm e tt e Fire Station. \Yilnwtte (1. !ILT~2-1tt! SE\YJ~<; :\L\t'J 11.:'\ES REP.-\IHJ;;D, OF all ntal\l'S. 1-kasonahl(·, work guarant<.·ed. Phon · Vni\·. 5~1~1i. All cal!H mn.dc b(·forL· H :00 a. m. tal<t·n can· of sam ' day. !H.. T.l\~2-ltp SC'HOOU; k 'JTTOUI~G lOA EXt 'JXSI \'E AGEXTS Ph. \\' inn. ~.-;--;FOH. HE~T - 2 FlTR~ d:;IH~D ROO..\IS. iii Elm St., \\'inn. I'll. \\' inn. Sl Houst·l<<'<'ping- pt'i\'il('g(·S if Ol'!-ii i'L'Cl. (~ar (ll'EX . \LL lJA\" ~lJXI>AY age. Tel. 'Vinn. !IU. :!1LTX22-ltt: :~ l LT:\ 2!!-1 tv FOR HE~T 2 HOO..\lS, SLE8PIX(; porc h and hath. Oaragl'. Tel. Kenil. 1865. 21LTX22-lt<' 7 nuom Franw TII ·Sidvnn·, Furnac ·~.; Heat , H.OO~f F'OR RJ·~XT, )I" 8.\ It TRA ~SPOR<'on \"t·nknt 'l'r;l I\!-5JH!I'lat iull, lation. Winn. 27n1. 21LTX22_1tc $ll,OOO.Ov 7 J:oom Stu cc o Jlt·U!-JL', llut \\'atcr Heat, L "\RnE HOO:\( FOR 2; HEASO:\":\BLE. $15 ,;:;oo.oo \Vinn . 1!!20. ~1LT:\'"22-ltc ti lt t·Pill l!t ·!'i cl· ·nv t·, Sh-· ·ping- & Sun Porch . Brt ·akfast Xool.;, ., Bed I!ooml:;, 2 c:ar :! 2 1-'0Jt 1tEX'l'-APAJt'J'1fEX'J'S Bril:k C:<lragc, " $20,000.(1!1 Fo 11 n J~XT - LA PC',··~ '-,'·.' f.\ r·.r. · '- ·.\'.' .~· I) ,-,,, · kilC'hcnNtt· apartments in the Franklin Bldg·., ::>26 ('t' J1tt·r l-'t. , aYailallle :\Jar. and :\lay J~t. J'ho1w \\'inn. 7. \\.ilm e lt<·, I II. 22LT~2~-t f<· :-..::L ]~itlg· · .\ \"t' . Wilm ette 36·1 \\Tl'll I'. \ Jt, l '.\X ~fAKE PWWf'L\BLE t·ontwdi"" with up-to-dntt· finn spe- FOI~ 1!1·~:\'T- l 'X Fl 'H:\'"lS FH~ll ~\L'.-\HT Hh·nt. Xvar trans., sdHio), yj]Jag·t'. l'oscializing in Kt ·nilworth, \\'imwtka, and st·f;sion April 15. Tt·l. \\'inn. 2LiR. < ;Jt'll("ot· Jll'otwrties. Pt't·ft·r experienced :!~LT~:!:!-1 t p part:--· fam iIi ar \\'it h JH'O Jlt ·t·t ~· in one or lllllt'v of tlwsl' suiJurh~. but will consider FOJl TIE:\T- 5 ROO~f ~T< J\'J·; 111~.\TEI 1 U llt'XJH·I'it·n(·t·d. flat. 21:: li'ith. Ca ll at ownt·r lH , Wil- ().;\ Uil·:. \\'(J(JIJE)) & L.·\~P.l-'1'.\1'1-:11 To tlw right man an nttracti\·e prolot I Ill I\!' . to ll"all !'. ; \\' . II . : ~at ural me>t te A V('. 2~L2~-ltp position will be mn.de. Writt· in conficllin ·plac··; sun parlor: til·· lmth with t' IH't.', giYing· dl'tails. Appoilltnwnt will shmv.·r; L·xtra toi!Pt & ]a\'. on h;t II.; lw arra ngt·d. Addrl'SS \Vinnetka Talk FOH HEXT - :; ROO~T FLAT , II K\Tl·~J) metal weatherstrips ; 2 car brick gar. 2nd floor. $60. 4!\1 :\ladison St. 'l'l'l. H<?01. 1 H_..'J'~22_1 tt· ~I ti,500, allCI ean't lw rt·plHl"t ·d for 1 h e Wvnc·oe :;4:l-n. 22L'l'X:?2-ltp money. ROO.:\I FOR REN'r Xl·~AH. TH.\~S portat ion . - 725 Prairie Ave. Phont· \Vi!. 4-12. 21 LT22-1t c Dl:IIIO:L>lATl.; POSSESSIO~ lla vi land H.calty Co. FOR St\LE Rca] Estate Sa1estnan Six J{oonl Urick Colonial '1'\\·o ·y cars Old .·Dlf..:RI<'.-\X <'OXSEP.YATOHY :\TETH- W.·\X'l'ED - J<;XJ'EH.TE:\'"('F.D AHTTSTS ods. <'all SunH~·sidt· 62:3;;, or WilmC>tte to paint ;u·t noyl'ltiC>s at home. ExcelLife ll-1!1!1. 10ALTX22-ltc l·· nt pa.\· ;tnd steady work. .-\ddr ·!-Js Hox !Sti~ \\.ilmdtl', stating t·XJWriC'lll'C'. HE:\IEllJAL TUTORING 15J;..TN22-ltc BY EXPERTE:\'C'E:D TEACHER ELEMENTAHY Ar'\D HlGH SCHOOL Hi Sl ' l'lJA'I'IO~ W 'f ]).-}'E:JlALE pupils brought up to grade. Phone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wil. 248. 10ALTN1!l-4tp SlTtTA'J'H):'\ WTD . _ RELIABLE · COLon·d laundress Ol' deaning. Tuesday, 12 ],OST XXH }'Ol'.:\D V\t·dtwsdav. l3oth WilnwttP and 'W iutwtka n ·fe.renct·s. Phone Sunday or C'V LOST ~JLVER GREY PERSIAN nings, Brunswi ·k 0776. 1GLTN22-ltc Kitten. Children's pet. Reward. Tel. Wil. 115R. 12LZ2-1tc SJ'I'l!A'l'IO~ WTD. EXPERihNCED dr{'::;smakt·r by th e day . Good rcfe r13 Hl:I. P WAXTED-FE:.:\IALE t' llC'l'S. Ca1: Grel'nl('af 1142. 16LTX22-ltc WA~TED XEAT R8Ff~ED COLored girl for 2nd work. Small adult Sl'l'liA TIOX \VTD. POSITION IN family. ::\Just han:· first dass reft-rreal Pst<lll' oftk(', as general sales lady, ences. Address 125 Bt'ach Road, (;!pnTel. \\·inn. :?:J:i:L 1GLTN22-ltp coe or phone Gl(·IWOt· 278. J:n.. T~22-l tc :·n·,TATIOX WTD. -DAY WOHK A:\D HELP WTD. C'O~IPETE~T. HELTt·xti·n. llll'als. t~all UniY. 556~1. able, expPrit't1C'<·d maid, whitt', for gen16LTX22-ltp era! housework. R ·f. R<·ct. Phone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Winn. l!l2i:i . l:{LTN22-ltc YOl'X<~ \VO:\L\X \VA:\'Ti:l WORK BY thl.' day. Wil. ;] i:lrt . 1GL'L'N22-ltc WANTED <'0~1 PIO:Tl·:XT V:O:\T .-\ N, T '\.TJ R )f 01" CLEr\NINQ BY white, b(·twcen 25-3ii for general work. 1.. A l 1 ... 1 ¥ Wl {K .. · References with or without ln.undry. tlw dn,\·. Unh·. 66:i7. J6LTN22-ltp ~enilworth 1212. 1;1LT~22-ltp I j Sl'IT A'J'IOX WTD.-)fAI...E GOOD GJHL FOR <:)~XER.\L IIOPSl~work. Hoom and bath. ii74 Drt·xd AY('. Glencot: 542. JH./l'.;\22-ltc HELP \L\XTED Yot·xc; nnu.. OR middle-aged woman al' motiJ<·r's lwlper. Tel. Winn. ;3[!:3. J:H/J'X2:!-lte ~IT. .FOU. UES'l'-110l'SES AllTf~'l'l(' F. Co let nan 'I~urrou~·hs & Cu . 11;)1 \\"ilm.-ttf· ~\ ,., .. l;-llt>ll· · \\"il. tii" ::1 L!!2-ltc li HOO:\l FIL\:\11·; ll(Jl'Sf·~ . nict·l.\· \\·ood"d lot; g·aragt·. <'om·. to S<"hools a11cl tntn:.-:portation . Posst ssiml :\fa.\· J st. .;·1 :?5.00. $3,000 C.ASI-I \\"lf.L 11.\XI>Ll·~ !i H00..\1 Fl~A~lE COL ttnial ; :~ l>£·qr0oms, sun porch, hot water hl·u t, a.ttac!\'ed g·an,lJ{L'. l)riC"t · ~ Ili,i"JIIP. "\ LSO S J~~r. FRA:\11·: HUI'St-; Wl'l'lf ::! lwths, lwa tul sun rcmm; lOll ft. woudcd lot . 2 t·ar g·aragt>. Loc·att·ll at !100 <; rvl.'n wood. Posspssion at ont···, ~~~5.00 Jn· r month. 1·:. E. Stults 'Realty Co. l'hont' \Vinn . lMJl 31LTN22-1tc J~ddington 410 Linden A \"0. & . \11en, Inc. Phs. \\'i l. 401 --IIJ8 2·1L22-1 tl' i60 \\'innl'tl<a .\w. I~ A CLEXCOE FOH HT<.:XT P.TITC'K HOn·m, 6 R:\1~ .· 2 baths, slt·t:ping porch, 2-c·at· garage. Larg-t· Jut. Ph(lll<' \Vinn. iiO'i'. 24LTX22-Jtp F011 J1Tij:\'1,' TIRJC'K RE~llJEXi 'B. 7 rooms and hath. Alsn, g:lt':tgC> if desirt·d. 1::?4 Park A\'!'. 24LT:.!2-1tp llE .\l .'l'fFl'L SP.\C'I()l'S Sl'.\~I~H typ e hom e ; 8 rooms, 3 baths, c·xtra Ia vatm·y on 1st tloor. LiYing room, I i ft ti in . x :lt ft. Jiot watt:·r lwat ; !! t·:u garag(·. Larg·~> \\'Ofl<h·rl lot. JOox:n S ft Pric·<· $:Li,0(10 , Woi'th $i0,U00. \\'ilnwllt LifP IJ-200. :n LT.L\~2-lti FOR RE.;\T- ti HOO:\T HOrSJ~ JX COOl> <"oudition. Convenit·llt to transporlation. C'all Wil. 515. · 24L22_ltc "I .- FOR JU' N1' 'u -, ST ORES & OF.FIVES FOR R£N1'-\\TJNNETJ(.A BlHLDTNf:EA('H f'iHOP ATIOl T H FT. 6 J~Cl ·rF:S hy 70 t't·Pt, spJPndid li\'t· location imnwdiatt· possession, suitnhlC' for' dt>lir·atPHSl'n, florist, mark<'t, gTOCPr~·. \'n.ri<'ty stor<', dtT goods or hardwarl' Nltabl i:-;hment. S'I'ORE~-:\"EW FOR SALE - HEAOTIFUL FIVE Rl\1 eorner brick bungalow~ Tile roof, hath show<'r, oil heat, g·:ttage to match building-. A II improv ments in and paid for . TcrmH. Pt·ice $18.000 r educed from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Ln.wrence A \'0 ., <.'hit-ag-o. 31 LTN22-tfp FOit ~ALE- 11K\t:Tfl<'l'L l ~OLONIAL 7 rooms, ~ lntths, sun parlor, 2 car g·ar ag-<', attac·h<'d anti lwate<l. Dt>autifu wooded ravine \\"ith hridgt·. $28,500 'l't ·rms . · l·~asl sit.lt·. 1O(i:1 :\I ··adow Road Phone GIPncoe ~112. :l1LTN22-1lc l·'Pll SAL I·~ OH nEXT gr~ :\ l "l'TFl 'I R rm. houst·, vor!lt'l' lot, 2 haths, :! fire phtc·Ps, twwly dP< ·oratt ·d. "\ lso 7 rm lwus v. Both in ~outl1t·ast \Yinn. Tel Winn. 8;;1, :~li/1'~3~-1£1 FOH. ~ALE - 7 n:\1. STUCCO; L.\RGF. lot; fruit tn·t'S; idl'al for C'hilclren · hot wtttH hl'at; nPar school and transp~rta ion. Wil. ·1582. · 31L22-ltp WTD. EXP. HOUSKMAN, sing-It', whit<·, wa.nts steady place, JH'l'llJan(·nt. <'an driYe car, wait on table and has t.'XIWrienC'e in garden Wttl'k. ..-\ddn·ss Talk B-1!}8. 17LTN22-ltp "\\rANTED - 'WHITE. GIRL Fq_R GEN- 1 ~IT. WTJ>. EXPERIENC_ED ~fAN, eral housework familY of 2. <all Lake 1 . fumact· and housework. W1l. ~2~3. Forest 1G17. ' t:H/l'X22-ltc . 17LT22-ltp nraneh 541 Lincoln .·\\"('. WANTED housework. GIRL FOR GENERAL ! No laundry. Phone \Vii. 13LTX2~-ltc EXPERIE~CED rd<'renc(·S. H. 583. 1918. Winnetka 27LTN22-3tc CHAUFFEUR WI'l'H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C. Conway. Greenleaf FOR RENT STOHES AND SHOPS. 17LT22-ltp TPlt>phom· 'Winnetka 62. 27L'l'N22-tfc f)

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