Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 47

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7 .· F ebruary 25, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE · 41 e enhance d value of th e la nd fav~re d SUBMIT CONCEPTION OF th by t his unique solution of the Skokie lley improvement. SKOKIE DRAINAGE PLAN vaThe Civic committee of the Chamber 'I s :1 Winnetka Chamber of Commerce Produces Sketch of Proposed Valley Improvement By George Park (Chairman, Civic Committee, \Vinnetka Chamber of Commerce.) In the interest of the proposed drainage of the Skokie yalley, the Civic committee of the \Vmnetka Chamber of Commerce has received letters, telephone messages, schemes and sketches. Nature lovers, of whom there are manv arc protesting against encroachmetit 'upon the primal beauty of the \'allev. One would suppo:;e from the protestation , that the stream in the valley was a brook of clear water, when as a matter of iact, it is on ly a ~ewage disposal plant. without any scientific attention. ~ot being pleased ,,·ith merely dra,,·_ ing ·the attention of the citizens of the north shore to the unhealthy condition of the vallev the Chamber of Commerce has -had prepared an artist's ~ketch including a cros.;-scction of a possible improvcn1ent of the region. Thi.; is desihrnrd to combine in 01· 1e cnmprchensi\'e scheme the ft.aturcs of uti lit\· and beaut\'. Pr~pcrty 0\\' IH.:r~. \\'h o han invested, \\'ill make impron~ mcnts. Fl' \\' of them " ·ill sa crifice to pre ser ve the beauty of the vallev. TheY are now impro\'ing l\\· damn;ing an(t' in stalling pumps, and ~.<H1 temp Ia te building ccm en t d i k e s, \rith electrical l' jector~. \\'hi'ch \\'ill increa~ e tlw flooding of the hrt. Sl' lllent s in homes built too 1 fear the ,·alley. To d isrourage i 11 d i" id u a I im pr0n' mc·nt...;, the. Chamber oi l' om 111 c r c e ..,1Jcms in a skl'tch. a practical soluti on of a \'Cxing quest inn that ha" t rouhled the minds of thr re siclrnt s oi th e north c; hore for t\\'enty yrars . 'I' hc Cha 111 h n o i Cr, llll lH · ·· c c l1 a ~ a s i t s fir . t intert st the lwautifiratiPn oi thL' Yalln· and the prc :-c:· yatinn oi th e health of the rnmmunit,·. \\·hich can nnly he arcompli.;hccl h~: drainagr ~() planned h~· .; cientific engincning. The plan ca 11 ~ i nr a stream of clear \\'at cr. nf sufficient depth at all ~e asons. to permit a boat to p i ~· on it.; . ttriace . CJtes '"ill automatically open in t imes oi flood. The ~anitan· sc\\·cr on thr eaq of the houlc\'ard and \\·e st of the hrlrlal path , indicated in the accompanying de:;ign, " ·ill he t<1ken care of 1)\· the Sanitan· district. The stream ,,:ill he flankeci hv a broad concrete houlc\'ard and a hr ida l path and the hank imprm·ed \\' it h trees and shr ubs . the ent ire impro\'ement cost ing no more than the planti ng of a first-c lass :--ubd ivision . The cost can he taken care of bv t he la nd bc nrfited and th e imp rovem-e1 1t will he onl y a frac tign of of Commerce can conceive of no more feasib le imp.rovement that affords such an oppor tunity for utility, combined with natural advantages, where ar t and engineering will t ~ ot clash. The improve111ent as sketched, · indicates a cultura l scheme the like of which is nowhere to be seen, in this vicinity or elsewhere. The oppor tunity to accomplish thi s proj ect invites the combined efforts of all north shore citizens, as well as the north shore Chambe.rs ·of Commerce. ~Irs. Ed\\'in Richmond and Mrs. Lea ]. Orr, 1002 Greenleaf aYenue, ent ertained at a \\'ashington's birth day party for :\1 r. and - ~[ r.::.. C. E. Scott of ~f anhattan, Ka s. Sixteen were gues t s at bridge. Nearing·Completion Fou~ .Beautiful ·Brick English and Normandy Homes with many new features at Linden A venue and Ravine Drive, Highland Park Three Blocks from North Western and North Shore Stations and One Block from Sheridan · Road. SHORT TERM Junior Mortgages and Bonds Secured by High-Grade Chi cago Improved Real Estate In d(· nominations to su it your nN· ds. 1\Taturitit:s monthly from nn(· to thirty-six months. Chicago Trust Cf,mpany, Trustee. Large living room , 16x25 , four master bedrooms. Specially designed dining room, kitchen and breakfast room, .two newest style colored rile bathrooms, extra lavatory, spectally designed electric fixtures. Arrange to see the character ?f construction before finishing. For prices, terms and detatls see Gus Rosenau, 160 N. La Salle St. Phone State 3658 or Res. Glencoe 126 7. Open Saturdays and Sundays for inspection. IL 0 ANS WITHOUT COMMISSION I Priced to give an unusu ally high return 1V1·it e for Ci?·cttlnr A-29 and our "Chats on Junior Mortgages" issued from time to time, setting forth th e advantages ot this type of !11 rcstmcnt. On Desirable Homes and Apartm ent Buildings John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company A. D. L ANG WORT H Y, Loan Agent 112 W. Ad a ms S t., Chi cago Have f u nds to loan on choice Impr oved North Shore Suburban residE:nce property at 51,2% Interest. See us on re newals. St/2%MONEY E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main IZSO MORTGAGE COMPANY " F i rst ~ ytl onn l MIDLAND ll a n k UJdg . HitrH l OI)lh 17-10 : 1 " Builder of Unique Homes" Remodeling a Home YDKti'Y t09JieSS loCal prooertY Should is best accomplished by the builder of new ones. He best knows how to treat it- to convert it into some thing larger. or renovate it as it is. Get my estimate on whatever you might figure on having done. Previous work is my L.!st guarant~e. 672% tI vafues"' when we will be For March, plan to make at least one good investment. Let it be in North Shore First Mortgage Real Estate B o n d s - for Safety . "' and Profit. ~:fACtf. glad to SUJJDIY you the/ Harry Bengston General Contractor 975 Oak Street WINNETKA Phone Wino. 2103 15 64 Sherman Avenut Evanston

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