Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 37

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February 25, 1927 W I"L M E T T E L IF E home is furnished precisely as a home and as such, emphasize~ the seclusion and comforts peculiar to home surroundings and that cannot be secured · in the purely commerical or store type of funeral parlor. The new funeral home will be utilized exclusively for that purpose, according to Mr. Scott. HEAVY PERMIT ISSUE Announce Result of Unusual Weather Prompts Increased Building Activity During February; · Permits Issued Total. $119,875 ~y er. eray. arIll Drive /or Building Fund, on North Shore , William H. Scott Opens Funer~l Home Next Week Work was being completed this week on the renovation of the residence at 1109 ~entral avenue, which, next week is to he opened as a funeral home, the first of its type on the ·north shore, conducted by . William H. Scott, well kn own north shore funeral director·. ~fr. Scott, in establishing his funera 1 home is bringing to this vicinity a feature in funeral service that obtain s extensively in many eastern cities, but which is virtually new to Chicago a!'cl vicinity. The funeral nr. It<1. er nd 111 111 ra~ en · ~r- hn 1i ~ h- r~. lin 1t' (", V- rit- 9. c. 'l ~ l' ~ <1 t 1~ r- r 'i t. r. d )- If· t- The remarkable weather which has prevailed throughout the month of February has proven not only enjoyable, but most advantageous from the builders' point of view, judging from . activity shown during the pa st fifteen days, particularly. Building permits iss ued in \Vilmctte since the fir st of February . total $119, 875, and there are yet.two workin g days in the month in which this amount, it is said, may be materially increa sed. Up to the middle of the month permits issued totaled only a little oyer $35.000, hut \vith the continuation of fine building weather, those who were contemplating a·c tivitie s of thi s nature, evidentlv dec ided that "Spring is here ," or not far off, ·and arc taking advantage of the early fav orable build ing condition. Xine of the permit s arc for re.,iden ces, the total value of which is Dr. Benjamin Otto to Talk $117.500: four are for g-arages amountin g to $1,475: one for a remod elin g at Prayer Day for Missions job, costing $300: one for a l,arn. Dr. nenjamin Otto " ·ill speak at the costing $300 and another ior a brick annual da~' of prayer · for mi ssions, lwn hou se costing $100. ,,·hi ch will he held Frid a\', ~I arch 4. Since the middle of the month. at 2 o'cl oc k, in the hr st CongregaDra k c Br other :-> , builder s. have taken ti ona ] church . Dr. Otto is the sup erout permit s for three res id ences , ont' inte'ndc nt nf th e Baptist Executive fn r $12.000. a brick Yl'JH:cr and :-.t urro . council of Ch icago. H e ,,·ill talk on at 51R fsa hella street, costin~ S12,000 the home mi ssion field. The women aml two of iramt· and st uc co . one at ni the church \\"ill he hostesses for tlH' _;14 and nne at :il(i J-,aht lla street . each da\·. co~ti n g· 511.500. i'he m~ et in g i:; int erden omi na ti onal :\ JH:nn it also ha :' btl:ll .i:-.-;ued .t() thr ;ltlcl members of all parishes arc ur g-e d B i ll ~ Rl:alt v l'o. ior a hnck re~tdenct to attend. ~fr s. Stephen A. Ll oyd will and gar<q~·c to he l't'l'Ctt·d in lndi an pr~.· si clc . .\rran g·cments arc being made llill :-. 'Estate . at a cost o i $20,000. fnr ad dit iona·l ~pea kcr-s concerning the F. :\. H.al;cc k ha s taken o ut a per- f~,rl'ig-n. mi ssiot~ field. ~fu s ical s.clcc mit for a two story iramc rc:-i dcnc t· 1 t: ~llh .~nll he g t\·e n hy ~fr s. E. Ft s h~r at 12-t. Sixteenth street , to cost S6,000. 11! \\ tnnetka. at;cl ~Ir s. I. E . . Colnn · 1 . tt<.' < 1 to. Carl C 1as 1 )Ce n · ts:-. , . · and !vfrs. T. H \\e st, both of \V1lm ttc. A penmt Hartman for a t\vo :-. tory hnck restdeuce and garage at 71R ~ht·ridan road. I ·Frank II. Jones of 1336 Cc1_1tral av~.. t $1 ,l, r:: 000 nttt', " ·lw ha s . be en convalcsc t 0 ('0::0 . I . · f mg at hts d' 11. Jacohson ha s tak en m.tt a per- l lt. ~JJt· s11;c~.· !ns QPC r<~tt o n ~r C!PPen 1m it for a $0.000 frame resHicncc at 1 cHIS at t11 c St. Franc1s ho spttal seve~a l 233 Fernleaf avenue. : \H'tks agn, is now able to he out agam. . 1 Results of the intensive three weeks' drive carried on by the Women ami Children's Hospital of Chicago, hoard of directors for t'he $500,000 needed for a building fund, have been announced for February 23, as follow s: For the north ~ horc towns, under th e direction of Dr. ~Iargaret Levick. \\'innctka, $16,923 has been raised. Of. thi s fund, $6,000 will go toward a north shore room and bath, which will have a name plate on the door. Another $6,000 will be rai sed in honor and memor\' oi the late Dr. Sarah Brayton wl~ o practiced medicine for fort\·-onc years in Evan ston. The goal of $20,000 for the north shor e is expected to he rai sed before the close of the intensive drive Saturday, F chruary 26. The general drive, to h e conducte.d until the subscription li ~ t s arc closed, will continue for two and one-half year s. The building is howc\' er. to he built immediatelY, con struction to start shortly. · BURGLARIZE MINTZ HOME Bu.rglars forced an entrance into the home of Thomas M. Mintz, 50 Crescent place, late Sunday· evening. Nothing 1 of value was reported to have .been 1 tak _ en _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ready to serve you- 1 BILL .The Washington Laundry Man Hundreds of housewives along the Nort~ Shore have removed Washday from their calendar, their mind and their home, by giving the weeki y laundry bundle to Bill, The Washington Laundry Man. Bill never fails; he never disappoints. He represents the largest laundry ..between Edgewater and Glencoe, where each process used has been carefully worked out; finest of washing and ironing machines; rainsoft water and soap that's mild and gentle. No home laundress can do your work better than Bill will return it. A phone call will bring him today. number is WILMETTE 145. The SAFE- FOR ALL It used to be that the only fellow who could safely buy used cars was the ex.p ert who could tell what he was getting and the junk dealer who didn't care. Personally, we have found it profitable to make the world safe for used car buyers-amateurs as well as experts. C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street Phones: University 224, Wilmette 224 A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPE-NDABLe AS THe:- DE-ALE-R. WHO SE-LLS IT 9h, Washington Laundty 700·704W~ Sbu1 BV.4J\CSnW, ILL. ~ Wilmette 145 ··------

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