Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE February 251 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Patterson of Report Sale of Residence Evanston left last Saturday to spend and Fine Piece of Vaca~t six weeks at H_9tly Hill Inn at DavenE. Sawyer Smith and Christie port, Fla. They motored down, and Bro·wn, Inc., of 736 Elm street, Winwill tour in Florida during their stay. netka. report the sale of the residence property at 502 Provident ave'nue for August Luebbe, of Park Ridge, to Telephone Wilmette IUUj Morris B. O'Kean of Winnetka, who will occupy the same. VETERINARIAN The same firm also has sold a fine Speclollzln'g In the treatment ot tract of vacant of 100 by 400 feet your best friends tbe "Dog and Cat" fronting Briergate Golf course, to All calls receive my personal Frank K. Shrader, formerly of Glenattention coe, and which they will improve im1ftftR RMrP An. Wl1mflt.tfl. Ill. mediately for him. Benjamin Carpenter Sutter Opens Real Estate Office on Lincoln Avenue Dies at His Home in Alvar R. Sutter has opened a real estate office at 545 Lincoln avenue, \Ni111. 1etka. where he will conduct a gen.eral brokerage busine s, specializing in North Shore homes . This wi11 include both sales and renting; also the placing of loans and \Vriting insurance in the best companies. Mr. Sutter is a resident of \Vinnetka and through years of experience in north shore real estate is familiar with values and opportunities with which the north shore abound . Chicago, Wednesday The death of Benjamin Carpenter. of 1545 Astor street, Chicago, formerly of Winnetka, occured Wednesday. February 23, at his home. Mr. Carpenter, who had bern in business in Chicago forty years, made his home. with his family, at 945 Sheridan road. \Vinndka. for ten or more years. Hr was born in Chicago September 16, 1965, the son of George B. and Elizabeth Curtis Carpenter, and wa ~ graduated from Harvard university in 1888. He ,.,.·as married to Miss Helen Graham Fairbank, also of Chicago. in 1893. Federal J uclge George A. Carpenter, Hubbard Carpenter and John Alden Carpenter arc his brothers. Mr. Carpenter is survived by hi ~ widow and four children, Mrs. Kath an S. Davis. Fairbank Carpenter, ~Ir s. Thomas · L. Marshall and Denjamin Carpenter, Jr. \Vhen the \Vorld war broke ont, ~fr. Carpenter enli sted in the service although many years beyond the service age. H c applied for a quartcr rnas1 er's job, and was ordered to Phil adt'lphia in 1917. Pntil Februar_ ,. 1919. ~fr. Carpenter stn·ed actin·ly and wa . a lieutenant c<1lonrl in th<' Q. R ~[. C. Tn addition tn being a director of the Commoll\\·r;dth 1\dison company :11HI thr lllinois ~~ crchant s Tru st company, he ser\'rd a:-> a vice -p re-;iclcnt of tlw Anniston. :\la .. Cordage company, and was a din·ctor of man,· other corpor ations. He was pn-~i dent of Cv(Jrgt n. Carpenter & Co., ship chandkr". which nper:-~tcs a plant !ll'ar \Y('Il~ strtct. <Ill the north bank oi the riHr He al:-o was a former presidl'nt r1f th<: board <1f tru stev s of the ~t. Charlc~ School for Hov . .;. Tnrlude<l in the clubs. of \vhirh ~rr . Carprntcr was a member \tre. the· Sa<ldlr and Cycle. Chica~n. On\\"ent sia, Chicago Yacht. ClifT D\\'clkrs. and Commercial. He al-;o scn·rd as prl'si dent of the Connncrcial cluh, and \\'ac:; a mcm l>rr of the Ha n·a rei Cl uh of ~ew York. DR. FRANK B. ERWIN Have you obtained a copy of the new North Shore Line time table which went into effect last Sunday, February 20? lf .not you will fil;ld a copy waiting for you at · your North Shore Line ticket office. To Milwaukeea service designed for · YOUR convenience Limited trains from here connect at North Chicago Junction with Milwaukee trains operating every hour both day and evening. You are whisked directly into the business heartofMilwaukee-atSixthandSycamore streets-saving time and taxi fare. Milwaukee trains carry dining cars at meal times, and parlor-observation cars as scheduled. All Milwaukee trains stop at Kenosha and Racine. Catherine Bickham Writes Best Lincoln Sermon Essay For the hf'st rr,·ir,..,· 1)\' a hiL!·h srhnnl . tudent of Dr. Horace G. Smith\ Lincoln da,· sf'rmon. Catherine Bickham of 429 Xinth street was awarded firq prize. ~fargar.ct \Valkrr. 1.11.~ Flm\\·nnd avenue. of the college department turned in a most rxccllrnt rrport, the judges announce. Spl<' ndid rrport. \\'C'f(' also turned in lw Haztl Frankt·ll. Roht'rt llarnf'r and Earl Pnronto. Thr sermon. "Tll(' 1frln fnr the Ages," wac:; drliwred hv Dr. Smith at the M rthodist Enisco1;al church (J!1 Sunday, Frhrnary 1.~. Miss Bickham was awarrh-<1 the prize. a cop,· of Charwoocl's "Lincoln.~· and the other three hi.ah school entries were of such high character that they won for their authors a cop~' of Baehr Iter's 'fA Man for the /\grs." presented by the nastor. Mrs. Rohrrt Birsrmeirr of 804 Ccntral avenue and Miss Florence nic-;rmeier left yesterday for Tampa, Fla .. on a two months' trip. Thev will return hy way of Oklahoma ai1d Texas. -0- T HERE has Qeen a steady increase in Milwaukee travel on the North Shore Line. The reason for it is self-evident. People like the idea of a transportation service that adjusts itself to their convenience. That is what North Shore Line service really does. So frequent is the service to Milwaukee that you need never arrange your plans more than an hour before you leave! Those desiring to take Milwaukee trains from Chicago will find our Loop station (Adams and Wabash) and our North Side stations (Grand Ave., Wilson Ave., or Howard St.) a real convenience. All Milwaukee trains stop at these stations. For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at ticket office. Mrs. ·M. H. Mcllillan returned last Friday from Fort Lauderdale, Fla .. where she l~acl bern the guest of her clattj!hter, Mrs. J~hn Prescott, si nce the first of January. Chicago North Shore & ·Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Service WILMETTE PAS.SENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 -1 OR TOUPEES and WIGS Xntnrnl the Hnlr thnf \\'fiR otH·fl ~· our J>~o~~~"";"~~~o· I_ Baggage Checked I : .. ~;/ 1 B6 So. fi'tatl' !"t. Honm t12 tJ . own Chlt'ago '

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