Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE February 25, 1927 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Wilmette Club to Meet on Wednesday Woman's Club Will Hear Talk on Silverware and Lecture on Modern Mexico From silverware to the problems of Mexico members of the Woman's club of \Vilmette \viii be taken in . lecture next \Vednesdav at the time of the regular club m~eting which lasts all day. Miss Voltz, a young wom·an of charming personality, is coming in the morning to tell club members why silver became the universal metal for table usc, and to recount the romance and history connected with silver patterns. She will conclude her talk with the correct modern day usage of silverware for tables set for various occasions. Miss Voltz will use silver from Peacock's in illustration on a table arranged with flowers and a lace cloth. The club .luncheon will he served at 1, and in 1h e afternoon at 2, Dr. Frank Bohn, special feature writer for the Ne\\' York Times, will give his verv illuminating talk on "Modern Mexico ancl Her Problems." In announcing thi:-; afternoon session, the committee states: "Mexico, land of color, romance, and eternal bickering, with i!s rivalry of t \\'o cultures, Indian and Spanish, ~f cxico is our problem. V./e have 1o liH~ with it. whether we lik e it or not, \\'C have tn sell to 1he Mexicans, buy from them, work for them and \dth them. 'Mexico is decidedly unescapahlc.' "Dr. Dolm has repeatedly visited Mexico. During the rebellion of 192-l, he repre sented the N C\\' York Times on tht· \\·estern front. On that occasion he \ras the only foreigner to accompany President Obregon at his headquartrrs. lli" lecture.; on ~{exico have inspirrd many An1eriran" to study that countrY." lt. has b;en . aiel oi Dr. Bnhn that "he is one ()f tllL' sanest, ablest. faire st. interpreters of ecnnomic and ~e>cial problems, and problem . oi international relations." "It is the chid distinction of Dr. Frank Bolm," a critic saYS, "that he gets to the c(lrc of things .. Few people possess the abilit_,. for logical anal~rsis and clrar cxpnsitio11 that Dr. Bohn displays in dealing '"ith those problems for which h c h :t. a special grn iu:-;, the problems of socinlog~ · and political relation ships. Tle is adlllirahly impartial and unbiased. Ilc has a long and enviable journalistic record for getting his thoughts right. and this .ve ry journalistic experience of hi. especially fits him for interpreting the news of the day to those who must necessarily de pend for their t111rkrstanding of world affairs upon th('ir fayorite papers. "Added to l1i s qualities as a thinker is the gift of a natnral and easy ability as a speaker. He has ta ct, skill, enthusiasm. His competence to discuss the subject on which he speaks is at once so apparent that he holds the attention of the most divcrsifi ed audience." Citizenship\ Classes Are Too Many Prizes Given Proving Popular Here Mrs. Merrill Tells Club ~Irs. AnthonY French Merrill gave npe c,f the most interesting of her many lectur e:-; at the \\.oman's club of \\..ilm ette ~fonda\· afternoon. February 21. Her suh ject was "Prize Winners." She ·dealt with the Kobel pri~e and especia lly with its recen-t award to Bernard Shaw; with the prizes: for shCirt. storie:'> awarded by The American Academv of Arts and Sciences; with, oi cour-se, the awards of The French academy and the Goncourt prize. She also spoke of the many prizes being offered by magazines, publishers and moving picture concerns. The heart of her message \vas that too many prizes have been offered, and in most cases av;arded unjustly. Thi. has caused a change in the character of Jiteratur:e to its detriment, ~fr:~. Merrill stated. She said the qualities that haYe won prizes .r ecently have been singularity, newness, a dramatic qualit~· and swiitness of action ,dth H~ry little regard for beauty. Wilmette Women Prominent in Plans for Institute \\.iln1ette women. members of the \ YilnH'lk League of \\.omen Voters. \\'h() art· taking act-ive part in the arrangl'mcnts for the Institute of Gov crnnH:nt. are ~frs. C. P. Evan s, league pre :; irknt·. 'vho is a member of the committee on arrangements and is chairman· of t!Jc luncbeon committee \vith '\f r~. Ch~trle:'o A. Eldridg-r a member of her grnttp. ~r r:-;. Elliott \'. Youngberg is a memher nf the cotmnittec on regi-- t ration. -:\f r.;. Frederick Bo,,·cs ancl ~fr..;. P . -:\f. Keene arc on the committee ior hospitality. '\fr.;. Ernest H. Freeman is a membtr oi the publicity committee. and ~fi~s ITekn E\·ans i;; chairman oi the iniormatil'll and litnat un: committee. Tile i11stitute open-; -:\fa rrh 2 ior a three day program at Harris hall. :\ortlnn·stcrn universit~·. and is spon~ored 1)\· Xortll\vestem universit\· and the Tllit;nis League of \Yomen \;oters. SPEAKS AT CATHOLIC CLUB \\'iniir ed ).lasdll Huck will he the :;peaker to appear hdorc the \Voman':-; Cath81ic club of \\.ilmdt · at its regular lllt'eting Friday. Fehruar~· 25. at the home oi tl1e· pre . . ident, ).fr:-;. Frank T. Oclerich, 1201 Greenwood avenue, :tt 2 o'clock. Mrs. Huck will tell of her political experiences. which have been vast. As:-;isting ~r rs. Oelerich '"ill he ~f rs. R. T. 1\f ark ham. U rs. C. F. Bunte. )..frs. H. II. ~fcDermott and ~frs. F. J. Selinger. The N'orth Shore Musical socictv \\'ill meet on NI'onday afternoon, Fehruan· 2R. at 2:15 o'clock. at the home of 1r iss Adelaide Jones, 1029 Central a venue. \Vilmette . A purelv ScatHlinavEln progr~n~ will be give~1. The second gathering of the citizenship class which meets with Mrs. Elliott \-. Youngberg, 419 Wash~ngton a\·enue, will be on Monday, with Mrs. Robert Tayl.or as leader. Mrs. C. P .. E\·ans' group met \Vednesday, ,dth ~Irs. Youngberg as leader. The lfifth, sixth and seventh topics were taken up: the citizen and Jaw enforcement, ho\\. a taxpayer makes the .ma.re go, and citiz~n of . the state of Illinois. ~1 r~. Youngberg's · group met for the first time on last Monday, and took up: what a voter shoul<.l know about elections; what a township voter should knm\· about elections: \\'hat a to\\·nship voter shou ld know: and what a village voter should know. The _report from those in charge of the . c serie~ of fifteen minute lessons iiHlicates that the classes arc popular and successful. An invitation has been rxtended to women "·ho have not been atknding to get in touch with the hoste~s of any of the groups if they are interested. The classes arc gi\·cn in different neighborhoods· of the villa~· c to make attendance easy. Those \dw miss meetings of their O\vn clas ses arc im·ited to join other clao.;ses in the· ~tu<h· of the topics they ha\·e missed. It i:-; planned for ~Irs. Ira Reynolds of 21R :\inth street to hold another group oi das.;e~ beginnitig th e second Thur:o~d<l\- in ~f arch. to meet e\·en· \\'eek for se\'era l \\'eeks. Beginning th.e ~ e cond -:\fonda\· in ~farch. a class \\'ill prnhahh· meet. \\·ith -:\fr s. G. T. Tlellmuth of 1703 Forest a\· nuc fnr ..,eyeral '"eeks. Art League Views · Painting Exhibit ·. North Shore Art League Has Large Attendance at Meeting Last Friday The February meeting of the North Shore Art league took place Friday nig-ht, February 18, at the Highland Park High school, at 8 o'clock. Jesse Smith, a member of the league and super int endent of the school, was instrumental in securing the fi.nely-light ed and good sized picture gallery, \\·here the meeting was held. Thi:-; gallery was established in the school a fe\\' years ago, and is a splendid placL· to hang and view pictures. Mr. £mith secures exhibitions of paintings and scu lpture regularly so that th e ptJpib may enjoy and learn to love art, and be stimulated by a Yariety of exhibi tions. The league'::; meeting on Friday night ,,.a.; \\'C' II at tendecl hoth bv mC'mber:-. and friends \\'ho \Yer.c deligl~ted by the fine exhibition of Frank Pcyraud, vet eran land~capist .and ma ster painter \\'ho is said to he the dean of artists in the ~[ idd lc \\.est. ~fr. Peyra ud i ~ a resident of Ra\'inia and is exhibiting p~ctures at the present time at th · Chicago Arti:-;ts' exhibition at the :\rt in::-titute. Rud olph lngerk. whose picture · in the Chicago :\rti..;ts' exhibition at th t· :\rt in~titutr arc fine example . oi e;..; t· cution anrl color, and for one of "·hir!1 he rL"cei,·ecl the. -:\funicipal :\rt Lt.·agtl\' prize, also cxhihitl'<l at this llll't'l in~ . \\'illiam \\·at~on oi liighlancl 1\trk. Dudley Crafts \\.ahon oi Chicag!l. and Jamc:-~ Cady Ewell, pre.;irknt of tht· :\orth She>re Art lcaQ'ttl', al~<l had -,plendid cxhil>iticJilS on di~play. :\iter \·ic\dng the picturv.;. the grtnt p adjournL·rl to the A seml>ly hall " ·lH:rv D u d ley Cr a f t :-; \\'a L o n g a \' l' an in t e r c~ting illu~trah:d lerturl· ,,n "\lod\'rll .\rt. fs There a Rt.:a--nn fnr ih lh·int! ... explaining the great \Y:lH' of creatiH art, ib composition and robr. out t·; ,,·hich must grow some s;u1e and spll·tJ did art .in architecturL' and painting. "·hcrcYer it i.; being attt.·JnptL·d t,l(ta~· . \lr. \Yatson is a gracious and pleasing speaker. The next meeting of the k;lgttt', to lH· he lei in ~f arch. \Yill take place at Com munity House. \\"innetka. the clatL' tr1 hl' announced Ia tcr. a Garden Club Planning Part in Flower Exhibit The Misses Marv Landreth. of Evanston, Betty Mc.Kay, of \Vilmette, and Danesi Mummert, of Kenilworth, gave a dance at the Ouilmette Country club Saturday, February 19. There MARCH SEWING FOR HOME The two Friday se\\'ing me etings at ·were 300 guests. the Woman's club of \Vilmette held The officers and hoard members of under the auspices of the philanthropy department of the club occur March 4 the Woman's Cathofic club of Wiland March 18, commencing at the usual mette will be guests at a luncheon and hour of 10 and con!inuing all day with b.ridge given by their president, Mrs. luncheon served at 12:30 o'clock. The Frank J. Oelerich, at her residence, work on both occasions wi11 be for the 1201 Greenwood avenue, M ondav. Feb.r uary 28. Francis Juvenile home. The regular meeting of the \Yinnctka Carden club was held Thursrla\·, Fthruan· 17. at th home of ~rr~. lh;dolph ~f atz of 1005 Slwriclan road. \\'innctka. tu;<lcr the direction of ).f rs. C. Colton Daugha<la,· of 180 ChP:o~tnu t ~tre~t. \\'innctka, pr~~idrnt of the club . In addition to the plans being made f()r the \\'innctka club':-; participatinn in the Chicago Garden and Flcl\Hr shO\\. to he held in 1he Hotel Sherman. \farch 7 to 12 inclu-,i\·L·. several interesting talks ,,·ere made hv various member:-~ of the cluh. Mrs. \.V illoughh· C. \\-alling, \frs. Buckingham Ch~ncf ler. ~fr~. Alfred E. ~fcCordic. ~[rs. \\.illiam A . . Otis. ancl ?\frs. JTmyard F tk G" l Phillip:-~, were in cluded in the li:-~t of , ormer rnne a rr metnhers who gin·e short t~lks. Florida Golf Champion Announcement is to he made latcr. \f r.;. TT ..\thtin Pardue of Chicago. regarding the members \\·ho arc to at- formcrh· DnrothY Klotz of \Vinnetka. tend the flo\\'er sho"· and have charge according to recent press report s, beof the flower arrangements to he en- . ramr ·thr' \vnman's golf champion o; tercel in the sl10w. Fh>rida Ft'hruary lR ,,·hen she defr::tt- - - - -- - - ed Bratrict' Gottlieb. Ke\\' York Cit,· The next D. A. R. meeting will lw ·municinal ch;:llnpion. 7 and 6. over th-r helcl on February 28, at the home of Palm Brach Cm~ntrv cluh ~ou~se. ?\frs. Harry P. Harrison. 307 AhbottsM.rs. Pardue, 111 the scmt-finals. won !ord road, Kenilworth. An interesting, a ~·tctory over Virginia Van ~Vi r of 1nformal afternoon is planned. A por- (~tcago, the tourn~ment medaltst and tion of Oliver Barretts' collection of ~·mner of the Floncla honor last year \Yashing-ton and Lincoln relics will be over Glct~na Collett. sho\\'n and .revolutionary anecdotes of Mrs. Pa~due. \~·ho has bern a mem grrat interest will be told. her of. In~han Htll club. formerly held the Ill mots and tl1c Chicago women's titles. ~[iss. I rene Larkin, well known dramatic reader, gave James M. BarThe V.lilmctte Rebek::1 h lodge, numrie's "Alice Sit by the Fire" before the b~r 610. will give a card partv 011 students of the National Kindergar- March 9 at the 0rld Fellows h;ll, at ten and Elementary college in Harri- 8 :30 o'clock, to '"hir.h hoth men and son hall at 2 o'clock. on Thursday women have been invited. Bunco and afternoon. fi,·e hundred will he played . w· ·

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