Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 30

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WILMETTE LIFE February 25, 1927 · Society Women Assist .zn A~rranging for Shut-In Sale James Cherry Takes Memphis Girl as Bride February 14 : Miss Frances Dockery, daughter of \Villiam A. Dockery of Memphis, TemL, became the bride of James Crowe ll Cherry, son of Mr. a1~d Mrs. Frank \Vallace Cherry of Kemlworth, on Monday evening, February 14, at 8 o'clock at the Central Baptist church in Memphi s, with Dr. Ben Cox officiating. Mi ss Jeannette Cherry, sister of the groom, v;as maid of honor, and Joe Rice Dockery, a brother of the bnd c, ,,·as Mr. Cherry's best man. Mr. and }.f rs. Frank Cherry, who were the guests of Mr. Dockery at the Memi>his Country club during their stay, r ecei,·ed with Mr. Dockery and Mr s. Atfred Docken· at the reception following. th e ccre~nony held at the club. Th e brid e \\'as loYely in a beautiiul period gom1 of ivory chiffon velv.et and ro~cpoint lace, " ·ith a court tram and nil of old rosepoint. She carried an ann bou()uet of lilie . of the valley and freesias. ?\1iss J eannett e Cherry, as maid of honor. wore a period frock of blur taffeta trimmed in pink French flow...:r:-. Her bott()uet was of pink tulips and fn:esias. The matron of hono r, 1\Ir:;. James Stryker of St. Paul, ~finn ., wore a dre s:-; similar in (h·~ ign anrl color to that of the maid of honor. The bridesmaids were also dre sse d in period style, in pink taffeta, ~nd carried old-fashioned bouqu ets of JHnk and \Yhitc frees"ias and grc('n orchids. Yases oi lilie s, pussy willo\\"s and pink tulips, and \Voodwardia frrns as a background for tall cathedral candles decorat ed the ch urch. ).f r. and }.f rs. Cherry arc taking a bridal jnurn ey of a fe,,· week:.; in the South, a nd th ey will he at h<·I11L' in K l' nil\\"orth . Pretty Things Made by Shut-Ins to Be on Sale on March 8 By JEAN TEN BROECK Recent Bride Heads Two Groups The natne, The Vocational Soc;ety of Shut-Ins, is almost self explanatory along the north shore. Our residents now know just what to expect when announcement comes concerning a sale of articles JHade bY the little band of unfortunates in its. care so anxious to establish a niche of their own in the world of wage earners. The society that is the medium of the Shut-Ins' contact 'with the outside world is arranging another sale of their handiwor~ in Winnetka, Wednesday, March 9, at the home of Mrs. William Cowper Boyden, 725 Pine street, from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. The information we have at our desk we will quote, as it will intrigue the interest of many shoppers who at this particular time of the year feel an urge to freshen their homes and their wardrobes. "A most successful sale was held just a year ago in Winnetka, at the home of Mrs. Ayres Boat, and it is hoped the one this season will be even more successful. "Each year we add . to the loveliness of our stock and to its varietv. with prices much lower than the san1e articles can be purchased anyvvhere. "This. sale will offer unusuallv attrac tive hooked rugs in wool and silk at very low cost; footsto::>ls and floor pil lows in quaint, old fashioned designs; luscious hand quilted satin and taffeta pillows in all sizes and patterns; cheerful appliqued gingham and patchwork tuck -in pillmYS to go with early American furniture: hand quilted chintz purses for the summer costume: all manner of fascinating embroidered lingeri e sets in the most fascinating color combinations; cunning little fat pincushions, some with lace and French flowers, others with a wee crossstitch wreath of flowers; many.vnew and un usual linen luncheon and breakfast sets; 1au n dry bags, handkerchiefs, hangers, dress bags and manv manY more novelties. -' · "Everything is made by the fingers of some Shut-In working happily within four walls in wheel chair or bed, life made brighter and a bit more bearable because of the contact with lovelv materials, and the chance for pleasa,{t occupation instead of sitting with folded hands in some institution or working on button holes in the endless monotony of factory work. "Surely you ca~ find the 1ovelv things you wish for wedding- gifts for your own home, and help the Vocational Society for Shut- Ins increase its scope for greater good. "All Chicago charities are struggling with the problem of finding employment for the handicapp ed persons ~hom no one seems to wish to employ. The need is terrific and we are filling the need of the Shut-In handicapped." Mrs. James Wa1ler Marshall, president of the society, and Mrs. Laird Bell, a member of the boa_rd of directors, a.re wor~ing with the standing committee at the Chicago office in arranging for the Winnetka sale. Assisting the standing r:ommittee, that ha~ the monthly sales . in charge, ctre Mrs. Stephen A. Foster, Mrs. Ayres Boat, Mrs. E<J;.vard K. Welles, Mrs. Norman Harris and Mrs. William C. Boyden, ] r., aJl of Winnetka. The St. Franci~. b.ranch, 251, Daughters of Martha, will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry McDermott, 620 Washin~ton avenue, on Monday, February 28. to sew for the missions. ~orth shore club women have recently been singled out to help guide the activities of the Fortnightlv. Mrs. James \IV aller Marshall of 67-t Prospect avenue, \ Vinnetka, i the ne\v president of the Fortnightly, elected at the annual meeting of the club . Mrs. Laird Bell of 1352 Tower road is a member Director of Theater Next of the board of directors for the organization. Mrs. Marshall as head of the Guest at MacDowell Club Vocational Society for Shut-in s is also Thomas \Vood Stevens will he the active in this work. guest of the Korth Shore MacDowell society next Tuesday eYening at the home of Mr. and "M r ~ . Frederick M. Aid Gives Progressive Bowes of \Vilmette. ~1r. Stevens. forDinner Party Tonight merly of the Carnrgi~ institute in }.Jembers of the Ladies' Aid society Pittsburgh, is now in complt:te charge of the \\"ilm et te Parish Methodist of the Kenneth Sawyer Goodman church and th eir husbands are to be theater- the school for the theater embracing practically all the various de- guests at a progressi\'e dinner party partments of acting: scene designing, tl1is cYCning ginn by the society. 1\f rs. Charles A. Lundberg is in costuming and others. Mr. Stevens will talk on the history of the reper- charge of the first course. which will he sened at 6:30 o'clock. The party toire theater in Chicago. George Swigart, violinist, who will will then he se n-eel at the home of Mr. supply the musical part of the program and ~f rs. Leonard O~horn at 1428 Forhas been heard f.requently on the north est ayenue. and will procee d from there shore, and has appeared as soloist with to \YinnCtka, " ·here Mr. and Mrs. A. the Little Symphony orchestra. His D. Stoker of 224 M \-rtle aYentie will be sister, Estelle Swigart, will accompany ho st and hostess f~r dessert and the him at the piano. She has appeared as entertainment following. Miss Laura cello soloist with the Little Symphony. Fisher is in charge of tl1e program for the e,·ening. Mrs. Jame s Crowell Cher.ry before her marriage on February 14, was Miss Frances Dockery of Memphis, Tenn. Upon returning from their wedding trip Mr. Cher.ry and his bride will make their home in Kenilworth. Mr. Cherry is the son of ·Mr. and Mrs. Frank \Vallace Cherry of Kenilworth. :\[offet ~tudio Mrs. James Waller Marshall Circle Meetings At Art Luncheon M em hers of the \Voman's club of \Vilm ette and guests attended the Art luncheon given yesterday in the \Valnut room of the Palmer House following Miss Lucie Hartrath's talk at the Art institute on the occasion of View day . Mrs. N. P. Colwell, Mrs. R. T. Huff, M.rs. R. E. P. Kline. Mrs. C. D. Ewer, Mrs. \Villard Thayer, Mrs. Charles R. Bixb~r. Mrs. Sumner Mason, Mrs. H . E. Holdaway, Mrs . T. A. ~opeland, Mrs. A. J. Taylor, Mrs. John Mannerud, Mrs. Alonzo Coburn. Mrs. E. G. BentleY and Mrs. Gordon \\Tilson we.re amon~· those at the luncheon. Freshmen Sponsor Dance the Pre~l1man eta~~ of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college is sponsoring an. informal dance to be given in the ball.room of the Georgian hotel, Evanston, on Saturday evening, February 26. Miss Gene Gallagher, president of the class, ·is chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements for the danre to which upper-classmen as well as freshmf'n · are invited, T\,.::l circles of the Fir .~t Congregational church will meet next week. The ~urth End circlL· will meet on }.f unday, February 28. at the home of }.frs. D.}.[. Gallic, 1115 Elm\\'oocl an·nuL . I.unrhl'on will he se rved at · 12 :30 o'clock. }.[ rs. E. Ancler.;;on, }.I iss Jean }.f unro and ~f rs. Clark llolli . .; ter will IJe assi~ting hostesses. The Cre:-;cent circle will meet on Tuesda\·, }.farch 1, with Mrs. B. A. Langdo-n, 715 Laurel aYentte. The luncheon committee for the day is : Hostess at Dinner Mrs. ]. \Y. Tuthill, Mrs. H . E . Cutll'r . ~frs. Ptlul A. Hoffman, junior past Mrs. F. C. Hocrber, and !\f rs. ~ . }.f . matron of the Order of Eastern Star. Sin gll'ton. entrrtaincd her officers and chairmen of yarious committees and their hushanrls at a dinner on Saturday, Feb- Club Dance March 5 ruary 12, given at the Lake Shore TerThe Suhurban · reighborly Dancing race. ~tub, \\'hich gi,·es a series of danco Each officrr was presented with a during the year, is planning its next gift, and A. T. Pyfcr made the pres- regular evP.ning for Saturday night, entation speech and gave to M.rs. March 5, at the Winnetka \\Toman's Hoffman, from her officers, a leather club. 'Cnder the able direction of the music ·case and a Yalentine box of gene.ral committee in charge. including candy.. Attracti,·e favors .w rre a part Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam H. Hayt of \Vilof thr table decorations. Cards were mettc, and Mr. and .Mrs. J. M. \\Tinplayed late.r in the evening in the scott, 11r. and Mrs. George Robert p a r 1or s. and prizes were awarded. Quin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert \V. McDancing and singing were also enjoy- Kisson, and Mr. and Mrs. 1'. R. Benson ed. of \Vinnetka, a delightful party is be\ · ing arranged·. Dance at Club Tomorrow The Ouilmette Country club is entertaining at a formal dinner dance tomorrow evening. Cope Harvey is to furnish the music for .the evening. On Monday the club is holding the next of its pivot hrLdge parties. The club is continuing its popular luncheons on Mondays. Betrothal Announced .The engagement has been announced of Miss Nathalie Madeleine Yonkers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Yonkers, 911 Sheridan .road, to Granville Revere Lewis, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Granville R. Lewis 0£ Lync·hburg, Va . I .

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