Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 25

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February 25, 1927 WILMETTE . LIFE 25 Kindergartners Plan Lie Detector Told They Are to Trap the Fibber (Jenuine Patriots on the Golf Course · Proi. Albert Bu shnell Hart of Harvard university, was tht; guest of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college on Wednesday, and spoke to the students o n the subject, " \Vhat are W c Here for?" Professor Hart, who is the brother of Miss Jeannette Hart. head of one of the halls in the college dormitorie s, ha s bee n greatly inte,r estccl in the gro\\'th and developm ent of the school for seve ral years. In regard to the question \vhich he chose as his subject, Professor Hart said that we are all eugaged in trying to develop a b ett er idea of education. "\Ve used to think that education was like going up a flight of steps, a step from one grade to the next, from the primary to the elet;ncntary school, from elementary to high school, and so 011. More recently we have di scove red that education is not a flight of stairs, it is a slope, a gradual progression. Education is one process from the fir st entering into an organized school room or kindergarten up to graduation from a university or profes sional school. In many ways, the l)rocess in the different stages is the same, ;:tnd the persons c:; ngaged in education, from the kin dergarten to the professional school. arc on the sanie job. "If \\'C are all in the same busin ess," he continued, "\\'c ought to work together. ·Y ou arc shaping th e product br the co llege s. You have the fir st chance and a good deal depends on the way~ you deal \vith the children. And you also have the sa ti sfact ion of kn o\Ying you arc a group of genuine patriots, that you arc se rving your country, that you are developing a group of men and \\·omen, from the ground upward s, who arc to carry o n its ideals." market the device at ·the golf show. Time Limit Expires for Another exhibit at the show which is sure to interest golfers will be a new New Auto License Plates kind ,of sand for trap . Manufacturers The time limit set on the purchase of the sand say that it is· "non-skid- of village and state licenses has been That gotf~ng fiend · that you suspect able" and that the player whose ball reached, accorr!~ng to the police deof being a relative of Ananias after is in this sand wilt have an easier time p<Jrlment, and fr8m now on anyone ophc announces his score at the end of making his shots if he plays off it. crating a car under la st year's plates is a round is doomed . Everything in the world of golf will subject to arre st o n that score. The The fellow who lies poorly in the \ he on ";iew at the sh~w from. tractors police are anxious to avoid the necessand traps and lies-and lies-and lie s I to. golf halls. J_oe Kt_rkwoocl, world's sity of putting any motorist to incon~ when he yells he's out in one will be i tnck sh8t champwn. mll he on hand to venience in this regard and request relegated to "Lavon McDuffer's" cla ss exhibit hi s weird hag of tricks twice that the public co-operate with them wi.th t~c apt?licatio~1 of one of the late st \ <laily .during the show and to partici- by ordering plates at once, if they s e~ e nttfic dt. covenes to the "Ancient patt 111 tournaments. have not already done so. No monev a nd Royal game," according to Spear- I The "Derby Hat" indoor course I is saved by delaying the date of purman Lewi s, director of the Inter- which was used at last year's show will chase as the state and village statutes national Golf Show, March 21 to 26. 1he re-constructed at the Hotel Sher- provide that the same tax is made at th e Hotel Sherman, Chicago. man and a number of the leading ama- , throughout the first six months, or at One of the centers of attraction at teurs and pros in the country will play 1 any other time if the car was pur1he <;how is hound to be the "Lie de- 1 on it before and during the show. chased before that period expires. 1 <'C'tor" which will he on exhibition. Mrs. H. F. Shurtleff of Wheaton and Thi s device. it i . claimed, can tell un).f r . Frederick :M. Bowes of 714 !ailingly whether or . not the person it Ashland avenue has as her gue~t her her son, Wilford, arrived Sunday to be ts attached to is answering que stion s mother, 1Irs. Franklin Bonniwell of the guests for a few days of Mrs. put tQ him truthfully or not. It con- Kansas City. Mrs. Bonniwell arr'ived Shurtleff's mother, Mrs. Gerda Hawsi~ts oi a ~ma ll rubber air hose which Tuesday of last week for a visit of five kinson of 1610 Spencer street. -a· is attached to a person's wrist at one or . ix weeks. -oFrederick N cilson of 1126 Forest end and to a r<:cording device at th e ot.htr. The pulse beats of the player ).1 rs . Charles }; . Roberts of 1014 avenue, who has just completed his mil Itt faster and wilt register so if Lake avenue entertained her drama work for a degree from Williams colhe i~ ly~ng, according to the inventors, study class Tuesday, Februa.ry 22, with lege. returned on Wednesday of last wh o thmk they see a good place to luncheon preceding. week. I l I I Organized -Standardized Localized I SERVICE for CADILLAC Owners A BOTTLE OF MILK FOR LUNCH! One item must not be omitted from your child's lunch-the noonday bottle of milk. This will give him his one big health essential. Be sure the milk is fresh and pure. gives you effective supervision, inspection1 and adjustment of your car at.regular·stated intervals. Emergency repairs are carried out promptly-meeting each situation as it arises. Costs surprisingly moderate-based on Cadillac's economical Standardized Service. In considering a new car-investigate the supporting service. As a guide and standard of measurement, look into Cadillac Service first. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, EVANSTON BRANCH 1810 Ridgl' Avenue · Evanston

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