Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 22

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WILMETTE LEE SIMS CHARLIE GARLAND LIFE February 25, 1927 A world's reco~d for the purchase of manufactured gas was established .in and Assisting Faculty - Teaclilng Piano· Syncopation, Saxophone, Chicago recen~ly, when the InternaBa.njo and Ukelele. tional Harvester company bought GARLAND STUDIO 47,000,000 cubic feet ~n one month from ·-----·- · IS! Lyon & Healy .Hldg. The Peoples G_ as Ltght & Coke· com:: "M' d" . the subject of the lesPhone Harrison OtiS · pany. · son-s~~mo~\)~1~ all churches of Christ, s · f t S d February 20 cTe~e lS 'old~~~ a{~xt was fron~ James 1 ·5 an of you lack wisdom, let Audits - Systems - Investigations hin; ask of tod that giveth to all men liberally, and t;pbraideth not; and it ~ shall be given him." · . Consulting Arconntnnts & Auditors Among the citations " ·hich compnsed 19 So J,nSn l\t St. CliiCA·GO Phone . Central 9b6l the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "0 the depth of the riches bpth of the wisdom and know]edge of God! how un sea rchable are his · · fi · d' JUdgments, and hts way s past n ~ng out' For who hath knO\Yn the mtnd of the Lord? or · who hath been his ' F f I· l through cc:m~be 11 or. o~ o 11111. anc . . hm1, and to hm!, are all thm,?s · to '"·hom be glory for ever. Amen. (Romans 11 :33, 34, ~6). . . The .lesson-sermon al o mcludc~. !he " followmg pa s_sages from the Chn sttan On March First the prices will advance. .By merely placing S~ience t~xtbook, "S~ience ~t,nd Health your order before then you can secure present prices. Y . ou ,,·1th Ke7 to .t~~ Scnptures, , by Mar:y need not choose your materials or set the date of delivery Baker ~ddy. Tl~e wor~cl v.oul~ co~until later. , lapse \Vlt~out ).lmd, \\' tth?ut l~ltel.h gence W~1t~h hold~ the ~"~nel s m ~~ gra'-p. Netther plulo so ph~ nor skeptJ. . d . l J · S · ct sl!1 can htn er t 1c marc 1 ot et~nc~ "·htch re\~ea ls the supremacy of Mmd ( p. 209) · Christian Science Churches Sculptor Gives Pupils a Lecture on His Artistry In connection with the art arid sculpture exhibition now being he.lc at the Jdosep~ sd~ars . schofol.s Ket~tl worth, un er tne trccttOn o · upertn .tendent E. L. Ny!?aard, an .illustrated lecture on sculptunng was gtvcn Wed nesclay after.noon, Febru~.ry 1o, _by Emory P. Setdel, noted Chtcago arttst . Practically ev~ry phase o.f sculptur mg \\"a s deal! wtth ..Mr. Setdel 1~10~le} ing meanwlule an tmag~ of Vtrgu~ta Johnson, one of th~ Kentlworth puptls A s he complete? h1s w~rk on the cla_y model, he contmued h1s talk by ex plaining how the forms for casts are d 1 d onstrated this phase of rna e anc em . th · 'tl tl 1e tworkf by .covThl~ pla~t~~;~~~e~~~ g P1as er 0 pans. is carefully removed from the original model, he explained, and into the hol low mould thus formed, is poured th e material from which the statue or hust is to he made. Mr. Seidel also <.:x I 1 · ed the use of the variou s tools ~n~tthe technique ilwoh·e d in marble modeling. . fr Seidel is one of the mo st note< of1 ~ontemporary sculptors, dealing with child or older subjects with equal 't ·s sat'd · T\\' O of the best . .t a1 )1 1 I y, I 1 · .,. known of his work s, "Dancing Girl First Pose ' " were amon .g, an d "Bal J y's · . those shown at \Vcclnl'sclay's exhibit. ! INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SAUNDERS SAUNDERS "Il ,_ Attractive Spring Mod·els ,. $25 Up Until March 1st . Hand~W oven Sport Clothes 1 Baker Loom Craft Studio · 1103 Central Avenue . Phone Wilmette 307j WILMETTE Urs. T . B. Potter o-f 607 For es t aye~ nu~ entertained her '1\~e sdaY club at lunch e811 and bridge thi s \\'e~k. .-· - - - - - - - North Shore Men Guests at Luncheon for Nobleman 'fl1e l~arl of ~unn1ore, ~. C., llf l.c ' lldon, who ha s been in Chicago c\·t·r;ll da\·s as the guest of Henry H. Bri)! ha.n1. pr esid ent of the Korth American Car corp8ration and a re s ident. oi Glencoe, was given a luncheon Fncby noon Fchruarv 18, hy Charles \ \" . Fold ; , in order. that he might ha\'C the opportunity to meet a group of Chicago's leading busines s m en . Korth ~ h o rc men wh o attended th e lunchc ::l n included the follmYing: Hl' n· n · H. D~igham. Erwin R. Brigham. Clarl'nc e T .. ~faci\eille, Gordon .\. Ralll say and Ang_!.t:it Zie =- ing of Glencoe: Charles H. CoffitJ, ~Valter A. Strong. of \\'innetka; and Roy C. 0~ · good of Kenih,·orth. The Earl's mi ss ion here wa s to complete contrachtal relati:->n :' o n export hu ~ int s::-. \\'ith tl1c X nrth :\merican Car corporation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A STUNNING ARRAY OF NEW IDEAS A complete collection of S p r i n g F.ashions now opens our season opportunely, with distinctive style and value quickly inspiring confidence. Your new Frock is here- a revelation in smartness of style, fabric, color, with convincing price appeal. Early selections are advantageous. The best values go first. Our spring line is now at its best, with the newest modes in one and two-piece Dresses, three-piece Costumes, including our stunning Compose innovations. Prices average from $I 9· 75 to $45·oo. Hart Schaffner 8 Marx Coats are the big feature in our spring wraps-the ultimate in good taste and value. Prep Track Athletes Eye Annual Northwestern Meet Outstanding high sc hool tra ck and stars of the ~fiddle \Ve :-t \\·ill att~· nd tfH' Fifteenth Xational ~ortlnn·stcrn Tntcrschnb . tic games to be held in Patten gvm at E,·anston )..farch 2(], 27. Tm·it;itions haYc hecn sent out to over 1,500 schools throughout the countrv and the largest cntr~· list in· the hi~t-orv of the meet is anticipated. . Last Year the games attracted an entr~ li;t of over 500 prep s.chool athletes. The Northwestern int erscho- · lastic has gained considerable prestige during its long existence and each year finds many more schools applying for entry. ~"· imming Splendid Modes in Large Sizes 1606 Chicago Ave. C. S. Breckenridge, Prea. ~f rs. A. P. Ogilvie of 318 Greenleaf avenue entertained at a Valentine luncheon and bridge party for twelve guests on ~fon<lay, February 14. -0- ).,f rs. Daniel R. Brower of 720 Fifth street entertained her reading circle \V erlnesclay of this week, with luncheon precerling the meeting. -o- At Davis St. ~============~=====tVANSTON===================~ Harvey and Laurance Skewes of 1511 \Valnut avenue left Thursday of last week for a three weeks' visit to Hot Springs, Ark.

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