Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE L I F'E February 25, 1927 MONEY TO LOAN Firs t 1 \lortgnge 6% Jtctt nnn clng a ntl New .Huwungs R eginald Green, 318 P ark ave nue, is g ivi ng ·a litt le th eate r party for a g roup of his f ri ends at th e Vill age T heater Saturday. T\\'o of the 100 largest cities in the The Prentice Players of Northwesl'nitcd States arc in Illinois. They .are .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. Chicago an~ Peoria. tern university arc i;lViting north S~l~~e playgo.ers , ~o pcrfor~~lanc.?s 0 ~ Sl~c1kespeare s "L ,~· elfth 1\1ght. \rh~ch 1s t:1 't 111 . .'"\nntc A · > '\f"l\" s,vift hall - I>c prcscn t ec ·' c. ~ < · _ :\nrth,restcrn campus. on \\'cdnesday and Friday e\·cnings, ~{arch 2 and -l. WILMETIE, ILL. The comcch· "Twelfth 1\ight," is in - the repertory. ~f t\\'O Ke\\' York stock Tenth Street and Central Avenue companies. the Civic .Repertory compall\·, and the Amcncan Laboratory SERVICES the~trc. Also. the Goodman ~f emorial SUNDAY SERVICES- 11 A. M. theater oi Chicago has announced this \Nc-dnesday Test imonia l play ior this year. The play was given Sunday School Exerc ises last fall hv the Cniversitv of 1.1 ichigan, ~Ieeting-8 P. ~L 9:45A.M. - and the Nor1nal college ~f I1linois, atld - · is schedu1ed to 1-;-e giYen at the Uni\·rrS~t~· of Jc)\Ya during- the· SllllltllCr SCS39 So. Ln. Salle St. t:eutral 06!o W. L. PECK CO. ·~ - o- Prentice Players Invite Playgoers to "Twelfth Night" 'MUSIC GUILD MEETS . - Winnetka Teachers Discuss Best Methods and Aims of Music In struction I J Priv;~t.· rntsic teachers and teaciH.: r" in the public and private schools in . . First . Church of Christ, Scientist \Vmnetka gathered together Mondav · · · cvcnmg, February 21, m the Camp Fire room of the Community· House, in a most interesting meeting of the \ Vinnctka Branch of the 1\fusic Guild of the North Shore. February 27, 1927 Subject: ~'CHRIST JESUS" - SIOn. · READING ROOM- 1163 WILMETTE AVE. . HOU R S: D aily ·( except V ved nesday and Satu rday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. \ :Vednesday 9 A. M. to 7 :45 P.M. Saturday 9 , A. M. to 9 P. M. Th e Bible and Works of Mary .Baker Eddy a nd all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, barrowed or purchased. _ _ The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Reading Roam ~IIIIIIIIUMIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt~ CJhe EA5'-# · I \t\'A511ER Vacuum Electric The . '\C<:nery of the play, which is a11 in the form of curtains, has heen made and designed by the students of the sccnen· and costume class. A contest \\'as l~eld in the ·early part of last scme. ter. members of the class presented . ccne;-;, and the \\'inning scenes ha\'l' bern cle:;ign<:d for the play. 'I'h re arc rlevcn scenes in the play. The pia~· i' under t l1c direction of \" iln L't' ~r. ~r ort on 0 f t II c Sch Ot) I 0 i Speech. The other positions of the production staff arc filled by members oi Prl'nticc Plavcrs. Thcse arc as follm,·s: Paul T. ·irarri:o>. tcchnicalman a.~l'r: Edna o·ahlin, as:-.i,tant director: Douglas Bryant, stage manager: Dulah Pttlsca mp. Dtt11a Grl'cn. ~f arv Snnler, and Sue Bo11inger. scenic en.~·".: (~race Hall. electrician: Eilcne Doop. assist ant electrician; Dorotll\· Parmenter Rosctp Alk .. designers: ha,·id Butkin: h us i n c s s manager: Tom Goodrich~ hnu:-;e manager: and Alice \Yo od\\'orth, usher. l.f iss Peggy 1\ eilson of 1126 Forest an.· nue returned last SaturdaY from a six \veeks' visit to X ew Yo;k. ~f iss Xeil:'on att,tnded the Dartmouth carni,·al and the senior prom at \Villiams college. For any repair the charges are fair- at RODENKIRK ·PitON£ WILM!Tr£ J~ A series of talks on articles appearing in currl'nt magazines, led to valu- · able discussion of the best methods and aims in musical instruction. The Progressive Education magazine, and the ~cw Era. published in London, deyofl'd their last numbers entirely to music, and were taken up in detail ln· the guild. The Modern Music maga-zine al so contained much of intcr<'st and stimulation to the members of the guild. · In addition to this part of the pro gram. ~Irs. Burton H. Atwood brought np tl1c subject of \Vinnctka's part in the ct:lt:hrat ion of ~r usic \\'cek, \\'hich is to be held thv f1rst week in ~~ aY. Plans for the 'Music week will he definitely announced later. It is tht' hope o( the group in charge of t h<' North Shore, to make the week more of a "music-in-the-home" \H' Ck, par ents and children joining in the sin!.! ing <tf song s. Groups, such as ~It<· cluhs and choirs. are of course ex prrted to lend a definite share t(l thl' program. For those unfamiliar with the ob ject. and purposes C~f thl' ~ru ~ ic Cuild, it. i~ announct·d that any private teacher intcrcqed, or all\: public schn, ,t teacher is cordialh· iil\·itcd to attend the me.eting~ an<l -!>~come a memiH·r. \\'ith the north shore sn !tiled \\'irh music tcac hers, rae h striving to g i\'C their pupils the best musical cdttct tion possible. ro" -oprration lead" h1 new idea~ and stimulation. The guild furnishes a place for discussion and prohkm-snh·ing, and keeps its mem ber:-;· in touch with the latest and he--t in met hod:-; of in t ruction . \ \' ilmct t e. I·\·an s ton and \ Y inn e t k:1 ha,·e active branches of the guild. Each pn:!->ident of thr !oral hranrhl'~ is autnmatirally elected a ,·ice-prr!'ident of the North Shore nrganiration. Mrs. Frank Baile,·, of the Xorth ~hnrc Countrv Dav school, i:-; pre~idcnt oi t he w ·innetka group, and rcprescnb the local g uild on the larger board. . ~· 0 0 Gently,lib: human banda. the Easy Vacuum Cu~ move up &JJd down 60 timCt a minute, ftushinc air, toap .00 water through th~ clothes and back again. Meanwhi1e the New Easy dryer~ the clothe. dry, ready for the line, within 3 minutes. croc=::::ro.. e .... Let us demonstrate in your home No Obligations cAUTION should warn you how to take care of your car. Visit this repair shop where the charges are fair and work dependable. 0 0 ~'!)oi l D 0 Tlwrc a r e no tedious d(· Jays to yo ur dinner hour h ere. \ Ve C>mploy a staff of wait r esses su fficie nt to serve ou r guest s ca pably and ra pidl y. D 0 Tempting SettJiet Adams Eleetrie Shop 521 4th St. Phone Wil. 1040 MAC'S

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