Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 15

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February 25, 1927 WILMETTE LIRE.. · 15 Kenilworth Happenings ~l r. and Mrs. Hugh Fore sman and tht ~1isses Dorothy and Emi ly Forestnan, 515 E sex road, leave Kenilworth ntxt Tuesday for ,Biloxi, Miss., where they will spend several weeks . Miss Patt,· Foresman, who is attending the C n { v e r s it y of Chicago, will spend Easter vacatbn in Biloxi. Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling, 256 Kenilworth avenue, are leaving Nassau Saturda\· after a several weeks' stay and exiJcct to return tn Kenilworth March 1. -0~1r s. Alonzo ]. Coburn oi ~15 Lind en avenue will entertain her reading circle ~1 on clay, February 28. Sketches for a new home~ what is mote interesting? ~we make them. NCIDm ~(O)mi£ JH[(Q)~ 000 Builders of Bette1· Homes WILMETTE. ILL. Chicago Office - First National Bank Bldg. Phone~ Wilmette 1417- Randolph 1433 -0- -0, ~Ir. and ~fr s. Harry \V. Mon s. 157 ~Ir s. Bentlev ).1cCloud. 338 Kenil\\'nn<htock avenue, · KenihYorth have ju:-;t returned from California where worth avenue,· Kenilworth entertained the\· \\'Crc the house guests of Mr. and her bridge cluh on \Ycdnesrlay. ~f r~. A. \V. Wigglesworth at Pasadena. -o-oThe Kenihrorth cluh is giving a din1 'l r. an< 1 ,.f . A .· 'f ·' .v·r s. M , or<1te , ummert, ner . dance and ma sq uerarle thi~ eve20() \Vood stock avenue. and their tung. daughters. Danesi and · 1\f ordinc, are leaving Kenilworth today to spend a 1 111nntl, in Miami and Havana . Sunday, Ft.·bruary 2'7, will b<' Quin- ForYoa St. Augustine's .. I quagf'sima Sunday. Tlwr<· will b e Holy Comn tuni on at 8 a . m., f'hur<·h . sC'hool::; ~1 r . and ~f r:-;. Roy C. Osgood. 423 at !I :4;) and morning- Jn·ayt·r with s<.·rnwn l·:s~ex road. Kenilworth entertained at at 11 o'clock. diltm·r at the lTn.iversitv dub and a · Today ( Ft·i<lny, l"t·hrun ry 2ii) thf' forttl~eater party afterwar.ds ·M onday e\'C- nightly mt·<·ting- of tlw "·~~nwn's Associttln~ tn celebrate thrtr t\\·cntv-fourth att·d guilds will hP h1·l<l m tlw Club " t·dding anniYersary. Houl"t;-- at 10::10 with, ~un<'hl' n n at noon. During- I.<·tlt , fr om I· I'Hla~·. :\farch 4 on, -o. . tlw g-ui11ls will nH·d .,y,.,·~· \\' (·t·k on Fri~1 r. ancl ~1 rs . Olmstead ot ~f tlwatt- <lay. -o- Be independent of outside ice supply next summer-and fore'Yer! I kt ' t ' :pe n~ la~t week-end vi~iting Mr. I ~lany of !:4! .·\ug-u stitu ··s nkmh<·r s hn.\'e ( )Jntstcad s stster, ~r rs. Bentley ~~ c- bt ·(·n att··n<ling- tlw l1ish11ps' <'rusacle sPr('lllud. 33R Keni lworth avenue Kcnil- ' ,.it···s ht"!cl for tlH · :-\··rtll ~hnn· Episcoworth. . I pal (·h ttrTht·S in ~t. Llll<t ·'s. 1·:\'anstnn, la:,;t. -o- I Wt·(·k. Th· · funl'l·a I of E . lT· ·J·I1· ·rt Lilly waR \1 r. and l\1 rs. \Villi am A. ~~ oulton, IH ·Icl in !:it . · \ti g u stin,··s <·lntrl' h l;~ ~t :\[on235 Rall'i~lt roa d, Kenilworth ,,·ill cn- lla , -. Tlw r· ·c· tnr assist, ·d hy tIll' R e v. F . tl·rtain th eir dinner bridg-e club Satur- .J ..Tromp, C'IHHl Ul'tt·d t lw s,·· n ·it···!-i. d : t~· L '\·cning-, February 26. 'f'he rd'to r, wh o is t·llairll1 :111 of the · Ex-oamining- Cha plain hoard of th,· OioCPRe of .\lr~ . Fd\\·in Bluthart, 415 Essex road, \' hicag-o, eonductt·tl t·X:~Jninations yesterday at St. ..:\U g- U!'ti nt ·'s f<~r . young men l\:cnil\\'ort h is entertaining a few of pn·paring t c, (· nh·r tlw 1111111 ~\ r y of the her friends at a bridge luncheon today. Episcopal church. }\n safeguat: . Make c . \ t wtnter. tbts as K. arts are o. ·· L" to P take the Do this when 1JONttorth Shore frodn~' insp~t~;~r ':he rough d:::~~; · free---uu u t it is a f :n Install Frigidaire now Frigidaire is installed in your home, you ONCE are forever free from· the need of outside ice supply. The minute th.e connections are made and the current turned on you have automatic ·electric refrigeration-you have the rermanent convenience of direct frost-coil cooling-you have Frigidaire. Come in and see Frigidaire in ~ctual operation. Inspect the new models now on display. Examine the Frigid~ire frost-coil. See how it works-how it preserves the freshness and flayor of all foodshow it freezes· ice cubes and makes frozen desserts. :P~:! ( 't·ntrnl An·., r o lluht'r l:IN·. ('o., Hi~hlnnd l'arl., Ill. Sto\ t'r ( 'o., lnt·.-tlt·nt·ral Ofth·t·s: .a;;;, E. }: rh· St. t ' hlt· n~to, Ill. JHst·ln:r Rooms: :n:; X. Jli<'IJignu An. ( ' hlt·n~o. Jll.-Tt·tt·phtHtt·: SUJIHinr :.;;2s. 16:n SlJnmuu .\n., .Eronston, Ill. l'nhllt· ~t· nil't' ('om)liiiiJ of Xortht'rn Jllln~·ls, 11-11 Ct'ntrnl A , .t' .· Wllm.-ttfl. Ill. !1:111 J. intlt·n .\no., Huhharcl 1\' ootls, 111. l'uttlit· St·nice ~o. of Northern IlL 11:? s. Yurk st., Elmhurst, Ill. ., iii:; W, 9;)th St., <'hh·u~· o, 111, · -t611 l'rospt·(·t AH., Jlllwaukt't', Wis. tli6i Stony Jsla~ul ,\H., ('hit·u~w. 111. :116 (~mnd .\Y«>., .\IIIwnukH, WI!-. -l s. Fifth .\n·., J,.n Urangt·, 111, ,Wmllt'J llro~ ·· Jlllwaukce, "·ts. ;,11:!2 W. Jlatll!>ton st., ('hl<·ngo, 111. 1 town- o r the Linden Ave. The cat wt'll be rea ~ when you return. }AlLL"ER Equals Maintenance" ~~ Equ,pmen . t & MlLlJ~.R M,otot Sales of Wi\tnette . 636 Repair Dept. Phone Wt\. 5 15 4tb sueet

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