Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 13

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February 25, 1927 WILME.TT.E LIFE 13 1st Cong1·egational t Ministers : Stephen A. Lloyd William E. McCormack The First Congregational, lo·c ated at the point where Lake avenue crosses Wilnwtte avenue and Eleventh street, is open to evprybody every day. 'l'he aim is to make it a Hom;e of fellowship and prayer to all people. Its minh;ters count it their gn'atest joy when th ey may serve individual needs, and its officers are honot·P<l wher:1 the church is permitted to a::;sist in promoting the welfare of the community. Twenty-one denominations art· already 1·ppres ·nted in its membership and a whole hearted welcome awaits all who will ;u:ccpt its hospitality. The Boys' club meets on Friday at 3 :30 p. m. under the l·ade rship of Mr. ~I d .'ormack. th~· the officers and teachers of the Sunday School will be held at the church at 8 "Blt>ssed Arf!' 'They That Hunger and o'clock. Tnirst After Righteousness," is the sermon theme at the 11 o'clock service at The Wilmette Baptist church is located the Baptist church Sunday morning. It at the corner of Wilmette and Forest is the fourth in the series the pastor is avenues. The Pastor H.ev. Francis Carr giving on t110 "Simplicities of Jesus,"· be- Stiner may be seen at his study in the ing studied in the Beatitudes. The choir, church during the mnrnin'gs of the week under th e din'ction of Mme: Gilderoy except Monday, and at other times by apScott ·,will sing "Fear Not, 0 Israel," by pointrne_nt. rrhe churcT1 office is open Spick ·r, and Mme. Scott will sing a solo. daily from ~ to 12 and 1 to G, closing Saturday at 12. Church telephone, 'VilTht· compkt(·ly graded Sunday school mette 2235 . com·(.·nc·s at !J :ao. There ar class\)s for all. Th(.· men's and women's classes m et"t in the church auditorium. First Baptist I ~ I :\Tr. Stifh·r will 11H'f't with the Inter-\ nwdiate d epartme nt at 3 :30 in Children's hall on Sunday aft<'rnoon in the PreEaster study of tlw meaning of the 1 Christian !iff' and church memb('rship. ~ilnday morning all departtn ·nts of Tlw fom:th recital in the 1926-7 VesChurch school begin their services vrnmptly at !) ::10 <\.. m. This Sunday Dr. per concert s<·ries, under the direction of Lloyd will meet the new CoYenant class \Villiam Harrison Barnes, will be given for the first time. Mr. McCormack will at 4 o'clock. The artists will be Lester preach. to the members of the Junior Con- nroom, at the organ, and Carleton Kaumey er, ,·!olin soloist. · Full announcegr.. gntion at 10 :30 a. m. ment els(·where in this paper. 1m AINT your screen doors P now before your summer forgetfulness has allow~ At the Sunday morning ser\'ice of worship at 11 o'clock Dr. Lloyd will preach Th<" High school B. Y. P. U. will meet on "The Soul's Daily Dozen" str<·ssing in Children's hall at 5 :30. John Ouse's tht- JW(·d of SJ>iritual exercis.,f· in tiH· life group will be in charge. It will · be a uf the well-rounded man. missionary th<·mt·, "Pl·netrating the Dark ( ~ontinent." The \Vilmette Sunday Evenlpg club tlH·l'ts in this church at 7 ::10. Dr. Sherwood Eddy of N<iw York City will speak. :\ladame Edith Bideau Nonm·lli will sing. This ehurch co-operates with Sunday EY·: ning- club which presents this w eek at 7 :30 at the Conregational church. Dr. Sherwood Eddy of New York City. His subject will deal with international rE'lations and conditions in Europe, including nusHia . :\Jnw. Xormelli, soprano of St. _ .!.uk\·'s chureh, Entnston, will sing. Th" :\lission Study class for men and wonwn will hold its fuurth session at 7 :4G in Children's hall on \\·edncsday evening, ":\Jar<'h 2, :\Trs. 1:. A. Huntle y, lt'ader. ·Lasting-Delightful Different NYLOTIS PERFUME a ·delightful bouquet odor. As fra~ grant and more lasting than the scents of the fourteen Bowen which the master perfumer has so subtly blended in this exquisitr. perfume. ed them to be forgotten. It only takes a little while and a few cents worth of paint will do the job. Sanitation and prevention of rust and decay are real reasons. Draperies Made to Order and Estimates Furnished. ( m ::\Ionday the North End ·circle, Mrs. H. l'. Tut>pj)(·n, chairman, will be ent('rtained at the homt· of :\Irs. D . ::\1. Uallie, 111 i"1 Elmwood a \'elll.le. Th · a::;sisting ho~teHses will lw :\IrK Anderson, l\Irs. C. ~ . Hullistt·r, and Miss Jean ·Munro. .In Dainty One-Ounce Bottles Attractively Boxed The 'Vashington Avenue circle, Mrs. F . A. Cushi11g Smith, chairman, wlll be ··ntt-rtain c d at luncheon on Monday at the Lincoln Troop ~o. ~ Bov Scouts will honw of l\Jrs. L eslie l\Iillar, 510 \Vashington a\'t·nUL·. :\In.;. Nathaniel Thayer nw~·t at tlw churc·h at I :ift, Thursday eYe ning. and ~lrs. Halph Huff will assist. at Thf· choir r··llt·ar~al. Thursday \)II Tuesday the Crescent eire! , 1\lrs. F. E . Parry, chairman, will be entertained p.m. at an itll day m ·e ting at the home of 1\lrs. B. :\. Langdon, 7lii Laurel avenue. The ThL· :\Ian·h mn·ting· of the \\·oman's lUJ1clH ·on commif.tt>e con~ists of l\Irs. J. soddy will bl' on Thur~day, )[arch 3. \\'. Tuthill, :\Irs. If. E. Cutl<'r, l\lrs. F. C. TIH·rt· will h · \\.hite Cross work a::; usual llt~t-tbl· r, and ~Irs . S. :!\1 ~ingleton. at 10 o'cloc·k and lunclwon at 12:30. The aftt-rnoon program on Christian Ameril~oost · n·lt Troop ~o . 2 nwt·ts at H ead- canization will lw in charge of l\Irs. Arthur C. Youngbt'rg and Link "~." quartt ·rs on Tut ·s day night at 7 :30. Tlw S··a St·ouls lll· '··t at 7 :::o p. 1n. on Tu. ·scla y :1 t t Itt · <'h un·ll . 1-:wa l't <'ook, sldppl'l·. · Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works ALFRED EVERS. Prop. Glass, Picture Framing, Mirror Resilvering. Wallpaper, Draper~es and Art Materials. 1 133 RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY O)lposlte St. Joseph's l:Juareh Phone Wll. :U6 Crntral Ave. Ph. Wit. 3493 I I?· I This ,. ,.,.n i ng t h·· Fo · ht·mu')' lllo ·<·ti 11 " of I I Tilt · .Junior (;iris' <'hili r In· ·d s for n·ho ·.tl"-'.tl trll \\'t·dllt stlit;." aftt·J'IIIrrtll at 41+ ,·,·ltwl\ Utltkr t It·· cltr .. dtun ttf ;\lr. :\1··c '·rt'tll;tck \\'llo is assistt·d In· :.trs. L . F . 1 :att·s a 11d :.1 r s. E. J. :\[dlr:~ith . ' !t11reh FamiJ:t,· dinllt'l' \\"t ·dJ1\'s(lny " :::11 p. 111 . I >r. Lloyd will <'011dt:·-t a SJH ·I'i:tl clt ·\·tttiotwl .-\sh \\·cdnesd:t) so ·J'\' lt'··. wlJit-ll will indud·· a short a<ldr, · !"~ oil .. Tht· :.t ,·ani ug· of lknt." This I s··n·i(··· is in pn·paration fDr tlw ('omlllllllion whi\'h will !)I' lwld on :\Tarch II. < Th· · ni;..:llt . at Tht · Yollttg· Pvnplt ~ ' s f'hoir practice at . Port\·r \\- ' 8 p. m. \Vl'dnt ·s llay uigltl. ll· ·.t p ~. (Jrg·anist and director. .I (ln Tl1ursday tlw t'ozy Cllrner eircle, ::\Irs. A . 1·:. 1\'lunclt·r, chairman, will hold an all <In~· mo·l'ting- at th· ! ('hurch. Mrs. n. H. Hansbu1·g- will hav .. cltarg·c· of the lunclwon. ?i THE CARAVANS ARE FAST APPROACHING Eleven-0-Seven BURGLAR? If you want to catch a burglar tn your home at night, k e e p silverware, jewelry and other valuable possessions where he can find them readily. But if you are not in the burglar finding business, wouldn't it be better to rent a safe deposit box? This institution's safe de* posit vaults and boxes furnish adequate protection against theft and fire. The rentals are ·tow. Suplee of 1320 Central annue, and h<.:r daughter, ~fiss Emily ~uplre, were called to Joliet this week by the death of Mrs. Suplee's niece, · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~lrs. ~lattie J GREENLEAF 7 Children's Haircuts! Children· s haircuts are so often done to be disfiguring. It costs no more to have a specialist cut your child's hair. It requires a knowledge of barbering. of children, and a patience in the work. to serve linle folks. Here we first make friends with the · children-and consequently win the regard of the parents! Shoe Shining Service :Mrs. C:harles Spears. · First National Bank of Wilmette 11!8 Central Avenue SANITARY BARBER SHOP

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