Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 6

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6 , ........................ . FOURTH VESPER CONCERT (THIRD SEASON) WILMETTE LIFE Februar·y 25, 1927 pose. '!'he building· ordina~ce passed aftl·r the first trul:itecs nommated by . the Home Party were elected has been effective in accomplishing- this purpose. We lwlil'H' that the polky as exemplified in this building ordinance . and th e zoning ordinances should be stnctly adhered to. HOME PARTY PLATFORM WINS CAUCUS APPROVAL Statement of Policy of Administration .Formally Endoraed at Session Wednesday The Home party platform, a copy of which is appended, was read by John F. · \Vied! in,· chairman of the platform conun1ttee of the Home party caucus and approved at the caucus session Wednesd,ID' of this week. . It will be noted that the platform ~s a virtual reiteration of the pa.rty's pohcies as presented last year, but includes several new planks. One of these favors the early completion of the Green Bay road (Main street) project. . Another relates to the poor condttion of village street s and a suggested program of gradual re-construction a s rapidly as int erested property owners arc willing. A tliird favors the · early purchase of a site for a garbage incinerator plant. A fourth suggests the employment of a technically trained man for a village manager, the exJ.>rcssion being voiced that "the time has arriv.ccl when proper co-ordination of the work of diff erent village departments requires that there be created the 0ffice of village manager." , The platform in detail, follows: The Plan Commisaion "ThC' Yillag-l' lJoard has (·stahlislw<l a Plan Con1mi:-;1;ion, who ~av e t·mployc d . a thorough)~· t'apahlP eng·111eer to a:-;~u;t tlwm in tht·ir W(~rk. 'l'lw~· art.! worlongout a praetkal plan for VIllag-e d e v c lOI·>1 111 1·nt and the plan HO far a:-; now c omplt·t<·d h i Ls ml't with. th ~. hea 1·~y a!>proval of all ttw citizl'nS lamJlla.r With lt. 'Vs rl'g·nrd it a:-; t·xtn·nwly important that th i.· d ~· \·t· lopnwnt of this tt·;ntory shoul~ be g-uiclt·d aloug J>rOJWr hn<·H sub~tant1ally in ac('ordance with th e present plan and that th(· P l an Commission should lw ht·artily ~upport··d . "\Vt' favor l'o-operatJon w1th the Chlt'ag·o H.t·g· ional Planning Assoda~io1_1 and with tlH· Board of County CommtssJOJWrs of ('ook ('ouuty to tlw <· nd that the 'Vil- at the Wilmette Baptist Church Sunday, February 27, 4 P. M. Regional Plannin' Au.ociation . LESTER GROOM, F. A. G. 0. Concert Recitalist assisted by mt"ttt· pian may h e mad<~ to <·9nfonn with tlw g'l' tH"ral regional plan, and in }>articular w C' fa \ ' 01' tlH · ··arly compll'tion of t ht · <:n·t·n Ha~· Hoad (:\lain Strec·t) projec t. "TIH' Yillag-t · Ho < dd is prot ·t·r-ding ;,~ rapidly as possil 1k in th e install.atiou of st ·\n·rs, wall·r, pa\'ing- and other lll1JH'O \ ' (·nwut:-; so far as is dPsin·d by the afft·r· t ed Jli'OJH'I'ly t 1\\' JI\'r S. ' ['ht·y ha \'I' SU!'!'t·N}t'(} Public Improvement. CARLETON KAUMEYER, Violinist Come Promptly-Seating Capacity Limited in arraitging· with th <' Sanitary District for tht' nt·<···ssary sl'wt·r connections and an · pr<·paring for th<· n('('Pssary watf·r supp ly. Thi s poli( ·y :-;hould h r co ntinu ed . th< · poor <·onditinn (ti <·f tht· dll:q~·· stn·ds and favor a prog-ram of gradual n·-constru ct ion as rnpidl.\· ,u.; itlll ·rt·Ht· ·l1 Jli'UJil'rlY ow1wrs an · willing·, uutil our stl'l·P t s an· a c tt·<1 1t "\\·, . ~()]Jl(' ;qtpn · ~ · i:tt· · Streets t< t our town. Free Will Offering I_ __ _ NEXT CONCERT APRIL 3 , "\\', . fa\'OI' tlw l· arly pun ·hast· <Jf a ~itl' "('andidat(·S J'H't·st· ntt·d hy tlw Jl omr Party of \\'i lnwtlt> and t·h·l'tl'd as oflict·rs ftol' a gai'IJH!'·t· indlll'l':lfOI' plant. Public Utilities of tlw villagl' h:t vt· bt·t· n in C'hargt· of tht · " \\'<· n ·alizt· that till' d ;t lt· of rt·Jll<~\ :d villag· g·ovPrnnwnt t'or th t· past two \'t·a rs . Tlw llonw Party hPlieV(·S that of tlH' trai'I<H fr<1111 Cn·t ·nlt-at' .\\' t· nw · is tlw rt ·t·oJ'd tht' \' ha \' l' made has IH'\.'11 t·n- llll! 't·r tain , ht>l':tll S·· ot prt ·St·llt liti gation. t i n · l~· sat is t'aclol'~· to t lw Jh'Oplc of th e \\'t· <·omttlitlHl t·ffol'ts to n·quir· · tlw :'-;orth :-;11or1· Hailroad to pa y l'· ·ntal in th· · nw;lllvillag 0. timt· for puJ.Ii 1· propt'l·t~· ust'(l. \\' .. fa\'or Flats (·arJ~· start on th· · pl an fur gra d e < ·lirnin a"ThC' first )JUrpost· of th· · I lom e J'arty tion (Jf stl't'l't illlt ·r s··t·tittns with tlw <'hi \\'a:-; anti is to kt·t 'Jl \\'ilnwtt·· as a villag·p t·:tg·t· & :'\o1·th \\'t·st·· rn Hailru a d, :uH] wit h ot' hOilll'H and to thi:-; t· Jld to )ll'l·\'l.: l1t th e th· · S<lrth Sh!·rP }{ailruad through th· · t·n ·vlion of !latH, or any dt·\···lo]mwnt in tht· \'illag·1· out o~ hannopy with thi s pur(Continued on page 46) Garbage Dia.posal 62' MAIM STREET WHOLESALE CITY MARKET CO. -2 9 PRONE: WILMETTE 18'0 MEATS F 9 RETAIL A BIG SALE FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 26th A Genuine Saving on All Meat Purchases ROASTING CHICKENS Best Quality RIB ROAST Native Beef. Bes t .Cuts LAMB LEGS Top Grades PORK LOINS Half or Whole 39c HAMS Armour's Star Half or Whole 38c BACON Armour's Star Half or Whole Side 35c I 29~c EGGS Str icdv Fresh. Eve ry Egg Guaranteed . Bloom SpeCial AU Week-Jones Dairy Farm Sausage-Links )7c-Meat )2c BUTIER Armou r's C lo v~r 32c 38c 56c 30c · Special for Monday and Tuesday February 28-March 1 Rib Lamb Chops, lb.. .. .·.. . ... .... . . . ... .45e Porterhouse Steak, lb.... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .SSe Loin· Lamb Chops, lb.......... .. ....... ·SSe Sirloin Steak, lb. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 45c Pork Chops, lb........... ·:. ...: · ... · .. · · · · 30c Round Steak, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'tOe .

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