Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 1

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WILM·ETTE VOL. XVI, NO. 21 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FE:{lRUARY 18, 1927 LIFE PRICE F'IVE CENT$ : A . Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and KenilfDOrth STREETS IN BAD SHAPE HOME PARTY FAVORS Trustee Becker Designs ArORNER FOR 2ND TERM Village tistic Poster to Indicate General Caucus Develops Differences of Opinion on Selection of Trustee Nominees Selection of a nominating committee, which will report its conclusions at a meeting Wednesday evening, February 23, was effected at a caucus of the Hoine party Wednesday evening of this week at the Village hall. The committee headed by Max Zabel, chairman of Wednesday's meeting, includes the following citizens: J. H. Brumbaugh, Harry Fowler, G. T. Helltnuth, A. McKeighan, Charles H. Jackson, Francis E. McCutlin, Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, and G. ]. Biehl. A committee on platform was appointed as follows: J. C. Baker, chairman; Clarance E. Drayer, John F. Wiedlin, Earl E. Orner, and J. H. Hopp. Wednesday's session brought out the fact that the Home party, which is . the administration party, is to have Village President Earl E. Orner as a candidate for re-election. Expressions of approval of Mr. Orner's candidacy were volunteered at every hand. As to selections of nominees for three trusteeships. however, the.re was no such a unanimrty of opinion. Leaders in the party appeared to favor Elmer D. Becker, incumbent, and N. J. Miller, present Village clerk. . Others, howeYer, \\'ere firm in their demand that Paul A. Hoffman, senior Village trustee in point of service, be placed in nomination for re-election. These expre ss ions of commendation of Mr. Hoffman· ~ Yaluahlc service to the community· ramc, for the mo st part, from the rank and file of the party adherents. Favor D. E. Allen, Jr. An unexpected sug-gestion came from the direction of the business and professional people of the village when F. H. Gathercoal mentioned D. E. Atlen. Jr .. welt known real estate broker. as he the c'10ice of the commercial interest s for a place on the hoard of trustees. There \\·as also strong sentiment in favor of placing \V. \V. DeBcrard in nomination for re-election as trustee anrl it is probable that his name will appear on the list \vhcn the committee makes its report next \i\Tednesday. Of considcrable interest was a preliminary outlinc of thc Home party platform as given by John C. Baker, a Village trustee and one of the outstanding leaders in the party since its .t1CCI)tt'ot1 sevr.r;"ll :'-'"'ars aero. l ... " - '-~ r:-. Reaffirm Anti-Flats Stand ?\fr. Baker's report firmly reiterated the Home Party's opp::>sition tn the building of apartments . Othrr itcms included co-oprration with the Chicago Regiot~al Planning a.::snri~tion in its work tn the Greatcr C11H'ag-~ area; formation of a \Vilmcttc Plan commission; installation without t~nduc delay of se,,-er and water sntems m the ne\Yly ann~xed territory to the we st: general reconstruction of village streets; establishment of a garbage incinerating plant; formulation of 'plans for more Investigates Spirits GIVE NEW NAMES TO ----- .WEST AREA STREE~ ! :l :I Collapse of Pavements \Vilmette's streets. manY sections of which are approaching tl{e impassable stage, due to the ravages of time and constant wear and tear of modern traffic. hecarne of the subject of c<Jnsiderable discussion-serious and facetious -at the meeting of the Village board Tuesday of this week. Tending to the sicle nf thc facetious was the exhibition of some more or less artistic pn<>ters by Tru.;tec Elmer D. Becker. These posters, in the form of shields, much the same as one encounters when approaching hospitals and schools. or similar zones of quiet and caution, \\:t-re designed. Trustee Bt>cker observed, to impress the authorities and citizens generally with the seriousness of the condition of our roadways. An impression of the import of Mr. Becker's lesson in visual education may be gained from the accompanying- le(Tends copied from that official's ohje,cts d'Art: ~'Entrance to Forest avenue. Witmette-o!Jr village is older than Chicago-note the wrinkles in our streets." · "GreO'ory avenue, west. \N'ilmette~ S-l-o-w-holes ahead." "Entrance to Elmwood avenue, \Viimette-drive on this street at Your own risk." "Wilmette Village limits-our h;ghwavs makes speeding doubly dangerous." · "Entrance to Lake avenue. ' 'T i]mette -speed limit here six miles per hour. under pcnalty of one or more broken springs." Village Now Has Thoroughfares} Extending West to 26th Street; lt Make Many Changes IJ I Change of s.treet names in . tht former Gross Pomt a~rea west of .Rtdgi I avenue was effected Tuesday· evenin of this week when the Village ·boar , at the suggestion of Trustee John ~ , . Wiedliri, chairman of the Streets an Alleys committee, enacted an .ordinanc j making official a far-reachmg altert· l ation of thoroughfare designations1 ·· ; This action by the board brings th~ : st~reets in t'lat section irito general uni.,. i formity with the street .n·aming schem~· ; in effect in; the territ?ry east of Ridg'·: avenue. ! It is to be noted that the plan ot· ·; carrying out the number designatio·· l for ·north and south streets now give$: : to the thoroughfare furthermost west ; the name of 26th st.reet. The numbef l will of course be increased as soon a$ .: the open territory still further west i~ r · · t J. Malcolm Bird, investigator· of platted and developed. : ; psychic phenomena, who in that conHere Are New StMbta nect 1 The changes effected by the ordint : ·011 t1 as gat'ned a wt'de reputatt'on · · 1 throughout· tl1e v.·orld, will be the ance are as follows : ; H'll · f p k 16tt: ' speaker at the Wilmette Sunday Evet street ·fOilJ ar avenue to a ' F b street to Maple avenue. : 20 1 ning c ub e ruary · Fernleaf avenue to 18th street. Ridge avenue to Ridge road. i Columbus avenue to Columbus street. : Pine st~eet, Clark street and Cam- i bridge avenue. each to 2oth street. Brown street and Harvard avenue,. r each to Ha.rvard street. ; Rdurning from a visit to their son. Oak street and Melvi.n avenue, each to 21st street. John Anderson, Jr .. who is ill in LornYale avenue to Yale street. "·En.trance to Main street. \Vilmctte 1 1 J h C A d 1 · ·f t )arc, o n . n erson, 11s wt e, wo Princeton avenue to 22nd street. : -protests. delays. lcgal technicalitics daughters. and Mrs. C. D. Ekblom, \ Oxford st-reet to Cornell street. : ha\'e held up the work of paving this d roadway." mother of Mrs. Anderson, residing at Grec:ley ~venue to 23r street. · ff · · I The first street west of 21st street "Enterin!! senous m- now name · d F ores t aventte , to ·c oleg"'·t· " Linden avenue. \Vilmette 844 Park avenue, su creel . . ... "' '; -attention auto owners! Shift gears juries in an auto accJclent whtch oc - street. · . into first to a\·nio injury ." curred at about 6:45 last Sunday eYe\Y cntworth street to 24th street. : Just hy way of indicating that the ning at the intersection of River road Alles avenue to Dartmouth street. authorities arc going fnrward in earn- and · Touhy an·mte. west of Chicago. Hancock avenue to 25th street. est with their program of strect cnnMr. Anderson was driving east on Cleveland avenue to Cleveland street.· struction and rehabilitation. tlw Vii- Touhy avenue when his car was struck Shermap avenue to 2oth street. . lage hoard of local improvements lues - hv an automobile proceeding west on Grant avenue to Gr~nt street. day formatlv in stituted proceedings for tl;e same road. Both cars were Reinwald aveni1e from the south line ! the paving- of seYeral strcets in the wrecked and the occupants badly in- of Greenwood avenue (formerly known ; south·west section of the village. cast jured. The Andcrsons ·were placed in as Franz road) extended west aoross i of Ridge avenue. including the north taxicahs and taken to their home where Reinwald avenue to the north line of: half of Isabella street. 16th street from thcy wer attended hy Dr. H. 0. \Vilmette avenue is changed to Illinois! \:Vilmette avenue south to Isabella: \Vishaar. ~[r. Anderson and his road . · ·~ Hill street from 15th street to 'l oth dalt!rhter. Hekn . wcre fonncl to he Avoca avenue, from its present weststreet, Gregory avenue from 15th sn ~ eriously ininrecl that it was con- cm terminus to tht' south line of; street to 16~h street. Central Park ave- sidered cxpedient to take them to Grrrn"·oocl avenue (formerly Franz~ nue from \Vilmette avenue to Isabella. the Evanston hospital for special at- road) extenclrd wrst ac.ross Avoca 1 and Fernleaf avenue from \Vilmette tcntion. I road. changed to Ashland avenue. ! avenue to T=-ahella. Tlw hoard al.;n 1· 1 t o B eec tl- 1 ).[ r. Anderson. who is thc prcsidct, ~ 1 K c111'1 \\'ort 1 1 <nve. nort 1. i lam;ched proceeding·s for. t!le conclem- of the Reliance · Elevator companv of wood avenu~. i natiOn of f property for Cl 11cago. · · 1 a sk Knnilw<Jr th drive · .south , to Kenil-i 1·111 1 · 1 1 11 provtdmg 1 R' the 1 stt ff ere< ·u 11 f rae t urc. · H's t. '. \:ltlg" 0 sa )C a street ancTl \H ge <aug 1 11t cr H e 1cn. a grac1ua t c o f th"' \\"Orth < avenue · . t · ,1 , 1 1 ' · 1 1 ?ac ."'t 1 ~ pa\Cc roac.way. _ r e;1.~ ~ew Trirr High school. and now a . Ashl<nHl an·nur. c;t:tHhng west from\ :tr~, 11?~s~'?e7!1 ~gt cnt<ul s an expetH 1 student at the Art Tnstitutc in Chi- rarht-of-way of Ch~cago & North : ttt c 0 " ).- J., · I cac:n, received painful injuries to hrr \Vr stern to Glenclenmg av~ntte, and ; · - - ·1 ktrk. ~[r s. Anderson, who was also a.rliarc'nt tn north boundary 'ltnc of the : a.dcq.uat.l: \\ a:e 1: suppl:·: ~r;~d.c separa~ takrn to the hospital hu~ later returncrl villa!!e. to C'hr .; tnut avrnue. · ttnn .. <ll:-.~DP"!'al of cl rt:nL\\al nf !ht to hcr home. was hntt se cl about the C'lovrr rn:1cl tn C'lwstnnt avenue. . Pul.>ltr Srr\'!Ct' c?mpan~· . contr~r t. fare. Dorothv Anderson. ag·ed R years, \Ya.;hin .trtn n av£'nl1v \\'l'St of Greelry . ""1 11 c ~ 1 \\'0~t1<1 ncccsst.tate ;~ htghcr ra 1 ~, an.d Mrs . Ekt;lom suffered g-reatly from (23rcl ~treet) t~ Thornwood avenue. . for Llectnr current 111 \\ tlmette. mmor ahraswns and shock. All arc HolloYwoocl avrntH' and Franz road,-: The adjourned caucus session will he said to he convalescing satisfactorily each to- Ashland avrntte. , held \Ycdncsda~' e\'ening, February 23. although Mr. Anderson and the older Korth avenue of Ridge ro ad to .Elm-· at R o'rlnck in the counril chambers daughter will probably he confined to woo<l avcnue. nf the Village hall. I the hospital about sixty days. (Continued ::>n page 4) l l l: · p ive in Family Sufi er Injuries in Auto Accident i I I I

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