Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 39

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I February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 1~ SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE FOR RENT-FUBN. HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -15 cents R Qt eS -papers. Classifi.ed advertisemen~s .will be charged only to restdents of the d1stnct from Evanst<m to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone' directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, "WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two 30 cents a line in all three papers. 1\IINBIUJ\I CHARGE oO cents. ·Average of fiye words to the line. No blacl-. face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order adl·ertlsements wlten brought to our office nt 1222 Central A ,.e., Wilmette, or 56-1 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetkn. SIT. WTD. EXP. LAUNDRESS TO RENT-FOR ONE YEAR OR MORE, wants work at home. Tel. Univ. 3434-W. · new 8- room furnished residence on the 16L21-ltc lake in Glencoe; large lot, wide beach, 4 bedrooms, 3 bath!?, 2 car garage, sleepAN EXPERIENCED WOl\IAN WANTS ing porch. Possession any time. · day work. Call Wil. 1058. 16LTN21-ltc MURRAY & TERRY SI'l'UA'l'ION W'fD.-)IALE 40 N. Dearborn St. Chicago 25LTN20-2tc Deadline for Insertions-Classified ad\·ertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. SIT. WTD. - CHAUFFEUR, COMP. ON any mak e car; 20 yrs. exp. white, mar- FOR RENT - FURNISHED FOR THE summer, North Shore show place over-· ried. 27 yrs. ag·e. Desires · cmp. on looking the lake, 6 bedrms., 3 baths, 2 N. S. Pref. living· quarter, 4 years last car gar., beautiful gardens, fruit tre~s place. Furn. best of ref. Wilmette Life in bearing, a.lso small fruits. Grounds ll-l!t2. 17LTN21-ltc complett>lv ..U:nced. $400.00 per month. W:a:M'ET'l'E REALTY CO. SI'L'IJAT10N WTD. EXPERIEXCED 513 4TH ST. END OF "L" chauffeur. House r e fs. Tel. University PH. WIL. 192 :1213-M:. or Univ. 4388-J. 25LTN21-ltc 17L21-ltc FOU RE:S'l'-GARAGES FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR AND ME- 26 chani<.:. .A-1 referenees. Years of ex- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - perience. Call Winn. 1560. 17LTN21-ltp FOR RENT - 2 CAR GARAGE. CHAS. W. Triggs, 1122 Lake Ave. Wil. 3588. 26L21-ltc Sl'f. W'J'JJ.-)L\.LE & ~' .KllAL.t; IS FOR RENT - A NICE ROOMY GARage with concrete floor and electric light. $6 per month. 518 Park Ave., Wilmette. Wil. 2919. 26LTN21-ltp 6 J,OANS JU~LJ· WA'STED-FEl\IALE '. urTD. _ EXP. COL. COUPLE AS PllOPERTY 0\VNERS \VANThD- \VHITE LAU~DRESS FOR SI'I n YOU CAN BORROW one day each week. References rct'hauffcur and maid with ref. Phone 18LT 2l-ltp $100 to $5,000 quired. 3:~ Crescent Place, · Phone Wil. Highland Park 1584. FOR PA YI~C TAXES, SPECIAL AS2608 13 21 L -1tc SIT. \VTD. -MARRIED COUPLE, MA.N · sessments, Jnll' rt· ·t on 'M ortgages and first class <"hauffcur, wife for housefor Remodding and D ecorating. llELJ> \\'Tl>. EXP. · PROTEST.A~'l'. work. Call Wil. 2764. 18LTN21-ltp 12, 18 or 21 :\LONTHS TO PAY Swt·uish or (:prman maid for g e neral X o Extra Signers Conf.idt·ntial Service. hous~:work. -t in family. T e l. \Vinn. E. II. DAVIS ._\: CO:.\Il'A~Y W'fD.-JJOARD & U00::\1 2:'il4. 13LTN21-ltp ~0 6:\4 Da\'is St. Univ. 7927 6LT21-1tc WO:.\[A~ COLORED WILL GIVE SO:\IE HELP \\.. I'll. - :.rAID FOR COOKI~C seni<:e for room and board or rent garand 1st floor work . :\Just be exp. cook. age room~.- \Vilme tte Life B-189. T e l. \\'inn. !J!tO. 13LT~21-ltc 20L21·ltc 27 FOR RJt-:N1'-ST0RES & OFFICES ----------------------------------- FOR ' RE~T OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or general office space. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Rapp Bros., 522 Center :St., Winnetka. 27LTN21-tfc FOR RENT STORES AND SHOPS. T elephone Winnetka 62. 27LTN21-tfc 1st and 2nd 11ortgages l ·- HELP WA:-\TED-::\lOTHER'S HELPER, ~1 FOit JtE~T-ROOJIS :u FOU. SALE-HOUSES whitP . Xo h eayy work. Tel. \~·inn. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSURANCE 2~07. 13LT21-ltp FOR RE~T - 3 OR 4 LIGHT HOUSEkceiJing rooms. T e l. Wil. 969-\V. Auto License Blanks 21LT21-tfc 'i Il.OO:\[ & SUN PARLOR, 2 FLAT Jl E 1.1' WAXTJo~H-JL\L~: Tel 65 545 l\Iain St., Wilmette Bldg., lot 50xl25, 2-car garage, 6L21-tfc . $13,000.@0 l3ES'l' l>TIOKERACE OPPORTUXITY ON CEXTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE 6 Room Brick Veneer English Type Resirooms for transi ents and residents. 629 xonTH SHORE dence, Hot \Vater Heat, Lot 50x160. l\Iain Street. Phone ·wilmette 1080. \\rithin tlw rwxt month, one of the largI·AIXTIXH AND DECOUA'J'l~G Breakfast Xook, 2-car Brick Garage.· 21LT21-tfc est Loop and :-\orth Shore r eal estate comNew. p;,Ulit>s will opt·n the only offi ce direclly $20,000.00 on SIH'ridan l'!oad ht'lw een Chicago and WAR.:\I, CO:\IFORTABLE FUR~ISHED 8 Room Briek R es idence, Hot Water room fot· one ot· two gentlemen. V'lil. E:-;TDIATE FUH.:--IISIIED 0~ OLD Highland Parle H l' at, Lot 50x200, 21i!t~. 21L21-tfc It will lul\··· the t·xdusi\'e sale of apw ork, rJ(;\\' building and nmwdeling $15,500.00 jobs. Fl oo r rdinishing. Old floors proximatt' IY .;· J,fHH), OOII of nt: w residential FURXISHED HOO:.\IS FOR RENT BY ~·onstr u ction in E\·anston, \Vilmette made lik e rH·w. \\' ilml'ltt: 310 4. the w eek or month. Phone \Yil. 23!1~ . \\'intl etl'a and Kt·nilw orth and will oper( '.\HL FlL\XKELL 21LTN21-tfc :1 \ (' as orw of th e lar·p:C'st broke rage clearJjiJG \\'ihm·tte A\'l' . ing· offhTs c·n tlH Xorth Shore. Phone Vtilmette 36-1 7LTX20-4tp LARGE, PLEASAXT, ~1 Ridge An. Ex <'t· ptional opportunity for three ex- Jo'OH l1EXT \Vilmette, Illinois south front lwd room . X ea r . station. -IH' l'it·nct·d rt·al es tal e brok e r s or for m e n 31LTX21-tc Phone \\'inn. 41::>. 21 LT~2l-ltl) who ha , . · close lmowl~.:dg c of X o rth Shore nt ial s ituation. FOrt :-i.\LE t;USTOX J;l'f,L.. lJOC, 8 rd.;idt· ;E FI10X1' ROO::\I, Our :-;ah-Sml· ll han' b0en ad\·ist:d of thi~ Fon nEXT - L.·'fW_ 11\tJilths old. :\l;tlt·, 11 ·a ulifully mark C'd. atJJJoum·l·lllt'nt. .:\uun:::s \\'ilm e tl e LifL· furuil;IH·d, for :! U l' a. 'i'16 Ridge Ave. , nOO:\[ . 'TCC CO, 4 BEDR:\IS. ; H . · w. 1 ;oud ]ld fl·l' I'!Jildr\'11. ('all at. JO IJ:I 1:-i :n. \\'i lme tte. 21L21-ltc 7 H ULTX20-:Jtc t., 2 <"ell' gar., lge. lot, ple nty of fruit lJa\ is ~l., E\·a n s tull. .. \pt. 2ti. tn·Ps. OwtH·r has gone '\Vest and must L21-ltp L.-\ 'P.UE Lil;li'J' lWO:\I FOR 2. WI:-\~ . l'l'll. prieP $1~.500. Will tak e around ~ .\LES~L\X \\'.\':-\TED TO SOLI Tr J!t:!O . 21L'L'X21-1u· ~ l.~lii O cash to handl e. P1·operty is 3 lJI-:.\L"J'JFl.:L (;J-:1~~1.\:-\ l'OLlt ' E , :\l.ALI·J · ol'(it-rs f11r lubricating· o ils, g n·as t~s and IJlks. to "L" trans. Act quick. paint:->. ~alary or l'ommission. r\duress :!~ d .. ;,;, )lt'(li t;r··t· d, J ~·l'a r old. Splendid Tht· 1 Ian L'Y Oil Co., CIL'n>lanu, Ohio. wa\l'h d1 .g. 1 L a~ h a d <li .·t ·mpt·r. P e r.fect 14LTX21-ltp < ·otHlitit.,ll. 1~~·aHOital>lv. l'hont· \\' inn. FOil ItE='"T- COZY 4 AXD 5 l'!OO~I 260S '\Y. l~ailroad .\n·. Univ. 8080 ~~~~~. SLT:-\~1-1 Lc .\partments; tilt' bn.th; m·ar transpor31L21-ltc \\'.\:-\TEl>- YCII':\'(: :\L\X FOH FOOXtation and stores. Possession :l\lay 1st. l'EKIXE~E. FE~L\LE, l'El>IGH.EED tain wurl< , stt·ad~· aftl·rnnons and e n~ One Apartm ent available :\larch 1st. aJl(.l rv~ist e n: u, :! y ea rs old. $50.00. ning·s. Indian Hill Drugs & Gifls. \\'inn. Address The Franklin Bldg., Winnetka. Kt·uil. GU. SL21-ltc ::!fi2ti. 1-ILT~l-lt C' 2:?LTN2l-ltc 6 ROO:\[ STUCCO, LARGE LIVING RM., 3 good bedrooms, sun parlor, lots beaulOA · )f) FOl~ l~E:\'T ...:_ 5 TIOO~[ STOYE HEATED St;JIOOJ . S & 'l'l i TOJU~G SlTL\'1'10~ W'J'J),-}'}~ .UALE tifully landscaped; garage and private !lat. 21:1 15th. Call at owne r 1448 Wildrin. One price only, $14,500.00. Cash TE.\( :1 fER OF PL\':'\0 mett~: Ave. 2ZL21-ltp n ·quired $5,000.00. ur:.ESS.H.\KTXG DOXE AT HO:\IE, 'J'lJEOH.Y & J-L\lOW~Y :-;pt·dal prict's school dn·sses, also coats. FOR ItEXT 5 ROO:.\[ FLAT, HEATED V\·orl< guarantl'ed, for further informaR1 \ Y~OUNG ~nd floor. 4!ll ::\ladison St. Tel. Glention phone \Vii. 3206. 16LT)l'21-ltp coe 3-1::-R. 22LTN21-ltp STUDIO: 6:10 PARK AVE. Phone Wil. 308· 336 Linden An:>. TEL. \VlL. 36Gl ~I'JT .-\TIOX WTD. YOCXG \VHITE 31L21-ltc 10ALT21-ltp l'OR REX1'-liOUSES woman wishes day work : Tut'sday or 2t \\·~ · dnl· sday. German. Call \llvil. 146:~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H.EMEDIAL TUTORING 16LTN21-ltp ..HlTISTIC 6 llOO:.\[ FR,.DI:E HOUSE 6 ROO)I ENGLISH HOUSE - TWO BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER haths, large wooded lot, beautiful nieel.r wooded lot ; garage. Conv. to ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL SIT. WTD . shrubbery and ftower garden. Garage, schools and L·:.msportation. Possession~ COL. MAID, NEAT, pupils urought up to grade. Phone :.\lay h;t. $125.00. ' macadam drive. Only five minutes from eomp., gen., work in small home. Adult Wil. 248. 10AL'l'N19-4tp depot ; convenient location and delightfamily. Good ref. '\Vinn. 473. ful home. Owner leaving city forced to 16L'l'21-ltp ALSO 8 Rli. FRA?\IE HOUSE WITH 2 12 sell. Tel. Glencoe 984. 31LTN21-1tc LOS'f AND l..,OUSD baths, ht-ated sun room; 101) ft. wooded lot. 2 car garage. Located at 90& SIT. \VTD. EXP. LAUNDRJ.JSS LOST C1·eenwood. Possession at once, $225.00 FOR SALE - GLENCOE RESIDENCE; WIRE-HAIRED FOX TERwants work first part of wt?ek. \Vinn . rier. Reward. Tel. Wil. 3424. ptor mo-nth. east side. Seven rooms, 2 baths, extra refs. Call evening·s. Tel. Atlantic 36~5. lavatory ; Kleen Heet; garage; canvas 16LTN21-llp · 12L21-ltc walls; lot 100x200. Near school, excel13 lent tmnsportation. Moderately priced. liF~L l' WA:N1'Jo~U-FE.UAL.t; Phs. Wil. 407-408 SI'lT.-\TIO~ WTD. FIRST CLASFI -110 Linden Ave. Terms. Call Glencoe 746. 24L21-lt~ colored maid, neat refint-d. A-1 cook, 3 31LTN21-ltc HELP WTD. - Wlii'I.'E 1\IAID OF MAyears at last place, best referenc s 1rom ture years, for general housework. same. Phone Glen. 243. 16LT~21-ltp FOR SALE - BEAUTIFUL FIVE RM. Family of a. No children. Every corner brick bungalow. Tile roof, bath, comf. & com'. Phone Winn. 1675. SIT. \VTD.-LAUNDRY WORK BY THE 8 ROO :\I BRICK HOUSE, HOT WATER shower, oil heat, garage to match 13L'l.'N21-ltc tlay, Tues., ·wl'd. and Thurs. Tel. Kenheat, $125.00. building. All improvements in and ------------------wood 9050. 16LTN21-ltp paid for. Terms. Price $18,000 reduced MAID 'VHITE, BETWEEN 20 AND 30 ~ lL If ~- ~ from $25,000. Freters, 2608 Lawrence for geneml housework, in family of <iiTII.. FOR GEXERAL HOUSEWORK, o 0 ~QJ«;Jill2).(f)l[~Jf ~ ~@ 0 Ave., Chicago. 31LTN21-tfp Must like children. H.eferences. Good Saturday only. References. Tel. Wil. home for right person. Kenil. 3460. 1391. 16L2t1-ltc S:n Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill 13LTN2l-ltc Wilmette 364 FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE, 7 WANTED PLAIN SEWING, CH£1..24LTN21-ltc room house, and 4 room cottage on lot WA.~TED - YOUNG GIRL '1.'0 ASSIST drt'n's clothes especially. Call Wil. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50x.187 ft. 879 Cherry St., Winn. Call With ,_.ousework and care of children. 20~l3. 16LTN21-ltc FOTI RENT - 7 R:\f. COTTAGE; HOT after 5 p. m. at cottage or phone 596-J. 1010 Cherry St. Winn. 245. water heat ; garag·c ; near trans., schools L. E. Anderson. 31LTN20-2tp 13LTN21-ltc SITUA.'riO~ \¥TD. BY EXPF.TIIENL'EJ> and golf club. Tel. Glen. 235. colored maid, by the week. Tel. Green24LTN21-ltc FOR SALE - INDIAN HILL. EAST \VANTED - RELIABLE WHITE GIRL r leaf 3t.! . . 16,L'l'N21-l tp side. Modern house. 3lh years old. H. for general housework; plain conking. FOR REXT - 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 W. heat. $15.000. Must see to appre:\[ust be fond of children. Wil. 3· Hs4. WANTED - .GENERAL HOUSE\VORK, blocks from trans. l\Iodern and new. ciate. Tel. Winn. 882. 31LT~21-tfc l3L21-ltc I 4 or 5 days week. Swedish; 25 years Phone \Vinn. 1305. 24LTN21-ltc :::~:=---------------~ old. Briargate 2358. 16L21-ltp FOR SALE 1719 ELMWOOD AVE., WANTED - DRESSMAKER, EXPERIFOR REN'r - 6 ROOM HOUSE IN Wilmette, 8 room frame; hot water ht.; enc ·d only. Also, apprentice. GlPncoe. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS DAY very good condition. Call Wil. 515. terms. Owner Phone Wil. 2399. 1421 l:lLT!'\~~1-ltt· work Call UniY. ~667-R. 16LT21-ltp 24LT21-Uc 31LTN21-tfc Charles H. Brethold FOR SALE Painting and Decorating .:-\ BARGA.IN E. E. Stults Realty Co. K ear EleYatecl Station f:Dl'l'H Y Eddington & Allen, Inc. F. OR RENT 5: JJ lHI :::--:-::=:=----------------

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