WILMETTE Llfl:i . ADJOURN ALLEY HEARING · The Wilmette Village board of local improvements Tuesday evening adjourned a hearing oh the proposed paving of the first alley north of Elmw-ood avenue between Seventh and 12th streets to its next meeting, which convenes Tuesday evening, March 1. , February 18, 1927 AN UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT Economy Shop is unique in that one can purchase there stained giass windows, porcelain bath tub basin and toilet; gas and electric fi~turcs; cooking utensils; dishes; beds; fur. nitu.re; stoves; books; toys; drape'r y material; pictures; shoes; millinery. and clothing of all kinds. Where else, short of a department store, can such an assortment be found? Come in and let us show them to you! Mrs. I. R. Adkins, chairman Editor's note: Economy Shop is conducted by the Woman's club of Wilmette and its proceeds go to recognized charitable causes, including local charities. 'GIVE DOUBL.t.:-HlLL ,-,ta~e Opera-Drama Club to Offer Unusual Ent~ainment Friday and Saturday, February 25 and 26 Valentine Party Mindful of the "Gay Nineties" Read the Want Ads -.r· ::.:::;:=~==~ For any and all moto~ ills it pay, to remember our number Call ~ lliJIJC/tKJRK ·PIIfllltW/l.lllrr£ JOH~ PUPILS SEE PICTURE Seventh graders of the Joseph Sears school atte_!lded the showing of the first of the Yale Historical films at the New Trier High school, Wednesday afternoon, February 9. The title of the picture was "The Pilgrims." QUR specialty is building up run down motors. Let us overhaul your car and it will hit the road in the manner that it did when fresh from the factory. M. Portenhauser Painting· Decorating Estimates given without obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 l030 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETIE ~"""""""'W ----------------------------------------------------Established 1854 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 7 2 Years 6 1 2 Davis St. .. Phone University 449 Wilmette Office Phont Wilmette 3 3 54 CHICAGO ( 2oo E. Erie St. Phone Superior 7709-7710 I ----------------------------------------------------- (Contributed) It was just an old -fashion.ed ValenAdvance sale of tickets indicates a tine party. From the scnchng-out of record attendance at the . Opera and the invitations, "\Vilt thou be mine?" Drama club's next production at the· to the fir st acceptance, "·I wilt, EdWoman's club, it is announced. ward Tilt." it disproved the cu,rrent This music a! idea. "Onlv us moq.ern s really can be and dramatic so. " ~ . . ciety is attempt- c I ever. The occasion was the entertammg ing a very elabor- of the husbands of the Washington ate program to be Avenue Circle of the First Congregapresented on Fri- tional church by their wives, in the day and Saturday new home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wray evenings, Febru- of 615 Washington avenue, Glencoe, ary 25 and 26 at and until recently for many years of the Vv i 1m e t t e Wilmette. As ·chairman of the Circle, Cecil T. Morgan Woman's club. It Mrs. Cushing Smith was assisting t·s a double-bill comprising a one-act drama, the ~~Drums of Oude," by hostess. Dominoes, which hadn't been played Austin Strong, and "China Shop" an since childhood, provided a highly dioriginal Chinese operetta by A~thur verting game. All the songs of sweetA . .Penn. heart days were recalled by a gue ssUnder the direction of Cecil T. Moring contest, some of the melodies began, a number of intricate dance ing played by Mrs. Lawrence Jame s steps and other innovation s have been and some being acted out impromptu i.ntrocl_uced, it is said. The principals bv the audience. That we knew our 111 thts operetta are G. Virgil Lewis , popular airs a s well a s any modern Babe Christensen, \Villiam E. Cook , was demon strated hv Mrs. Charles George E. Leal, George Colburn. Eve- H os ken, with Mr. Ja-me s Cro ssley , a lyn Port, Dorothy C. Shaw, Eunice close second. "Bill" Duff proYed that Wagner and Evelyn John son. A wellwe could sin g them, too. trained chorus of seventeen pecrple Matt Schmitz, 1Irs. \Villiams Mrs. complete the cast. and Mrs. H . K. Snider, moreover, gave "Drums of Oude ," is de scribed a s a incontrovertible evid ence that the very ten se and thrillin g drama. the group was al so up on it s dramatic s. scene of which is laid in India during \Ye doubt, too , if any mod ern could an Indian uprisin g. A very elabora te ha,·c made more attracti,·e Valentines. setting and stage effect s are to be Each was an original sentiment in required. A cast including M. Ri ck rh yme, pinned blindfolded on the . ilson Ewing, H. Warren Shaw and· William E . Cook are endeavorino- to houette of a member of the oppo site give an extremely interesting perf~rm sex, very cleverly e ~ecuted by Mr. ance. The cast is supported by May- Cushin g- Smith. It is little wonder tha t land Challinor, Joseph Howard, there are no bachelor maid s in the George Colburn and Robert Prentice. Washington Avenue circle, for who The double-bill is scheduled to open could have withstood such heart ap .with the "Drums of Oucle" and on peals a s Mrs. C. A. Carpenter and accoun~ of the nature of · the pla; no Mrs. James Crossley in their youn gone wtll be seated during the per .. and foolish days, or vice versa. Charles formance. The audience is requested, Hoskeri and Dr. Matt Schmitz. n,. a club announcement states to be in guessing every silhouette correctly, D~ . Stephen A. Lloyd proved conclusively their seats promptly at 8:15 'o'clock. acquaintan<;e with hi s pari shioners. his Tickets may be secured from memDr. George D. Up son, in the 100 per bers of the club or at the door. cent correct guesses of his wife, wa s paid a subtle compliment in having EMMA SCHNEIDER DIES been encouraged hy_ a girl with such Fun~ral services for Mrs. Emma Schnetder who passed away at the Ev- keen powers of observation. And take this tip, ye modern s, if anston Hospital Monday, were held you should leave behind no bachelor from the home on Schiller avenue to maids, the good old-fashi oned maid ~he St. Joseph church, this m~rn won on the merits both of her cooki es mg. Mrs. Schneider is survived by her husband, Mathias Schneider a and her heart. Lawrenre James indi daug hter, Cecilia and three son s Ed- cated this by annexing a stron g ly con tes ted first in the cake-eating conte st, mund, Joseph and John. ' the extra piece proving t o be that of Mrs. Nathaniel Thayer. PREACHES HERE SUNDAY Rev. A. E. Renn of Indianapolis Ind.,. will preach the sermon at th~ servtces of the Wilmette English Lutheran church Sunday morning, February 20, at 11 o'clock First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Philadelphia Orchestra to Play in Last of Concerts Many Evanston and north shore music lovers have made reservations for the Philadelphia orchestra concert, the last attraction of a notable series under the auspices of Rachel B. Kinsolving, at Orchestra hall Wednesday night, February 23. ' . The orchestra, which for fifteen years has been under the baton of Leopold Stokowski, is made up of 108 master musicians, each a virtuoso. representing the cream of instrumentalists of America and Europe. The program will be an interesting one, combining the classic works of Bach and Handel with the more modern compositions of Debussy and Ravel. Practically every artist of distinction in the world of music has appeared as soloist with this famous organization, and its guest conductors have included such celebrities as Richard Straus, Alfredo Casela, Georges Enesco, Igor Strawinsky, Vincent d'lndy, Ossip Gabrilowitsch and Frederick Stock. Terminal Barber Shop now under management of Earl Hinshaw-3 years on the North Shore. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. February 20, 1927 Subject: "MIND" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary .Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. -------------------Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a Specialty The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services aad visit the Readina Roem -------------------· 505 'Fourth Street f.aRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~