"2u WILMETTE LIFE February 18, 1927 Toiletries of Interest . :i Fountain Square Evanston Blue Rose Cleansing Cream, 75c. Skin Cream, $1. Yardlty's Lavender Soap, 35C, 75C. 20c Neckwear determines the character ·of the dress And when so much depends on dainty collars and cuffs, it is amazing and fortunate that they should cost so little as these do. Hudnut's Three Flowers and Vanity Dusting Powders. special, 8gc. Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Luxuria Cream, 75c and $1.50. Lord's-First Floor $1.00 Linen collars and cuffs; vestees with cuffs; lace col· Iars with vestees and jabots-white, cream and a host of gooci ~oiorsLord's-First Floor The Collarless Neckline Needs Announcin ' Semi·Annu ·Of A Flower These at 95c Double gardenias, flatly tailored, in flesh and red. Spray of orchid and Ch('stn ut-collilies-of-the-valley. ored felt gardenias. ~~~~~ ~ -J Orienta Great reductions on all rugs that ha,:e been sides that many fine specimens from our rec modern and antique Oriental rugs. L o rd' s-S~c or.i Lord's-First Floor Fashionable Gloves of Chamo'!suede $1.25 $1.7 5 $2.25 Wash nicely-and fit just as well after every laund~ring as they do when they a1e new. Mode, gray, A Tie Oxford With Pelican Covered Heel natural and white-pinked, scalloped or bound tops. $8.50 Pearls in long and graceful strands Curtains You'll Li Sometimes the last trick of freshenin g the for spring rests with getting new curuins. $3.00 to $7.50 Sixty and ninety inch of round pearls or baroque in medium and larger sizes. Becoming w~th the new collarless necklines! A new shoe that may step into a dress or tailleur role with equal charm and appro· priateness. Comes in pastel with Pelican parchment covered stilt heel. NEW: Ruff led Marquisettes or Grer:.ulines Tie Backs, _ $1.65 to $4.50 . Seed Pearl Beads of Delicate Tint and Creamy Luster Genuine Scotch Madras with intri! . wouen·in color designs, with tJll nnd tie-backs, $8.50 Pair. Flat Curtains of Crossbar M aruuisette ecru Cluny, $4.50. $1~00 Lord's-First Floor The Boot Shop-First Floor Lord's-First Flo or . - .... . ..