Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 11

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February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 11 1st Congregational 1\HNISTERS: Stf'phen A. Lloyd 'Villiam K McCorma·c k Wilmette Baptist "The SimplicitiE-s of Jesus" is the theme of )fr. ~tifler's February s{·rmons. They are Pxpositions of the B e atitudes. On Sunrlay morning lw will speak on "Rl~·ssl·d an, tlw :!.\h·t>k," :\fatthcw ;:; :ii. 'l'he Sl·rYi<'f· is at 11 o'clock. First Scandinavian Evangelical Elm Street, 'Winnetka Pastor, nev. A. E. Rohrbach !HO Elm strei"t, tPl~>phone 25!:16 ~86 MONEY TO LOAM · First 1\lortgage 6% .H.ettnanclng and New Bullcllngs The First CongTeg-ational, located at tlw point wlH·n ' Lakf' a venue crosses Hours or worshiJ) \\.ilnwttP a\·Pnur and Eh!\·enth street, is Sunday Sen-ices The C'hurl'lt sC'hool nssPmbles in all (leOJWI1 to everybody f'w·ry day. Th e aim It is thoroug-hly Sunday svhool !I :30 a. m. is tn mnkP it a Housp of fellowship and pnrtnwnts at ~~ ::w. Bibh· class !I ::~o a. m. J)l"liYPl' to all )>POJ)l(·. Its ministers count gTadt·d antl under complete lea uership. ~\n· dish Sl'r\ kt· 11 a . m. it tlwir g-rl~a tt · st joy when they may sen·e Tlw pasto1· will mPPt with all rhildn n Young fJPo;Jh· 4 ::{o ' p. m. indi\·iflunl n d~. and its officHs are Eng-lish st·J'\' il'(· 7 :-l:J p, 111 . honor!'d wlwn tlw ehurC'h is permittf·d to of TntPrnwdiatP ag-p at :-1 ::10 in Childn·n·s Suhjt>d: "Tht· 'Vounds or Christ.·· assist in JH'nmoting the Wf'lfarP of thr hall , Sunday, for tlw fourth st·ssion in n Psday t·ommtmity. Twt·nty-one dt ·nominntions lhv pn·-Ea!-it(·r <'tiUrst· on tlw nwaning of Swt:dish St·rYin·\ \"t·d , p. m. art· aln·:uly rt' ))rf'~Pntt·d in its 1111-mhf'r- tht· ('h1·istian lift· and l't·sponsibiliti es of 1· rida ,. < 'hun·h )lt·mh(·rf:ihip . ~hip nnrl a whnlt·-lwartt d WPlc:'OmP awaits Eng-lish mid-wt·t· k st·n:i<:(· 8 p . m. a II who will <IC'et·pt its ho~pitnlity . " Ht· gin·th graee unto th e humhle." Tlw Hig-h Sf'hool Young- P ·oph·'s soLeslie Hunt- "It is gra<'e which makt-s us humble, and Th,... Boy~· cluh m··"ts on Friday at ~ : ~0 f'it-ty will nwd at ii ::~o. The tiH:nw is gTc\(' f' whic·h finds in this humility an opP . ::\L, lln<h·t· tlw lt·afh·rsldp of ::\Tr. ::\fc- lt:· y·~ gToun is in rhargp, purtunity for pouring in more grace. Let "'<:oing about doing- Good." C'nnnack. us go down tbat wt> may rise. Let us be Thifo; rhurch C'O-Op!·rntl's with thf' Sun- poor in spirit that God may mak e us rich. us hL· humbl e that w e need not be Th·· St·a ~couts nh'd Fritlay f'Yt?ning- at day Evt>nin .~· dub which 11 rc·scnts this Ld humhled, hut may 1Jl' L·xalted hy th e grace 7 ::w P. :\f., Ewart Cook ·. skipper. w~· t·k at tlH· l'ongT(·gntinnal ehurch. )fr. of Gn<l. ·· , ::\Talcolm 11il'(l, forPmost inY··stigator of On Sunrlay morning tJH-. l'hurf'h school spirit plwnomf'na , whn will SJWak on ")Iy Miss l\lildn·d tiJh'ns its st·rviC'··s in tlw difft' rt·nt. dl'pnrt- Psy c hic lnY ... l"tigations." PRAY FOR MISSIONS ntt·nt~ at prnmptly 9 :~0 A . )J. )fr. ~lc l;o)an Smith will sing. The annual day of prayer for misf'orma<'k will JH'I'<H'h to tlw J11('Jnbf'rs of Thf' l'amt) Firf' Cirls will hold tlwir sions \\·ill be held Friday, · tlH· .Junior l'ong-n·g-ation at 10 :30. A. l\I. M arch 4, at l'(·g-ular nwl'ting- in the chureh at 3 :~0 2 o'clock~ at the First Congregational p.m. ('omP to tlw 11 n'do<'k SPrvice of worchurch. The meeting will be intership Sunday mo1·ning and hear what the The third !':>~·ssion of tlw Adult :\fission denominational. and members of all ministt>r has tn say on tlw suhj<"ct of Study class will con\'(·m· on 'Vt·unesclay, parishes l}a\'C been urged to attend. "\\'hat is a Ht>lig-ious l\fan ?" Fl'bruarr 2:1, at 7 :4ii in Childn·n's hall. Tuc·~day tt\·c·ning at 7 :1 ri p. m. Roosf'- W. L. PECK CO. 39 So. La Salle St. Central 06!6 ,.,, It Trooti );o . 2 mP<"ts at Ht>adquartf'rs unch·r tlw lf'a<lership of Scoutmaster Karl DaYid King-, Jr. Tlw Hoy S<·outs will nwt·t as usual on Thursday en:ning at i :30. Tlw ehoir will nwet for r ehearsal at 8 o'cloek Thursday E."vening. The speaker for the daY nounced at a later date. · \\'ill be an- Unexcelled ON North Shore! Our table d' hote dinner is un excelled on the North Shore. It is excel"ient in quality of food , service and surroundIngs. Come here and meet your friends. ? + On \Yt>rltH·s<lay aftprnoon thf' Junior t; irls' (·lwir lll(·t·ts for rPhParsal at 4 The Ft>bruary mf'f'ting- of the Conf~:rp . m .. undo·r tlw rlirt->C'tion of Mr. )lf'Cor- f'nct· of C'hur'h Sehool '\Yorkers will he ma<'k , who is nssistNl hy 1\Jrs. L. F. lwld in the C'hurch at 8 o'clock on Friday, · :at.·:-; and )lrs. E . .J. ~Icllraitll. F e bruary 2:i. Link "S" will nwt·t on Friday at 1 Tlw <'hurvh Family Xight dinnPr will h·· st·rYt ·cl at r. :30 vrotnt)tly on \\·edncs- o'rlork with Mrs . E. 1'. Carlson: Link day ni;.rht-an<l it's going- to h e a goorl "X," ~Irs. \\·. D. )£illarrl f'hairman, will clinth-1' ton ::\Tr. ~feC'ormaek will lt>all tlw mt 't' t Friday t-W·ning at S o'f'lrlf'k at th<' singing and Dr. Lloyd will f'Onduct a brif'f honw of ::\Trs. )T. E. RPid, 1101 Lal<t· A \'Pdt·\·otional st·n ·ict·. Thl'n tlw 111f'Pting- will nut·. )frs. Reid and :!.\Ir~ . (;t·orgt· Ur<' Pn lw turnH1 O\'t·r to :\Trs. Brucf' P. Owens, art· the hostt·sscs. Husbands an· inYitNl. Homt! :\li~sionary chairman of tlw "·omTlH' . 'Yilm~>tte Tiaptist church is locatPrl an's guild. :!.\[rs. )Targ-ut>rit.e Harmon Bro will b·· tht· SJ)('akPr nn this occasion, at tlw cornt>r of \\'ilml'ttt· and Fnrt·st 'l'ht· pastor, tlw Rt·\·. Franc·is and ~lw i:-; inclt-Nl a. splt·ndid reprt"senta- a \" <·ntlt-·~. th··· of tho · finisht·d product of Xorthland <'arr Stifh·r, may bl· !';t·t·n at his stufl\· in ,·o\lt·:.r·· of which stw is graduate and to tlw l'llUr!'h during thP nF>rning-!-; flf · th e \\'hi1'11 our Jlonw Thank Offt·ring will go "'"~·k ('X<"t·pt )Jnnday, ancl at otlwr tinws Tlw f'llUrC'h Offi('p is tllis Yl'ar . )frs. Bro is hom e on a fur- by appointnwnt. )11Up;l; aftt ·r six yPan; ·in Chinn and since !J))t'n daily from !t to 1~ and I to :i, elosht·r n ·turn to this f'ountn· has hPl'll Yt:>rV ing ~aturday at 12. Chureh t£'k·phone, popular as a stwakt·r. )Jake your rt·serva·- \Yil. 22a5. tion~ for thP dimwr throug-h the church .. m,., .. \\'ilnwtte 1204. \f r. and \f rs. \ \ ' l!!iam E. JI aigh of ? THE · CARAVANS ARE COMING TO ? The Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall ll.fR f:'\ahdla street annotttH.:e the birth Tilt· Young- Pt·npll·':-; rhoir pract irP at ui a :'::>n. \\'illiam Richard, on \Ionday, S p. m . \\·t · flnt·sda~· P\'P.ning undt·r thl· diFebruary 7, at the E,·anston hospital. l'··t·t i11n of p, ·rttor ""· Heaps. Eleven-0-Seven . · ? ·· Meals that satisfy llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll mmm uum1llllttllllllttttllllllllllllllllltllllllllllltlllltllllllllllltlt llllllllllllllllllllflltttlllllltltttltlllllllllltllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Gloves Cleaned ~· all next week ~tt..,q,; Beginning Monday, February 21st, we will clean a pair of your gloves free of charge when accompanied by some other article to be cleaned. PHO. NE WILMETTE 320-321 Schultz & Nord The North Shore's Leading Tailors Wilmette 1152 Wilmette Ave. 1111111111111m 11111111111111111111111111111111111 j Phone Wilmette 320 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

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