Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 9

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February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE Presbyterian Church Sunday school at 9 :30 o'clock Sunday morning. Classes for all ages of young people. Bible classes for women and for men at 10 o'clock. If you are not att ending any Sunday school In \Vilmette, we invited you to come to ours next Sunday morning. )lorning worship at 11 o'clock. The musical program is as follows: Organ prelude, "Serenade" .... ·Schubert Anthf'm, ' 1The Woods and Every Sweet Smelling Tr<'e" .................. West Trio, "The '\Vings of Morning" . . Scott Mrs. Heaps, Mr. Miller and Mr. Carlson Organ Offertory, "Andante" . . . . Mozart Solo, "The I..ord is My Shepherd" . Liddle Mrs. Gannon Organ Postlude, "Triumphal March" .... ............................... Costa Junior church at 11 o'clock in the Junior Assembly room. The lea der is Frank Eager. The subject i::;, "Being HPrOE"R for Christ." Captain Fisher will g-ive the sermonette. Christian Endeavor at G :30 o'elock. The leader is Vera John::;on and th<> topic "Our Duty as Christian Citizens." Last Sunday e\'ening w e had a good crowd out and an hour. ·of so<'inl f<>llowship following the meeting, which evPryonc fully en joyed. If you are a young 1wrson in \\rilm i'ttp and ha\'e not idt'ntifiNl yourst·lf with any chur<'h, you will find a hc-nrty wPlf'onw if you atti'n{l our mc<·ting ll('Xt ~unday eYCning at !:i ::10. Tlw l'i'gular ~wlwduli' nf Throug-h-tlw\Vpf'k activit1·s will h e ca rrit ·<l out as usuaL St. Augustine's Sunday, February 20, will be Sexagesima Sunday, or the second Sunday before I .f'nt. There will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m., Church schools at 9 :45 and morning prayer with address at 11 o'clock. Thursday, February 24, is the day set by the Church to honor the memory of St. Matthias. There will be Holy Communion at St. Augustine's at 8 a. m . ~art ' Friday, February 25, will be the next fortnightly meeting of the Women's Associated guilds. This will b e the last of the fortnightly meetings until after Lent is over. During Lent the Guilds will meet t'\'ery Friday. Next Friday will b e an all day meeting, with luncheon at noon. The members of St. Augustine's who are specially interested in the Bishops' Crusade, are attending services and conf(·rences in St. Luke's, Evanston, three days this week. St. Luke's, J~vanston·, is the crusade center for fourteen north shore Episcopal churches, from Evanston to Lake Forest. The vestry of St. Augustine's will \\'ednesday evening, February !!3, p . m., in the rector's office. north shor ctmf£"r('nce at the Byron Stolp school in \Vilmette last Saturday morning and lunch ed togdlwr in St. Augustine's Club house at noon. Roy Scout troops h eld a Ways of thinking .have changed. In Washington' s day, it was "fight ahead," now it is "dig in." To make and preserve the future is the aim ·of all thinking mento look fairly and squarely ahead to old age and its responsibHities. The life of Washington is a striking example of the mighty power of persistency, By patience, perseverance. and through the lesson it teaches, you can win your way. Save persistently and deposit regularly here with this strong institution. Forty patrol leaders o( The 'Vilmc:tte Izaak \\'alt11 n lc·ag-ue nwt in ~t. Augustim·'s Parish house ~1 onday t·\"t·ning of this we ·k. ~fi s~ Pauline Pettibone, 512 Central RPgulnr )Tifl -Wt' f'k nr<'~Yt·r sr-n ·il'f' at R an·nuc, went to ~[ilwaukec la-;t Saturo\'(O('k, \YN11H'Silay eY('11ing. day to play for ~fi ss ~farcia Preble 'J'hi' rlifff'n·nt SpokPs of thl' \\~ornan's and ~I ark Turbyfi II in their perform!':Orif> ty will ho!fl th0ir nwt·ting· ~ nrcord- ance in the Art In st itute th ea tre. Miss ing to tiH' following s<'lw<lul": Prl'ble and ~~ r:.. Turb,·fi ll both are Ft-bnmry 22- Spokfl !! will mr·d at the homE> of :\Trs. C'hnriPs f:ilh(·rt l)a ds, li1 ii principal dancer:; \\'ith ·the Ado 1 ph T.nurd a Yt·niiP: Spl,kt· :; will mt'f·t with Bolm ballet. :\Tr~. H. H . lTt ·ndf'rsnn, 'i 2 1 Prairie n Yf'nuf': Spoke 12 ·w ill mN·t with Mrs. f'harl('s Evans, liO'l (;pntral ll\'<'nu<'. F\·bruary 2:1 - Sp<·k·· :~ will nwd with :\Tr ~. l\targar<'t RPam nnd ::\[rs. Harry Xt-nl at 800 f:ri'Pnl1·af ay.,nuP: Spokt' 7 is (' nt f' rtaining at thi' hom t> of :\Irs. G. f' . Lnw' 11 , !100 Ashland :1\'('nUf'. Ft>bruary 24-Spt·kt· 1. will llWl't with )Irs . .T. H . Brinkt'r. 220!) f'i'ntral Park a\·pnuP, EYam;ton: Spokf' R will nwE't with ~Irs. T. B. ~Tn<'Ha e, Gl 8 Lind<·n a\·enUf'. Ft>bruary 2;;-Spok0 f3 will 111 C'Pt with :\Trs. ('lark«· HayPs, !111 Lak f' a\'f'nue: ~pokf' !1 will mt·t·t with )Irs. H. D. Long, "J.i Park a \'t'JHt<·. l\Tar<'h 1-- SpnkP 4 will mN·t with Mrs. L. H. \Vo lf<'. 122S <:rt' Pnwnod aw·nue: ~pok!' 11 will mc·Pt with :\Irs. G<'orge f'nok, ;)~1 Eighth strf'et. ~i1arp . First National Bank of Wilmette · ············ nl)y Hangt'I"S will Jll f·(' t Friday at ~ :~0 An lrrit.a ble Temper ··· .n 7 : :) 0 sha z·p. S<·out Xt·ws Hn:--· ~kouts will lllN·t Monday c·n· ning MOTORS SERVICE Incorporqted nn t't Friday at ~ ::lO upstairs. Patrol 1··~t~krs ha\"t' nPws to rt' port. Plans arc bt·ing- mad<' for a. hilw this w Pek. ::\Tinrwhaha Troop of flirl Srouts will is often caused by eye strain. Have your eyes examined and eliminate the root of all evil. EVER.VTHING .JO,.th~ plans will bt' unf1t' r way for hikc·s and outdoor a<'th·iti<'s for all SC'nuts. noy S<'out Dinnl·r-The annual dinn<'r g·i\'t' n by the mPn of th e <'htlr<'h for the boys of tht> church will he this evening <t t li : ~0 o'clo<'k. A prog-ram of cntertainrrwnt has be<'n pro,·ided and a large n. tt t· n<lance is expected. · Th~· First Pr<'sbytPrian church, George P . 1\ragill, D. n., pastor,. is located at the Ol'llPr of Ninth st r ePt and Greenleaf aventH'. ~l)on ~pring- Remember . . . Y out eyes are your breadwinners, it is wise to take care of them. AUTOMOBILE CAR WASHING Day and nite except Sunday Closed cars Open cars Fords Polish Nickel Wire Wheels . $2.50 2.00 2.00 ·50 Flo·enee N. Wood 0. D. 709 MAIN STREET NEVER. · CLOSED Mrs. Clyde Ross, 1321 Chestnut avenu e, is entertaining her bridge club today. Phone Wit. 2000 .so Includes brushing out inside qf car. Eat FISH 'l.t M~~e~TREET Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No. Toll We Deliver --MJ fit.MJAWJMO....a.w 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE ~hone w.hneib~got I \J.C.Slown ·~--------------~---- Evanston

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