Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 54

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WILMETTE LIFE February 11, 1927 ·Let Me Estimate Your Building Alterations - Re- · pairs - Gara'ges - PorchesRoofs - Screens - Storm Sash - C e m e n t Work. l l Edna M. Cummings Takes 1 Position at Girls' Club I Edna May Cummings of 1332 For-I est a\·enue. is leaving Wilmette to assume the position of physical in- j structor at the · new Philamathia Girls' club just completed in Palmer Square, I Chicago. She has extended an invitation to all her north shore friends , to attend the reception and entertainment to be given at the club March 4. I ~{rs. Cummings, prior to her marria ge, was a dancer and played the · role of premier dan se use in the musical , comedy success. "The Silver Butterfly," which play ed in Chicago a few years ago. Those who wish to attend the reception arc reque sted to communicate with Mrs. Cummings at Albany 8423 after F ebruary 16. I Wm. R. Wilson Carpenter Contractor Phone Kenilworth 1146 615 Kenilworth Ave. Read the Want Ads [ Reduce your Fuel Costs by· Proper Insulation N®mr ~(0)00£ llil®~ ~ceo Builders of Bette·· Homes WILMETTE. ILL. We Will Ch1cago Office -First National B<tnk Bldg.-=,".~ Phones Wilmette 1417- Randolph '438 ~; ~-= For You . . -· \ ;r~~ --~~--:1(. Plan Finance & Build NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (recorded at the Chamber of Commerce) Friday, February 11 7:30 p. m. \iVilrpcttc chapter. R. (Continued from page 1) A. 11.. Masonic temple. Sunday, February 13 ' IIHll·::drall!t· at a point so 1\(·:tr to tlw I I ig h f·whonl (which a))JH ·:I rs to h e one of 7:30 p. m. Sunday Even in .~· club, IH · n1ain motin·s of thl' b:t<"k(·rs of tlli,; Speaker. Miss Jane Addams. ·, 1oj ·osition ), tht· uncl c· rf.>ig·twd an· of th·, Con greg<!tiona! church. . >pinion t'twt the towuship <:annot :t<' C 'OillMonday, February 14 d ish till' put'JlOS l' indi(·alt' d, this for th· · ···<~s on that *500,0 011 wou lcl IJuy only a G:30 p. 111. Dinner. l~cal Estatc i lll < tll po!'lion of till' so-c·:t7H·d " .:\o :\Lan ' s hoard . · Lake Shore terrace. I.nlld," l· ·aYing· tlw halalll't ' tlwn ·o( OJH·n Tuesday, February 15 "' dh't·lopnwnts of tiH· :mnH· eharat:Ll'!', 1'1 11' t h< · Ia w <Jnly JH'I'tnits a township t11 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, \Nilmcttc al'qUir<' tl·n :t l' l't ·R a::; a park. whid1 would Optimist club, Lake Shore ter!:tl..:~· onl\· ahout lmlf till' tract: (urtlH'r race. l ht · pt·oJ;osdl moving- pidurt· tiH·all'l' i ~ : )\.1'1' a milt· from tlw Hig-h Sl'hool and 7 :30 p. 111. Village board meeting IH· Willlll'ttl' moving- pi cturt: th1 ·at<:r now Village hall. in opt·l"<tlion i~ pra<"li('ally as nt ·ar th· · 8 p. 111. \Vilmctte Camp No. 10,334, ! J igh S('h!loJ and with lllUI't· ;l('(TSSi!)J, . :ivfodern \Voodman of America, r:tll~porta t ion . .\di1111 "~nt .lustltit·<t'· Odd Fellows' hall. "::. 'i'lw propo~ l· d park would ])(' pl'i Wednesday, February 16 ·narily for tht· purpost· of rwott ·diJlg 12 :15 p. 111. Luncheon, Wilmette ·J·· i g hiJoring- n :s i(h·utial JH'Operty from a 1 Usillt·ss U(·\'dopnh·nt c:onsidl'l't·d unde sirRotary club, Ouilmette Country tb lt· l·r st·nw. Tlw fa('t has bc·· ·n L'\·id l·llt club. ·~ ·r ~n·an; that this unzoJH·d ":-\o :\Ian' :Thursday, February 17 :.a nd" w:ts opt·n to and t 0nding- towards 6:30 p. m. Dinner. Club for ProlJUsi nt ·ss dt·\ 't·lopnH·llt and prohilJitin · land \·alut·s. Till ' n·sid1·nts in tlw JH·ighboring fession~\ and Business women. ·1 ·1 nrn unitit ·:-; IHt\·t· pur<"has t>d, own<>d and Congrcgati.anal church . impro\·t·d tht ·i r propt ·rtit ·s with knowl7:30 p. m. \Vilmettc Lodge, Xo. ··d g t· of t hi:-; dang-1·r and without :u ·tion ti1 . n>tt·< ·t th· ·ms··l\·t·s. ~u<'ll business d e v e lop931. A. F. & A. 1L, Masonic llll'llt has now procl't t.!l·d to a point wh (' !'t· temple. "S iahlisilmt ·nt ,If· tht· propost ·d pari> would 8 ·p. 111. .A. T. Sherman Lodge Xo . r· ·q uii'P <·t·nd .. nma t ion, pa:\'llH·nt for and <1· ·:-: tt'Udil·ll ,,r 1·X J>t n:; i\'t' buildings . Th 1· 892 f. 0. 0 F. 0<1<1 Fellow< hall. un<lt·rs ig·n· ·ll ft t·l that t hl' neighboring Friday, February 18 11\\' twt·s at·1· not justifit ·rl in r~sl-\l!lg 7:30 p. m. \Vilmettc Chapter H .. prupt·rt~· n·lil'!' :tl a h··a\y t·Xpt ·nst· to all o[ tlw A. :\L., ~Iasonic temple. l:t XJI:I , \ 't· rs nf tlw t·nt irt · lll\\' llship. Til·· Jll'lljt ·l· t i,; t·ri1:1arily !'or a Icwal i11·n..tit 8 p. m. \\'ileYanshrook Encamp ::11 <1 if t·:trril ·<l 1tUl slwu! (} lw paid f111' ment , Xo. 17i l. 0. 0. F., Odd l:ll" .~'l·],l' 11.\ ' f1w;tJ SJII 't' i<ll ;tSSt·SS!lll IllS . Fe!lo,,·s' hall <It lll'l' p :trl s qf lh· · ll·\\'llslti p :tr·· ra .... d \l·ith th· ·ir n\\'11 PI'Oitl!-r n<; and t·xpens· ·s ot Sunday, February 20 7 :30 p. m. Sunday Evening club, :t s inlilat· v h a rn<'tt·r.' ' Speaker, ]. Malcolm Bird. Con- ; Similar petition s "·ere in evidence in · \\ ilntetk. Kl'ni\worth and Ckncoe tlti-; gregational church. \\'l'l'k. WHO ARE YOU? LTFr: is in receipt of ;t C'tllllltl un ira til) n . . ig n L·d "Sul>sn .. bn and TaxpaYer," ,,·hirh the edi tor '"ill be plc~sed tl> pu I> li s h 11 JHJI: re cl'ipt of tlll' nam v and adclrc ..;s oi the \\Titn. Thl~ nam e nctd n ~,t hL· publi:-.lH"d hut mH :-.t be ohtain··d itJ!. our Ille s. \rrr.:\IET"l'l·: FIND OPPOSITION TO TOWNSHIP PARK PLAN TilL' an;ragl' a 11 11 u a I iJ1l"<Jlllc per ialllily in lllinoi:-- j.., SI.S-13. accc,rding 'to the CnitL·cl State:-. Dcpartlllcnt oi La bGr. Thi s 1:-> highl'r than t hl' national average. IIIIIIIIIII!Mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiliiiH lllinoi:-. ra nks second oi inland states in yaltH· ni exports. according to t he l' 11 i rt: cl ~tat L' s De p a r t lllL' 11 t o i (_' Ill mcrcc . ·················· Ripe for Development ~11111111 ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll la'rge lots with a total frontage of 875 I I A-B . UNIFIED RANGE Cooks Heats feet, much of it overlooking the Skoki~. practically all improven1ents in and paid for. In choice residential section near -with Gas Skokie Country Club. -with Gas Warm your kitchen on cool days with the A-B Unified Range. It has an inbuilt warm air furnace. Provides in one unit, convenient means for cooking, baking and heating with gas. Comes in fun enamel, semi-porcelain and plain finish with or without ree:ulator. Call in and see it: I · Can be bought at an average cost of less than $4, ooo per lot. J. t BE IN SEN 720 Elm St., Winnetka REALTY Exclusive Agents co. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY .OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 409 Elm Place, Highland Park Tel. Glencoe l 0 8 WM. GUYOT, District Supt. Ph. Winnetka 254

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