Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 43

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February 11, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE · .. now than ever giggled at his misad-~ ventures in print. I "The Potters," arriving at the Nors~ore theater Sunday, with W. C. . F~elds starred as Pa, concerns itself ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VILLAGE THEATRE ~tth the episode in which Pa becomes "The Perfect Sap," showing at the mterested in an oil deal. If you've Village theatre Monday and Tuesday, never rca~ ]. P. ~~cEv?y's comic. strip is a comedy 111JStcry drama featuring or seen h~; play, It mw.ht be WISe .to Ben Lyons and Pauline Stark. Th e say th~t The Pott~rs arc a family plot is taken froni Howard Irvinrr of avera~c human, everyday AmeriYoung's "Not Herbert," which w~~ c~n.s. Pa IS h~ne s t, blundering and am~t aged in New Yor\ last year. Bet~ hlttO_us. Ma Joves h~r h';lsband but is cast as the weak-sister son of idle ~ont~nually argues With h11n. ~Iamie rich J)arent's who becomes an amateur I 1 _s eighteen and a flapper. Btl! has · · . the I teach eel . an aQ·e where he ca11 sport dctect1ve anct goes sleuthmg tn " . 1 a cute little mustache. J t H underwor (. e captures a wtfr. Ad N th' 1 t 1 h k' · I' · -provo yancc no t . tccs IIH 1catc a success fu 1 p1cfolioo mg )U1 aug tl · h 1 mg I scenes H · NOW PLAYING t . w on eac 1 o 1er s ee s. vy arure. ri s an<l Mary Alden are featured in Mon. t1 Tues. "Syncopating Sue," coming on \N cd- Mr. Field's support. Fred Newmeyer Friday and Saturday nesday and Thursday, is said to he one directed for Paramount. (If Co rrine Griffith's he st 1)ictures. even fun nier than '·'Classified" and more THE VARSITY ,rripning than "Into Her Kingdom." Tt and Milton Sills and Viola Dana in "T he is the tale of a piano pounding s'ongpl uggcr in New York's Tin Pan Allev, Silent Lovers," a favorite pair in an VIOLA DANA \\'hose main interests in ]if c arc h er engaging picture, ,..,·ill feature Montn circa ms of a stage career and her day's bill at the Varsitv theate.r. m "\Vinners of the Vvitderness" is the romance with a cabaret-trap-drummer. t'hrre is, according to reports, a gen- curren t showing, a romance of the west ('rnus hit of good drama. ddt comedy featuring Joan Cra,dord and Col. Tim and st· ntiment. without an O\'Crclosc of ~f cCoy. \Vednesday and Thursday of A Romance of the West the new week \\·ill bring Irene Rich in t·it her. It looks good. "The ~l'n-ous \\.reck.., the Fridav "Don't Tell the \Vife." \\·it h H untlcy and Saturday contribution to the week'-s Gordon playing opposite. Friday and Wed. 8 Thurs. program. is based on the farce bv Owen Saturday will bring the eagerly-awaited Cross Country Race D;n·is which ·was shmn1 recc;1tlv on "] ohnny Get Your Hair Cut" featuring IRENE RICH th e legitimate stage. It is in ·all a J ackic Coogan. The regular features augment all J,i!.!' ou td oor production and a comcdv INTERNATIONAL REVUE 44 DON'T TELL of the first order. The story, hriefly. these pictures at the Varsi ty- the giant with Dorothy De Vine deals with a man who thinks him se lf Gen C\'a organ skillfully p lay~d by THE WIFE" and Company a nervous wrcck and 'goes \\·est for his Louis Lohmann; the Varsity concert health. Tn the climax the "\Vreck" orclw stra directed by ] ames Kvzak, has to fight for an opportunity to die the Varsity news events, The ColleVarsity News Events Fri. t1 Sat. in peace. whereupon he realizes that gians in "Cross Country Race," and he has lost all of his maladies. The the International Re\'Ue by Dorothy JACKIE COOGAN tight for Sally's hand becomes more DcYine and company. Varsity Concert Orchestra exciting than · thoughts ·of a decent James Kozak, Director in l,urial. The Yalue of fine art object s in Illi~fary Pickford's "Sparrows" and nois exceeds $13.500,00_0_._ _ _ _ __ HJOHNNY GET "\\.c'rc in the Navv Now" are scheduled GIANT GENEVA YOUR HAIR CUT" for an early appearance. Louis Lohmann at the Console At the Movles AT : YOUR HOME THEATRES II Joan Crawford Col. Ti~ McCoy "Winners of the Wilderness" The Collegians MILTON SILLS "THE . SILENT LOVER" THE NORSHORE Poor old Pa Potter, door-mat of the entire Potter tribe, is in the movies and more peqple are laughing at him BALABAN t1 KATZ NORSHORE llowanl A ·H . near Clark St. Discovery Con test for Old and Young Our Discovery contests conducted every Saturday afternoon are open to applicants of all ages. Cash prizes to the winners. -NOW PLAYING- In order that our Patrons may see ALL OF THE BEST PICTURES in the beautiful NEW VARSITY THEATRE and not have to leave Evanston for the best Entertainment, we have arranged with the leading Producers fer their feature productions each week. Complete Change of Program, Mon., Wed. ~ Fri. MAKING MOVIES ON THE STAGE See them made- act in them. MILTON SILLS ¥ i ' .\1 ou.. 'l'tu·s., }'t>h. J.l.J;; 'I'WO ]),\ YS O.NLY Hrn J,yuu, J·aulhu· Stark(' fn Also ".\Inking (ioott··-:trd nf th<· ('nllt'glun St:'rh·s nntl t>uthc "t·ws Wt··l.. 'l'hnrl'., Ft·h. 16·17 TWO J),\ \ ' S O~J,Y {'orhJUt> (; rhYitb, Tom :\loort> ,. in I ,. ,- "The Silent Lover" -Starting. Sunday- CLYDE ELLIOTT Presents 1 ""The Pe·leet Sap" 1 · · J. P. McEvoy's film episode of America's best known family THE MINTURN PLAYERS with · · ¥ ~ . I i ! i I I 44 In Svneopating Sue" I " I Also = I .Jn<·k DutT.r In ··t'o«~l Uft'"-~ UN'l I t'omt·dy i I l'ntht· J(t>\' lt·w ! i Fri., Snt., 1-'t:'IJ. IM·19 I ' TWO UA\'S 0"1,\' 4 i "Tbe Nervous I I Wreak" I With I }Iarrison }'orcl, PhyiiJs Hnn~·· I Also ' I I I "THE POTTERS" with Harry Minturn and Margery Williams ·NOW PLAYING W.C.FIELDS Mary Alden-Ivy Harris STAGE SURPRISES "Why Men Leave Home" NEXT WEEK "APPLESAUCE" APPLESAUCE" hits every man and woman who · has been married, or wanted to be married. .T be W bole Wide World Loves Applesauce. I( THE PARISIENES Singing Musicians SIE TAHAR TROUPE ·:._--·--·------··!· ~ Pa the News Lloy11 .IJ. Hamilton In HI" i! Reel Coatelly la l·· , ,= I·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Novelty entertainment from Algeria. Musical and Screen Novelties. Evening at 8:15. Prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 Matinee. Tues., Thurs. ~ Sat. 25c, 5 Oc PHONE UNIVERSITY 8500

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