Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 41

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, February 11, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE ' 41 Christ whmn he .came to reveal and GIVE LECTURE ON '"·hon~ to k.now is life eternal; to 'know hberatmg. ~ruth he taught, and to CHRISTIAN SCIENCE the ha':e the sptntual joy or happiness (Continued · from Page 11 ) · ,wrld is held in abject terror and in iear? Are these the "ascertained truths" which arc to make us free, when defenseles s \\'Omen and children ha vc been destroyed, when \\·hole nations have 1H·cn brought in to subjection. enslaved and starved hv their means? If "a good tree cann(;t bring iorth evil fruits." arc not these soca lled ascertained truths- these ~o-call eLl sciences-the fruit . of "the tree of knowledge ·of good and evil" of which "thou shalt not cat?" But does Christian Science teach us to decry these th ings? No! It claims, ho\\'<: \'~r. that none of the material science .... nor all 0f them together-the whol<: "\\'isdom oi the worlcl"-will ever constitute one iota of the truth v;hich ve shall know and it shall make you fr~e: that none, nor all of them together. \\·ill ever bring one iota of the joy, the happiness, which the truth known by ]<:->u:; and again ascertained in Christian Science g-i\·cs. Christian Science makl':-. these things, "all things ... la\\'ittl" unto u ::;, because it teaches us to use all things constr ucth·ely and none dcstructi\·el\'. It teaches us that "of every tree of tlic I ~!!~~~~~ ~arden thou mayest freely cat: hut of f;1)1~~~~~~~~~~ the tree of the kno\\'ledgc of goocl and n ·il (the belief 0f ~elfish material pleas- ! ure. satisfaction and gain-that i~. oi the tree of sclfishne~ . ), thou sl 1alt not ~:at of it: for in the da\· that 11wu · ~·atcst thereof thou . halt s-urcl\· die ." I \\rhat then i:; Science: Ot;h· \\'hat i~ true or real can he knO\\·n. a;Hl only : Tru.th or reality cannot cca~e to he and : ca nnot undergo change. E\'t>rything ' material-which means C\'Crything ac- · ccptc d by the so-called natural sc icnct·s -be ing capable of destruction or oi undergoing ch"ange, must he unrl·al and : untrue. This does not mean that their products arc not humanlY u:;cful. and 1 that Christian Scicnt.ists -do twt a\·ail . themselves of such proclucts. On the co ntrar~·. they do,-thc telephone, the telegraph, the radio. the flying maIt's not so much ~he size or color chine, and so on,--and feel grateiul for ' of the EYES that makes them them. Science. ho\\'t\'<:r, is "the knmd bc:autiful. Rather, it's the glow t.:dgP of principlc.:s and causes" and oi which radiat~s from them. UTY lesslc.eptalways clean and healthy, "'ascertained truth s."-tlw knowleclge oi EYES laci<tthis alluring lustrt. the fundamental. the primary, the ultimate, of tru e or essential being: and · Miilions of women throughout the world promote EYE health --uch knowl edge the nat ural sciences do and beauty with Murine. It not possess, arc not, cannot be. They cleanses EYES of irritating par· art' us eful arts, and in . howing that I ticlt!s 3nd keeps them clear and on ly by courtesy can they be looked 1 bright. Contains no belladonna. upon as sciences, Christian Sc ience I Our i!!ustrated books on "E-ye Cca...docs not in the least derogatL' from 1 O'f "E~·e Beauty" care fREE on nquaC. thcn1. I The Murine Company \\-hat then maY be tak en to mean l)ept. 33, Chicago true kno\\'leclge -or Science? Only -..uch ascertained truths or facts " ·hich arc basic, fundamental, and constru ctive. which bless all ·and injure none: which give life, and giYe it more abund- 1 ant ly , and b. r ing true fr ee dom and true ~· happiness to all. According to Je:-u~, tr ttt' Science i:-. to knmY God and the whtch .he · et~j oycd as ~ result of his .t.rue, hts Chnstian, Science. And right h~re let me quote what Mrs . Eddy, the I?t~coverer and Founder of Christian Sc ten ce, has defined Science to be. On P.age 12~ of her great book, the Christian Sctence textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," she says, "If God, the All -in-all, be the crea~or of the spiritual uni\'erse, includmg man, tlren everything entitled to a classification as truth or Science lllust be c~mp_risecl in a k~10wledge o~ tmderst~ndmg of Cod, for there can be notlung beyond illimitable divinitv." Jc. us sa id that to know God is l-ife eternal. That he knew \\'hereof he spoke, he d~1:10nstratecl by raising the dead. Ilc satd that knowing the truth "shall make you free," and he demonstrated this by liberating people from bondage to every manner of ill· bv liberating them from sin, from ~ick ncss, and from \\'ant of e\·cry kind. He .~aid, "~ly joy and my peace I give unto yot~," ~n~l .n~t only did he rejoice greatly 111 Sptrtt, but he ,,·as able to retain both peace ancl joy e\·en when confronted \\·ith the rrnss. A SPECIAL SELLING .OF ARCH PRESERVER SHOES $7.85 Pair Short lines and discontinued numbers have been grouped and are now one low price, $7.85. THa = 1 fl RCH·PRES St. INC. · SHOE SHOP Evanston 630 Church Zipper Boots and 4 Buckle Artics to Fit All Shoes 1 Beauty Lies in 1 Healthy EYES 1 -·--- --=-- ------ -~-=-=- One.of the Three Main Dining Rooms Dining is a pleasure when coupled with careful, courteous, unobtrusive service. Our three main dining rooms are always at your call-whether dining alone or entertaining hundreds. With his years of experience our ~hef is able to pre~ pare a meal attractive to the most critical-a meal conceived by a· master and faultlessly served at prices very reasonable. Send for illustrated brochure and ftoor plans of Georgian suites. The Little Marmon Is Here. May we send you a catalogue? Make R eservations Now for t h e Valentine Dinner Bridge, Monday, February 14th, 8 to 10 :30. $1.50 for dinner, bridge and prizes. :.JI'be ~eoJ)ian An Addre11 of Diatinction MARMON NORTH SHORE 6015 Broadway Longbeach 6428

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