Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1927, p. 5

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Feb.ruary 4, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE vs Harry Proft; Hayden Jones vs Elmer Keil. Wrestling-Ben Copple vs Andrew Borg ; Art Meier vs Harold Schuette; :-.Jkk Miller vs Hubby Marquardt; Jack Simpson vs Jack Brewer. Tumbling-The DeLofta Tumbers. Comedian - Al Smith: 'The "Masked Marvel." 5 TICKETS SELL FAST FOR ATHLETIC SHOW I 'Boxing and Wrestling Carnival to Attract Hundreds to Howard Gym February 11 Legion Auxiliary Hears Have you secured your tick et for the F.rom the state headquarters of the big boxing and wrestling show sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and American Legion Auxiliary, the WilRecreation board? If not, your de- mette unit has received this gratifying lay may prove "fatal" as the tickets report of the Xmas '"ork done by the are going fast, it is said. The enter- combined Illinois units, to bring cheer tainment will be held Friday night, to the ex-service men in hospitals and February 11, in the Howard school sanitariums in Illinois and to Illinois men in hospitals outside the state. gym. . For bathrobes, $500; · for slippers,. Five big acts of boxing with such $1,065; for Xmas dollars, 364; for amateur stars as Joe Corrato, 1[ike Xmas baskets, $232.52: for Danville Tread, Clarence .and \Villiam Bennett. (for Xmas boxes), $\50: total, $2,311.52. Emmett Kin land, Earl Miller and The local chairmen where these gifts George Braun arc on the program. '""ere distributed spent many hours . Four bouts of wrestling with Ben Copseeing that every hospitalized Illinois ple and Andrew Borg, light heavy- ex-service man was remembered. The wcight and h e a v y we i g h t cham- dollar bills went to the Illinois men in pion s, respectively, of the north shore, hospitals out side the state, and many are scheduled. Jack Simpson, Jack of these have responded saying this Brewer, Harold Schuette and Hubby was the only gift they received to let :Marquardt arc others scheduled to per- them kno\\' the,· were uememcrcd form on the mat. back home. · One supreme act of magical entertainment by ~Iatthew Drees and com- Scouts Win Awards at panv is alone \Yorth the price of admis~ion, it is stated. 1Ir. Dree s has Their Court of Honor for years been pre~enting hi s mystiTn the Kenilworth Bo,· Scout Court iying magical stufT, and for scvnal of Honor sc sion, held ·und er the diy~:ars " ·as connected with the Or- rcction of E. L. Kvgaarcl. T~m· 1 fan·tt phcun1 Va ttdcYillc circuit. Then there and Frank Kctc h ~~~1. t h l' follnwi 11 g are the DeLoita Tumblers, who are Scoub fl'Cci,·c cl a\Y:.lrds: a sho,,· in thcttb<:h"l' . . and the "masked ).f crit haclgc Cl.\Yards. l~il·hard Bucl.. tltarrel" \Yho, it is sa id pniorms :-tt- Claude Hamilton. T om 1lick.;, J acl-: pl·rhun1an feats at the piano. Ho,rc, Robert Hi cltardson, \\'illi a 111 AI ~tnitlt, Cl lllH'dian \rill be there to \ Spring·cr. (hark s ~ ~· utll\rard attd ··tttcrtain and \ "illagc Pn..:s id~nt Earl J·-. Charlc-. \"andcrn·l d. ( >r 11 n h a.., c1) 11 s c 11 tl" d t o act as o ffi. cia l S c <·t1 t s pro 111 o t l' <1 t o fi r :-. t cIa s s stan d annnttnn·r. ing: Joel DickelbOil. Oakley Jinks, and ).I ore than hrn hour.; of real act inn, Di ckie Jo:-.lin. -..trict ]_ ,. atnatl"ur, and a clean program ~couh rl'et·i,·in~ :->cconcl class . . tand1hroul.(lwut. En·n· num ber of the ing: llnd lknt. Paul Gilbert, George prog:·;un ha~ hc~·tJ. d1,11 atl·<l. The pr ~)- Gillett, Da11 I farriso11. Da11 Kimball. cec<b oi tltc tntcrtainment arc to . he El\\'ood ).! ons. George Scott. Tom 1hccl in purchasing equipment to he Smith, and Billy \Villiams. lh ('rl ior box inf..! ancl wrestling. ).fr.. \Y. A. Durgin, 627 Forl' st ave).J urh credit· ·r~r the traini;1g of tlte boxers is due to George ).f oore and nue. '"ill entertain her hook cluh for Emmet Kinland. both of \\'hom han~ luncheon on \Vednesday, February 9. \\"(Irked faithfulh· i0r sc,·eral \Yerk.;. Tickets i or the .tntertainmcnt arc on :\all' at the \\'illia111 Tcl\·lor Dn- Gonds ·:,tor l' at 112 5 C c n t r a I a~· c n tlL' . . ~J;q.dl"al ··nt··rtain\'rs-~lattht · \\" of Its Good Xmas Work SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK FLORIDA ORANGES, doz. 25«;; 4 doz. 95c. FLORIDA GRAPEFRUI'f, 3 for 25c; pea· doz. 90c CALIFORNIA OR.t\NGES, large size, doz. 69c; medium size 39c. JON"A1'HAN' A.PPLES ............... 3 lb~. 25c COOKING r\PPLES .. : .............. 4 lbs. 25c SPITZENBERG APPLES . :-- ........ 10 lbs. 95c 'f~t\NGERI~ES ...................... doz. 39c a········ I I Potatoes Our Specialt~ ·------·· ~For Sat. Only-The Finest Wisconsin ~ Potatoes, Pk. . .................. 59c Bushel, Cash and Carry ........ $2.00 H .l TSSE'l' PCll' ..\'l'OES. extra fine for baking .......................... 15 lbs. 7Sc :\TO~'r~L\K _-\ PC)TA.'l'OES. best cookers, per sack $5.25. ~------------------------------------------, HOME CROWN CELERY-Jumbo Bunches of the crispest .................... per bunch 39c S PI X.\ C1I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pk. 35c EX'l'RA FINE GREE~ PE.\S . _........ lb. 29c BRUSSEL SPROU,.fS ................ box 35c ARTICHOKES .......... _..... _.. _.. each 10c RHUBARB ......................... 2 lbs. 25c FRESI-I CA.RROTS .J\~D BEETS .. 3 bunches 25c CAULIF~O\iVER ...................... 20c up MUSHROOMS, for Sat. only . . . . . . . . per lb. 39c Strawberries and other seasonable items at market's lowest prices. CA.Ni\DA DRY GINGERALE, case of 1 doz. $2.15 l\IANOR HOUSE COFFEE-CHASE and SANBORN COFFEE-L.J\I\:E VIEW CC)FFEE, per lb. 59c. i\IISSION IN~ PE.\CHES ....... ~ 4 cans $1.00 . J)rt·t-s and ~fik.- c-om]~etny. Hoxing·-.Jot· Corntto n; \Ym . Bt·twdt: Trt·ad \"s ('lan·n<·P Ht·mwtt; Earl .\fillt·l' \"S Emnwtt Kinland: <it·ot·g·l' nr:lU11 0 0 8ustNISS 0 'THIS is the time o' year MINSt,UNCM 0 D .o 0 Tal<ing into considL·ralion the fal't that business nwn want good food, :·wrn·d without delay, we ha\"t' inaug-uratt·d a lJUsitwss Lund1 that will pkasc tlw most disl·riminating·. D 0 for you to point your car in our direction and stop it at our door. We' II inspect it and overhaul it so that you can get the right kind of service from it this season. " Rodenkirk's is always a good auto suggestion." Tempting Serviet C::OSMAS BROS. 1143 Wilmette Aven·ue Opposite Post Oflice Phones 2693 .. 2694 Delivery FREE MAC'S Bowling Lunch 0 n liSt Wilmette Avenue 11 A.M. to Miclni ht q ,....... lbc:=::zo' '0~

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