Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1927, p. 30

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WILMETTE LIFE February 4, 1927. News or the North Shore ~Iubs uGardeHing; this is an a.rt ·which does mean nature, Woman's Club of Wilmette Plans Change it mtha Conference to Which Others Brtt tire art itsdf is nature." -Shakespeare Interested Are Asked V\' hen th e bard of Avon penned the above \1\·ords he spelled the keynote of To the Club institute to be con - the Chicago Flower and Garden show ducted hv the Tenth District of the to be held at the Hotel Shennan March Illinois Federation of \\.oman's clubs 7 to 12, inclusive, and for which north on Wednesday, February 9. a number shore clubs are busy in making extenof local clubs will send representatives. sive preparations. The institute is to he held at the North The clubs are planning for the com End club at 1 :30 'clock in the after- petitions for clubs that have been noon, and t.he federation has extended announced, one in table decoration and a 'Cordial invitation to all club women one in floral arrangement. The table to attend the luncheon and institute. decoration mean s that each club comThe North Shore clubs that will he peting is to provide three decorations participating are the Woman's club of for the table during the show, one to Wilmette, the Neighbors of Kenilworth, he exhibited every other day. The the Winnetka \Voman'~ club, the \Vo- other entry is to oe . a ba sket or vase, man 's Lib ran· cluh of Glencoe. the to be displayed in shadow boxes lightNorth Shore Catholic \Voman's league, ed and lined with black. the Woman's <;~tholic club of Wil\iV ilmette takes especial interest in mette and the Friend s in Council of the exposition because the \Vilmette Evanston. Garden club, of which Mrs. B. L. Mrs. William F. Farrell, who is Davis is pre side nt, is one of the most president of the district. is to preside actiYe in the 1110\'ement. 1{rs. Davis at the meeting. and the program in- ha s not on! _ ,. gone to Chicago for all elude s talks on interesting and Yital oi the IIH'etirrgs 'of the allied int ere sts. subjects. hut is alsn working hard with her One of the outstanding ·feat ure s of it·llo"· club llll'lllhers to make tht ir the program is to be the question hox, l'Xhihit llt.Hl' \YOr( Jn·. and Mrs. George \Y. Plummer, who i Though Chi c~~.u; "tarted the ~ati nat in charge of the box. wilt ans\\'tT ques - Fln\\'n shu,,- ~ 011 their trittlllphnl ra tions of any club problems. n:cr ;l\\·:n· ha ck in 1008. thL~ city has Mrs. Plummer~ state parliamentarian. not C()IJdurtccl ;l grt";ll flornl exposition will give a talk on "Standardization." fnr fif e<·n \'l'M-,. ?\o"· Chicac:o \\·i th The subject, "Comm itt ees." will be pre- the aid oi ~urrounding- towns and subsented hy :\f rs. Samuel Snow, presi- urbs seeks t o regain the prestige won, de 11 t of t he Ni n t h Dis t r i c t . \ l r s . ~ n o \\" and lost. r . . <tnd night:; tht' great FCl r six da _ is known as an autll()rit\· 011 her subject. Mrs . Clarence Co<.ldwin appears t·xpositinn hall in t llt' Hotel Shennan on the program as :-.peaker oi note 1\ ill he de\' , te d t(l llo\n' rs apd gardens. e her im- Fronr ten in lhe morning until ten at and well qualifred tn handl , portant topic She \\·ill :-.peak on night. :\atur<' \\·ill lH" on displa~· . as "Finances." rt"presen ted h_ ,. 110\rcr:-; and g;udens Luncheon will prc ccck the program as..;cmhlecl frnm all ovrr the \rnrlcl. and will .be served at 12 o'c lock. Thc-.c will incluck a "Garden of thr }faharajah," rl·plica of tht· rxquisitr garrlrn · flanking the Taj :vfah.al: a Infant Welfare Society bulb garden, rose, rock. ,,·a tcr. t ropir. Holds Annual Meeting French. Ttalian, Spanish. \\'ild fl owe r At the regular .monthly meeting of and also ·one that will recall old mem the Wilmette Senior board of the ories-a grandmother's rrarclen with it s Infant \V elf are society, ] anuary 27. hollyhocks, zinnias, phlox. " ·ith sun Mrs. I. K. Stover, chairman of the flnwrrs pcrping over the \\'al1. "From the time of Adam mnn ha s board, told of the annual luncheon of the Infant \Velfare Society of Chicago, hren associC~tcrl \Yith gardens." sa id which was held at the Palmer House. Eric Buchholz, architect in charge of January 26. the exposition, "because man, whether P.rof. G. T. Stafford of the Cniversi- primitive or ultrcl -c ivilized, turns in ty of Illinois spoke before the 900 stinctively at times to flmnrs and garwomen who attended this annual meet- dens: to the beauties of Nature. "Without realizing it. man turns to ing. He urged greater interests in the health habits formed by children . in Nature when he is tired: when his schools and in the educational program brain and nerves have become so clog~ for parents. Prof. Stafford declared ged with city excitements that they that 90 per cent of the college students vdll not perform their functions. And suffer some physical defect and the Nature provides the renovation. "Thus the purpose of this exposition defect could be corrected by educating the small children in regard to their - to foster more gardens, · better garhealth. The Wilmette board, the ] unior dens and flowfr culture: to demonauxiliary, the Winnetka board and the strate the possibilities of planting and Glencoe center ,,·ere represented at the decorating small areas. for assuredly' the flower ho\\·e recl cottage is more meeting. · The meeting of the \\.ilmette board beautiful, more pleasing, and a hanpicr was at the home of Mrs. ]. \\'. Cullen place in which to li,·c, than a hare. on Ashland avenue. The board made hie::~ k ·astle." Co-operating with the exposition arc garments for the little children at the North Avenue station. which is sup- fifteen garden clubs, representing those ported by Wilmette and Kenilworth. communities that have become beaut\· A business meeting was held after the spots of the Mid-'Vlest through th~ efforts nf their horticultural enthusiluncheon. asts. The Johanna North Shore committee will meet on Thursday, February 10, at The regular card meeting of the 12:30 o'clock, at the ~fo.raine hotel, North Shore British American club Highland Park. l\fr:;. Kat ·A. ~layer will take place Thursday, February 10, at the Community House, Winnetka. wilJ be hostess. Club Will Confer on Public Welfare Taj Mahal Garden to Be Dudley Craft Watson to Duplicated at Garden Show Be Art League Speaker The next meeting of the North Shore Art league, will take place in the Highland Park school. Friday, February 25, ·w hen Dudley Craft Wat son will be the principal speaker of the evening. Mr. \Vatson, widely known .in this country, will address membe,rs of the league and guests on "Modern Art---Is Then;- A Rea. on for Its Be~ ing?" Astde from the talk to be made by Mr. \\r atson, several exhibitions wilt be gtven of work done by Frank Pcy~ raud Rudolph Ingerle, ] ames Cady Ewcit and \Villiam R. \Vatson, all residents of Highland Park and members of the league. Their work wilJ be most intere sting for many of the pieces w(·re done in the summer of Woman's ·club to Conduct Institute Illinois Federation Plans Attractive Luncheon and Institute ·Program for February 9 . 1\orth shore club women who arc interested in public welfare work or who are associated with organization . devoted to this activity will be glad to learn of the Public \Velfare conference which the \Voman's club of Wilmette is planning to hold on Wednes day. February 9. The conferrnce is to he an all-clay affair, and will be held at th(' clubhousr. This conference is for the purpose of bringing brforc the public the great work being done hy different organization s of the city and ~tate for th e rrotcction, "·etfare ;lnd training of th e It'S ~ fNtunate of the community. 'Pw morning sfs<>ion commence s at 11 o' dock. with <Hi address by M,rs. I. B. Sardr on "Sen·icc Co u n c i I for Girk" ·Thi:; talk ,,·ill be followed b~· an ndclre~:-; ll\· ~1i ss Jesse Binford, who will speak 0.11 "The \V ork of the Ju \·enilc Protectin: Associ a ti()n.' ' 'l' lw n ftc rnoon session commt·n C<':; at 2 o'clork when ~fis:-. Yormans \rill adclre.-' thr conference on "Chilcl Labor La\\·..; in fllinois." This talk i-. to he · iollm\ l'cl ln· nne l>v ~1 rs. \\.illiam F . l.l'\\·i:-; chairman of the . t:1te romnrit ' the :-;uhj(·rt, "l'arc anc 1'1' r:tm1n .. g !t't· . fiJj <·i til l' \\'o111a11 ()ffcncln." Each speak\·:- \\ lJr, ,,-;11 adclrc->s the g:Jtltninl!· ha · h, ·vtl ca rerulh· sclcctL·d a . an a uth :1r it~· on lH:r ·.n1 ;,;e ~t. and \\·ill lraH \·a luahlc mat erial to r"·l' ..,l'l1t. Lunch et ln '"i!l hl' :;en·e d at 1 "\:lock. l{ l·-;c n·;!t inn . . ar,· bei ng· nradl' \\·it h \I r.". Rt1hcrt B. Ta,·l<ll·. \\'ilmcttt: .?K33, and \1 :· .... C. P. B.ng. \\'ilnrL·tlt' ]<).?~. and . cannot. he arct·ptl'd aitt-r Ft'ln·uary i. 1926. Th e Chicago str inged quartette \Yill also furnish part of the program, giv .. ing seve ral numbers. Anyone intere sted in the league is invited to attend the meetings, \\'hich accomplish several objects. They are des1gned to encourage members oi the club to paint, to st imulate member:-; and guests hy ha,·ing elllincnt speakt:rs aprl to proYidt' a social time for arti .; ts and friends t11 .~.,;·a ther togeth er. Political School to Hold Banquet and Luncheons :\frs. C. P. E\·an:. prc~ident of the \\-ilmctte l.L"agu(' oi \Vonren \'ottrs. i.; tn lH' in rh;r:·c.::e ni the lunche ons at the Gl'orgian lwtcl arrangc(l for each noon 011 tht· daY:- ui tht· political in. titutc being . p~n . . nrecl by thl· Tllin :1is li.:ague and \" nrtlr \Hs tnn tll liHrsit _ \·, a 11 cl :\ r r s'. T(llr II \". \ . ;ur d l' :· \ . r i l' s. p r (' s idtnt oi t h-e \\'innctka Lragm· of \\'nmcn Yotn-.. i:-; in charge of the hanqtlt't bein~· gin·n at that hotel the evening of ~I arch 1 .\t thi:-. banquet both men and \\':) lit en \\ill he present. and spe:t k ers and guesb ()f honor will he chosl'll Voters Sponsor Social from among those present at the three Hygiene School Feb. 7 da~· session. A one da ,. sc hool of soc ial hygicnt' An Institute of Government ancl Polis he in g s p ~ 11 sore d I>y the :-.tat c o fti cr itics i~ the name. applied to the sesoi the Illinoi:-; League of \V o 111 en sions \\'hich ""ill he held ~~arch 2. 3 , . ote rs, for \f on cia,.. F ehruarv 7. The and 4. "school" 'rill coll\·ene at 9 :(S o'clock, and continue until about 3 o'clock in Catholic League to Tour the afternoon. Chicago Historical Society The group \rill assembll' at the Juvenile Detention home at 2246 RooMembers of the North Shore Catholic V\!omen's league, instead of hold- seve lt road. Chicago, and take a tour ing their . customary afternoon meeting of the home, conducted by Superintenat the \i\Tinnetka \Voman's club, will dent Dobbs. Dr. Paul Schroeder will hold their session at the rooms of the then speak on "The Mental State of Chicago Historical society, Tuesday, the }t!\'c nile Delinquent." Judge Mary February 8, and be personally conduct- Bartelme will speak on "The Causes ed through the exhibitions by Miss of Jttvcnile Delinquency," and the Mac Tlvainc of the society. Arrange- group will visit the Juvenile court. Lunch will br served at 1 o'clock at ments ·were made almost a year ago for this tour. The society's building is Hull House. followed bv a talk from 1o c·ate d on Dearborn and Ontario Miss ) essie I. Bin ford. -on "Sex Edustreets, and the group will meet here. cation for the Kormal Child." Dr. The hook talk ginn hy Mrs. An- Rachelle S. Yarros will then speak 011 thony French ~[errill took place this the same subject. The last event in past ,,·eck for tnemhers of the league the day's program v.-ill be a motion picture film called '·The Gift of Life." and others interested in the course. GARDEN CJ UB TO MEET The next regular meeting of the \ Vilmette Care-len club is to he held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. S. Band, 8i5 Oakwood avenue \Vilmette. Mrs. B. E. Gage is to tall~ on the subject. "Planning the Garden for Before and After Vacation Time.~' The club will devote part of the afternoon to choosing st:eds for planting. TO SEW FOR ORPHANS \Yomen of the Village haYe been invitrd t'· come to the \Voman's club to work today on garments for the childrrn of the Lake Bluff orphanage. The sewing session lasts all day. Luncheon is being served at 12 :30 o'clock. The ·work is unde.r the auspices of the philanthropy department of the \Voman's club of Wilmette.

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