Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 56

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WILMETTE , LIFE January 28, 1927 &8 ANTIQUES ~'OR SALE-ANTIQUE BEDS HAVE RECENTLY PURCHASED APproximately 75 old maple post, spool and cottage beds. Some very fine types. Offering at low prices. Tel. Winn. 462. 48LTN18-ltp ft FOR SALE-liSEHD. GOODS Bargain for Young 'Couple FURNITURE OF 36 APT. BUILDING . 4 room suites each, worth $3,000, will take $550 complete or will separate .; 3piece silk mohair parlor suite' ; 8-piece wainut dining set; 4-piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 W'i lton rugs; library table ; ftoor and table lamps ; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 49LTN12-7tp FURNISHI~GS OF 8 ROOl\1 HOUSE, including living room set, mahogany dining room set, painted sun parlor s ~ t, mahog-any and green paintt-d bedrm. furniture: nursery furniturr; set of iron, andirons, screens; new Thor washer. 470 Orchard Lane, ' ;Vinn. 2239. 49LTN18-ltc FOR SALE - EASY WASHING :\lAchine in perfect cond. Bought in 1926, $184, sell for $65. Large wick<'r porch table. Large black leather rock er . Small oak tabl e. Comb. boolwase and writing desk. R eliable gas range, low oven, perf. cond. guaranteed, $10. Other articles. Tel. 'Winn. 2420. 49LTN18-ltc DESK, CHAIRS, TABLES, DRESSERS, ' lamps, a new Chickering Grand Piano with Ampic;:_o player and records. Call aftern()ons, 749 Grove St. or Phone Gtencoe 692. 49LTN18-ltc ONE 4 BURNER STOVE ; BLACK OVEN door, electric light attachment. 125 lb. ice. box, $35.00. Lawn mower, garden tools, Haviland Dinner set. Glenco 865. 49LTN18-ltc FOR SALE- LARGE REFRIGEHATOR parlor suite, 9x12 rug. Tel. Winn. 1560: 49L'l'N18-1tp FOR SALE - LARGE OVERSTUFF'ED mulberry velour. davenport. Reasonable Tel. Winn. 1752. 49LTN18-1t ~ iO . WTlJ. TO BUY-HSEHD, GOOJJS WANTED TO BUY- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Hi~hest prices for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 50L'l'N18-tf(' :n FOR SALE - $100 VICTROLA, SELL for $15. 30 records. Tel. ·winn. 5!13. 51LTX18-1tp I! WTD. TO BUY-~HSCELLA.NEOU-;-' GOLD-SILVER WE PAY WELL FOR ALL PRECIOrS m~tals. Paul Davey. Jewel er, 11 ti5 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette. 52LH<-1tc WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, JOC per lb. 1222 Central Avenue., Wilmette. 52LTX I '- tfp YII.LAGE 01' KE:SILWOUTU NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTING EXTENSIONS TO CONNECTED SYS1'EM OF SANITARY SE,VERS IN KENILWORTH, ILLINOIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT No. 21 Public notice is hereby given, pursuant to law, that the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Kenilworth Cook County, Illinois, will r eceive sealed bids or proposals for the construction and installation of extensions and additions to the connected system of sanitary sewers in said Village as specified in and by an ordinance describing, locating and definingthe same, and authorizing a special assessment to pay the cost thereof, which special a~sessment has been levied and confirmed ilL the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, and is there known as Special Assessment No. 21, and that such sealed bids or proposals shall be in the hands of the President of said Board of Local Improvements, Mr. Jam~s C. Murray, Kenilworth, Illinois, or the Secretary of said Board of Local Improvements, Mr. Clive J. Taylor, Kenilworth, Illinois, betore eight o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the eighth day of February, A. D. 1927. . Said Board of Local Improvements will thereupon open said bids at the Kenilworth .Assembly Hall at the southwest corner of Kenilworth Avenue and Cumnor Road, Kenilworth Illinois, at eight o'clock P. l\1. on Tuesday, the eighth day of February, A. D. 1927. Said bids or proposals must be made out upon blanks furnished by Windes & - (Howard c;ym, Jan. 17) Howard SA (0) Ho,·1:ard SB (Hi) T. Buck ........ H. F ...... . . L . .Jom·s E. Proeknow .... L. F. . ..... .T. Iver!>On ATTEST: A. DL'landt·r .... . C ........ , H. Hunt(·r l'lin· .J. rl'aylor, "Adventures 111 Leader ship" w a~ A. H <' indri('ll .... H. ( : ... \\·. Hawkinson cho en as the name to s tun up the ~ Secretary. Ll S- 1 tv \V. Blanlo;lwim . . 1;. c:· .. P. H (' nd erson 1G. Ruff ...... .. .. h. <... . .... B . .Johnson sessions of the Training Course for H~ · ft· r( · t· - 1;. \\·. 1 l;ttht'!'C'oal Adult lead ers n ow heng held each ~fonday night under the (lircction of (January 1 ~,, Howard iJB. 1 (0) How;tnl GB, 2 (0) the Korth Shore Scout council. R. Kas)wr ..... . H. F . ....... P . Holtz The men in the course are organized Frank Reynolds of \:Vilmette and J. Hrumba ug-h ... L. F . . . . . \\". Foslund into patrols. handled jus t as Scouts in A. Struebling· ... . < ·.· · . . . · . T. Hosking Robert Ely of \Vinnetka arc two A. B ('SS . . . . . . . ·.. H. I I . . . . . .... A . Hath a troop, and arc enj::>ying it immensely, north shore boys who arc making a R. Almclalv ...... L . 1; . . . . . . . J. Chamber it is stated. good showing on }.Jorthwcstcrn's M ore mtn arc wanted tn enrol Htn.,·anl G.-\,2 (2) 114·\\'<tr<l nn (12) track team thi s winter. Reynold s a J. Visitors XP\·in!-i . . . . . . · ·....... ... \\'. Harnwn without co:-;t or <>hligation. middle distance runner , is a se nior ~nd F. '.:.\Tay . ....... 1: . F. ..... A. f'ram··r arc al\\·a,·s w e lc ome. The tim e 15< is certain to pick up a number of C. .Amkrslln .... L. F. . . . . . . '.:.\T. Doose 7 :30 0 4 clOck. noints for the Purple. In the recent \Y. Hass ... .... 1{. <: . . . . . . . . . .J. lJwar The course . chcdulr follows: J . Osbornt· ...... L. 1 ;, Notre Dame meet he won the half ~fonday, January 31, Gltncoe 'Cnir·t mile and ran as anchor man on the Ht'f't·n ·t·- 1:. \\·. · ;at lH·l'<'(lal church. A, 1 (2) Howard · riA, 2 mile relay team. Ely 1s a distance Boward G F. La~<'a 11i ... .. . H. F .. . H. Ht·rmanson ~f nnday, February 7. Highland Park runner, specializing 111 the two mile. L. F. . . F. ('hristman Presbyterian church. ~eynolq~ obtained his prep school L. Pnl('know .... C'.. . . . . . . .T. Edmond~ ~fonda};, February 14, Highland Park trammg at New Trier where. he was C. Hnm . . . . . . . . IL C . . . . . . . H. Fulton Presbyterian church. L. C .......\L Simonds one of the leading track men in the ~fonda}~, February 21, \Yilmctte. suburban league. Since competing for GIRLS' BASKETBALL ~f onday, February 28, \Vilmettc. Northwestern he has turned in a num(7th Grnde) ber of commendable performances and All g·nmes playf·d at Stolp I ;ym on ~fonda,·, ~f arch 7, Lake Forest. ~fonda;·. ~farch 14, to he announcl'd. has been a member of the Purple re- Tuesday aft(·rnoun . .January 2G-3 :30, Stolp, 7Al vs Stolp lay teams of the last few years. 7H1 ; 4 :00. St. Francis vs Stolp 7.A2; Last fa_ll he ran o!l th~ cross country 4 :30, Stolp 7C2 vs Stolp 7B2. Ft·bnmry 1- 3 :30, Central 6A YS Ct.·nteam whtch won v1ctoncs over ~ otre Dame, Indiana and Chicago. Ely at- tra l tlB: 4 :00, Stoln 7C1 vs Stoll) 71~::; 4: :w, Stolp 7A 1 vs St. Francis. Judson Thompson, son of U r. and tended Lake Forest academv before February 8-3 :30, Stolp 7C2 vs Stolp coming to Northwestern. Tliis is his 7Bl; 4 :00, Stolp 7C1 vs Stolp 7A2; 4 ::~0, Mrs. Roy A. H. Thompson of 811 Ash land avenue, vVilmettc. who is a fre sh Stolp 7B3 "s ·Stolp 7B2. last year wi!h the Purple also. F ebruary 15-3:30, Stolp 7A vs Stolp man at the University of Michig-an 7C2; 4 :00 Stolp 7B2 vs St. Francis: has hcen named a member of the Stolp 7('3 VR Stolp 7B1. 1\Iarch 1-3 :30, Central 6B vs St. freshman swimming team. Francis, (i; 4 :00, Stolp 7B2 vs Stolp 7A2. Aside from making swimming re 4:30, Stolp . 7A1 vs Stolp 7Cl. cords ·"] ud" 1s also chairman of the 1\Iar.-h 8-3 :30, Stolp 7B3 vs Stolp A second hike to Cary, Ill., '"as Freshman cap-burning committee, and taken hy Kenilworth Scout Troop 1 7C2; 4 :00 Stolp 7B2 vs St. Francis; 4:30, Stolp 7A2 vs Stolp 7Bl. 1s a member of Beta Theta Pi, initia under the leadership of Scoutmastc; March 15-3:30, Stolp 7A1 vs Stolp tion :laving taken place Wednesday Bob Townley, last · Saturday. The 7B3 ;4 :00, Stolp 7B2 vs Stolp 7C1; 4 :30, January 26. sn?w was ,still pretty deep, having Stolp 7A2 vs Stolp 7C2. ::\larch 22-3 :30, Stolp 7Bl vs St. dnfted to a depth of eight or nine feet Francis; 4 :00, Stolp 7A1 vs Stolp 7B2 The Educational department of t ht below the bluffs of the Fox .river, the 4:30, Stolp 7A2 vs Stolp 7B3. Neighbors announces a course of six March 29-3 :30, Central 6A vs St. boys report. All were said to ha \'C 4 :00, St. Francis vs Stolp 7C2; lectures on Modern Literature and been "plenty. tired" but are still raring Francis; 4 :30, Stolp 7Bl vs Stolp 7Cl. Poetry to be given by P .r o f e s s o r to go on another hike as soon as posApril 5-3:30, Stolp 7A1 vs Stolp 7A2: Franklin Bliss Snyder of Northwestern sible. Scouts taking the trip were . 4 :00, Stolp 7B1 vs Stolp 7B2; 4 :30, St. university. The first lecture will he . Francis vs Stolp 7B3. Charles Howe, Bob Sweet, Toto GilApril 12-3 :30, Stolp 7Cl vs Stolp 7C2. given on February 11, and the other lette, Joel Dickenson, Claude Hamildates will he announced later. The ton, Dan Harrison, Dick Joslin Bob Ellsworth Taylor of 849· Michigan tickets for the course may be obtained Richardson and Don Kimball. ' avenue left yesterday from New York from M .rs. George Richards, 530 Essex on the "Rochambean" for a three road, Kenilworth 82. ~Ir. and Mrs. C. A. Wheeler of 265 months' tour of the continent. He will \Vood court have as their guests Mrs. buy antiques and modern works of art Lawrence McCiure of 219 Broadway Wheeler's father and mother, Mr. and for the firm with which he is associenue returned Wednesday from a ~Irs. A. T. Kincaid of Farmer .City. ated. 'e n day tri J to New York City. Marsh, Engineers, wh.i ch are on file with Mr. Clive J. Taylor, Secretary of said Board of Local Improvements, Kenilworth, Illinois, and at the office of Windes & Marsh, Engineers, Winnetka, Illinois, and at the office of the Village Manager, Kenilworth, Illinois, where said blanks may be obtained. Said improvement must be constructed in aecordance with plans and specifications for same on fil e with Clive J. Taylor, Village Clerk of Kenilworth, Illinois, and the ordinance specifying the ,nature, locality and description of said improvement, togNher with the detailed drawings, profiles, plans and specifications, which are on file with said Village Cleric at Kenilworth, Illinois, and may be there inspt·<..:ted. The co ntractors must bid with the understanding that a contract in the torm generally u:st·d by the Village of K enilworth, must be entered into immediatEly a ftt·r t h ' expiration of ten days ' ti!ll L' from the date of the award of the contract, vursuant to law, and a bond shall lJe g-iven in accordance with the proYisions of Section 76-A of the Local lrnpron·mellt Act of 1897 and amcndml'nt:s thereto. Tht:' special assessment so levied and confirmed to provide for the cost of said improyt·m ent has been divided into fin· installment::; and will bear inter est at th l' ratl' of six per centum tl<'r annum, pursuant to law, and the contractor is to hE' paid for such labor and material in bonds and timc Lwarrants payable only out of the instaflments of said special n:::;sessnwnt, pursuant to law, said bonds to draw int~reHt at the rate of six per centum JH·r annum. E:wh bid must be accompanied by ca~h or by a certified check certified hy a r eputable l.Jank for an amount that shall he not less than ten per centum of tlw aggregate of the bid or proposal and no bid or proposal shall be considered un less accomvanicd by such cash or cht>dc The Board of Local Improvements reserves the rig-ht to reject any or all bids or proposals. DR.ted, K e nilworth, IllinoiS/, January 27, 1927. BOARD OF LOCAL H.IPROVEMENTS , By J'ames C. l\lurray , Prer-;id('nt. Would Make Club Intramural Sports House From Old '---------Glencoe Mansion I Conversion of . the old F. ]. WoolIcy homestead at the foot of Park ave5A, 2 5B nue, opposite Lake Front park, Glen\Yon l1y forft·it -coc into a club house for the Wom6 , Nl (G) · F R. wa ;h:;w~~.~· <'ttl's' Library cluh of Glencoe. is looked 6C, 1 1 H ' a))'1' . . . , . . . ' · ·. ~ f H. ·wilkins ...... L. F. ttp o n ,,:ith much favor hy s?mc . o E .. Solomon .. ... <' .······ J. Throclm10rP the members, and the matter l S he111fr Manin Frankt-1 . . H. G. . .... R. Pickar<l I L. u. Billy Kl ein considerec. Hdt ·rt·t·-- Haney Klunclt-J· Others. it 1 s said, arc nnt sn ia \'ur Scon·r--Fntn C'l·~ Kt·HnHly able toward the propos ition . The site SA, 1 ~ SA, 2 1s a beautiful one, overlookin g the Chicl< Krt·ll1 d' .. H.· F ......... B. FikP lake but the house is old and it is felt J. H(·itman .... · · L. F. R. l\Tartin hv th ose who have heen less enthu-..i r:;~~~~;~~~~~IJ)· ;~: ~~(.~~~n~~ astic in the matter that the COSt oi fl' F, \V~nter . .. . .. L . G... K. narrettson modeling to suit th e need s of tl1 e cluh Ht·t't·J'l't'- Einwr l3t rol wottlcl be tuo cxcessiYe. t·orl'r & Timl'!n· t>~)~-Franct.·s K ·nn cdy Others of the club, it 1~ sai d. "t t · 6A, 2 (0) GB (fl) great possibilities in plans of thi s ~ i nc! Bill Youngqui~t . H. F ....... C. l;~nnnp at a rather nominal outlay, espert ; tll ~ \Valter Hogan.·· · 1 ~· F. · · · .H!'b ~Yt'~'dl'll l \Yhen thi s s plendid locati o n I S ta k\·.· Paul LeYy ...... ( . .. .... . < . "Jlhn.ms . ;d · . Che!'ter H.nnan .. H. G. . . Hob F'll'tchcr mto const erat1on. I:l'ft·n·(·- B(Ih ITt·~~ ?\o formal action ha s been takt·n. either wa · , .. bttt it ts sa id very carcf ul GA, 1 ~t. Fran<'is consideration 1s being g i\'en to the \Von by fort't·it Paul Sou](> ...... H. proposition. J. Allsworth ..... L . The \Voolley property, as menti o ned Dick Hall ...... f' . pre\'iously ha s hcen acquired 1n the Bill :\l<'lchior .. .. H. village plan s · f o r the locat·ion ci it s T. Finlayson .... L . Hl.'ft>n'l'-)fart in Jnhi1S!tl1 proposed new waterv:ork s. The wat er7 A, 1 (1 G) 7A, 2 (1 ) work s, however, would he located on Colin Finlayson .. H. F. . . .. J . :-;ta ckhou!:ie the lake at the foot of the bluff and :;o Yanc!' Souk ..... L. F ........ H. Saxon constructed as not to interfere 1n atn· F. Riley ........ C ....... ... J . Riekson G. Eber ........ . H. G. . .... J. \Vi throw wav with the hi~h ~lass dcvclopmc1i t D. )fattht·w::; .... L. G .... Charlt·s Ford 'o f .the old homcs.tead ground . , prope r. Paul Soult· at the top of the bluff, il 1s sa id . Htjt't'l't·L·-Ha rn·y Klundt' r (StoiJ1 g-ym, Jan. 21, lft27) Basketball ii. ...... ·(:.·.·.·.·. mn Scout Leaders' Course Proves Popular Scheme North Shore Athletes Do Well on N. U. Track Squad Judson Thompson Swims on Michigan Frosh Tank Team I Scouts Plan Another Trip to Skiing Point

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