WILMETTE LIFE january 28, 1927 I ·Real Style in 25th Anniversary Car General Motors Has $367,995,950 in Capital . . General Motors. one of the largest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1anufacturers in the automotive in- Triangle AutomQbile Co. Possesses High Grade Sales Rooms The north shore divi sion of the Tridustry today, enters the new yea.r with a capitalization of $367,995,950. This angle automobile company, Chicago outstanding industry which is growing Lincoln · dealers, .has one of the finest sales rooms in thi s rapidly each year has 110,000 persons vicinity located at on its pay rolls at the present time. 1822 Ridge aYcnue. Stockholders number 53,000. Evanston. It is unSixty-two companies arc listed under ·der the personal its control, a number which will place m a n a g e m e n t of it up arou11d the top in thP. motor J. A. Colvin, presi'"'·orld. It is the proud boast of Gendent of the Tr ieral Motors that it produces one car angle Automobile in en·ry three in the United ~t;1 tr~ tocompany. He is a,_ clav. sistcd by]. I. Chapin who has charge . CHEVROLET IS GROWING of sales for the The Chervolet is continuing its reconcern. markably high production where it One of the chid left off before the holiday s, and with ::\foffet Photo aims of all Triangle increased facilities, promises to make J. A. Colvin 1927 its greatest selling year. divisions, according to :Mr. Colvin is :HRYSLER CAUSES SENSATION the emphasis which One of the sensations of the New York show was t_he first public display is given to service. ,From the front A real style car is this new 25th Anniversary Franklin sedan which is ~f Chrysler's new "Imrcriadl 80" mdodel ·office to the repair t t t h · being offered to particular motorists this season . It is designed as a unit, 111 a five passenger stan ard se an. d 1 The same car will feature the Chicago . rpalr ~nenl I h s with every component element i;1 harmony. won 1s p ace< cI exhibit. : fore all employees. __ .. · - - - - ··--- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - l · ·'\\. c fitHl t h a t I pcopk huy Lincoln ' car~ as much ht·~ rau:-.t of their <kpendability as for any other reason." J. I. Chapin ~1r. Colvin pointed Toloff Ph oto o ut. "\\re accept 'it a o ur rc spon--i I bility to sec to it that all se rvice rcj quir.ements arc takc.:n care of spc~o:dily 1and as thoroughly as the standard ni i Lincoln excellence requires. 1 "Our three divi:-.ions arc kept open 1 twenty - four hours a day. \\' c gin j m·crnight scn·icc on man y type:- of work because we do not want em Craftsmen,-with pride in cre-l1omers to he \\·ithont the usc oi tl11.·ir I ars uunng .1 · t hc 'ct ay. " ating, build Cadillac. 1 Craftsmen on guard Craftsmen, with pride in guarding that fine mechanism, keep it running sweetly, quietly, powerfully, with unvarying response to your needs-as the builders intended. Such men we have, long famil-iar with the Cadillac chassis . and body- eager to keep your car always at its best. Living in this community, you should consider Cadillac com., munity service in your pur-chase of a car. Because such service - always at hand, to be depended on for regular inspec-tions as well as emergency repairs -increases car .value. I ·---------- 1 1 1 Cadillac Branch in Evanston Employs 63 Persons One of the north shore's fine st automabie sales room s and sen-icc stat i on~ is operated bv the Cadillac 'Motor ca:company at Ridge avenue and LYo ns street, Evanston. The plant, \\~hirh ha s a floor space of 30,000 feet, wa"con~tructcd at a cost of $195,000. Sixt\·-thrcc pers o n~. manY nf .,..-l)l)m han' l~ccn \\'itl! the compatly onr te- n years. arc Clllployed in the new build ing. The Cadillac company \\·a-; t ht· originator of flat -rate lalHlr operationand the originat or oi the -.tandai·rl parts prices. This sa les rOCllll oi the Cadillac coll 'pany is one of the out. tan.din g aut11 mobile show rooms on the north . . h<1r L · and is another indication of the gr()wtli and stability of the motor in<lu stn· 111 thi ~ Yicinity. · · · . New York Has Most Cars; California, Second i\ew York state has more automobiles than any other state in the coun tr~·. There are 1,505,597 cars in Kcw York state. California is second wit ~1 1.459,570; Pennsylvania third with 1 324,762 ;. Ohio fou.rth with 1,315,00(i: anc~ Illin ois fifth with 1,218,036. Nevada has th e fewest with 20,527. D elaware ha s next t'o the sma ll c.'st number with 40,025. ' CADILLAC SERVICE CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY EVANSTON BRANCH 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Uaivcnity 8600 · · Rogers Park 9131 AMERICA HAS 22,342,457 CARS Motor vehicles 110\'\' in use in the United States number approximatelY 22,342,457. Regi strations of passenge.r and comme.rcial cars last year showed a gain of 2,254,000 or 11.2 per cent over 1925. T~ere were 19,465,676 passenger cars regtstered in the country which is a p-ain of 10.3 per cent over 1925.