Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 12

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WILMETTE LIFE Januar"y 28, 1927 Suffragan Bishop Sheldon M. Gris- ~wold will administer the rite of confirmation on Sunday afternoon, Janu- · ary 30, at 4 o'clock, at the church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth. Ken z·.l wort h Happenings TO ATTEND CONVENTION The Rev. Leland H. Danforth ha s appointed Burt Crowe, George Shipman, Albert E. Riddle, Mrs. George Hichards and Mrs. Blish as delegates to the Episco'pal convention which is to he held February 1, at St. J a me church and has appointed Mrs. George E. Shipman, Mrs. Burt Crowe, l\frs. Albert Hiddle. ).Irs. Louis D. Jones and ).frs. \V. T. Gaskell as alternates. Dr. and Urs. Rufus U. Stolp, 33ti \ \' arwirk road, Kenilworth. have gone to Arizona for two months for Dr. Stolp'~ health. Tra C. Darling, 256 Kenilworth an:has sutlicicnth·. rcco,·cred ·o that hl· and . ~f rs. Darlii.lg will leave Kcnil\\·orth on Sunday for Miami, Fla ., where they will stay until Friday. · 'I ll·,rom .\ iamt· t 1 1~y \\'I'11 go to N as . au. 1 heY arc plannlllg- to he gone about six ~\· ecks. llttl·, -o-:\lfrs. F. L. vVilcox of \Valker, Minn., left Kenilworth last week after spe nding ten qays as the guest of Mrs. Charles D. Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue. -oMiss Dori s \Volfe, 414 Essex road, Kenilworth is giving a sleigh ride party on Saturday for some of her friends. - o~fr. and Mrs. Cleon Larsen of Peoria will spe nd the week-end with Mrs. Larsen's mother, Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 \Varwick road, Kenilworth. -,o. . ~Ir s. "Ar~hur \\ ·. Ruf 236. ~umnor Ioacl, Kemlworth IS entertammg at lunch_con today for Mrs. ~obert Olmstead and Mrs. Mary Wmg. -o. T'hc Kenilworth club will have It => · regular dinner dance tonight. ·························· · TO CRUISE MEDITERRANEAN Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Eckhart and their daughters, the :Misses Charlotte and Elizabeth Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, are planning to leave 1\cnilwor~h on February 3, for Boston. fhey will spend a few days there with Mr. and. 11 rs. Eckhart's daughter, Mrs. Donald ~fcLaughlin, before going to ~ew York to sai l on a Mediterranean cruise. They will leave the cruise and spend a fn\· weeks in England and will rcturn to Krnilw0fth about the middle o f '1 .\ ay. 1 Let Tour Ear Decide WE believe that among radio loud speakers, the Peer.. less Reproducer excels. We find it gives natural, true..to--life reproduction. It gets the loW' notes that loud speakers used to lose altogether. It "Will stand all the vol .. ume you can giv~ it. It makes any radio better We invite you to come to our store, hear a Comparative Demonstrationand let your ear decide whether we are right. Come today. Listen to this amazing test. Price $35.00 in beautiful mahog-any cabinet of classic gothic de ... sign. TAXES Special Assessments now due, pay at the Village Hall and save time and money. E. H. KERR, Village Collector. . ~~ r~. 1!cnry Ta~· lor, Jr., ·Bl Es~'·x road. n·turnl'd t ~) Kenilworth irom her -O,- i~it in :-=.t. David \\ith her daughter. J ack Taylor, 310 Cu.m nor ro'ad , left ~I r~. Frank Ccroulcl, after ~pending :1 Kenilworth January 19, for Jackson- iew daY:-. ,-i~iting ~lr:-. . fohn Tavlor 1:1 ville. Fla., on businr~s. He will he Pithhu-rgh. Pa . . . gone three mon~hs. () -o~~ i:-.s Huth Juycc, 531 Es:-.cx ro;td. 1 ).Jr. and ).f r:. Ogden l' uok of Kcni I- and '.:\1 iss ~I arv Lnui~e ~f :tlonev, 535 \\·o~th . han.' take1~ an apartment at \\'arwick road,- Kl·nihvorth entertained 1~. van ston. t_ ,,·cnty-cight of their friends at a I 1311 Ua k str~..· ct, -osleigh ride and luncheon last ~aturday. ~I r. and ~Ir:->. C. G. Littell will re0I t ·trn to Kenilworth the end of this ~~ r. and ~~ r-, . -Harry Yi ss<'ring, 257 wc<..·k aitcr a fe\\· da~· :; in New York. Kenih\'Cll·t h anrnit·. ka \'t' Kenilworth nn Fehruan· 1. ic ,r X ew \' nrk to sail Fehruanon t ht· l~c d tcnhm for the )I A s l-i l~ r s }~ ~f tditn~antan crui~l· . They t'XJH'Ct tf· C ra<luatt· of Stol'kholm f'w C'<h·n l·e . !.!.Oill' until the l:t-,t of April or the Jla~~ag·t'. :-\JIHlal Treatnu.·nts wr I' first of ~fay . t ' olcl~. llflaclarhr, ('cHlStiJllltlon. I 1 ~1r. and 1frs. Grant Ridgwav and their daughter, Ui s Jane Ridgway, 207 Cumberland aycnue, left Kenilworth J anuan· 29 for Pasadena where thev met :Mr. ~md '.:\Irs. Alexander Han1nal;. · ~Ir. and ~Irs. Hannah were expeeling to driye the· Ridg":'ays t? S an Francisco where thev w1ll sail for Honolulu Fchruan· 2. ·On their return they will spend ;; lit tie time in California. They rxpect to he gone about t\\'O months. 1 -0- GURLI LAGERGREN :-:i:-. Yt ·<trs' l ·~xpvri· · n< · · · in a :-;m·d i:..:h 1 los pi l:t l. Tc·h'JlhtliH' Winn. H:ll 3: ~------------------------~ 1 I I I - n- Eat rs. \\'. 0. Belt. 202 :\bing·don road. and her daughter. ~fio..;.., \'irginia Bl'lt, It it K l'll ih\·ort h · T m·-,day night. Tht.·y :1rc g-oing- to Honolnltr \\-hl'rl' thn· \\'ill ~pend a month and then to Calii'omi:l for a mon tl1. - n~1 r~. ~fary \\'in!.!. oi Caliiurnia arr i H' cl \\ ·t dIH' "d a r t o \' i -, i t ~ f r ~ . I k n t h · ~1 FISH Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toil We Deliver ~lr(.loud. 33~ K~·nilw~·rth an·nuv. Kvn· - · il \\'or! h. ~1 r. il tlll ~I r~. Sidney \' . Ball oi Indian ll ill rc:t ttl'lll'<l t hi . , ,,.l'tk ir< ·m a \n·ek\ trip to :\ew York. -o- Electric Shop ADAMS Subject: ttLOVE" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: The Bible and \Yorks of :Mary Daily (except Wednesday and :Baker Eddy and all other Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. 11. authorized Christian Science \Vednesday 9 A.M. to 7 :45 P.M. Literature may be read, borSaturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. rowed or purchased. Tempting Sewict MAC'S =_ +++++++ The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Reading Room :illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll olb Bowling Lunch . 0 1151 Wilmette Avenue II A. M. to MidDiaht - llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllti;: ~ =::::=101=:1 10.... ..., 0

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