I WILMETTE LIFE January 28, 1927 Kitchen Conveniences That Cost·Little You'll enjoy ~hopping in our houseware departtnent. It's full of aids to better housekeeping and labor saving. To the treasurer of the Village of Wilmette, $54,591.63. PAY TAXES.AT HOME To the treasurer of the Village of $16,583.28. PLEA OF COLLECTOR Kenilworth, To the treasurer of the Village of Winnetka, $77.725.92. (Continued irom page 3) To the treasurer of the Village ()i note atw change of address, or co:rec- Glencoe, $37,283.73. tion in the spelling ot name . on etther To the treasurer of the vVilmct tt the original or cluvticate por~t?n of the Park district, $12,534.35. tax hill hut under no condttlon must To the treasure of the Kenilworth the ori~inal and duplicate bills be sep- Park district, $2,762.94 . ., rated. until returned hy the collector) To the treasurer of the \Vinn ctka ~r t:. Hale alviscs. Park district, $17,852.20. Should there he any taxpayer, wh?sc To the treasurer of the Glencoe Park transaction with Collector Hale clunng- district, $11,617.62. the ·rush of tax collections last .rear,· To the trrasurer nf Town~hip 42 . he feels. was in any way nnsattsfac- Range 13, $572.503.97. tory in the matter of rccei,·ing usual To the treasurer of Township 41. prompt replies to queries, :Mr. Hale Range 14, $1,018.25. asks that they kindly O\'crlook a!lY apAnd to the supervisor of Xew Trier parent short-comings on his part tn that township. $19.235.83. direction and attribute it to the one \Vith all this volume of . hu . inc:- :-.. · and onl): cause, that of being ~ushecl handlrd in the record time, each hook beyond the possibility of attendmg to in the tmYnship C:) lkrtor\ hands, wa:e\·erv detail with utmost promptness. accuratclr balanced to the pennv, a:-. lt " ;ill be recalled that last spring he thc amo~nt shown collected by. the did not receive three of the tax books county auditors, another record of until March 10, the \·ery date on which whicl; Mr. Hale is justly proud. he is required by law to n1ake his r~turns to the county ·c ollector. but m Mrs. W. J. Weldon Heads which he was ablr to obtain a short ·· h E . D h extension of time. And that meant Britts mplre aug ters fast and furious work. I The Camhridge chapter of th·: Large Sum.s to C:ounty Daughters of the British. Empi~e met The record whtch ( ollector Hale at thl· home of ~[rs. \\. ]. \\' eldon, made last year and which he will he 11340 Grcen\\'ood avenue, on Friday. enabled to exceed this year to the January 21. for its annual busine .... financial gain of the township, if the 1 mel'ting and election of otliccrs . taxpayers will only pay their taxc . to I The following ofticers were elected the township collector. show that ~Ir. for the ensuing- year: 11rs. \V. ]. \Yci Hale last spring paid O\Tr to the coun- don , regent; 1lr . \V. H. Lawton. ty collector, in ~tate and county taxes, fir~t ,·icc regent: ).fiss J. 1lunro, :.ec $143,694.11. as well as the follo\\'ing 1 ond vice regent; Mrs. R. S. Smith, items: 1:--.ccrctary; ~[rs. G. A. Thur by, rc To the treasurer oi tht ~anitary dis- cording secretary; ~Irs. '1'. \\" est, trea -..trict, $47,818.43. urcr, :\frs. \V. S. Brown, historian. To the treasurer oi t h~· i<Jrc.:st prt·- I serve, $12,022.98. I ·Miss Isabel Cline, 304 umnor road. To the township sup't:nisor iur road I left Kenilworth last Fridav for ~ew and bridge taxes, $23,377.~7. York to resume her s ~ttdic~ in music. 1 Why Not Rest While You Work? ' No need to stand up for most kitchen tasks. This. Steel kitchen stool is just thC> right height for ease in working-; white cnamt'l finish, For Pots and Pans ~aves :\[ystic Cleaner :\{it lots of time and work. Fits on hand, protects fingers, each ............ 8c 75c Steel Wool, per pkg......... 8c Inexpensive and Handy For Savory Roasts Can Openers, Tin Funnels, Dish Mops, Pot Scrapers, Egg Beatera, Aluminum Spoona, Cake Turners, KitchC en Forks. 10 Wearever Aluminum Roaster, No. 2 size ........ $4.95 Gray Ware Roaster, self basting, medium size.$3.15 Hea\·y Cast Iron Dutch Oven, No. 8 ........ $2.49 Brushes Make Cleaning Easier .~Iilk Jlottit· Hrush Pereolntor Jlrush Utilize ·'Left Overs" Easy to make worth while econ- Pot and Kettlf.' llrush Sink nrush Vt·getnble Brush Bait the Burglar? ?mies with no m sacr~ftces tasty meal:;. No. 1 Universal Meat Chopper. $ 1 _._ Sg -- lOc For Your Pantry Heavy, tight flour bin 10 lb. With close. ·fi·t·-· . ting cover .1) Cl' 1.39 89c If you want to catch a burglar in your home at night keep silverware, jewelry and other valuable possessions where he can find them readily. But if you are not in the burglar hunting business, wouldn't it be better to put your valuable possessions where they wouldn't tempt him to caJt? This institution's vaults furnish adequate protection against theft and fire, and a safe deposit box can be rented at less than one cent per day. Cake Boxes, white enamel, with reinforced lid ............... ·. JOHN MIL· LEN Hardware 1219 Wilmette Ave. First National Bank of Wilmette Ph. Wil. 3060-3061