Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1927, p. 40

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WILMETTE I LIFE January 21 , 1927 1' The Wilmette Police department has in its possess ion a letter mailed from the American Consular offices at Cu:acao, Dutch West India Islands! whi-ch 1t has been reque sted to deli ver to Arthur A. J a pp, who is supposed to be eith er in \Vi nn etka or vVilmette. Anyon e kn owing where thi s person may be locat ed is · urgently req ues ted to communica te with Chie f Leggett. of the council's existence. Twelve men from th e north shore tm\.- ns attended th e meeting. Georg e S. Keller , com The 'C harter of tlt e newly formed missione r of Highland Park, also a pNo rt h Shore- A rea Boy Scout council peared on the program. was pr ese nted at a ga th erin g of 400 coun cil o ffice r s from a ll ove r the mid TAKEN BY DEATH die wes t at th e E dgewater Beac h hoFun era l se rvices fo r ).) rs. \\"()odi c tel, las t Wed nes day night. Albe rt P. Hu tche ns, 1505 Elmwood aven ue, \\' ho Snite, of H ighl and Pa rk. th e council passed ;:m ·ay last " ·ee k , wer e held fr om pres id ent, r ece ive d t he charte r on b e- the \ Vi lmette Paris h :M et hodi st church {'A ltD OF 1'JI .\ ~ K~ . I half of the peo pl e of th e north shore. Saturday a fter noon at 2 :30, Dr. Horace Mr". !1: K. Brown ~ndl .r ad mii Y WJ!'h l to I' · 1nd spo ke enthu siast ica ll y of the pro- ! ' C. ~mith ·bei ng ill charge of ser vtha n k 1nend s fo r t h <' Ir o n t·x prcss o ns ' . · ~I · 1the p k of s~· mpath y. . -A d,·. g-ress made dun ng the past le\\' weeks Ices. Buna l was at ~ emona ar ·. SEEK MISSING MAN Scout Council Receives Charter at Big Ceremony OPEN SCOUT LEADERS' "SCHOOL" JANUARY 24 North Shore.Council, Boy Scouts of America Invites Fathers to Attend Classes "Adv ent ures in Lea der ship" ;s t he vvay th e Lea(kr:; hi p T ra in = ng cmnmi~ ··~ !: ., , ~ tcc oi the ::\ort h Shore Area cou nctl inr Bov Scn uts ter ms its cu rrent training co-urse. lt is an opport11nity. for me n to invest eig·h t ~ l nnday 111~h t s begi nn ing Ja nu ar y 24 in lea rn ing ho"· to make t heir efforts bring- larger re..; ults in ti H? lin·s of IH·Y" t hroug h the leadersh ip of a Scout troop or ot her hoy's gro ups . The philns· 'Ph .\· 0f 111111h nl t Ill' \\'Ork. and e~pccially 0f the Scout ,,·ork dnne h\· rhurche..; and srhnol..;, i-.. th ;tt hoy..; !Je-arn In· d<·ing-, ..;tates a Srnut leader . t'l' lt c ~<lllH' i..; true of llll'll. \Temhn..; oi I t his cour~t' " ·i ll lll' organii'ecl in Scout natrob with an experienced ~ urrc-;~.;fttl Scmtt leader as patrol leader. The proQT:l.lll is nlannecl a on~· th(' lint·:; oi a nonn;d t~·nop 1nrrtin~· . y('t \rith th v 111 a!(' r i; tl a c1 apt e d t · 1 t h t' nn·d" r · i k :1. d cr.;; nf hm·-;. - C ite Program () i t hl' nint' pa rh ni t'arlt 11 igl11' . . program there are <.;t'\'C'll '~arict.i(':- o! I Jcan1i11g ll\· doing. l;ollm\'111:.! h tilt' gttH·ral pian of (·arh night'..., \\ rtrk ,·aried frn111 \\'('C'k to \\'t't'k: :\ ht· io:·t· - l ht· -llll'l' 1i ng {'.X h ih it 7:30 <lpl'tlin~· rvrt·mo11y 7 :3.::; - hi!.!· :dt·;t:- pickt·d Jill ;,),·nL: tiH· trail. ( . hort practir;1l talk-.. hy ou t. . tan<ling ~rout nwn rli- till' ~lirldk I A Lady Got Three ·Lamps -and put them to work in her home O NE lamp was too ambitious. It did not l1elong there, because it was only half strong eno-u gh. It went out in a blaze of glory in less than forty minutes. HE second lamp was lazy, T It gave only a fourth of the HE third lamp which she T received at a Public Service Store was entirely satisfactory. It was of the correct strength for the electricity she was using. It not only gives a cheerful light - not too.bright or to~) weak- but it will probably last for one thousand hours of actual use. HIS Company's lamp serT vice supplies cnly standard tested lamps designed for. maximum lighting value and econ. omy for this company's system. light it should, because it belonged on a lighting system twice as powerful. Science says this lazy lamp will last 1360 years, but it will never in its life do an honest evening's work. R - actual prartll't' 111 hdtldill~ p:ttr() l rntlmsiasm. R :1.1- d i "r n s s ion "l' 111 in a r " h y p r1 t r ' d, . 8 :40-l>rid repflrh <·i tilt· patrnl di"~ cussion .;;. IR: ,;O- -patrol action . iCJ:O.=i-po\\· \\·r ."· around thl' tirt· pl:tt·\·. 9 :25-c lo:,inL: rcrrmnny. Some of t h <' 1o pi r -.. t < ' I , t' cl i . . cu-.. -c <I arC': "Self Engin<'cred Patrol . . ." "~tarting the 'T t'llderi< ·nt I~ ight ." "Den.' loping \ f ana .~· l'lllt' Jlt l)o\\ n i1· Bo\'.;;." ,;Scouting· a.:; Charartn Fdur;ttion ." "Thr Troc·p Commit!t' l' a.:; a B(lard oi Direc tors.' ' "Scou ting· ;,nd tlw Hm·\ l \t'li!2·inu ~ Grmyt h." · Fa th ers. tcarht:r. a11d al l <d hn in tcre~ted men. a~ \\'ell a..; "r<lllt lc;tdn.-. . ar c ·co rdia lh· invited to cmo ll. \ \'hik the cmtr:;c i·~ gi\'cn primar ily fc,r prt·-.. C' Il t ·and prospectiY<' ~rout kadcr:. ad. men " -ho a rc gi ,·i ng lca d cr~ltip to hoy:-. in oth er \\'a \ 'S, a nd 111L'I1 ,dw tlv -.. ire tn gro w in a -~ tro n ge r und c r sta n<l i n '~ 0i boy nat ure and nee ds, arc cord iall y \\'Clco med. \\ \·:-t.) . . . . CJ.fowke 60-watt and 100-watt lamps are furnished without charge in exchange for burned-out lamps with glass intact, or for first installations, to all Rate "A" General Lighting Service customers. Other sizes of lamps at reduced prices-as given in the Lamp Exchange Service booklet enclosed with your current statement This Lamr Exchange Service includes the r.ew improved inside-frosted Jam.p. Would Amend Code Rule on Garage Construction On r ecomm en da tion of Tru st ee John F. \\.icdlin. th e V ill age boa rd. a·t it:; mee tin g· \Yedn cs day evenin g-. r ef erreci tn the jud iciary committ ee th e m a tte r of cha ngin g th e building pertainin g t o th e ma teri al used in the ·c onstru ction o i roo fs o f public garages. Th e pre sent provision is for firepr oof mate rials. ' ( PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NOR. T HERN ILLINOIS JOHNS. REESMAN, District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Wilmette 2899 Postage Stamps lo· Colleetions United States - Foreign British Colonials 20th Century. No packets. no truck; fine stamps only. Send me your want list! Frank Pollard Brown 506 5th St., Wilmette, Ill.

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