January 21, 1927 WI L ME TTE ments is self-evident when it is considered that you ,._·ill attempt to br.ing thousands of people nightly on 'amusement bent' into an unrestricted and unpnlicecl territory. Continue to Battle "It is quite C\'iclcnt 1 howC\'er. that \\'t art in full disagreement, T doubt if anything I ran say by letter or e\'Cn in person \\·ould change your ,·ie\\·poinh. \Ye citize-ns of the north :-.lwrt, \\'ho have signed this petitioncitiztn:- that an· C\'(:ry hit as patriotic and represcntati,·e (>f the community a-., l'\'idcnce<l hy tlw positiom and trust:-; thn· hold in the rommunit\·.,., an~· oti1er .~roup. will continue· to batt!<- tc1r \\'hat \.\'l' hcli e \·L· h thr right." L I FE NO MAN'S LAND LOOMS AS BIG BALLOT ISSUE (Continued frnn1 page I) able iraction of it. Tn addition to our project. and independent in every way irom it. the Yista Del !.ago rluh and tilt Brcak('rs Btach clnl> haH· ld l>uilding contracts im·c,h·ing a n :ry large sum of money and han· incurred yery ronsidtrahlc txpcn-,L'. Y1'll ,,·o uld lind that your final cost \\'<1 uld repn·..,l' nt a sum of eig-ht or tt!l i(>lcl th e amount mentioned. , -Glad to D iscuss D e t ails ·· I t is pI a in that \\' t art· in i ull d i..,agn.·t·ment hut we do \\'i:-h to assure n>ll that \\T entered sniou . . h · into our Convey I naccurate Impressi on ~tndertaking \\'ith a iull knr;,,· lcd .~· e oi ' :\n intnl·-.,ting -,idelight o·n the situanorth shore conditions and that \H' '"ill tinn at thi:- juncture is pn·..,c'nted in a I cleYclop our property in a \\'a .'· " ·hirh L'~>ll11ntl1lication dirt·ct ·cl t11 \\'run:TTE in our judgment \\·i ll be a di-.,tinct arl- I.1FE thi s \\·<·tk hy Frederick E. Clerk. ,·a ntage to the north ~ hnrt· tr1\\'Jh, and . . upt·rintcndt·nt oi \:t·\\· Trier Tci\\'Il~ hip " ·hirl! beyond this mattn oi -.,cn·ir<' 1li gh :-ciHHil. in " hich it i-.. -.,takd that ,,·ill add matl'rialh· t11 1\()rth :-hc~n· -..tatl'tllcnt- Cflllrl'rning the l' ITort... to ,·a lne:-. taken a:-. a ·,,.!J()lc. ;u1d it i. to ra il a "\Jl'Cial election fr>r till' purpo-,e thi:- gt·nnal intere -.,t. rathtr than any cli \11ting 011 :1 h<>IHl i~~llt' to take o\·tr \lartil· ular intcrl'~t. th;i! \\'l' it'l'l ohl it!.a - a cntain pmtic111 of "\"n \Jan'-. l.and" tion. The que :-. tic>ll oi th v ;d'il'ct 1>f c1\lr ior pnhlir park p11rpc>:-.v-. haH· t'Oil\'('.\'l'd impmn·nwnt tlj1<1n tht prupl·rty i11 1- ";ttl imprc~-.iun that i~ IH>t exactly actn t ' rl iat<: 1 y ad j a r t'll t t 1) it i.. a 111 at t c r o i c mat c \\'it h rt· ... p t' c t to t hl' p (I:- it i1 lJ 1 t a k ~ · lche judgmtnt. Cntainl~· in rt·gard t<J I'll hy the \:l'\\' Trin Tll\\'tt-..hip Hi . t!.h thL· immtdiatl'ly ;u ljartnt propnty you -r lHilll lH1ard ." "·ill tinrl lh l111ht COihirltratl' and \\'C In tht: intnt·'t oi makint!. rkar tht ,,·ill ht glad t n di:-ru~" :ttl\ matter, of lligh :-~·ll<J(·I l,oar·d ', pn~it.ion in the rl~· tai~ ~ ll~.~<: ... til > l1 \\·llirh you nta_v han· l_ll:lltt·r_. }.fr . . ('Jt.r~·~ kttt·r quoted the t() 111.~kl.'. tc.ll<>\\' 111~ rl':-r.lu t!I JI1 :tcloptt·d 1>~· that The llll'l1 il1 tnt·..,tl·cl i11 tlw tht·atn ll(l(ly on D<·n· mhn 1-l. 11Jl(J. :t11d \rhirh pr1>jt-ct an·: .\ \'l'l'" l~oal. (',ill >ert II l'l'<td, a . . i1 ,Jio\\'~ : ~nilmtr. \I atH<·t T. ( 'lark. I faiT\' ( ·. Q uotes Resolutio n l ~d lllillt<k _.\\. \ '~\ · . ~klta\\' and 1!~·111:,. T. "\\'li F.l\L:\S. i ha:- lJt'l'll prr 1 p 1,..,nl :--,talltlln l d lllnl't ·a: .\ lin·d r. ( 'ar- t() lc.rat(· a puhlir park () 11 the \\ l"tl'l'll 11 11 ui l.akl' l;ort·-.t . ;tncl II.() . 1 :. <1 - pa rt r,f thl' tract <>i ahuut I~ arrt·:-. ol 111und" oi l':t·n ih,orth land (L'<Jilll11c111l\· kn 0\\'11 as '\'o \Lllt ':.\ "l'l'II IHI ktll'r ir11lll \1 r. Hc1lll ll't c1i l.and' 1 :-ituatl'd- 01 1 thl' lake irunt lit' ~ Ill' ('itii'.L'Ih. comlllittL'l ' tr > tht· tht·atn t\\· ~·l'n the \'illagc~ ()i \\.illlll'tlt' and' l.!l'l ·liP i. . (jllillt·cl in p:trt ;1" i1>lln\\' . . : 1 1-\.~·nil"· orth in th~· \'nr Trit·r Tel\\ n~hip R eiterates P osi t ion ll ig h ~chu~~l Di~trict. "TlH· la·-.,t oi intl'ntinn:--. 'lll11t·titm·-... ', 1\F.~<>L\ . I·J) tUat till' Board< l ~ du .t l' l· h;t-..ecl on tht· \\TC>IIL! prt'lllhl'" \\'t· catl()n, l,l'Jin·ing that such a p;u'k iJe lil'\'f· that thi.., h tlle.ra-l' \\ith ,our \\'l>tlld h~· a dt~irahk additinn to the !..:i. l·liP. .\ncl all oi tlll' c~flirn-- ·a nd park arta oi tht High :-rhonl di:-trirt tru-.t<.'l':- oi thl' iuur ,·illago in \:t\\' ;11111 ht·lpiul in the nmclnl't of the l1igh Tril'r tu\\'n,!Jip. the n1ini ~tt· rs. the :-rlll><>l. vxprost· . . ih appro,·al (It the l1it!.h :-d1r>ol :tutlwritit·~. a . . \\'ell as ' 1(>t';tti(ln of a public park c1n the -itt t·rnmillt'l1t :tnrl intt·lligt·nt riti;cll'. hold prop(,..,ecl." t hl· :-.anll' ,·ic\\· - irrt'\'nrahl~. Board Not Committed "\:o matter hn\\' high -cla :- y<>tt pre· - : In thi:- rc:-olution, ~ l r. Clerk points 11 0:-t !c1 kl'cp . \'l·llr projl'rt. llli lllattcr 111\t, it '"ill be oh~cn·t:d that the chuol hn"' much intlll('IJrt· .\ '(I ll men t·x nt t<1 lH ·:ml t·xp rt~:-ed iht'li in general tt·rms kc('p thing:; from cntning int11 it that " ith n· . . pl'rt to the dt·,·clnpml'nt of "\:o would he detrimental. .\.I >U t·annut ron- \1 an\ l.ancl." hut it dnts not commit trol the :-.urrounding <lncl11pnlL'nb and· it-. eli to any :-.peri lie plan for doing it. tht· dang-er of surrounding dtHiop Tht' p(1:-itinn of tht High sclto<JI hoard is that on general principles it "'"uld much prefer to see that land devoted to park purposes than it would to see it converted to any commercial use. It has not approved of any plan accomplishing this purpose and would not 'wish to be so understood. "As individuals/' Mr. Clerk iurthcr states. "the members of the School board and I signed a petition to call a special election to determine the feasibility of handling this situatim.J on a tmn1ship hasis. The act, however, \Yas an act of individuals and had no hearing on the position taken h\' the hoard officially." · ·:·-·~-·-·~-~--~----~--<· 1 I ! i ! Mme. IF.dith Rideau Normellil I i - I 1 I i i- CONCERT SOPR ANO! :rEACHER OF VOICE With degr ees of Bachelor of Music a nd Bachelor of Ar ts is receiving enr ol lmen ts now for the ~inter and ~pring terrns. T one placmg· a specialty Concer t-Opera repertoire. T HE .STUDIO BUILDING 1718 Sherman Ave. Phones : Studio Greenleaf 3523 Residence Univ. 7278 ·=·l ,-.c ~.--.t ~t .._,t ,._.f i._,C,_ C~~..-..~o The Little Mamton Is Here M ay tue send you a catalogue? MARMON NORTH 6015 Broadway Longbeach 6428 I ~ilk atitJ Best J~sh,ridz and pure .\ f 1 is a freshness and flavor T HERE to Bowman's Milk that makes tt . outstandingly preferred by the young bride and by the mother ; and even by the grandmother who has known and used it for nearly fifty ··ears! Ask any Bowman customer why ;he prefers Bowman's Milk. The .:a.nswers will mention one or all of these three features: Because of (1) 1 ts freshness, (2) its richness (3) its '1!lrity. fr y Bowman's Milk no·.v. Note its flavor, its freshness , its purity.. One trial will convince you of 'its won :lerful goodness. Telephone our nearest distributing 5tation or order from one of our : ourteous milkmen. ---- - - - _ __ __,__ _ In e. Wilmette 55 HAIG 0. CARTOZIAN Importers of Fine Oriental Rugs. EXPERT CLEANING ( Hand Work Only ) We g 1 v e Long Life to your Oriental Rugs. PHONE §2,)6 UNIVERSITY PERSONAL - COURTEOUS - PROMPT - SERVICE Show Rooms and Cleaning Plant I 4 I 7~ I 9 SHERMAN A VENUE F~R Mill\. !?I DAIR.V COMPANi YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY