Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1927, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIFE January 21' 1927 North Shore Society Finds Usual ·Mid- Winter Activity By JEAN TEN BROECK of the Dorcas Home board at Deer- 674 Prospect avenue, Winnetka is presThe North Shore Art league meets field at the annual meeting held Mon- ident will take place Monday, January in \Vilmette · tonight. At the close of day~ J~nuary 10, at. Mr~. Smith's ~ome. 31_. at the Fortnightly, 120 B~llevue its meeting in the Wilmette Woman's Asststmg Mrs. Smtth m her duttes as . place Chicago. Luncheon wdl be club, the galleries exhibiting the work president, will be Mrs. Arthur H. served at 12 o'clock followed by a of three W i I met t e artists will he \Voodward of 685 ;\rdsley. road, Win- business meeting, rep~rts of committees thrown open to all art lovers in the netka, as ~rst vtce-prestdent; . Mrs. and officers, and a music program. In village at 8:30 o'clock. Stanley H. S1mpson of 1040 Starr road, addition the committee · is arranging Paintings which are the work 'of Winnetka, as second vice-president; for a sp'eaker to address the club. William Schmedtgen and Charles Mor- Mrs. ~erry S. Eade of Evanston, as At this luncheon, the nominating gan and several pieces of sculpture recordmg secretary; Mrs. Percy Brad- committee will present its ticket for wro·u ght by Mrs. Alonzo Coburn have street of 475 Cedar street, \Vnnetka, as officers of the coming year which will been brought to . the clubhouse to make corresponding secret a r y; and Mrs. be taken up at the board meeting Tue san exceedingly fine exhibit which the Walter G. Blake of Evanston , as treas- day, February 1. league views fi.rst, and then shares urer. The society not only is planning for with the Wilmette public. . Reports of committees and plans for its meetings, but is busily engaged in According to the viewpoint of one the ne\\· year were made and formulat- preparing for the annual "markedconnoisseur of art expressed to the ed at thi~ meeting. The health report down" sale in its work rooms at 112 writer, it would be very difficult to for the children in the home indicated East Walton place, Chicago, Wednes assemble a display more · excellent even little ill-health save for a slight period day, Thursday, and Friday, January in Chicago. · of contagion. The report was made 26, 27, and 28. Everything in the shop Having returned recently from nearthat donations of clothes and foods had will be marked down · in price from ly a year of travel abroad where he been most \\'·elcome and satisfactorv. linen s. pillo·ws, baby blankets, sweater:; ,. sought out places remote, unique, picDuring the year two inte.r esting so- and nov·e lties, to hooked rugs. turesque, in which to paint, Mr. cia! events took place, one the tea Schmedtgen sends to the exhibition given in October to the teachers of the thirty-six sketches in water color which Deerfield public school, as evidence of Group Gives Sleigh Ride are indicat.ive of his impressions of and the appreciation of the board in behalf his reactions to his journeys. These of the children Jiving in the house, and Among the sleigh parties enjoying depictions are beautifully executed, we the other the marriage of Miss Anne the snowy roads this week was one are. tol~, and will he on sale tonight, Jane Ardiss, superintendent of the given by a group of \:Vilmette and the·; P~tces ~Teasonable. England, Spain, home for thirteen yea.rs since its be- ~' innetka people. The party ended at Alg1ers and many other foreign coun - ginning in Evanston, to Rev. John the Havlofte in Evanston for refreshtries have contributed their color their Agnew of Sherry, Wis. ments ~fter the ride. peculiarities, their charm to the 'paintThe members of the group were: Mr. Forty-three children have been taken ing of these pictures. care of in the home during the year. and Mrs. Earle D. Lyon, Mr. and Mr~. The work of Charles Mo'r gan is welt Chutchcs and societies in and around George F. Iliff, Mr. and Mrs. George known. He exhibits tonight twentv- Chi~ago have donated parties and B. Bassler and M.r. Bassler's brother. five . originals in groups representi~g Christmas presents to make the life of H. B. Tellschow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred England, France and Spain, and Mrs. the youngste.rs happier. The annual Parry, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lehr, Mr. Coburn is displaying more of her budget; in addition to the donated gro- and Mrs. Raymond Armstrong, Mr. charming sculpture. ceries and clothing, amounted to and M.rs. James C. Anderson. Mr s. Wilmette membe.rs of the North $10,446.18, it is announced. Dennis F. Coleman and Mr. and M r~. Shore Art league, Mrs. Alonzo Coburn Many Glencoe, Winnetka and \Vil- Ernest C. Cazel, all of Wilmette, and Mrs. Ashton Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Wil~ mettc residents are vitatlv interested Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sweet nf \\' innet son, W. T. Jones and W i 11 i am in this home, and have he-e n generous ka. Schmedtgen, will receive \Vilmctte res- in thrir help. idents whom the league cordiallv in vites to enj3~· the exhibit. To Direct Guild Work Elect ·New Officers to Art League Opens Riding Club Elects Society for Shut-Ins Busy With Winter Plans Work for Dorcas Home New Officers; Gives to Public Exhibit ~lrs. Henry T. Smith of 710 Bluff The Vocational Society for Shut-Ins, Report of Progress of Local Artists street, Glencoe, was elected president of which Mrs. ]. Waller Marshall of As a result of a meeting held at tlw Cniversity club Thursday noon, J anu ary 13, at 12:30, the following north shore men have been elected officers and members of the board of director ~ of the Indian Hill Riding club. After serving as vice-president of this active and most prosperous cluh for two years, and after se.r ving as president for two years, C. Colton Daughaday of Winnetka is retiring from the list of officers, to become one of the members of the board. Ernest H. Hicks of Winnetka ha . heen elected president; Arthur M . Cox, vice president; Harry E. Miller, secretarv: and Howard \V. Fenton, treasurir. In addition to the officers who automatically serve on the board, the iollowing men .will be included in th e li st of directors: Donald Dallas, Mark \V. Cresap, C. Colton Daughaday, Don:old F. McPherson, Martin Lind say. \\"alter F. Wallace, Henry A. Gardner :md Stephen A. Foster. The annual meeting of the Indian Ifill Riding club was held at the clubhouse !vf on day, January 10. at which time an accounting of the year's activities and pre sident' s and trea s urer's reports were made, and plan s for t hr new year were discussed. l:nder the direction of l' . (. 't ·lton Daughaday, the club has an intt:rt·..;ting financial report of progre s~ to make. ;1;; well as a splendid report of buildin~ activities. and general intere st in tIll· club as evidenced In- the number of active member:-;. and fwrses stabled. There is space for the :-; tabling of fifty hor:-;e s at prese nt. with provision made in space to accolllmodate fi fhmore i( expansion is ncce ssa n ·. Th~· ~addle room is adequate and ·adapttd to the purposes of such a room . The women's and children's lounge is fitted out convenientlv and furnished att rac tively. Comfortable living quarters for the head groom and the grooms arc provided. The kennels with six pairs of hounds, and accommodations for twelve pairs arc in use, and twelve horses arc owned hv the club for members' use. Of i~terest to those not acquainted with equipm ent wellorganized stables must have, are the elect.rical clipping machines , coolers, blankets. hunting fences and halten;, also owned by the club. There arc ninety-five memhers and more than twenty non-members have had guest privilege s extended to them. · . With this record back of them and with a regular schedule of drag hunts. early morning and evening rides showing the actual activities of the club. another season of pleasure a w a its members announcement is made that a new jumping ring is being huilt, 700 feet around, for exercising and riding the horses. It has been called one of ~he h.est of its k~nd in this region and ts hemg newly hied and covered with fresh dirt. for~ed out of existence through poor husmess management, the Indian Hill c1ub can boast of a net ope.r ating profit for the year of $5,502. Evidence of the keen interest in ridi~1g t~at is being developed by the club, ltes 111 the fact that winter riding is almost as popular as spring and fall .r iding. The drag hunts are of course discontinued until better weather and g.round conditions, but brisk canters in the early morning and afternoon are still enjoyed by many active members. While some riding clubs have been Repfat Duck Dinner Plays for Children Thi:; afternoon at 4 and again this evening at 8. Tony Sarg's Marionettes will present a delightful production for children. "Ali Baba a·nd the Forty Thieve~·· at the. Evanston \·V omat/s cluh. Tomorrow afternoon, in the. Kuppenheimer ~f emorial hall of Skokie school. \Yinnetka. the North Shore Theatre guild will give a special matinee performance of "Henry IV" for the pleasure of nor.th :-;hore children. A dinner and dance, one of the spe r=at formals of the season, takes plart.· at the Ouilmette Country club tomor row even i n g, commencing at 7 :30 o'clock. Many of the members of the cluh so enjoyed the duck dinner served at one of the formal dances in November that the house committee has decided tn .repeat this menu at the dance J anuan22. An orchestra from Cope Harve~· wilt provide the music, and to thos~ \Yho have attended the . dances this year. nothing more needs to be said. A buffet dinner and Military bridge with special prizes has been arranged for the pleasure of members Thursci;t,. evening. January 27. · The Associated guilds of St. Auguschurch are meeting today in the clubhouse. Sandwiches. cakes and coffee will he served the workers at noon. At the meeting held last Frida\·, the following members were elected to _..;ern as officers throughout the coming year: Mrs. R. N. Ball, president: Mrs . E. ~L Antrim. first vice president; ~frs. Hubert Carleton, second vice president; Mrs. Richard Wilson. secretary: Mrs. A. E. Logie, treasurer. ~f iss Marjorie Day has resigned as choir mother, and ~f rs . Robert Ken yon ,,·ill assume her work. tine·~ Mothers, Teachers at Tea The mothers and teachers of Miss Scott's division of the sixth grade, Central school, were entertained at a tea last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. H. Seuboldt, 921 Sheridan road. This was the first of three teas to be given during the .remainder of the school year by this division. The purpose of the gatherings is to discuss school problems and to make possible better acquaintance between the mothers and teachers. .....] Announce . Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease. 320 Leiceste·r road, Kenilworth. announce the marriage of their daughter, Beatrice Burghalter, to Rohert Woodruff on Friday evening, January 14. Reverend Leland H. Danforth performel the ceremony which took plact' at the home of the bride's parent:-; . Feted While Here 'Mrs. Neil Lake of Toledo, Ohio. \\'ho is the guest of Mrs. J. C. Schmidt of 1000 Lake avenue, has been the guest of honor at a number of parties during the seve.ral weeks she has been here. Mrs . Schmidt e~tertained at luncheon and bridge in her honor Monday, and Mrs. Charles Greyling of Chicago gave a luncheon \Vednesday at Greyting's restaurant in Chicago for Mrs. Lake. Today Mrs. Arnold Kegal of Chicago is entertaining for her at luncheon and bridge. Plan Dinner Program The Catholic Daughters of America are giving their annual birthdav dinner Monday evening at the OJd Fellows' h~ll at 7 o'clock. About fifty guests are expected to be present. An attractive progr~m of dances and songs by r'lildren has been planned for the e\·ening. The .r egular meeting of the Evanston Smith college club. took place \Vednesday, January 12, at the home of Mrs. Charles E. \Vare of 1021 Judson avenue, Evanston. Mrs. James ~[orrisson, president of the Illinois The annual meeting and luncheon of League of vVomen Voters. addressed the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago the cluh. will be held \Vednesday, ·January 26. at the Palmer House. All members of The North Shore \Velleslev circle the Junior auxiliary wishing to make met Tuesday afternoon at the home of rese.rvations are asked to call Mrs. E. Mrs. H. ]. Williams, 205 Oxforrl road L. Power:;, Wilmette 1814. Kenilworth. '

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