Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 5

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January 14, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE of th e day, winni ng gold m edals it! the a n d 220 yard events fo r b oys un der years of age an d placing second in the mi le open . . Braun Wins Two Firsts Ed Braun also won two first places, p lacing first in the 440 and two mi le events. The only other contestant to carry home two gold medals wa s Robert Felke in the . bon under 18 vears of age events. He -won both the- 440 and 880 yard event s in this cla ss. Other winner s of g old medals were Richard Pre..;ton in the 100 yard da sh for b o n under 12 years and Dorothv Kumm~r in the 100 -yard da sh for girfc; 12 Years and under; Elsie Patterson in the. 220 ' ard dash for girl s, 15 year s and under: Leonard \V olff in the 220 Yard dash ·for bon undrr 14 vears: Dorotlw Smith in - the 440 Yard. da sh for !!irl.; ](i Year s and OYe~ and Edwarci Simp s nt~ in the 4-t.O yard da sh for boy s under 14 years . A summary of the event s, including "'i 11 n r r s nf fir .; t, second and third place s and the time is given on page 40 () f this iss t1 e. PAUL YOUNGBERG STAR 880 Of ICE SKATING EVENT 16 Elsie Thelen Wins,Fancy Skating Honors in First Annual Carnival at Village Green The first annua l \Vil mette icc carni\·a l conducted by the Playground an d Recreation hoard at the village green ice rink la st Saturday afternoon was a huge success. Hundreds of Wilmette boys and girls competed for the gold, silver and hronze m edal s offrrc~ d as prize s hy the board. In addition a large number of :-.pectators \\'i t nrss ed the spo rts from the side lines. The dav wa s ideal for the event s and the ice ~\'as in fir st cla ss co ndition, making it poss ible for the athletes to register fast time in the many events. In fact, the g eneral re sults " ·ere so pleasing tn partil'ip~t nt:-; and spectators alike that the cVl'!l t \\·ill probably be made an annual affair. Glencoe Boy Ia Champ All of the event s \\·ere intere sting hut the crowning numb e r of the day wa s the mile open for the north shor e championship which \\·a s· \\·on by E(l Rudolph o( Glencoe after a neck-andneck race all th e " ·ay with Paul Youngberg of \Vilmette. Th e winn er oi thi s e\·ent \\' On th e silvc·r loving cup do nated hy the Playgr nuncl and I{rcreati o n hoard . An other intere s ting event \\'a s the fancv skating conte st which furni shed thrili s for the spec tat o rs a s the arti st s clcv e rh· rxhihi te cl th eir ska t ing tech niqu e.- EJ -; ic Th ele n wa s a\\'arded fir st pla c e by th e judge s. and Freel 0. Net so n carri ed hom e the siln·r medal for :'econd pri ze . P a ul ·v n ungherg \\·as the ska ting star Legion News· Tuesday even ing, J anuar y 11, marked the first regu lar business meeting of the New Year for W ilmette Post, N o. 46, American Legion. T h e session was he ld in .St. Augustine's Club H ou'se. Attention is callecl to the Post's first annual Hard Times party to be held at the Lake Shore Terrace, Tuesday evening, January 25. This will be conducted a long the same lines as the Halloween party staged there last fall. L u ncheon \vill he served and there will he music fo r those who wish to dance. Here is an opportunity to get acquainted with the members and their wives-or wives-to-be-so bring your fair guests and report in hard times regalia at Fred ).!iller's Terrace Tuesday, January 25! Wilmette Home Bakery Famous for Parker ·House Rolls 406 Linden Ave. Ph.Wil. 1025 Ruth Wester, Prop. Styles That Suit Community Chest Board ·n Annual Meet Jan. 25 1 The annual meeting of the Wilme tte Con1muni t \· Che st ass ociation will be hrld at tl;e Yilla g e hall at 8 o'clock. Tuesday evening, January 25. at 8 o'clock, for th e purp n:o~e CJi r lecting <lirectors to ·fill the places of those direct or s whose terms of office are soon to expire. Report s of the officers will al so be read and such other bu sin es s a s may he nece ss ary will h e tran sa·c ted at that tim e. The meetin g wa s originalh· sch eduled fo r January 17 hut' it ,,-as· lat e r dee med expedi e nt t o d efer the da te . MATURE FIGURES Featuring the Latest in Fashions Elfectittel' Draped t218- With its surplice closing and side drapery this frock is very effec.. tive. It may be made in all sizes from 36 to 52size 44 requiring 3 vds. of 54- inch material · · · · and we're ready to give you real service on the Highest Quality of _,·FUEL-s, whether your wants be · · · · Coal- Coke or Wood either a large or small amount, we're ready to serve you .... and on short notice. For Cottons or Silks 1249- In plain material or delicate prints this simple style is charm.. ing. Visit our PieceGoods Department for v:o ur rna terial and get your pattern at our Butterick Department. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Satisfaction Guaranteed! Skokie Valley Coal & Material Co. MARCUS MICK, Prop. W. Lake Ave. at C. & N. W. R. R. Phones: Wilmette 999-1314 :t-:"-;-;+2-: ; : : : : : : : : : '; : : : ; : : : ; ; : : : ; : ; : : : ; ; : ; ; :-:-; 2: : ; ; : : ; ; Also Sold Here. WORTHEN-CARRICO Co. 1146-48 Wilmette Av . e. WILMETTE

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