Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 3

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Januax·y 14, 1927 W I L ME T T E L I F E 3 BUILD $600,000 GYM COLLECT $3,000 BY ,j n Progress on New Trier's SALE OF XMAS SEALS Exc.:vation $600,000 Addition to High School Glenview Avenue School Wins Prize for Top Sales; Retains Cup Permanently Plant Excavation for New Trier High school's new $600,000 gymnasium, which is to be constructed on the site facing on Essex road and lying between the girls' gym and the heating d · · p1ant, was starte durmg the Chnstmas holidays and is J)rogressing rar)idly. The building, which is designed in order to he in architectural harmony with other buildings on the campus, New Trier Selects Nine Members for New Debating Team PLAN TOWNSHIP PARK FOR ~'NO MAN'S LAND', J- · The New Trier Debating team held "Citizens' Committee" 8 e h i n d its annual tryouts recently for selectBond Issue Election Move; ing members for the team. AccordPlan Ballot April 5 ing to Mr. MacLean, the coach, many tried out, and selecting the few was The Grosse Point Health Center, undifficult, as the material was excepAn election ha,/.ng for its object the <ler the auspices of which the tov;nship tionally good. Nine members were se- authorization of th~ issuance of bon<ls campaign for Christmas seal sales was lected. Onl_\. three have had previous by New Trier township for the purpose · h conducted, reports that over $3,000 was experience. of acquiring ~ublic parks 111 t e town.-~ · 1 1 1 · N T · h' · 1 1 d' turneu m )V sc 100 s 111 ew ner The students chosen arc: Rollin :; 1}1, ts t 1e atest expe ten t soug ht b Y tmntship, tl~is December. The silver Simonds, Henry Heineman, Sidney those citizens of the north shore comRosenberg, Victor Dauber, John Erick- munttles who a.re determined to loving cup which has been off Ned to the school making the large st per capson, Karl Yost, Frank Gilchrist, Sey- frustrate various building projects, now ita ::;ale was awarded for the third conmour Burge, and Althea Northam. The in progress or cqntempla,ted, in thde so secutivc timr to the District 40 school first three membc.rs on this list were called "Ko Man's Land' situate on · will he T -shaped with the stem, which members of last Year's victorious team. t h e 1a k e f ront 1 · 1 w Il!C 1, 1 JY t 1 le ru 1 cs o f t 1 le contest, 15 )etween W'l 1 me tt e an d no\v allowed to retain the trophy per- is 270 feet · tong-. facing- on Essex road During the last ·six years New Trier Kenilworth. It was stated that Counmanently. and the 200 feet bar lying between the ha s lost only three debates, which is ty Judge Edmund K. Jarecki has or"Thc board of the C.ros;,e Point girls' gym and heating plant. It will an enviable record for any team, dered the e~ection for J\Pril 5, for a Health center \\'i;,he~ to cxpre s;, its sin- he constructed of red brick and the " ·hether in debating or athletics. Hen.r y Yote on a $,00,000 bond tssue . cere appreciation ni the splendid aid If t t . t d tl f 11 'd h Heineman and Rollin Simonds are to A petition looking toward such a progivl:n in the campaign by the teachers ron s e~s ."n 11 ex en lC u WI t act as leaders for each team. The team cedure. and said to bear the signatures and students and to the Llovd Hollis- of the lnuldmg at the Essex road end. is planning to hold a drhatc in the of more than 100 citizens. was filed tcr. Inc., publication~ for th~ publicity 'fh<' first Aoor will be below the ncar future with Proviso High school. ~fonday of this week in the .County court asking that tribunal to call an given during the campaign." said ~f rs . grade level and will be used as the on the Philippine question. Carl E. \VidncY, ~ rcrctan· of that or- h,oy's ~eld .h o ~tse. ,· 1t is 270 feet in Deb<~ters \\·h_o do cspe~ially good rlectinn fo~ .the .purpose. of submitti~g ganization. thi; weC'k. ,,';J'hc f111anrial kngth .1nd 111 1t \\ tll he located a ~6- \\'Ork Ill dehat 111 g and sat~:>fv all rc- the pro?~s1tton tn. questt?n to a vh~ e returns from tlll'sc sales make possible lap tr~~k ~n<l r~)01:1s, fo,r, shot puttt~:g quirements arc elected into th~ ~ation- of the ~1t1zen~ ~f _New 'fne: T~wn~ ttp. Offictal. bodies 111 the .tO\\nshtp lts:ed the operation of the organization. and and ba~ch,tll practtc(. I h~ flo~r \\ttl al Forensic league, a national honor sowithout the · co-operation \Yhich \Yas he of c~nders t.h:ough_out. fhe ;o;econd cicty with 127 chap·trrs located as favonng .the bond . tssue ba~lot 111giYen us the. campaign could not have ~oor wtll he dtvtdcd 1~1t~ a hoy~ gym throughout the l·niterl States. The clud~ The VIllage boards of Wtlmertte, been a succcs ~ ." m the ea~t. end, a gtrl s gyt~l Ill the purp ose ni this . ociety is to stimulate Krntlworth ~nd .Glencoe: the New At a meeting of the hoard, held \\~e s t. auxdtary gym rooms tor hoth interest in debating and to give recog- Trier To\\'nshtp H1gh school boa~d :. InTuesda\· afternoon at thr home oi ~Irs. g1rls and. ho~· s, v?lley hall cour_t rooms, nition to those " ·ho do successful \\·ork. dian Hill Improvement assoc!at10n; F . . f Glencoe. Kenilworth and Wtlmette Hope ~f'hnmpsnn. 1219 Ashland a\·enue, rooms for wr~stltng and tumhltng, club 1e ~m~unt 0 Park boards: Glencoe. Kenilworth and ~f rs. Theodore Sach s, head of the Chi- room s and offices. . e\\ pe?P 1 e rccogmzc t 1 cagn Tuberculosi s In stitute. gave an The hoy\ gym will ha\'C' three has- 1 mc n·~;,~urecl to rr~pare a wtnnmgNdc- \Vilmcttc School hoards. iniormal talk upon the In stitute and kcthall courts: t\\·o for practice pur- , >,a~e . . fH' u~t~a tun.e spent kat f ~w The ·\Vinnetka Village hoard. it is .what it docs. poses and one of standard dimensions nr~· IS r~111 ! · tx to etg 1 1t \Yee ·s 0 m- st teet has ex resscd OJ)position to the ·I . I . . I 1 . r· ' ·'II tenSIVl' tratnmg . a ' p "The Chicago Tuberculosis Tn~titute," upon " uc 1 tntet sc 10 asttc .~ame~ " 1 ~ · current and contemplated devel~pshe said, "is an incorporated organiza- he stagc.d. Arouncl three sHies. of the 1 he t\\·n managers, AlexallCt:x: Mag- ments in "-:\o ~fan's Land" as bemg tion. endorsed by the Chicago Ass o- room. wtll run __a balcony seatt.ng ap- nus. and Fr~d Channer. arc .as_s1gned to detrimental to the home life of the ciation of Commerce. Its hooks arc pr~x11natcly .1.:-lOO peoplr _while t_he vanous cluttes. The fo_rmer ts 111 charge north shore residents. audited yearly b~· Arthur y nung and mam floor wtll also l?e e~!Utppe~ wtth of finance and publicity, the latter arAddresses "Promoters" company and the reports filed with the removable ~cats, makln~ tt. possible. tt l ra~1gc s for debates ~~;~ provides enterFollowng closely the filing ot the As~ociation of Commerce. necause ~tsc the g~~m as an auchtormm seatmg tamment for the v1sttmg teams. election petition. letters were addressed yearly reports im·olvc too great an ex- tn the. n;lghhor~wo~t of lSOO people. to the "promoters of the moving pict · 11 'No Man's Land'" p ensc, the hoard has found it n"'cessarv The g-trls gym ts Situated at the end ' of the room and separaterl from it .by lture. prOtJiec ~ t. f Art11ur Bo'n to limit its published reports tn on~ f 1r .. I . 9 r.f\ f )eartnCY 1e Signa ure () e\·en· five \'Car:;." a 0 ( Jllg partlti0\1. t lS 0 1)\· U\J ed t t-- I1 · f a Citizens' commit 1 · · :mel the floor three feet ahove the ne · a:; ~ a ~man ~ . . -f Regarding the \\·ork donr h\' the In- level of that of the ho\'s' gvm which trr. wh1ch, tn adcht10n to the nottce o the. C0~1templated ~)allot procet~lure anhd titute she said. "It maintain~ twentv- allO\\'S it to he used as stage ~f coneight nurses upon a full time basis. sidpr c'thl" J)rOJ)Ortt'otts. I 111111 eclt'atelu l)ercc.ttatJOn of. hodtes suppor. mg ~uc I nstttute ·1 · If t 1 · '" '" ar" the locker and shower J Opr)ortunity is knocking! Open the art10n. cnntamec1 t1 Wtt 1 two supen·tsors. 1c ,..,,,. ·s 1e f o 11 owmg d tree t 1 1111 · · v '" ~ door to onnortunit\' at 8 o'clock on the (Ioes not d>provH 1 e a car for them thev for ])ot1 ])O"S and gl'rls. · rhallenge: . . . . · 1 001115 1 J · night of ThursdaY, Jan·uary 20. at the arc paid ;J"o50 additional rach month to "Xo\\· You men hehtnd thts movmg New Trier High school auditorium · 1 h h con'r t I1r cost of operation of a per- p fi picture pr()irct arc main y nort s ore sonally owned car. It maintains a . resent ene t ay when Capt. Donald B. ·Mac~fillan. citizens. This petition and these rest f or L utheran H ospu:.e · world famo11' exnlorer. gi,·es his lecahoratory at the Berwyn Health Centnrc's 011 "The Arctic." His talk is olutions represent the wishes 0f your ter; provides a publicit~· director for The Senior \\.alther lea gm s of St. to he illustrated \\·ith motion pictures neighbors and fellow citizens anddt~e the hralth \rork; aid being given by Tohn's Lutheran church in \Yilmctte taken durin!! his 1926 explorations in development that you are intereste 111 the Chica. go Art Institute in the pt·ep- ~nd the netlllrhrm Lttthrran church the polar regions. is heing htrtherecl contrary to their aration of posters: prO\· ides a lecturer, in E,·anston ,rill present the comcd,; '"ishes. Therefore. surely, as a resicalled a Health Crusader. who speaks "Cmnl' nut ni the Kitchen" at the r,,:_ The "Tri-Ship" of Nrw Trirr Hig·h dent of nm heautiful north shore. and to school children: and other SJ)"akers school asked Captain Mac}.fillan to c"S. a 11atriotic citizen of the community .. anstnn \\-oman's club \Vrdnrsdav ancl tell his storv to the peonle of the town - " · · arc · sent ·out without charge to any or- Thursda.\· e,·enings, Januar~· ]<) a;1d 20. ship, his lecture to he in the natttrc of you ought not to instst upon carrymg ganization cle . -,iring information and in- i() r thr benefit of thr \Valthcr League nut this dcn' lopment. struction in the pren·ntion <md cure of Hospice at Evanston. a home for 1. benefit for the Scholarship fund "Sn " ·e a-·k that YOU dc::,i~t from furtuberculosis." ~ponsored by the cluh. Prorecds will tllet· nrnc"<lurc "·ith your 11lans, pend~· otltlg people. !~·o to heln -worth,· hil!h school boYs " '" "The Chicago office is in reality a serure a collrge education. . ing thr approYal of this honcl issue and consulting bureau." she continued. iiinits subsequent tH'gotiations in order to formation i~ ~iYrn all \Yho drsire it; Captain ~fac~fillan has hcen °11 thr not utllH'Cessarih· nile up further exeducational films and literaturr on north shore on previous occasions hut pensc on your- frlln\\' citizrtts and · g provided upon renext Thursda v his talk will he some- neighbor.; in the erection o f a st ruc1 1ea 1t I1 matte.rs IH'ln. thin . ! .! entirely (]ttest. It also 111aintains a reference , - new. it is announced. ture and an cnterprisr that is not librar~- and provides a lecture and Tickets for the lecture may he se- \\·anted hv the communitY and which training- course for its ·o\\·n nursrs and cured from members of the Tri-Ship \\'Oulcl nnt receive the public approval in \Vilmctte, Snider-Cazel Drug com- so vital to a P.roject of this typr. the nurses of .other institutions as \\'ell. In a sense it is regarded as a suppleclub or at Adams pharmacy in Win"Anticipating a oossihlc reply that ment to the training courses provided nctka, the Renneckar Drug company such a halt cannot he c-alled on account by other institutions." pany at Hubbard Woods, and Snyder' 3 of existing contracts. I trust that with "Tl v · Pharmacv in Glencoe. Tickets \\·ill · 1C l'\apcrvtllc Sanitarium is mainalso he Srde at the door. such tmdrniahle proof as this petition tained entirely hy the Institute and to represent the wishes of the communitv in which vnu live, vou will not plans are also being made for the construction of a "Preventorium" for chitTAKEN BY DEATH nut private g-ain ·ahead o( public weldren at Howard street and Western Mrs. William G. Bell, mother of Al- f<HC . Your reputation and your ·record avenue nea.r the Fresh Air Hospital." bert C. Bell, 1216 Elmwood avenue, warrant that assumption." "Sixteen cents out of every dollar," passed away in Rochester, New York, The men to whom the above direct Mrs. Sachs concluded, covers the ex, There is practically no service that Sunday, January 9. Funeral services me,sage was addressed are noted as penses involved in the seal campaign cannot find interested prospects were held in Rochester Tuesday. Be- follows: Avres Boat, Gilhert H. Scriband cqst. From the seals we derive through the Want Ads: sides Mr. Bell, she is survived by her ner, Manc~l T. Clark, Harry C. Edour greatest source of income. It repTUTORING EXP. TEACHER, husband, a daughter, Mrs. Frank Bar- monds, A. W. Shaw and Henry T. resents the foundation of our every enhigh school and grade subject. ber, and two sons, Charles Cameron Stanton of Winnetka; Alfred T. Car235 · .deavor; the very bulwark of our orTel. Glencoe and Clarence A. Bell, all residing ne~r ton of Lake Forest; and H. 0. Edganization." Rochester. monds of Kenilworth. I I 1 J i 1 a D ona ld M ac M i ll an to Gt·ve Lecture Here January 20 · B PI on Tutort· ng

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