Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE LIFE J a nu a r y 14, 1927 l:lirst National Mastodon of Road Ban~ on Honor Finds Rescuer in Roll for 1926 Big Steam Shovel Momentary excitement was occasioned at the New Trier High school last Monday when a large truck being used to haul av.:ay the dirt excavated from the site for the new gymnasi.um, allowed its back wheels to play the better part of valor and back too closely to the hole. Shorth· afte.rward, when the smoke from t h~ grumbling "beast of burden" had rolled away, it s-tood with its back wheels suspended in mid air, anct all of the growls and grumbles of that "new era mastodon" merely sufficed to allow it to s.ettle still farther and to bring a quick rea lization that total demolition would be the result of a too little exercised caution. "Well ain't this the divil of an 'ole," remarked the driver. "If 'n va doan like our 'ole yust ya go fin' "a better one," was the hearty rejoinder. About that time the "powerful Katrinka," erstwhile steam monster that "chawed" out the sand and clay at a yard a bite and was busily grubbing about trying to make tliat 'ole a little bigger, took a mite of interest in ·he situation. Cnder the careful urg qg o( Mike, her pri\'ate groom, Katrinka ambled over to . ec what could be done. Now when Kat ri1;1ka takes a notion to move things-\Hil things just naturally mo\'e. A chain was passed around her big jaw and from thc.re under the body of the truck. Katrinka settled her feet in the mnd took a snort or t·wo and lifted her five ton friend high and dry; thrn with a disdainful grunt she deposited him gcntl)· back to "terra firma" and waddled back to tend to her own pa.rticular affairs while "Big Bertha" toddled off toward "a better The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Wilmette was held at the bank Tuesday, January 11. The past ~ear was the most successful in the h1story of the hank. Deposits and earni ngs reached a high mark. Besides payi?g the regu lar dividends, the ba.nk mcreased its surplus account dunng th~ year by $25,000 and it now stands at $50,000 equal to its capital stock, and the bank can now he placed on the honor roll, the qualifications of which are that an institution must have surplus and profits in excess of its capital stock. The stockholders re-ele-cted the old board of d1rectors as follows: E. B. Knudtson, president; C. D. Masters, vice president, Chicago Trust company; Sanger Brown, M. D., president, Kenih}·orth Sanitarium; Axel Lonnquist, real estate; Charles F. Reinboth. vice president, Northern Bank .Xote company: Robert Stoddard, president. United Breeders co~ pany of America: A. C. \\ olff, president, \Yolff-Griffis, Inc. At a meeting of rhe directors, all of t1 .e officers wt're re-elected. They arc: . E. B. Knudtson, President; C. D. 1-Iastcrs, Yice president: F. A. Andrey, cashier: X. A. Schwall, assistant cashier. Speoials lo· Week Comaneneing FRIDAY, JAN. 14 C.ALIFORNLI\ ORA.NGES, large size, per doz. 69c, 59c, 49c and 3!tc. FLORIDA ORANGES, large size ... per doz. 69c, 59c, 49c and 39c. FLORIDA SvVEE'I' GRAPE FRUI'r .. . 2 for 25c; 3 for 25c; 4 for 25c; 6 for ?Sc. T_I\NGERINES. juicy, S\i\reet flavor ... per doz. 49c COOI<ING APPLES ... . 4 lbs. 25c ; per bu. $1.95 C.ALIFORNIA PEr\RS ........... per basket 45c l · JONATHAN APPLES 4 lbs...... ....... .2Sc POT.ATOES .................. . 3 lbs. 49c GREEN BEANS ................... . per qt. 29c GREJ;:N PEAS ..................... per lb. 29c BRUSSEL SPROU'I'S ............ . per box 35c FRESH BEETS .............. 3 bunches for 25c FRESH CARR01'S ........... 3 bunches for 25c 1\j\L.Al\lAZOO CELERY, tender hearts, per bunch 25c. NE~'" Ci\BBAGE ................. . per lb. Sc NE\\~ LAD IES \ ID ME ETING The First ' ,vision of the Ladies' Aid of the 1" lhodisl church will hold an all-day , cting, Tuesday, January 18, at the home of ~1rs. Dec A. Stocker, 224 ~Iyrtlc ayenue. \\'innctka. Each lady is to bring her own sandwichts. ~ewing begins at 10 o'clock. ·························· CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main St. Phone Wil. 1870 Wholesale-MEATS-Retail Specials lor Sat. Jan. 15th P·aetieal Items at a Saving Lamb Legs · best quality Pork Loins half or whole SPINACH, pk. .... ....·.......... JSc F RESl1 RI-IU B./\ R B ................. ~ . . lb. 29c C.I\ULIFLO\\ ER ................ . each, 20c up FRENCH ENDI \~E ................ . per lb. 49c Avocados (Alligator Pears), Strawberries and othe~ seasonable items at· market's lowest prices. lb. J4c Rib Roast Beef best cuts lb. 29Y2c Roasting Chickens lb. J9c Dold-Niagara Hams half or whole lb. 39Y2c Armour Star Bacon, half or whole COSMAS BROS. 1143 Wilmette Avenue Opposite . ~ost Office lb. )2c Butter Armour Clover Bloom lb. J1e Eggs strictly fresh Phones 2693,2694 Delivery FREE lb. SSe lb. SOe ~ Potato~s Out- Specialty Wilmette -:- Kenilworth - Glencoe - Winnetka Four ·Daily Deliveries: 9 a.m., 11 a.m., ·2 p.m., 4 p.m.

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