Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 33

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January 14, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 3.1 SYMPHONYDOESWELL3E~~~P~bG~m I Little Symphony Gives Best Program Three Evanston poets-Louise Ayres of Season and Shows Splendid Sureness Under Daach Baton Garnett, Lew Sarett and Arthur H. Nethercot-have poems and their By RUTHEDA L. ·PRETZEL The concert given on :\'ion day eve- biographies in the recently-issued . ann !ng-, January 10. at New Trier high thology of the best magazine poetry of s chool hy George Da sch and hi s Lit- the year 1926, edited by William Stantic Symphony orchestra, was the best ley Braithwaithe. The compiler is litof this season's programs, so far. 'l'he erary editor of the Boston Transcript. o rchestra is be gi nning to whip into The poems selected from the local th e fine musicianly :-hape of last year's writers are M.rs. Garnett's "Ballad of orchestra. Entrances were all th a t the Door-Ston e" which first appeared al1\·one would wish, la st :\[onday e\·e- in the magazine Poetry and is included ni;1g, and th e orchestra :-ho\\·c d a in her recently-p ublished book of verse, sp lendid s ur eness in following Mr. "Eve \Valks in Her Garden"; Mr. SarDasch's baton. ret.t's "Tamarack Blue," which apThc fir-.t half of the program wa s peared first in Poetry and was later inespecially well done. Tt began witt; eluded in "S low Smoke," the poet's the 0HTturc from "Oer Frci sc hutz ,' lat es t volume, and Prof. Nethercot's h,· Carl ).f aria Von \\' chcr. one of "Cosmography." tf1c finest mastl'rpiece s of ib kind The orchestra caught its back.t.:r ound Telephone Wilmette SlH7 of -. implicity. and interpreted heautif ul h· the 11 a i \'l' and hl' art,. fecI in g of the· old Teutonic hunhm~n and vilVETERINARIAN ~pec lnllzlng In the treatment or lagers. your best friends the l~im sky-Korsakow's third mon:ment, "Dog nnd Cat" "The y ;Jung Prin ce and the ·Young A II calls receiH my personal Prince ss." oi "~chehtrazadc." ,,·a. cleattention 1000 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill. li g htfull~· ~lllOo th and lyric a l. Crttry's Ballet Suite irom ··Ct·phale <:t Prorri-;," \\'<ts next pla~-cc~. The Tam hourin mo,·tnH·nt \\'a s \'l' f\' :..:·ay, the I ~rennet ta had a lnHI .' · ril:hn.l·~ ; . and thl' Gig m· \\·a:; lin: l~·. Thl' tempo \\'a" ~rrcpr(lachahk, a nd thl' t: n:-tnlhk pcr 1 teet. ll mr v·d I' rc . . tun. h;h:- - haritOtlt <·f ! the Uiira;..: o l ·i,·ir ( )pl'l'a company, :-a ng thl' ~la -...,L· nL· t\ aria,'"\ ' ision Fu giti\·l'" irnm " llt:r :-. diad(' .' ' \\' ith all tlH: it·n·or and dv-.pai rin .l!· i>L~aut y the -.n ng Th e (lrr!Je,t ra . !..!aYe him rl'quires. good s upporr. ~[r . Pn·,ton ob li ge d t h l' au d i l' tilT ',.it h an e th· c 'r <:, ·'The Blind I'J c,\\·man. " h\· Clark. Tlte :-L·r<· tHI hali < ··i the prug ram \\'a:"in·n uH·r to iltn·t· ""'rk, ,,,. l~i r h :trd '\\· a .~nl'r, lH·ginning \\·itll th~· Prelude to " l. (lhL'Il'~rin." Thi . ; and til t iollm\·ing numJJL.'r, "\\' ald\n·hl'n·· irnm "~ieg· iried," \\Tfl' quill' \\"l'll clonr. hut they did not :-how the fini sh oi the preceding· number s. Th e orrhc!'tra ~n·med inclined at time-. til gl't a littk ltt.'an·. ~I r. l'rl' -. ton was again heard i11 t i1 c Ias t 11 um b t r. "\ \' o tan's Fare\\'ell" and "~la gic Fire Scene" from "Die \\"alkure," \\'hich he sang \\' ith a di g nity and richnes ~ of tone. He was uph e ld by a good though sometimes too loud orchestral ar compan imc n t. ~1 iss \\ · in n ifred ~ [ ic k c y, a \ \' i1mettc piani s t, appeared in the afternoon with the orch e. tra. She is to be congratu lat ed upon h e r efficient rendering of Lisz t' s "Hun ga ri a n Fantasic." There wa s good ensemble between :Mi ss ~lickcy and the orchestra. Space in 1926 Authology ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAIG 0.: CARTOZIAM I mpottets of lae. Fine Oriental ·Rugs EXPERT CLEANING . ( Hand Work Only) We g i v e Long Life to your Oriental Rugs; .PHONE $2~6 lJ_NIVERSITY PERSONAL - COURTEOUS - PROMPT - SERVICE Show Rooms and Cleaning Plant I :============::::=::::==:DR. FRANK B. ERWIN 4 I 7- I 9 SHERMAN AVENUE -,----------------------------------------------~-, s E R V· 1 "Our Next Automobile" c E We had shopped quite thoroughly, my wife and I. We had read catalogs from this manufacturer and that. And we bad talked automo\Jiles with our friends· who drove cars of their own. One thing we discovered. Every car had some boosters. But only one car was praised, at least to some extent, by everyone- salesmen as well as owners. That car was the Cadillac. So our next car will be a can't see how we could be serious mistake in buying that is well spoken of by Cadillac. We making a very an automobile everyone. The \\·age carnds of Illinoi s receive $1.250,000,000 a year. ·---------------------------- · TAYLOR'S REDTAGSALE Many articles of leather goods reduced from 20% to 30%. fhe sign of official, authorized Cadillac Service - courteous, prompt, efficient, economical EVANSTON BRANCH CADILLAC 1810 RIDGE AVENUE Rogers Par~ 9133 ·----------------------------·

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