Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 26

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·wiLMETTE LIFE January 14, 1927 Three Plays Are to Be Given for Society's Children Guild, College and Marionettes Offer Plays for Children By JEAN TEN BROECK Married ...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, I Candlelit Church Setting Babies' Friendly of Recent Wedding Service Pleads for More Looking ahead into the new social year all we see right at present ~£ general north shore appeal are things theatrical. The majority of these a.re for children. The North Shore Theatre guild is offering a special matinee performance for the young members of society. On Saturday afternoon, January 22, "Heney IV" will be presented in the Jane Kuppenheimer Memoriol hall of Skokie school in Winnetka, with a special admittance charge for the young folk. This performance will give the students of New Trier and the pupils of the upper grades in the gram m a r sc.hools, a cha nee to become ·acquain trcl with a Shakesperian play under the ve:y best c?nditions. In the fl.rst placr, th1s pia~· ml~ he pre sented just a s ph\·s were actrd 111 Shakespeare's time. and not a.:; the .\· arc presented 011 the !nodcrn stage. Thrn, too, "Henn· n ·" Js one of Shakespeare's best con;t· di e~. Th~rc arc fights in it and lots nf iun. whrle throu.l! h it runs a kcenlv int n esting- s tor.' ·· that an~' one can ct;j (l\· J!tcl under ~ tand. · ?\frs. Lester R. Gardner was Miss of Mr. and \! rs. Charles S. Jackson of Hubbard \\ ' o n rl ~ until her 1narriagc 011 :\cw Year's day. _lean Jackson, daughter A .b q:rt· ;111d . cntlmsia ;; tic group 0i Frorn Snow Into T topic north shnrc alumnae met at H.1rri -.n 1 Garden Is Unique Step 1 hall. !\atinnal Kindergarten and Fk ln fane .\· '·!1v Yi sit C' cl manv land s n~entary collrge l\f onday aft crnonn to ~fotHLty a itern no11 ,,. hi I l' '" ;~nd c ring d1srus s the anmJ;-1) prrs entation of thf' \\·ith member . . ; o i tile \Y ('Illan 's club o f stud~' nt pla~·crs 0f the college in th is \\'iltnl'ttl' through the fn scinating stuyears entertainment for children. diu home of Ht·njamin . ~br:-hall, with For seYeral vears this event ha ~ i!. . ; interior reminiscent of many warm taken place in December, bt1t this sca - lands aiTor<ling startling rontr~st \\·ith ~on the. derision was in favor of wait - the 111an~· glintp st·s of the · icc -capp ed mg . untd after the busy Christmas sea - lake without. son. The date set for thi. charming· In informal groups thes e members entertainment is Saturday, Februar~· strolled through reception hall. somber 12, when the students will give Mis-s and carl~, Italian, intn a tropical garClara Belle Baker's adaptation of "The den embracing- a long green tiled pool. Brownies" by Juliana Horatia EwinQ". under blossoming banana trees, past The. pl~y wi.ll be given in Harrison h~ll Ttalian fountains. birds of ga.\" plumage, Si111plirit~· nnrkcd the wcddin £! nf aud1tonurn and tiH.' proceeds will be de- Past a small sheltfr of bamboo and ~f argaret Dcrhold K reidlcr of \\' ('.; t voted to thy college building fund . thatch-roofed, to a Chinese Temple Country Club Notes Chical!o and Guernsev Clarke. \\'hirh Mrs.. Alfred R. Bates of Evanston, room. This week and the early part of next took ,place at noon \\rednc s cla~· . JanpresJ~en.t of .the North Shore Alumnae The Orient, Africa, Mexico. Sn;1in, hnld the usual eYent::; of interest to as~ocJatJOn, 1s in charge of plans fnr Ttaly. France and Egypt ha\'<' offered members of tl1c Ouilmette Countrv uar\' ~ . in the ~f ethodi..;t church ni \\rc~t Chicago. :\ \\·cdding· breakfast thts college event. . their bit., unchanged and some age-old, club, the ~fonday · nights planned fo-r was ~ en-rei at the bride's homr at the The Sultan of the Indies Schcrhen- to make the summer abode of the the pleasure nf the mrn, the Tursrlav clnse of the sen-icc. Tkt t enning at R. zade, his wife, the teller of tales, '"i;h architect and his family the place of howling ior the \rom en, and Thm. da~' thr hridc!.!Toom's father :1nd mother. the phantastic chara'Cters of the Flrino· 11niquc unexpectedness that it is. night buffet dinners and bridge. A l\.fr. and ~frs . Charles Sanford Clarke. Horse, Sinbad the Sailor the G-eni·~ Tn a huge studio a ston' and a half 111en's howling tournamet1t is now well \Yerc host and hostess ;1 t a reception and the Fisherman, Ali Bai)a, the poor high, with heavily heam~d c c iIi n g, undenyay and is providing keen com- at their home. 52(, \\·a..;hin~ton annue. wood c t; t t e r of Bagdad, Abou and taupe ,. c I v .e t hangings and l1iddcn petition for its entrants. The bride \\'as attired in a frnck of M umu, l11s faithful donkeys, Danhasch, lights. the absorbing collection from Tuesday eYening a committee dinner ro-;e !!'C'orL:"ctte and \\·orr a hl;trk hat. t~e leader of the forty thieves, Ag-ih, n c a r 1y a " ·orld's traYel has been was given. · ~fr s . D. E. H(t!listcr of \\rest Chicago. h1s fiery steed, Nouredin, Codadad brought to rest to lure one into the matron nf honor, ,,·ore a dres s of sancl Starting february 3. a bridge tournaNaginatos, Selim, Ca sim the wicked· history and art of manv lands. co Ioree! .~· <' orJ:rl't t e. \\'it h a Ji at of ro:-;c . Margiana, Baha Mustapha, robber~: From the tiled kitci1en he. peaking ment 'rill he played IJ\· "Thundav noth the bride and her attendant carKighters." and early in. the coming slayes, to,;·nspeople, fakirs and many the l\ctherlands, up short, a ll11 .ring ried bouquets of sweetheart roses :lncl ~mm~ls wlll appear hffore the public stair\\'ays, for the studio is nf 111;111\' mnnth. the ne\\'l~· formed dramatic club "Hd tH'~ts. S;1nford Clarkt' st·rvcd a:-; \\'ill present one of the popular plan m Ah Baba and tl1e Forty Thieves as half-stories. through car,. e d Ttalia;, of t lw year. · his brother.\ best man. .; and a Pompciian ltallwav to the brought to life hy Tony Sarg'. " 1f arinn- door . ~fr. Clarke and his bride left imettes at the Skokie school, \Yinnctka peak, a ronf-.rnntll en iirel.'· l·~gyptian. lllcdi;ltclv after the ccremon\· v. ·ith Wednesday afternoon and e ,. en in g. \·isitors \\·ere constantly carried to lands Assist at Bridge Tea their cOt;., ins. ~f r. and ~f rs. H. L. Cnlc. January l9, at 4 ancl at 7:30 o'clock' across the sea. yet the hand and brain to motor to Fairhope, Ala .. where thn· The Grorgian hotel in Evanston i~ are expecting- to make t hrir homr. an~ at the Evanston \Yoman's club: of an artist have combined what might . F.nd;:1,. afternoon and l'\'l'ning-, Tanu- Sl'<.'lll an exhibit into a dwelling place giYing a hricl~e. musicale and tea Monday afternoon, January 17, at 2 o'clock. ary 21. at 4 and at R. · un-m nseum esque. Pivot bridge will he plavecl with a Benefit Bridge Tonight A large event of the week is that · d · Fl "d prize for each table anci tl;e music M arrte tn Ort a _ program will he given by :Mrs. William of this evening, the bridg-e party g-iven Announce Charity Ball Friends of Albert G. 'Vigpksworth, H. Knapp and her daughter Miss Vir- hy the auxiliarv of the Woman's CathThe annual charity hall given hv thr formerh' of Wilmette, now of Miami ginia, and M.rs. John Dielll{er. olic club of Wilmette at the Wilmette Junior au xi 1 i a r y of the Eva~ston Woman's club at 8 o'clork. Miss JanFla., will he interested in the announce~ Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm and Mrs branch of the Infant \Velfare Society et ~yrnes, Wilmette 1244, is in charge of Chicago. will take place Tuesda)~. ment of his marriag-e to Louise Smith- . Louis Bruch will pour. Mrs. Waite~ of ttckets for the evening. son Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Steele, Mrs. Matthew James MacFebruary 15. at the Evanston Countn· ----------dub. A valentine cotiJlion will begi~ \Villiam Gardner Simpson of Nash- Adams, Mrs. Charles Harrison Smith Mrs. Herman Kasten of · Winnetka ville, Tenn. The weddingtook nlace Miss I sa belle Smith and Miss. Dorea; at midnight and continue until 1 fnrmrrlv of Krnilworth, .announces the' o'clock. A dinner will be served at the ;·t the Coral Gables Cong.regational Branson will assist in receiving the engagement of her daughter, Ruth, to church at 4 o'cl.ock, Saturday, January guests, and M.rs. William Y. BurdseJJ club that evenin$! for those who wish 8. Mr. Wigglesworth " ' his bride and Mrs. William Allen Speelman will Hf'rvey B. Hicks of Pasadena. Mr. to make reservations. Hicks is a nephew of Bruce C. Cranare spending their hC' ' 111 . 1 Cuba. be in charge of the tables. dall, 515 Warwick road. Kenilworth. The Babies' Friendly which meets this week at the home of Mrs. D. H. Maxwell, 1414 Forest avenue, starts the new year with a clean slate, according to an announcement, which further states: "A large box of baby clothes was sent to the County hospital to be distributed to needy mothers at the discretion of M,rs. W. D. Koerner, who maintains the charity wardrobe at that institution. Two calls for layettes from Mrs. Stopka and Mrs. Northam were provided for, and seven simple outfits were dispatched to the Near East. "Letters have been received fn; m Beirut, Syria, telling of the clesparate need for clothing of all kinds, and of the deep gratitude for the donations of the Babies' Fricndlv. Each Iavette i...; diYidecl to supply t~Yo babies, i~ orclrr Ivory moire with gold bee was \\·orn to rrlieve as man~' as possible. hY the matron of hon or, ~frs. Alfred H. ·'The American \\· nrkers in hospital ~ Ta~-lor of E\'an ston (Jo~· Scheiden- am! orphanages in Arm enia find that hl'lm). and hl nndc satin and gold la ce llln:-t of till' people arc in di strcs:iashintled tlw drcs:-.es of tlte brick s:. through 110 fanll of tlll'ir nwn. but a ~ maids. ~frs. S. ~. C'omh· (Helen C"rc- a re sult oi war and opp ~· t· :- s ion. Th e_· saJ> of K(·nil\\' orth) ;tn;l ~fiss Helen :\ ear Ea ~ t l~l'lid i-. tln · '"11. ' · :tg en r y ni Bruclt ni F\·an'i! nn. ~li..; s ~fan· T,nni~e relief all llwerl to ('ll tt ·r t1w 7 ntH' n f ;\ . . ia ~. t· hcidenh e lrn (l f \Vilmrtte a;Hl 1\fi ~s ~fi nn r . a nd ~~ ) fa r ;1._ i-- kn < l\Yll. th e ll lh· c 1 , 11 trihut r11· K1 atharine Br0\\11 nf :\ L' \\' York Ci tY. Hahi l'...,' F ~·icnrlh· i, its < '1' tr gt l\\'lh \\Tr L ' nf )) cri nd :- tyle " ·ith ·a · · 1· o f new r ltl t !· in g for ne\\· h :1 > H'S. hntt quct of flt l \\· vr.~ tlll t ht· ld t should er, ":\ :-. :tll flni -, ltl'd gartn t·n:s han' 1! ,"' 11 :11 1d t ht· !J n11quch \\'l ' l'l' (l f pitlk and · g i \' t' n r ·ll!, tllv rc is tH : t·d r· f nH 1 rc .n · ll rl \\' r o ~·~ o f ex qni ~ itt- :-;!, ·de. and ,,.()rkn~ t() ttlvd c:'\ J·t·rtt· rl ck 11 '1 a 1 ~ rl ~. h \'t' tldn ~ ' Tt·t Jll' a:-;. h"th 1H ·Il1t' a nd ft, r(' i.~ n . :\ ~ ·;£!1thnr l w()rl ~fr. C(l lli n . . \\·a..; l ~ i . . - ,:, ·, ht ·:- ' ma n. L!T 1 , 111 " ttl :t. ,. nhtai11 \\r1rJ..: alrl'; t d~· JILtn;t nd th e u . . hcr ~ \n·rl' f;t tll l'-. S. t · ~,Jiin :-; ll t· tl. ii 11 n: 1··111 \'t·tJ i,·ll' t·' :t tvn rl thr o i Pltiladl'lplti ;!, Ct'l;I' L! l' .\l k n ~fa - rt.·!.n d;1r ll lt·vti tt!..!. 11 11 tlJ,. "t·cnn d \\-l'clSr·tl . lr .. o f ll i!.! hland Par k . F.rl \\'i t1 :\. ll l.' . ., r! aY 0 j (' :trh 111 ,lll th . Cltap~n :.' t1 :tnrl . \\'ilfred B. Can ·in c> f "Tk.-.i dt ·-., !hl' twv rl c,f ,,,, rh·~·" :1nd nf 1\n,· Ynrk Ci t.\·. l.ock\\'( HJ( ] Th :1 mp:- on in ncl -. . a n·rpw .;t j..; 111;tdl' for (tid ta hl l· of t 'k\'ela11rl. and :\lirl'd H. Ta\ lur oi Ji 11 1. 11 fr filll \\·h ir h snit t () \\TJ , arC' 111ad e. I·.r a 11 s to 11 . · ··Il l' i(lr ea r h l;l\·r tt ('. F ,.r it1f,,nn at ion . ~fr. and ~fr -;. Collin s ha,·e g"l >IH' to call ~f r :- .. \. l' ;trkn. \\'il ntl't lv 378." 1\a:-.s:tu and "Trea~ure T~land ' ' (~fc C'utrhcon\ hntlle ) on their \\'L ·dding trip. and upon their rdttrn . ,,·ill re~idl' Note of Simplicity in Rydal. Pa. Prevails at Wedding In St. Luke's church, its beauty enhanced by yuletide decorations and an aisle lighted with tall, three-branched candelabra, Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen became the bride of Alan Copeland Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Collins of Philadelphia, last Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rev. George Craig Stewart reading the service. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schmedtgen, held the wedding .reception at their home, 710 Greenleaf avenue, vVilmette, at the close of the ceremony. Transparent white velvet in period style, with a train cut with the gown, "·as worn by the bride, whose veil of tulle hung onr her face and was held in place with a coronet of pearls. She carried a spray of gardenias and yaiJey lilies. Volunteer wothers ..

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