Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 21

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January 14, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 21 unusually large amount of social ac.tiviODD FELLOWS INDUCT ty and lodge functions this winter. After the close of the meeting, reGROUP OF OFFICERS freshments were served and the IN EVANSTON UUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII or- Sherman Lodge Also Makes le ctions. Plans for Intensive Membership Drive on North Shore Big Majority of Men (By A. H. H.) The officers-elect of A. T. Sherman lodge, No. 892, I. 0. 0. F., were in.stalled Thursday evening, January 6, at a 'meeting that was attempted by a large number of Odd Fellows, in their hall in Wilmette. j . chestra played a number of lively se- A ·eclueed sale in Lamps, Pillows, Shades. Furniture and Linen during the month of January at at N.. U. i~ .Athletics j. Supernsed physical trammg was received hy 1:439 t;ten st~dents at Northwestern ~mverstty dunng the f~ll and early wmte~ months, accordi~,g t~ fig~res compii~d by Kenneth 1':· Tug Wilson, athletic cltrector. Thts figure represents 71 per cent of the 1,810 men The installing officers, under William students enrolled iu the schools and ]. Schatz, as district deputy grand departments on the Evanston campus. master, inducted the following members A thorough reorganization of the inirito their respective offices: F. L. tra-mural department together with a Tucker, noble grand; W. ]. Cunning- decided increase of men out for var!'ity ham, vice grand; H. G. Cazel; recording and freshman sports has accounted for secretary; Charles Knobel, financial the large percentage of the men stusecretary; H. W. Lange, treasurer. 'ents deriving benefits ·fr:om the athThen after the installation of these letic department. Since taking over elective officers, the following appoin- the athletic helm at Northwestern Ditive· officers were installed by the dis- rector \Vil son has worked diligently to trict deputy master: E. B. Polly, give every man student in the univer-~ warden; C. C. Branscome, conductor; sity an opportunity to obtain physical A. H. Hardie, chaplain; H. Otterback, training either as a memher of a varoutside guardian; C. ]. Lee, inside sity team or through intra-mural guardian; Karl Knobel, R. S. S.; L. team.s. Doo1ittle, L. S. S. I Challenge to Contest 1 Catherine Reckitt 's HOV.SE·v GJ\RDEN-5HOP. House and Garden Shop, Inc. 1 71.0 Orrington Ave. Orriagton Hotrl Clothinl Sale 1 - I, After the in stallation ceremonies and remarks by the elected officers, the vice grand challenged · the noble grancl to enter into a contest for getting new members. The challenge was accepted. and it wa s agreed to have all members living north of KenihHJrth compete with those from south oi that Yillagc in securing · candidates; the losing side to give th e winnc·r a banquet. The contest is to continue until next ]uh·. or during the term c>f the present ~fficcrs. TJ{ose from the north sec tion will be under the managemen t oi Yice grand. and thn~e irc11n th(' ~c1 uth undn th e noble grand. ft ~t't'lll l..'d to be the se ntiment of the f111..'1llln·:-s that the lodge ha s a rl'markahl~ - acti\'l' and enterprising ;o;ct of nfticn" tlJi.., !t'rtll. \\'ith a la:gc :-tnn in the ha11d, ni the ent<:rtai11111cnt coll!mittt'l'. tht·rl' pr( 1 llli~ es to lJL· an - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- j 1 Wilmette Girl Honored at Kalamazoo College I J The Greatest in Our History! The high scholarship list for the fall I term just announced by Registrar ; John C. Hoekje at \Vestern State !\ormal college at Kalamazoo, Mich.. in-cludes the name of Miss Dorothy Butz, daughter of \Ir. and '\Irs. Emil C. Butz. 702 \\'ashingt_on ayenue, who had an all-A record 111 four courses. I From a. student body of oYer 2,300. c~nly ft1ty-se,·en students made tl1e honor roll. 1 I 1 I I 1 lHSuits.for $ l'iftOvercoats.for 1tSuitand~Overcoat}r 90 - I 1 1 -------------------------------- Perfect- Fitting, Custom-Made ----Men'a and Youne Men's Busi nesa Suita, Sports Suits, Golf Suits. Semi-Dress Suits-in a wealth of fine materials, includ · inK Fancy Serges, Fancy Wools, and Faoey Bannockburns; solid shades in all colors; plain and fancy tlannela in every shade of tan and all lighter shades. SUITS -OVERCOATS Every type I Shaggy. burlY. warmth. witboat · weiibt Over· coata for stormy weather: smart. dressy box style Over· coats with velvet collar. Mel· tons, Worsted Curls, Nigger· heads. Royal Bengal Twists, Buckskin Woolens, Chinchilla Nubs, and other u>lendid fab· rics to choose from. I THE FOOD ' FOR ALL AGES Milk is the food for ·all ages. It's best for babies, children, young people, middle aged, and the very old. Therefore, in order that all may be most benefited by it, milk I must be scientifically fresh and pure. Every drop of Winnetka Dairy milk has passed the highest test. 1 Evans ton· Royal Branch Store 1641 Orrington Avenue Library Plaza Building Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening~ T-DtiJ DellHrJ SeiHa.. No Disa/)!Jtn·,_.., JOHN WEILAND I FLORIST Evanston Store 1614 Sh<'rman Ave. Univ. 502-8607 'W ilmette Store llGl WlhnN~e Ave. Wll. 21!8 ~ HThe World's Greatest Clothes Value" Made Expressly for You and You Only LOOK FOB THE ROYAL TIGER SIGN IN YOUR OWN HOME 'l'UW.N

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