Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE January 14, 1927 New Models Just Arrived HatsCoatsDresses- NJQUE S TYJ.E S HOP U 111 6 ~~~~~~o~n~t~~·~·~l~·~O~l~~~~~~o~'c~lo~c~k~.~~~=·~~~~~~~~~ I lowing priscd the I.esson 'va s it thecame fol r from the -Sern1on Bible: "And B. COPLAN, Prop. Central Anaut Pb W 'l LECTURES AT COLLEGE Percy Eckhart of Kenilworth, vicepresident of the board of trustees of the National Kinderga.rten and Elementary college, spoke on "The Development of American Art" before the students of the college Thursday after"Sacrament" " ·as the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of noon in Har.rision hall. Christ, Scientist. Sunday, January 9. Korman Hess oi 1526 Washington The Golden Text was from John avenue, Wilmette, who is a pupil of 4:34, "Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me. Walter Knipfer, will give a piano r. e- and to finish his ,,·ork." cital from \VSBC, Chicago, on Wednesday evening, January 19, at 7:15 Among the citation=' whic 1 1 com- Christian Science Churches Veteran Barber Leaves Wilmette for..Sunny South \\/. T. Blasdell, for the past ten year-; proprietor of the Terminal narher shop, 505 Fourth street, has sold the shop to Earl Hinshaw, who ha s been working at the trade in Glencoe. Hinshaw took possession Monday. Blasdell expects to leave the latter )art of thi s week for Florida, where 1 he will remain indefinitely. He wilt first go to Pensacola, hut expects . to. visit other sections of the. state, "'nth a v~w of permanently locating there if he\ finds opportunities and con<Etions to his liking. For the present, his familv ·will remain in Wilmette. Ten ve<trs ago next July, when ~r r. Blasdeil came to Vvilmctte to open his first shop here at 332 Linden avenue. the Terminal section of the village was not nearly as populous as it is today, l1e says. He has seen its development through these years, and has. during that time, m.acle a hu:-t oi friends. "I was not aware I have as mam· friends in \\'ilmette, as I now find ·r ha\'e." ~[ r. Blasdell said. "\\'l1cn the news that I had ~(,)<1 out began to get about the vill;u~· e, ~o manY. mam· people stopped in or calle.d me up. to tell me ho\\' sorry they \\·ere to hear I was contcmi>lating le:n·ing, that it made me feel doubly ~ad. that I was really planning to go. T have always enjoyed liYing in \ \"ilmettc and the people han: hcl'n n·ry nice t:::> us. indeed. Ten years is not su·r h ,L long time, hut nl'\'erthell'-; -; it is long enough that l ha ,·e seen many of the young people of this community gro\\' up, as my · friends. \\'hen l !ir:-t opl'ncd a shop ht:n· the~· t1scd to r ~mH.· in here as little girls and boys to ~t't their curh· locks trimmed. );'ow they are Yt·Ullg J11Cn and youn~ \\·omen. and they are ~~ill ro1ning hl're t() ha \'l' the ir barber "·ork clone." . :I :II 'I Do You Know that ... You can have your fur garment repaired, relined or altered in one day? YOU CAN AT OKEAN'S We have recently moved our entire FUR department from Evanston to 567 LINCOLN AVENUE, WINNETKA which enables us to give your fur work immediate attention. _ No need for you to go longer than one day without your fur coat. Bring it to us in the morning and we will have it all ready for you to wear the same evening .... and the . cost will be very sma11. It is our aim to keep our employees busy, bring your fur coat in now! to pass. as he was alone praying, his di~ciples were with him: And he said to them all, If any man will come after me. let him deny him. elf. and take up his cross daily, · and follow me. For whosoever will san' his life ~ha ll lose it: hut who soever \Yill lose l1is life for my sake, the same shall save it" (Luke 9:18, 23. 24). The Lesson-Sermon als:) inclncled the following passages from the Christian Scien·ce textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." hy ~f ary Baker Eddy: "If all who ever partook of the sacrament had reallv commemorated the sufferings of Jcsus and drunk of his cup, they would have revolutionized the world. If all who seek his comm_ e moration through material symbols will take up the eros='. he a 1 the sick. ra~t out evils, and preach Christ, or Truth, to the poor-the receptiYe thought-they will bring in the millenit1tn" (p. 34). ~fr:'. Xicholas P. ~Iiller. 17i5 \\' a~h ington ;wenue. ).Irs. ~~an· ~~ erkel of Ridge aYemte. and ~Irs. Cect:lia \Vag ncr, 1700 v\' as hingt011 a \"C'lllll', ha \·e gone to California. ""here the,· \\'ill be until ~~a\·. The,· \\'ill he in i)a:'adena and Alta-dena ct1~rl ntht:r p(1inb in thl' state. · Ladies' .T~iloring Department in connection SENSATIONAL OFFERS IN FUR GARMENTS. Being "off Season,". we are offering our en tire stock of furs at greatly reduced pnces. Kenilworth Cagers Get Ready for First Games Ba:-kdhall team, ar(' no\r in the proce ss oi or~·anization at the Kenilworth communit~· ~\mna:-ium. according to recreation. dir-ector l{ohert \\'. T~"·n ley. Tlw fir,t ~anw" \\'ill prohahh· he srhedulccl with \\'ilmctt c tca!11=' ·and \\·ill he played in th{' ver~· near iuture. The Kenilworth ~ "ight Ha\\· k ~ . \n·i!..:-11ing 135 pounds and unckr. ar~· (1)11..'11 for the scheduling of game~ with llt hl'r trams and will play any ~[oncla~· or Thur . day night. Arrangcll1l'Ilt" ;trl' !wing made through ~fr . To,mky ;1t tht: Kenilworth Communit~· club. KING OF ALL SUPERS Buy your radio with a thought toward the future. Consider the outstanding qualities of the Super Zenith: a long distance powerful set wtth the unusual feature of three stages of Audio Amplification (most radios have two.) I Okean Furriers Established 14 years on north shore. I' ,, 567 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA L Ph. Winnetka 2752 Ask us for a demonstration. SPEAKS IN OMAHA . \fi:-.=' Fclna Dean Baker; p :-c~ idrnt of the :\atio11al Kindergarten and Elcllll'ntary college, \\'ill ~peak ht·forc the Kindergarten-Primary cluh of Omaha, Frida_,.. January 1-l, on "Sril·ntifir ~f ethocl in SolYing BehaYior Problems." Thnc is a large group of X. h~ . E. C. alumnae in Omaha, and the loc;tl t·hapter of tl1e Alt1mnac association is pinning tn entertain ~ri~:- Bah' r during her Yisit there. B. F. Lewis and his d:·t1ghter, ~[iss , Edna Le\\·is, 908 Central avenue, Mrs. S. T. Lewis of 718 Kinth street, and Mrs. F. 0. Ebeling. 726 ~iuth street, left early this week for a stay in California Mrs. Ebeling will return to Wilmette in about a month, hut the others will remain until the advent of warm weather. New Cream Top Milk' Comes from Tubercular· tested cows. · Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our Dt·ivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. entitnrlng i)fubios Carleton Kaum-e9er Uo per q·ara ~ -oM rs. George l\1 or ley has arrived in Wilmette from her home in Canada for an extended visit with Mrs. Hubert Carleton of 1103 Forest avenue. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dehmlow announce the birth of a daughter, Betty Jane, December 31. - $27 Davis Street ... ovanston Ill g/UpMIII-flmlfkaj )2)0 The cream ta!r.en from tbi1 mille will whip

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