Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 13

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January 14, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 13 ' will meet Thursday, Janu a r y 20, with Mrs. Hanawalt, 1344 Ash land avenue. The The members of the third division will assisting hostess will be Mrs. Dyon and entertain their husbands, at the church, l\1 rH. Ackerman. Mrs. Poronto will speak on ext13nsion work. M1·s. Culver will gin· at (j :30 p. m., January 18. the current events. · The Men's class iH \mdt·rtaking· a new Htm!y, the title nr the book to be studied Th(· campaign of co-opPration suggestNl is, "ThL· Cost of a Xt·\\' \\'oriel." by the pastor and endorsPd by the Officia 1 board is getting under wa}" and has Tlw Epworth lE·agm· ·has institutt·d a aln·ady bc·gun to bear fr u it. IWW LeadHshiJ1 Training· courHl': Tlw Thi~ churc.h joins in tlw Sunday E\·ecahi1wt of tlw Epworth Jt.oag-w· and its n·~qwelin· nwmbl·rs will lw g·i\'Pll the ning- club which meets at the ·Congregapri\'ilpg·(.· of learniu~ mort! ddinitt·ly about tional church. Dr . .John . Timothy Stone tlw work of each <h·partnH-nt of the iH thP SJWaker next Sunday night. ll·ag-llt'. Th.: n :sponsihiliti(·s of Uw h·aders and the opportuniti<·s offered <; irl Scouts: Troop 4 condudt>d an imthroug-h each departmt·nt will hP dis- pn· :.:si n~ in \(·stiture sC'rvire for the patrol <·usst·d. :\Tiss .\ttig· \\'ill ('on<luct th e ll·<Hlt·rs on Ttwsuay. Tlw h·ad(·rs haYe training· (·ours<· in thf' Young- P('ople's bt·t·n st·rying· on probation for thn·e lwust> mw half hour h<·forP tiH· r e gular ll11Jilths and, without exct·ption, W<'l" ' a)>Sunday en· ning- h~ ag-w· st·n·i<·<·, ii :4ii to point<·cl by the 11atrol m<·mbcrs to con· ti: 1 fi ]J. m. This wet: k th<' thi·nw will b e tinut· tlwir work as l(·ader~. l·;ach g-ayc "Aim~ and ::\ll'thuds of tlw First Dt·part- lwr pkdg-t ·s to mN·t to tlH· bt·st of lwr llH ·nt." Tlw IIH·mb··I·s of tlw Jo'irst dPpart- ability, IH·r oblig-ations as patrol l<·ad<·r llll'nt rommittt ·t· will lllt·l't \\'itl1 tht · (':tb- an<l tlw nwml1t·rs of each patrol piNlg·t·cl inl'l . t ht · lt·adt·r tht·ir loyalty and <'O-OJWration. Tht· <'aptain, ::\Jiss Lillie :;\Tac HtunpllriC's. karl('r's January 1 G, tlw org·ani7.atiton antl pn·st·nt<·<l to tlwm the patrol rh('\TOns worl< of tlw S1'C:IIl1U <lqHu'tnwnt. The C'llt·\Tons, also thP. corporal's lllt'lllbl·I'S of th·· So·('Oild d··partm· ·nt r·om- asking· tlwm caeh to choosl', and in n ~imilar mann(·r in\'f' St tlwir corporal. Tht· mit t<·t· will mt·t·t with tiH· t'abind. following- patrol ll'adr·r~ Wt·n· in\'t'Stt·<l: Tlw \\"oman's Fon·ig·n :\lissionarv so- . Thistle patrol, 1\Targaret Bickham; <'arc·idy will nw<·t at tlw hron1t' l,f ::\Tr:-:.' Cor- dina I pat1·nl, Emma Di<'I\!Hun: Four clon ( 'uh ~"l', !tl 0 Elmwootl a \'t·nw·, Thurs- o'r·loc·k pat t·ol, nuth :\Tcr'mma,tg-hl' Y: Dluf' day, January J :1, at 2 p. 111. :\Irs. E. Tt·ctl Blnl patl'ol, Patsy Boyblon; Bob-O-link will ha\·e <le\·ntions <lllcl th·· lt ·sscnl \\'ill patrol, ('arol Lawr£>nce. ht· gin·n hy :\Trs. 'l'hrllll;t~ \\'· ·"! . 'l'JH:re :\II tr(Jops ar·· looking fot'\\' <tl'd to nn will hv ~pt·t·ial music. in\'l ·stiturt· tlw lattt·r 11art nf February, for whiC'h mon· <ldinik plan's will lw anBishop F1·ank "\\'. \\';t rn·· will occupy n .. unc·o·cl Jatt·r. th1· pulpit SU!Hlay rnorniug at 11 o'l'lol'k. ll·· ilas ~qwnt pra<'ti<"ally a lifdillll' as a TlH ·n· will lw a nwd ing· nf patrol missionary in Tn<lia a nrl has bt ·t·n a. \'Cry lo·ad· · r~ at th(· (;irl srr.ut lll'fl!lquartt·rs, ::.;uc('C·ssful lt·arlc·r in missionarY wot·k for ~2:-, -:\. ::\[ichigan a\'l·nue, Chic'ag·o, SaturI Jw :\ldhorlist c·hun·h. Ht· siwaks with llay, .1 anuary 1 ~. at 11 o'clock. All paunusual tJO\\'t·l' and <lnllltllt>~s will ht : trol l· ·;l{lt ·rs :tl'· ' urg-Nl 1o attc·n1l and g·d h· ·<ll'cl by a larg-·· t: ongl'c ·g-atinn. ~om·· llt'\\' i(lr·as for tlH: ir troop:-:. 'l'ht· pa!"tcn· of th·· d1un·h g-;1\··· an ndclrc ·ss 1111 "l'a~lor:tl l'rt ·al'h.ing-" at the distrit·t llh···ting· llf :\fdh!orlisl mini~tt·rs in ( 'hi··;q.~· ~~ . Tut·"·lay 11f this wt·l·k. J·:a1·h t l't~PP haf' appointHI :L ~~'ri))C' wll· · \\·ill \)1' rt · spon~ihlt~ for rldailt·ll annomWI'Illt·· nts t'Ctllt'l'l'Hing· tiH' work of 111 · 1' troop, IIIII'·· t·\'t·I'Y thl't'P WPf'J<~ . \\"atl'h f, ·1' tllt ·"l' Tltt· Youn.t;· "\\·oman's )Ji~~innar~· so- in \\' 11,:.\li·: ·I'TE LIFE~ t_:i· ·t ~· \\'} !l.m· ·d 'l~u· · scla.y, .January 1~. at 1 · : ~ . .. l h1~ nwt't111 .g· w11l llt· lwld at the \I . . 1 \I .. C E. \\'i\:.,(1 11 a 11 d \1 r. il"lllt · of .\t1·s . . \. X. Png"l' , !)0 I Ashland · 1 · .tiH ; 1 :-- . . · ·. . :t\'··mlt ·. · Tlw ycJullg· wo 11 w 11 will ha.\·e as a11d \lr:'. (.crmatn \\ tlkes n.t :\11egan. ~~~·· gtr· · ~b. mt ·miH·rs qf til·· st ·t·nJH1 aux- \lich .. leit last Saturda.' alter a ten ·l~;try of young· wonp·n of til· · c:hur<'h. day . : :·i~}~ \\·ith \_Irs. \\'ibn.n's :-.ister. Methodist Church Announcement! HOT SPRINGS IN EVANSTON. Residents on the North Shore will be glad to learn that it will not be necessary to travel to Hot Springs and rem ain under expense, to enjoy the full benefits of the famous MOUNTAIN VALLEY WATER. Any well informed Doctort Sanitarium or Hospital will re~dily endorse the purity and certain aid in the successful t reatment of many disorders. DON' T RISK MISERY. · High Blood Pressure indicates the accumulation of poison ous to xine compressing the arteries. These toxins have been 'allowed to remain in the body by disordered elimination or over-worked kidneys. Assist your kidneys to keep your body free from poisons by drinking Mountain Valley Water from Hot Springs, Ark. Doctors everyw here prescribe it as an aid in the treatment and preven tion of kidney disorders. Don' t risk misery. Order a case toda y. - We Deliver- Mountain Valley Water Co. North Shore Branch 2609 Broadway Evanston, Ill. Greenleaf 4 777 I Tlw "\\"oman·~ ll"mt· ::\Tbsinnary soc i..ty 1 \Irs. I·,. 1. llay ctl 221 ~hertclan roacl. . Inventory... l!t A· er and be assured of your choice Come early Dt NIN Q IZ · O l 17· " lM SALE of BOOKS Tables full of themincluding FICTION · ~r· 11-6 X 15· 0 · lM -TRAVEL-ES- SAYS- HISTORY -DRAMA-VOICE BIOGRAPHIES and books for children. Here is your chance to get the books you have wanted at actually ONE HALF So Surprisingly Pleasant! So PRJ"E '- well -planned- so com plete, comfortable and truly home -like- these are invariably the comments of those who visit THE ELM GATE apartments. Quality is everywhere ap parent- plate glass windows, iceless refrigeration, super'fine baths- and maid serv- ice by the hour if desired. Yet with all these advantages the rentals are exceedingly reasonable. A few one, two and three room efficiency furnished units ·and one delightful five room apartment available for im mediate occupancy. Come see them! Or, Phone Green leaf 2 1 oo. (I l PRICE. · rs C)he ELMCATE MAIN STREET AT ElMwooo AVENUE EVANSTC'!"! F U RNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS OF CHARAU'J'..t;R

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