Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 5

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jaimary 7, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE · · was promoted to freight conductor 1·:.-.-··---·-·----~-..-.-·--------COMMUTER'S FRIEND TO He ~1 arch 8. 1881, at Milwaukee and later I ~'"'uututnuuuutuuuuttutuntlltlltlltlltuntuututi'ntnttllltlllllllutnutuutllllttntttllltttttttttllnuutnutuu"'uutuuu'""untuutuuuuuuluuuw promoted to passenger I FINISH JOB THIS YEAR the Oshkosh accommodatiOn run- ; l~etween Janesville and Oshkosh.. 1 ~ ~ .. was on c~>nductor ~ ~ ~ ning Frank Sughrua Nears Completion of Half Century. With' North Western Railroad Sl~ghrua :ecalls there wer~ no such Tn . those early railroading days )fr. \ext Augu~t wh~u Frank 0. Su !..!·hrua retire!-. 011 IH' nsion he will havt roundt> d out allllost om·- half century in the train st·rvice of the Chicago and Xorth \Vestern Railway company with an additional fin: \·cars in similar ~~rvice on the ~[onon, at LaFayettr. Ind. For the p a~ t sen:n n·ap, he ha~ IH·<·n ~on d uctor on the \'"orth \\' cs tern's local train lea\·ing- the \Vinnetka .·-tat ion every morning, c x c e p t Ill.: thmg as atr brakes, automattc couplers and the myriads of other improvements which hav~ featured tl~c railroad industry of thts country 111 the past half rentury. All the braking was done bY hand. and as C'Yeryone . knows ·. wa~ n : n· hazardous vocatiOn. ~otwlth:-.tcu.Hiing· that fact, Frank Sughrua has lll'\·cr :-;ustained an injury in all hi~ y\:;.trs <1f railroading, twr were any of tht· trains he oprratrd t'Yer damaged. The car~. back in those carl_,. days, \\'l't'~ heat~<~ by stovcs and ~ighted w.ith candlt· "· Otl lamps were JUSt commg i 11 t < ' . use. and at the time of his pr::> 11111tt0n .to c.o ndurtor. the air hrak~s \\·l'r.e J,t'II.Jg llltroductrl. \[r . Sughrua. durmg Iu s term as brakeman. lll'H'r had tiH' . t.:'<Jod fortunt· to han· a train " ·ith air brakes. I 1~ I IT'S THE PATTY SHQPPE for ~ ~ aI I · _ I , ~ - 1 _ I. - ~ I· ; ~ ~ ~ HOME COOKED BREA .D = ~ ~ I I i 'I ! § I ,~ - I _ I 1 = _ _ ROLLS ' PIES ' CAKES ~ J i § ~ ~ § ~ ~ 'II I'IIIIILUIIIIIII "'llllilllllllllllltiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIill""'u " " "u' " '"'" '"""':"!"" '"' "" ' '""nlll lllllitllll ll ll llllltll ll ullllllt tuu tll llllllllll tluuuutnu ~ · ~ I~ I - Sees Many Changes F<lrty -.. ix years has ,,· itiH'~!'Inl man\· 7 :2(i ;u\<l arrivin~ rhang<·s on tht' north shore. in raiiin Chicago at 7:57. r ~Jading· aiHl in e\·en' other wav . At At ,:; :33 p. Ill. he that timt· thl' Xorth \Ytstrrn ha<·l only . Hunting- avt'ntte and immediatt·ly n .:- ~fr . ~ughrua was a fn·ight conductor turn~ to bring his local run hack to tht· thl'll, and had to take a rigid examinnorth -;hor.t· ·. ka,·ing .~'hicag-o at R;l~ r\111. Hl' n ·ratls there Wt'ft' sixtr t:-tking p. 111.,; arnvmg at \\ tlnH·ttt· at R :~.1. ,ttion as ronductor on a sing-.lc track at \\ mnetka ;tt 9 a~Hl _at Gknror. at I the ~xamination in which ht· won with 9:07, ~\·here the tram h put ttp tor a l!"radr oi 96U. , th~ ntght. _Thus ht· has witncssrd the ~ro\\'th fhusl for ;,('\"l'll year:-, l 't~nduct~r :H the north shore as \\Til as tht QTeat ~ughrua has faithfully pt·rformtd !liS \'"(lrth \\'estern railroad s~· :-.t<:m duty .of getting his lar~e ~nd t::·er m- , in tht· tllllught that there is no ·place crca~mg n~rth :-horl' tanllly ot ·com -~ quitt· a-; good as the north shore nor muters t~J tht· husy loop . and hac~ t hrnugh th~.:; stet ion, and he is happy h~Hn<' a gam, rach an.<~ t·_ n ·ry \\"(Irk da) Ia railroad quit<" as good as tlw X(1rth ,.r tl1e ~.:t·ar . .~\nd. 1t ten. any r<.\ason \\ . c.· ~tt.") rn . :til\' oi them are not aboard. he misse s · -· -· tl 1 . to I' u t '1 1c dis a 1>point tncn t T 1 K 1 11·1 1 1 1 \\'iII . 1tl'.llll.l l' <;~duct'· 1r ~· u.,·hru ·; l'Xt>erienrc :; <t · :.tr ' l ~· 1 wort ·1 Ic u) gl\' l' d 1111 1 :'· IC 0 ~ < ot· ·om: ot· hts ·' -. )f)( ge t0111g lt. · 111 tlH' tt·mporan· ah:-.t'IICt' r(1mmu!t'r fam[Iy <1l passl'nger s, will not be comparable with the keener ~orrow which the passengers them- . ~elves will experience next Augu:st, · when their long time friend and con- I durtor retires. I Service His Motto Sunda\~·it~l\e~t;9 ~ i II _ s:"'ec-ial fior J Tanuary '.1:" " 4 ~ ~ 1 I I i ! - =_ L ;g h t Fru; t Cake ~ ~ I I ~ 'llltlllllllllllltlllllllu t~ll ll lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllll:"""""'l"'lllll'llll:t.tllllllllllllllllllltllll llll tllllllllllllllll;l,'"""""'""""'""""'nu"""" ~ 1 I ,. I Phone your Order Early! I 'i ·· I I - II · II Ia _ - THE PATTY SHOPPE . · I · Opposite Village Theatre - I - ·I 11 53 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 57 5 - I I -I ' 1 ·!··-·-~~-·--·-·--·-.,----·-·-·-·--·-·-----141111Qt i~- ~lllllllllllllll'"""' "l'l" 't""l ""' 'l "'"u'" " l' 'l"' '""uu tll ll :lulllllllll llllllll llllllllllll ll ulllllll l llllllll ll l lllllltuutllllllllllllllllllltllllllltuuullututu:;: FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WILMETTE MEMBER of FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM RESOURCES Condensed Statement of Condition at the Close of Business December 31, 1926 Loans and J)i~counh _ --· ·--····-···-··-·- .. --······-········ .. ·· -····- .. .. ..................... $ Overdrafts ......... .··· -·-·-···-···-···· ·· ·· ····· ··········-····· ···· ···········-·· ····· -· ··-·····-··· ····· U. S. Government Securities ......... ·--······ .. ··-··················-····· ... --·····-· ·· ·· Other Bonds and Securities .. -- ··············-···- .............._ .......................... -.. . Federal Reserve Bank Stock. ...... ... ... ...... ............... .-... ···-··· ................ . Rank Building and Fixtures_ .... ....... .-................. .......... .... ._ ... . ···---··· ·· -· -···Tnterest Earned (uncollected) ···-·· ·-·-······· ·· ... .'............ ·-·· ··· ... ..... _ ........ .... . CA~H AND DUE FRO:\I R :\~KS ....................... _ ....... _ ........... -........... . 380,700.fi) 388.89 121,200.00 543,244.73 2.700.00 11,045.01 10,695.27 262.547.55 $1.341.522.11 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .... ·· ··· ·- ·······-·· ......... ·-· ········ ··-·· .... ......................... ···--······ .. $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undh·ided Prohts ... .... -······--·· ·- .... ........................ _ .. ·· ····-·· ·· 50,905.77 2,268.87 DiscomH Collected (unearned)· ··- ···-·--·--···----.. ·······------.. ··· -····-····-········· · Reserve for Taxe~, Interest and Depreciation ....... ·-·- ····· ··.. ·· ··--··-···· ·· 3,136.36 1, t59,60S.tt DEPOSI'fS ··-·-········ ·· ·········· ····--··· ·········-····--·--···· ·· ·········· .. ···· ···- .. ·-····· ······· ·· · 606.00 Dividends Utlpaid ·········-·-· ·········· -- ··-·-··-····-- --······ ····-··-·-···- ·· -· -······--·--·····-··!~ills Pa,·a1)1e ... -... .... .... ... ................ ...... ...-..·-·· ··- ··· .. ····-···-··· ·· ··· ···· ··· ······· ····· · 75,000.00. $1.341.522.11 Cotnmercial and Savings Acc.ounts Bonds, Securities and Foreign Exchange Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Interest Paid on Deposits OFFICERS E. B. Knudtson, President C. D. Masters, Vice-President F. A. An·drew, Cashier ·N. A. SchwalL Asst. Cashier

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