4 ' WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 A. S. VanDeusen Phone Gr~ery 510-511-512-513 Legion News EVENTS OF THE MONTH Tuesday, Januar"Y: 11 Post ~r t.'ding~1. Augu~tine'~ Club H t, usc.. Tl!e ianwns \·an -T.ippen -Orr triO wlll entertain. Eat s hy ~~a~. Monday, January 10 AuxiliarY meetin~ :tnd in:-tallatinn of oft~cer:-; ;tt thc lll\lllt' of ~[rs . .·\rthur Jt)hn .. ,lll. 3!.? Ft 'tlrtt'l'llth :-trt't't. Tuesday, January 25 Fi r :- t a nn u. d } Lt r d T i 1111.. ... p; t ··1_\' . l.akt' ~ 1t L1 ~ t' Tt··T.tl'l'. Save the date. Details later. ( \ \.;t t L' i, ',. ; : l t' ll l ' X t i ~ ~ tll' t) f .. F () R T Y-S l \.... , ·u: Il l' x t '\'c ek, we 1 ' !)COUl' ANN IV t:K!SARY ---- ~ · North Shore Area to Join in With National Obaervance of Boy Scout Week February 6-13 The Boy Scouts of America \\ill celebrate their seventeenth Birthcl a,· from February G to 13. It was on!~· a little more than seventeen years ago that a Chicago business man learnt.·d of Scouting through a good turn ren dered him by a boy on the streets of London. He returned to the United States and, together with a group of educators and thurch leaders helpe(~ o.rganize the Boy Scouts of Ameri r;t . In this comparatively short tinw more than three million hoys h:1n taken the Boy Scout oath which i.: ~ "On my honor f will do my bcq - . 1. 'l'o do my duty to God and m: ronntr~· . and tn obey the ~\· o u ' Ia\\·: Seller of Good Fo~od Central Ave. and 12th Street Meat 514 SPECIAL Jan 7th to 15th ·SUGAR. 'fhe finest quality of Cane · Granulated, 10 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A~~~~-s: -~i-1~e..f~~-. ~)~~~~~~-.~~:-~~i.e~,........... ORANGES ..Jtttnho. ~a yels~ 100 stze. California doz. . ....... ... ................ . HEAD LETTUCE. Iceberg. Fancy. Hea(l ......... ....................... . 75 C 49c 75c 12!c 56C hop~.· . l BU!TER. Fresh. Extra g-rade. 'J'his is the highest g-rade nladc. r~b. . .............. . E~GS. Christian's, Sterilized. (~uaranteeil tor any purpose. J)oz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSe .CHEESE. Nc\Y CIDER. F'ull crean1. S\Yi~s Gruyere. Box -1-Sc. Lb ...... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~!organ's <.~e licious, rebate tor Jng. (]al. \~ urk. 3S.C H~~· :·: r-1~1 ~~~-r: ~- ~~ ~-: .'~-~~~~e. ~~-r. 1-1~1 ~ f: ..._ .....35c N~!~~~- ~~~- .~?~~~ -~~- .S.~~~: ......... 25c SUNBEAM OLIVE OIL. Cl'1· .oo CD MIXED NUTS. ~ C\Y, .\lnlotHl s. I~razils, I-1"'ilberts~ Engilsh \ \~ alnuts . . Lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . s. t 40C clarified. 20c SOC ................... . _ Pure. s".·e·e·t···· Itnported. Quart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAPLE SYRUP. 'fhc 111ost pcriect tnaple sap syrup ~t~<~r~a1~ ·h·c· ~~:~c~~-. ~-it.J~ .5.Sc: ............ VANOWAR APRICOTS. .I ~argc 1\'o. 2 0 can h eavy syrup. Doz. $2.95, can . . . . . . . . . . . . . s1.05 2S C REPUBLIC · HAWAllAN SLICED PINEAPPLE. t~~~$~. ~~;1 ~~~~-. ~ ~t. ~ ~-. ~.~a'> SUNBEAM FRUIT SALAD. Large No. 2 0 ........ 2Sc First quality. can. Doz. $.::;.73. can . . . . . . . . 48C MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTS. CORN. 'rhe f1ncst g-rade of l\1 a inc. Xo. 1 square can. \~ery ~nc quali~_Y of sn1all tips at a bargan1 pnce. Doz. ~3.90 . 3 cans ........ S\\·cet Sugar Corn. f)oz. $2.15, can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl ' 1 oo CD · 18C 2. To help other people at :1:: Miss Julia Holts Dies; t imcs; · · I 3. To keep myself physicall.v Well Known In Winnetka strong, mentally awake. ;1 n(! Th e sudden <kat h of ~1 i:-' J nlia I morally s tr~i~ht. Holt " dinner hostl':-':-. at the l'arant 1 .~f or~.· than a tmlho~l men and hc.y 'Tcarunrn at Sic> Linroln annut.·, \Vin- arc flO\\ ' t·nrolkd as Scouts and Scout netka, and north shnr~.· reprl'SttJtativc leaders in th e United States. Scou· ni the Chautauqua De:-;k company, oc- ing- is organized in practically cn·r:. curn.'d at her humt.· in ~t. Paul, ~I inti., nation of the world. D~·n·mht.· r JO .. folln\\·ing an 0pt·rati(·ll I No-:th ~hore. ~o Celebrate \\ ednt.·sda,·. Dec~.· mht-r 20. . The _ h,cnt~ -thru troops of tht ~[ i:-;:-; 11(-llts madt· hl'r hnntt· at 5K5 ~ orth Shore .\rt·a Council compri,ing PrO\·ident avenue. and carritd on an a membership of almo t 600 boys j, <·xtcnsive l>usint.--ss for the dc~k corn- planning on some special way of cckpany. on the north shore. During the hrating this anniver sary week. :\ l'nll ing, :-.he acted a:-; dinllt.'r hostess in meeting of ~co utma stc rs was hdd t ht· Car a nl Tea room. la st Tue sday night at the M a~oni,Shc is ::-.urvin~d by lJvr father, and ttmpk, in Highland Park to discuss plans of tlH' observation of thi:=; \'~t t\\'0 si~tn:.... Inga and ~fatilda, of St. tional nirthdav. P ;tltl. The troops of the various church~.and schools of the itrca arc each plan BETROTHED ning some so rt of troop celebration ~1 r. a11d ~I r;o;. Ben ~[. Thalmann of for annivcrsarv week. tt<'ather and Lake unnnt.' anounce the eng-ag~ment Son banquet s, -Mother's Night cnterof their daughter, Leonora Caroline, to tainmt·nts. Dad and Son hikes WinEd\\ ard ~I. Frakt·. so n of Georgv Frakc claw di sp lay s, and all sorts of' act i\'! o i I. a kl· a n~n lll'. C lem·i~.:\L tie. arc being planned. Each Scout will wear either his uniform or hadge dm :\urman Hes~ uf 152(, \Vashi11gton ing the entire Scout week. Tt is ~u)...!' an·nue, \\"ilmcttl'. \\'ho is a pupil of gested that en'rv Scout be ,in hi\ \" al t l'r K n iip fer. \ri II g-in~ a piano re- place of · wor~hip: on Scout Sunda,·. ·· cit<tl from \\.SBC, l'hicago. on \Ved - Fthruary G. Following arc thl' :-;pec ial day-. ni ne:'day n ·ening, January 1.2. at 7:15 Scout week: o'clock. Sunday, February CJ-Tltc Scout at ,d -0hi s church. Frank B. Cornell ha:-; rtturned to MondaY, February 7- The Scottt :111,; :\orthwcstc rn ~f ilitary a r ad c 111 y at his l;ome . Lake Geneva afttr a four we~.:ks' visit sday, F<:hruarv 8- The Scout and with ~1 r. and 1f rs. F. 1 f. Cornell of Tue his COtll111tlllitY. 1110 Ashland avenue. Wednesday. - F~hrua n· 9- 'l'hc ~r"u: and hi s sc hool. · Thursday, Fcbruarv 10-Scou tin g and merit badge pr0gress. · Friday, February 11 - The Scout :tnd his \'Ocation. Sat~rday, February 12- The Scout anrl hts camp. Sunday, February 13- The Scout :tn d his ·c ountry. "WHAT PRICE GLORY" . \\.illia1~1 Fox's prodigious picturiz:~ tton. "~\hat Price Glory," · is now in full S\\'111g at the Garrick theatre Chia ying to capacity hott."e ~ . ' It j~ cago, pl. the fi~~t lllotion picture in years that has c.h~~ed one hundred percent with the ( hrcago film .reviewers, it is said. A sympiH,ny orchestra of thirt v-five FOR PUBLIC USE and a crew of thirty, working e-ffects i Finest equipped building on the ' h?ck :;tag(·, make for a whole a motion ! North Shore for Dances, Entertain- ~ ptcturc ne\er yet attained in a Chicago merits. Dinners, Cards, Concerts, th~atcr. 1 ht:re. arc two performances Recitals and all Public Meetings. dat~·. at. 2 :b 111 th e afternoon and 8 :b at ntght. TWO LODGE HALLS - - --· ... ~---- DINER PEAS. If you haYe not tried j Wilmette Masonic I Temple I these. buy one can and you \Yill say \Yith n1c that they are the i1nest you haYe ever bought at this price. f)oz. · $1.50, 2 cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BABY STUART TOMATOES. Campbell a Tomato Soup, Doz. $1.08, can ........ .... 9c Century Mixed Pickles, quart jar ................. 25c Fica, Imported Smyrna, 6 crown, lb. . .. .. ......... 28c quality. ~o. 2 can. Doz. · $1.40, 2 cans . . . . . . Excellent 25C 2SC 1 I 1 I 1 I I Crya.tal White Soap Flakea, contains Borax, large pkg.... 22c Gold Duat, lar ge No. 4 pkg. 28c Palmolive Toilet Soap, Doz. $1.00 Oxford Toilet Soap (made by . Palmolive C~.) Doz ....... 60c 1 for i I 1 I I I Fraternal Orders. Clubs, etc. Convenient to all transportation 1 at 1 o 1 o Central Ave. For dates call E. A. Pettibone. Wil. 733-J ·:··--·---· ·-··-··-·-·-·-··-··:· I I Mrs. B~rt A. ~rowe, 234 Ralei gh ~~ _ ro?d, Kemlworth. ts entertaining her brtd ge club today. Ken~lworth Monday to resume his studtes at the University of Illinois. -oC~rl Keith, 310 Warwi(;k road, leit ·